The 1993 case. [Threads merged, All discussion in this one thread]

Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

I'm not going to say "it had nothing to do with MJ", but no, I don't think it was guilt either. I think it was a whole slew of things. I'm sure 93, losing Jordan, 2005, MJ's death - they all played their part, but bottom line is that this was an emotionally sick man. Who knows what his life has been like? Clearly things were wrong before 1993 or none of this would've started. But after that - he lost absolutely everything in his life (except money...), so I just think that whether or not people think he did this because of guilt, it still gives credence to MJ not being guilty - by way of shining light onto what a sad, twisted, messed up guy this was.

Okay, sorry for being OT - Back to the news!

I was trying to keep it narrow so as not to spook the mods :), but it's going really well, so I'd imagine they'd be cool with us talking about most aspects of this turn of events, as long we keep away from a rehash of "I'm so thrilled/he deserved it/my religion says this about it..." comments (correct me if I"m wrong...)
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

No problem... Your penance is to find the next interesting story... :)

hmmm...yeah sure...

Originally Posted by Sdeidjs

Ladies & Gents,

Which ever way the "TRUTH" about the 1993 "FALSE" ALLEGATIONS comes out the "TRUTH" is going to be revealed to the world...

There IS PROOF of Mr.Jackson's innocence (in his own words) that NOT only has been validated but has been approved for release..!

Mr.Jackson and his will have their honor, respect, and intregrity restored and proceeds will be donated to the predetermined, preapproved selected charities..!

Therefore, Patience is a true virtue...Psalm 37
Really? i'm like at the edge of my sit right now...I hope its true!!!!

Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

personally i think it had nothing to do with mj. if it were guilt hed have done this years ago. more likely cause he was dieing from cancer.

I dont. I believe it was because of guilt. Well, I dont know for facts but the way he did it and the timing? MJ left us way too soon with a broken reputation.. and maybe Evans conscious finally hit him? Did he realize what he actually did and now that MJ is gone? I dont know, I can only speculate but this is my guess.

Ive never heard anyone being sick/dying in cancer commiting suicide lonley in a house. He shot himself in the head!! Scary.
If he had overdosed on pills/medics.. then I might had believe he commited suicide because he was dying/sick. There are other ways to commit suicide if you are sick. I dont buy that he commited suicide because he was sick. I think the guilt ate him alive in the end.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

So that's Jordie with Michael on the photo..the little shit was even wearing a typical MJ shirt. Or that last photo...of Jordan and Evan and his new wife..along with the helicopter......sickening.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

hmmm...yeah sure...

Really? i'm like at the edge of my sit right now...I hope its true!!!!


When WE have GOD, the TRUTH, and "ACTUAL" original documentation decades old to back it up...there IS truly NO STOPPING US..!

Psalm 37

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

hmmm...yeah sure...


When WE have GOD, the TRUTH, and "ACTUAL" original documentation decades old to back it up...there IS truly NO STOPPING US..!

Psalm 37

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~

AMEN Susie. You can really say that again. I am actually sorry for Evan's soul, but he alone is responsible for his acts.

I knew that one way or another, the truth would come out and it would be related to his departure from this earth, I just didn't think it would be so soon.

All we can do now is to pray and wait, JUSTICE WILL BE DONE and Michael's name will be cleared. That awful cloud had been so wrongfully attached to his integrity for far too many years. Remember folks, God is good and He is never late, whatever we may think.

It is quite ironic actually to find this news six years to the day when the second allegations hit. I remember that day like it was yesterday how I was crying my eyes out when hearing about the Neverland raid. Things are certainly coming full circle, aren't they? Sneddon and his grin at the press conference the next day, the arrest on November 20th, all the pain of the hearings and the trial, my goodness...

All of those responsible for Michael's pain REALLY need to start praying for forgiveness or else they will all end up like Evan Chandler. I wouldn't wish it on anyone though. He could be like the rich man that denied poor Lazarus food at his gate. He is trying to warn them now from the deepest pit of hell, they better listen.

Sorry if anyone is offended by the religious tone of my post, but I can't help write what I believe to be the truth.

God bless you all.
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A serious question on the Chandler news

Sorry if this has been discussed but ...

Isnt it suspicious that TMZ wasnt on this story the minute the body was found? And the comment in the Daily Mail (I DID NOT BUY IT BTW) from the police implied that they want to keep this quiet whilst they blabbed to TMZ about everything to do with MJ in June and July.

Also - in the Daily Mail the quote from the detective was awfully biased; it was something like ' the impact of the 1993 case devasted everone in different ways' implied that Michael was guilty and Chandler's life was ruined.

I find the whole thing bizzare! Who is paying the news to not make a big deal of this 2 weeks ago and even now? Many things dont add up about LAPD history with MJ in life and after 25.6 and I hope someone researches and trys to add all this up.

I have a very bad feeling about the whole thing.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Heads up... the biggest networks are beginning to report on this. Be ready to not only comment, but email complaints to the editor. Pardon my preachiness :), but the mantra is cool, precise... less as a fan than a neutral observer setting the record straight... give specifics they can correct and tell them how to fix it. It's much better if you can frame it not as a complaint about their bias but as if you're reporting a factual error.

They're lazy -- they're more likely to fix something if you hand it them on a silver platter, by providing the source.

I don't want to bum anyone out, but a major outlet has gotten in a yucky dig at fans. At the very end of the story, just tagged on out of the blue, it says that Chandler and his brother were concerned MJ fans might murder him. When we see this, we should firmly request it be removed from the story as baseless, casting a harmful shadow on a group that have not been mentioned by the police, and unnecessary sensationalism. The police report says suicide, period. This is irresponsible journalism.
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Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

i just wanted to say one thing, Evan Chandler did not let any suicide note, he could have wrote down that he was killing himself cause of that illness he had, but he DINDT, now tell me why, he could have said in his last statements, a little note "Michael Jackson molested my kid, i did not lie, im killing myself cause of my illness, not cause of MJ death", but he DIDNT!, tell me why, just tell me about it... that man was ill, plus he felt guilty cause we all know Michaels problem with the prescription drugs started heavyly cause of that FALSE ACCUSATION, he died cause of this addiction, i mean how long could Evan take it, cause we all know he was bad, but i imagine Michaels dead took him as a surprise, a bad surprise...i mean if that is not a guilty feel, idn what it is, but enough, i cant take all this, is aweful( cause this is like the resurrection of that stupid woman called diane diamond, i hate all those greedy people), one day the truth will come out, end of discussion for me.
Re: A serious question on the Chandler news

Who is paying the news to not make a big deal of this 2 weeks ago and even now?

Don't we need to first establish that payments are being made before we try to guess who's making them? Seems too big a logical leap.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

It's much better if you can frame it not as a complaint about their bias but as if you're reporting a factual error.

Exactly what I've been doing. Just the facts. Also, aside from the fact that I'm taking the time to give them corrections, I'm careful to never give any indication that I am a fan, This removes my bias and sadly, gives me more credibility. :smilerolleyes:

Also, I want to kiss ABC for that picture in their article. It's probably the most popular photo used when mentioning 1993 - BUT it drives me absolutely up the wall that every time it's posted anywhere, they've cut Lily out!! That's because him holding a little girl hurts their story. Word, If you can't prove your case without doing sensational things like that, then you've probably got a case too weak to be trying to prove anyway... Thanks ABC....even though I'm flabbergasted you could state your "sources" with a straight face...
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Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Exactly what I've been doing. Just the facts. Also, aside from the fact that I'm taking the time to give them corrections, I'm careful to never give any indication that I am a fan, This removes my bias and sadly, gives me more credibility. :smilerolleyes:

I know what you mean about "sadly." I don't like withholding part of who I am.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Exactly what I've been doing. Just the facts. Also, aside from the fact that I'm taking the time to give them corrections, I'm careful to never give any indication that I am a fan, This removes my bias and sadly, gives me more credibility. :smilerolleyes:

I know what you mean. You can post the most informative post in the world about MJ but as soon as someone sees that your an MJ fan you get called all the names under the sun and your post suddenly doesn't matter. Its a sad turn of events and its been prevalent on Digital Spy in the Evan Chandler thread. Unsuprisingly its just turned into a war between MJ fans and MJ haters. MJ haters love winding the fans up and as hard as we may we always rise to the bait as we are loyal, when it comes to MJ our emotions take over and we will defend him forever.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Chandler was the driving force behind a 1994 child-molestation case, telling Santa Barbara authorities that his then 13-year-old son, Jordan, had been sexually abused by the singer during sleepovers at Neverland Ranch.
The allegations sparked an investigation that led Jackson, in an effort to clear his name, to voluntarily allow his genitalia to be photographed as evidence.

From E! (!?!) :clapping:
Re: A serious question on the Chandler news

Sorry if this has been discussed but ...

Isnt it suspicious that TMZ wasnt on this story the minute the body was found? And the comment in the Daily Mail (I DID NOT BUY IT BTW) from the police implied that they want to keep this quiet whilst they blabbed to TMZ about everything to do with MJ in June and July.

Also - in the Daily Mail the quote from the detective was awfully biased; it was something like ' the impact of the 1993 case devasted everone in different ways' implied that Michael was guilty and Chandler's life was ruined.

I find the whole thing bizzare! Who is paying the news to not make a big deal of this 2 weeks ago and even now? Many things dont add up about LAPD history with MJ in life and after 25.6 and I hope someone researches and trys to add all this up.

I have a very bad feeling about the whole thing.

Well, for one thing, this body was found in NEW JERSEY. Not LAPD jurisdiction. Maybe here on the East Coast the police are not 'in' with the gossips and just did their job like they were supposed to.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

"Cops swooped on Neverland seizing videos, photos, diaries, and rolls of film. They also found an album of nude boys."

What now? That I have never heard?
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

"Cops swooped on Neverland seizing videos, photos, diaries, and rolls of film. They also found an album of nude boys."

What now? That I have never heard?
No one needs to get frantic about this. Could have been merely pictures of children and babies (both boys and girls) that fans sent him. Or classic nude art Or it could have been nothing at all.
No matter what, trust the police and media to put a spin on things.
Re: I have some questions about the 1993 case.

court documents say otherwise.

no they don't. They have MJ's signature on it. MJ even agreed not to talk publicly about the case in the settlement, in exchange for them doing the same.

Your telling me that the insurance company can take away Mj's right to free speech without his consent?

I wish people would stop lying. Seriously, it's retarded. If you want to defend MJ, do it truthfully instead of acting like a tabloid.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

No one needs to get frantic about this. Could have been merely pictures of children and babies (both boys and girls) that fans sent him. Or classic nude art Or it could have been nothing at all.
No matter what, trust the police and media to put a spin on things.

Yeah, I also read about how there was one private room they weren't allowed to go in. They went in there anyway and found boxes with pictures of young boys, around 14 years old. The pictures were only from the waist up, but they were shirtless and posing for the camera, MJ was even in some of them, "holding them".

Wanna know why they weren't allowed in that room? It was his office. Wanna know what the top of that box said? 3T....idiots.

That's what happens when ignorant "journalists" get a hold of case files and all of the details are left out. :doh:
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Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

"Cops swooped on Neverland seizing videos, photos, diaries, and rolls of film. They also found an album of nude boys."

What now? That I have never heard?

What is this from? The Exaggeration Tonight article? Regarding the album its another bulls**t lie from Sneddon. As far as I remember the book was of work from an artist who wanted to photograph Michael and had pics of Liz Taylor and the Jackson 5 in it. I think there were other books that Sneddon claimed had sinster stuff in them too but remember what CarinaT said.

In Sneddon's mind:

books with classical nude art=proof mj was a pedo
books with smiling girl & boy babies=proof mj was a pedo.
Re: I have some questions about the 1993 case.

But the docs say MJ insurance came in wether he wanted them to or not even though he signed it, it was the insurance that paid the claim! That's what the Doc says, and it was LEGAL! So...what's the problem?
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Oh right. I wasn't getting worked up. I was just wondering wth they were on about. Yeah they are probably refering to the 'boys will be boys' book or something by substituting it for 'album of nude boys.' I'm sure they had that book since the 93 allegations and brought it as 'proof' to the 2005 trial. What's next? I'm a beastophile because I like Mickey mouse who is essentially a mouse wearing lipstick red underwear?

The quote was from the first news result i got after typing even chandler in google.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

They did have that book from 93 and did use it in 2005 trial and the jury said they looked through all the "Evidence" and said they thought nothing of it because it was a LEGAL book! LOL And knowing that, they barley looked at the it I thought that was funny, that they said that because Sneedon made it out to be child porn and the jury CLEARLY knew that it was NOT!

They said that the "Evidence" was not enough! They kept going back to the stuff that was suppose to be evidence other then the book that was as given to them and ended up in the same spot....NOTHING, saying they wish for more and thought that they would get more from the prosecution in terms of PROOF and did not!

One jury said they just pretty much looked at each other and knew, when talking about the verdict, which of course was NOT GUILTY ON ALL CHARGES!


I taped the whole Jury interview live when it aired right after MJ won so I remember what was said orginally by ALL THE JURORS BEFORE some of them did a flip flop to sell a book!! FOOLS!
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

oh right. I wasn't getting worked up. I was just wondering wth they were on about. Yeah they are probably refering to the 'boys will be boys' book or something by substituting it for 'album of nude boys.' i'm sure they had that book since the 93 allegations and brought it as 'proof' to the 2005 trial. What's next? I'm a beastophile because i like mickey mouse who is essentially a mouse wearing lipstick red underwear?

The quote was from the first news result i got after typing even chandler in google.

The Mirror....A tabloid! Lol
Re: I have some questions about the 1993 case.

I have a question about the 93 case as well... About the taped phone conversation in which Evan apparently says the following:

"There was no reason why he [Jackson] had to stop calling me…I picked the nastiest son of a bitch I could find [Evan Chandler's lawyer, Barry Rothman], all he wants to do is get this out in the public as fast as he can, as big as he can and humiliate as many people as he can. He’s nasty, he’s mean, he’s smart and he’s hungry for publicity. Everything’s going to a certain plan that isn’t just mine. Once I make that phone call, this guy is going to destroy everybody in sight in any devious, nasty, cruel way that he can do it. I’ve given him full authority to do that. Jackson is an evil guy, he is worse than that and I have the evidence to prove it. If I go through with this, I win big-time. There’s no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever…Michael’s career will be over.

Was the part in bold font actually said or has this been tweaked? I don't recall it being said in 'Redemption' at the end where Geraldine Hughes includes a transcript of the phone conversation, but maybe she just left that line out. If he did say it why do you think he was calling MJ evil? And what's this 'proof' was he referring to exactly?
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Diane Dimon is such an evil bitch.

Meanwhile, Jordie is "a master of staying underground," remaining outside the media's glare. With no worry about money, he travels constantly, skiing and piloting his own plane.

"He's big and tall, handsome and athletic," Diamond said. "He lives simply. He's not a flashy kid at all. I think ultimately he's doing all right. He may be the most balanced of that whole family."

Um, yes the BLOOD money which she forgets to mention. Its so awful to hear stories about him traveling and having his own plane? ..And him being this good-looking guy. She is just trying too hard.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

guys I noticed something the defense did not pay attention to during the trial , the detective who recovered the two books said the one who helped them found the nooks was Blanca Francia , but Blanka stopped working for mike in 1991 .