The 1993 case. [Threads merged, All discussion in this one thread]

Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

guys I noticed something the defense did not pay attention to during the trial , the detective who recovered the two books said the one who helped them found the nooks was Blanca Francia , but Blanka stopped working for mike in 1991 .
hmmm interesting observation
Re: I have some questions about the 1993 case.

I have a question about the 93 case as well... About the taped phone conversation in which Evan apparently says the following:

"There was no reason why he [Jackson] had to stop calling me…I picked the nastiest son of a bitch I could find [Evan Chandler's lawyer, Barry Rothman], all he wants to do is get this out in the public as fast as he can, as big as he can and humiliate as many people as he can. He’s nasty, he’s mean, he’s smart and he’s hungry for publicity. Everything’s going to a certain plan that isn’t just mine. Once I make that phone call, this guy is going to destroy everybody in sight in any devious, nasty, cruel way that he can do it. I’ve given him full authority to do that. Jackson is an evil guy, he is worse than that and I have the evidence to prove it. If I go through with this, I win big-time. There’s no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever…Michael’s career will be over.

Was the part in bold font actually said or has this been tweaked? I don't recall it being said in 'Redemption' at the end where Geraldine Hughes includes a transcript of the phone conversation, but maybe she just left that line out. If he did say it why do you think he was calling MJ evil? And what's this 'proof' was he referring to exactly?

No he is not on recording saying the part in bold. As for Redemption, the book was basically a hardcover tabloid. It's transcripts for the conversation were not how it went either. I posted the you tube link a page ago where you can hear the tapes for yourself.

The tape really doesn't reveal anything. Everything he says could fit perfectly if you believe he's falsely accusing MJ, but it also fits perfectly for an angry father. It's been used by the media to back up both claims.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Maybe if they had reported these facts back then like they are now (using the words "alleged", mentioning the insurance company and the fact that Jackson volunteered to be photographed) the public might have a different perception of this whole ordeal.

To many, they have the perception Jackson pulled out a checkbook, wrote a check and the charges disappeared, and that really couldn't be further from the truth.
Re: I have some questions about the 1993 case.

No he is not on recording saying the part in bold. As for Redemption, the book was basically a hardcover tabloid. It's transcripts for the conversation were not how it went either. I posted the you tube link a page ago where you can hear the tapes for yourself.

The tape really doesn't reveal anything. Everything he says could fit perfectly if you believe he's falsely accusing MJ, but it also fits perfectly for an angry father. It's been used by the media to back up both claims.

oh this?

Yeah I've seen that before, but it seems to be excerpts of the conversation, not the thing in it's entirety.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

1 A. These books were seized from a cabinet

2 within Michael Jackson’s closet in the master

3 bedroom.

4 Q. All right. Describe his bedroom for us,

5 please.

6 A. The bedroom is a very large --

7 MR. SANGER: Your Honor, I think it would be

8 cumulative at this time, wouldn’t it?

9 THE COURT: Sustained.

10 Q. BY MR. ZONEN: All right. Tell us where in

11 his bedroom this particular closet is.

12 A. It was off to the side of the main bedroom.

13 There were -- actually, there were two closets on

14 either side of the room, and this would have been

15 the side where the Jacuzzi was located.

16 Q. Now, this is the first floor of his bedroom

17 suite; is that right?

18 A. That’s correct.

19 Q. Was there a bed in that bedroom suite?

20 A. Yes.

21 Q. I’m going to show you Exhibit No. 856.

22 A. Okay.

23 Q. Do you recognize that photograph?

24 A. Yes, I do.

25 Q. And that photograph is what?

26 A. This is a photograph that was taken during

27 the search warrant of Neverland Ranch, and it

28 depicts the file cabinet that the books were seized 8164

1 from.

2 Q. All right. And is that file cabinet

3 depicted in that photograph?

4 A. Yes, it is.

5 Q. How many drawers in that file cabinet?

6 A. Four.

7 Q. In which drawer were those two books seized,

8 from which drawer?

9 A. From the third drawer.

10 Q. Was that file cabinet locked?

11 A. Yes, it was.

12 Q. How were you able to unlock it?

13 A. We were able to get the key from -- the maid

14 brought the key over to the home and we were able to

15 unlock it at that time.

16 Q. Do you remember which maid that was?

17 A. I believe it was Blanca Francia.

18 Q. Thank you. Is that photograph -- does that

19 photograph accurately depict the subject matter

20 contained within it?

21 A. Yes, it does.

Francia Branca :

8 Q. Do you remember when it was you left

9 Neverland?

10 A. May, I think.

11 Q. Of what year?

12 A. ‘91. ‘90 or ‘91. ‘91, I think.

13 Q. May of ‘91?

14 A. ‘91.

15 Q. All right. So you would have been employed

16 by Mr. Jackson for a period of about five years?

17 A. Five years, yeah.

18 Q. Now, May of ‘91 your son would be turning

19 11; is that right?

20 A. Yes.

21 Q. Do you know if you left before his 11th

22 birthday?

23 A. Uh-huh. About.

24 Q. Did your son have any more association with

25 Michael Jackson after you?

26 A. After?

27 Q. Yes, after you left.

28 A. No. 5033

1 Q. Did you ever go back to Neverland after you

2 left?

3 A. No.

4 Q. Did you ever visit with Mr. Jackson after

5 you left?

6 A. No.

7 Q. Were you contacted by law enforcement at

8 some time after you left Neverland, your employment

9 at Neverland, for an interview?

10 A. Yeah. 1994 or ‘93. I don’t remember.
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Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

CNN have an article as well. Its Ok -minus Ray Chandler saying Evan felt threatened by Mj fans.

He was working as a dentist in Beverly Hills, California, in 1993 when he said his son, who was 13 at the time, told him that Jackson had molested him. His son revealed it, he said, when he put him under anesthesia to pull a tooth.

The Los Angeles County district attorney did not pursue criminal charges against Jackson, but Chandler and his son reached a confidential financial settlement with the singer after filing a lawsuit. Reports at the time said the Chandlers got between $16 million and $20 million from Jackson's insurance company.

The Chandler accusation became a key part of the prosecution's case when Jackson was tried and acquitted of molestation a decade later in Santa Barbara County, California.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

how could Francia had the key to mj's drawers three years after she left ?
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

LMAO! She was fired by Michael for stealing from him so......?

excuse me ? she stole them , mj knew she stole them , yet mj did not change the keys although he was so paranoid . :smilerolleyes:

and how come the detectives knew she had the keys for those drawers ? how come the detectives figured mj did not change them ? and why would they call her and ask her to come to neverland and open those drawers ? I can't believe the defense did not notice that at all .
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

It's funny how they overlook that even when they were "paid off" they were still allowed to pursue criminal charges against Michael. The contract merely said that they couldn't come after anymore of his money.

You'd think if your child was molested you'd want to see the guy rot in jail too, huh?
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

"Also, most stories still say "Jackson settled with the accuser" instead of "Jackson's insurance company..." Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that completely inaccurate? I'm hoping if/when the larger outlets report on this, they'll get it right (but not betting on it...)"

I believe that the insurance company settled with the accuser, but then later went after MJ to have them pay him back. I can't remember where I read this, but that was my understanding. I may be corrected as well,

Yes, from what I gather this was correct. In fact, the Chandlers were asked by the authorities several times if they wanted to press charges against Michael, and they simply stated that they wanted to sue. Now, if your child was molested, you'd want that person to pay the ultimate price....

Michael even tried to get the case to go to trial, yet due to the fact that the family wouldn't press any charges...the insurance company told Michael that it would prob drag on for years and cost him millions. Mike wanted to fight, but again, the cards were against him. Thank God the truth prevailed in the end. Yet, we still lost Michael.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

i watched something on cnn that said he was fearful for his life since the 1993 allegations because MJ fans were threatening his life and that is why he was carrying a gun. I think he was just fearful because he lied and was a disgusting human being
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

excuse me ? she stole them , mj knew she stole them , yet mj did not change the keys although he was so paranoid . :smilerolleyes:

and how come the detectives knew she had the keys for those drawers ? how come the detectives figured mj did not change them ? and why would they call her and ask her to come to neverland and open those drawers ? I can't believe the defense did not notice that at all .

See, That's what I don't get either, all I know is why she left Neverland in the first place was because she was stealing from MJ and he fired her because of it! How in the world she had keys three yrs later to help the cops, I don't know, she could have mad a copy yrs ago and got lucky? After all MJ didn't expect to get accused of something like this to changed locks and all that!
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

ok but that means she was there from the very begining , when exactly they raided neverland back then ?

and why they did not ask the employees there for the keys ? why call this woman out of all people to deliver the keys ? and mj was very aware of the police investigation and he knew at some point they were going to raid his ranch yet he left those two books there . not saying they were child pornography , but sure without them , sneddon case would even weaker , not that it would have stopped him
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

In Sneddon's mind:

books with classical nude art=proof mj was a pedo
books with smiling girl & boy babies=proof mj was a pedo.

Sneddon is an ass.

I suppose in his mind the hetro porn stash they found was also proof that Michael liked little boys too.

Someone like him should never go to places like Italy or France. All the nude sculptures and paintings might lead him to believe they're trying to turn the whole country into a brothel of some sort.

He needs to crawl back under the rock from whence he slithered.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Someone like him should never go to places like Italy or France. All the nude sculptures and paintings might lead him to believe they're trying to turn the whole country into a brothel of some sort.

He needs to crawl back under the rock from whence he slithered.

LoL. Sorry, this is so off topic, but yano who Sneddon always reminds me of?

"Kevin McMaxford" (Barry Humphries) - The sleezy media tycoon in Spice World. - 6:51 to the end.

They're so eerily similar, it creeps the heck outta' me. Looks, demeanor, motive...ugh.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

LoL. Sorry, this is so off topic, but yano who Sneddon always reminds me of?

"Kevin McMaxford" (Barry Humphries) - The sleezy media tycoon in Spice World. - 6:51 to the end.

They're so eerily similar, it creeps the heck outta' me. Looks, demeanor, motive...ugh.

I tried so hard to never look at Sneddon, or listen to him (i'd read what he said instead) because the guy seriously had a look about him.... :ph34r:

And yeah I agree, with Sneddon everything was 'sexual in a bad way'. I never understood that. :mello:
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

ok but that means she was there from the very begining , when exactly they raided neverland back then ?

and why they did not ask the employees there for the keys ? why call this woman out of all people to deliver the keys ? and mj was very aware of the police investigation and he knew at some point they were going to raid his ranch yet he left those two books there . not saying they were child pornography , but sure without them , sneddon case would even weaker , not that it would have stopped him

Blanca Francia was fired in 91 for stealing from Michael so she wasn't working in Neverland Valley Ranch or hadn't seen MJ after that when they raided neverland in 93! MJ didn't know he was gonna be investigated in the begining because at first Chandler was threatening MJ behind closed doors for 20 mil But, MJ declined not standing for the extortion attempt and that made chandler angry so of course then he accused MJ through the media, then Of course the police got involved and that's when they raided Neverland BY SURPRISE without MJ even present! So they must had had secret meetings with certain people before the raid!? Evan did say he had people lined up so? I don't know I still think she may had made a copy of the keys as I said in the last post but, in the trial it was never asked?

Then MJ accused Chandler later of extortion and the media was given Evan on tape talking about his "PLAN!" But, anyways Neverland was raided by surprise so everything in the house was as it was, plus the books were legal so why hide anything anyways right? Plus, their was a note written inside one of those books that the jurors saw that helped them understand MJ state of mind, MJ wrote something about him wishing that he can be free like the children in the pics in the book and he can't imagine such freedom, this was MJ expressing the lost of his childhood and how he wish he had one! So Sneedon is an idiot for trying to make MJ a pervert because that note doesn't sound like a pervert to me! lol Sneedon is one creepy man he called Neverland FAIRLY-LAND once when talking to Diane Dimond on Court Tv he is clearly homophobic and thinks MJ is gay, poor old man! LMAO!
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

there was a small thing buried in our local Adelaide newspaper. it said the police dept confirmed evan is dead but they didn't mention anything about suicide. it said that the case never went to trial because of the settlement. such bullshit. i remember in 94 when two independent grand juries decided there wasn't enough evidence to go to trial (after the civil settlement was done, and decision nothing to do with the settlement) and it got like two sentences in the newspaper. i'm so done with the media - actually i was ages ago but this just reminds me
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Let's not forget that the statue of limitations didn't run out until 1999 in this case so the Chandlers had plenty of time to accuse MJ criminally if they wanted to!!
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

I tried so hard to never look at Sneddon, or listen to him (i'd read what he said instead) because the guy seriously had a look about him.... :ph34r:

And yeah I agree, with Sneddon everything was 'sexual in a bad way'. I never understood that. :mello:

Every time I see the name Tom Sneddon I have 'D.S' playing in my mind!
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Why not Aphrodite Jones, who has an excellent reputation for accurate court and crime journalism? Just because her book was published by a major publisher, presumably. Thus the media echo chamber perpetuates itself... sigh.

I take it there, that you meant her book was not published by a major publisher?

Yes indeed, why not Aphrodite Jones? as a previously majorly published crime investigation author, she said herself at that time, even after the 2005 acquittal, that she was told by the publishers that they didn't want anything pro-Jackson.
Personally I find it deeply troubling that the 1993 child molestation allegations (amongst other things) have reared their head again at all, at this time.

Irrespective of what the whole content of the many articles may contain, that keep fans of Michael busy reading into the subtle differences, most people only see one or two news reports, they simply don't bother digging deeper into those finer details; and most will only recall the scandalous headlines.

In terms of perception of the public, it's that case and the civil suit and not the 2005 case which Michael fought and won, that people who believe Michael Jackson was a child molestor frequently cite as evidence, so in that sense I get it.
~ This hark back to the '93 allegations from my point of view began with TMZ/Klein 'peeing in a cup', and now this far more serious matter serving as another reminder, via a wider mainstream media. So to me, it has relevance to something.

I don't know the truth of it all, but I do feel games are being played behind the scenes, mixed-messages given, scenes being set etc... I feel whether one perceives something as good or bad, it's always being orchestrated for a purpose that suits those who have the power to control it; and that's the thing that disturbs me most of all.
The media is the media, no matter whether you refer to it as tabloid or mainstream, it can easily be controlled, manipulated, coerced etc...

~ Apart from many other things I've learnt from Michael Jackson, one of the most important lessons has been not to trust the media, I still don't.
Re: I have some questions about the 1993 case.

Anyone able to answer the question I asked on the last page about the taped phone conversation? :unsure:
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

AMEN Susie. You can really say that again. I am actually sorry for Evan's soul, but he alone is responsible for his acts.

I knew that one way or another, the truth would come out and it would be related to his departure from this earth, I just didn't think it would be so soon.

All we can do now is to pray and wait,
Michael's name will be cleared.
That awful cloud had been so wrongfully attached to his integrity for far too many years. Remember folks, God is good and He is never late, whatever we may think.

It is quite ironic actually to find this news six years to the day when the second allegations hit. I remember that day like it was yesterday how I was crying my eyes out when hearing about the Neverland raid. Things are certainly coming full circle, aren't they? Sneddon and his grin at the press conference the next day, the arrest on November 20th, all the pain of the hearings and the trial, my goodness...

All of those responsible for Michael's pain REALLY need to start praying for forgiveness or else they will all end up like Evan Chandler. I wouldn't wish it on anyone though. He could be like the rich man that denied poor Lazarus food at his gate. He is trying to warn them now from the deepest pit of hell, they better listen.

Sorry if anyone is offended by the religious tone of my post, but I can't help write what I believe to be the truth.

God bless you all.


:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Heal The World...WE Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Again, this thread is leaving out our personal emotions and religious opinions about Evan Chandler's death, which were explored in a different thread.
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Re: I have some questions about the 1993 case.

Does anyone give me some docs that prove it was insurance company payed off the family?

Okay, I have a question. I've heard that if Jordan comes forward it could backfire and cost royalties that would go to Michael's children.

This makes no sense to me, I've got my info on the 1993 case but I'm a bit rusty on it.

Could someone explain if that statement makes sense or not?

Honestly I don't think Jordan will come forward and tell the truth though I hope so. He was too young in 1993, his memory about MJ faded away, and now his father just died.

evan chandler tried to sue mj again in 1995. he filed against mj lisa marie and sony. maybe some others. he claimed that mj had broken the confidentiality clause in the settlement by writing songs on the history album. he asked a judge to give him permission to record and release his own album where he would sing songs about his son being abused!! he even gave song titles in the lawsuit. (not very pretty) the judge through the case out but it went on for a while as they do. evan basically spent all his money he got in the settlement trying to after mj a second time.

What? Reseasing his album? I never know Evan went so far. Sick.