The Epic Thread of Random-ness [MERGED]

My poor pumpkin.. what have I done to it :no:

I knew I shouldnt have attemted carving it :lol:


What a work of art LOL[/b]

this looks great :zformation: and scary enough :devil:
Hi to everyone,

Something strange happened with me last night.

Half of night, I had a sweet dreams..

But then I woke up in the early morning from a nightmare, my heart rising was too high..

And in last dream I saw some apartment which was robbed and I ran out from there while robbers were there and wanted to kill me cuz I was a witness..
But alarm clock woke me up.

So, I couldn't sleep no more and went to take a shower, it was around 6 at morning..
When I had a tea.. Someone rang to my door..
I went to see who is it so early, it was a policemen, he is rang to a doors of all neighbours around also and asked do we heard anything or maybe saw anyone cuz the apartment from the 7th floor was robbed..
( I live on 5th floor )

Strange why I saw it in my dream, cuz it was a silent night here, no one heard anything in this 12th floors house.
And the last time the apartment was robbed here was around 3 years ago...

^ Hi FUJON :) and wow :eek: how spooky that you saw that and it was something that happened :unsure:
:) Hi how are you? long time no see.. hope you are doing ok?[/b]

My assaignment is done, the presentation is over ( did that today), and now its time to catch my breath and relax and chill.........................big sigh of relief!!!!
And the sofa looks very, very tempting right now! :yes:
^ Hi FUJON :) and wow :eek: how spooky that you saw that and it was something that happened :unsure:[/b]
Hi mjsladyinhislife,
Yes, I know and I keep thinking about it whole day..
how spooky that you saw that and it was something that happened :unsure:[/b]
and it's not a first time that something like that happened to me in my dreams before it's came real :(
^ I guess thats some sort of gift you have? not always a good thing though I suppose when it's not nice things :no:
I'm tried to training it, from childhood, but I still can't stop some bad things to happen.
I'm just a witness. Why? I don't know.
Hi to everyone,[/b]

hi, fujon :)

and it's not a first time that something like that happened to me in my dreams before it's came real :([/b]

I think you're a person with great intuition, like me :) it can be scary sometimes :unsure: things like that have happened to me too

we can talk about them, if you want, but not in the forum :unsure:
hi phantom :flowers:

no, it's Not to be scary about - but Wondering, why you see the things before they happened?
those things becoming true in the future!

Just made me to say - WOW!
hi phantom :flowers:

no, it's Not to be scary about - but Wondering, why you see the things before they happened?
those things becoming true in the future!

Just made me to say - WOW![/b]

I know, it's happened to me too, but, trust me, it can be scary, if you've watched a death before it happens :boohoo
I'm tried to training it, from childhood, but I still can't stop some bad things to happen.
I'm just a witness. Why? I don't know.[/b]

maybe it means you are what they calll a new age person maening you have a more sensitive intuation
lot of kids have it these days too sdince the day there born
but your dreams are hard to control
i saw my grandmother on my bed the night she died when iw s 9 and nobody told us kids that she was ill so when i woke up i wnet down and told my mum why she had not told me she was ill and how glad i was that she was better (she told me so)and everyone got mad at me and sent me back upstairs
I know :( ((((((HUGS phantome))))))

maybe it means you are what they call a new age person meaning you have a more sensitive intuation[/b]
do you mean those Indigo people?
yes, i bet so, I'm. and i was Indigo child.
now an adult...

but i can control the half of my dreams and learned it by myself (!) in childhood...

too pity, if i see, something bad happening, i can't change it... i'm just a witness.

I understand your experiences *HUGS*
I had a really bad experience with a dream as a child :boohoo few days before my grandmum died :boohoo