The 1993 case. [Threads merged, All discussion in this one thread]

Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

This is the biggest misconception

A settlement cannot stop a criminal trial. If that was the case, people accussed of criminal acts, celebrities etc, could settle so as not to go to trial.

This is what the settlement did.

The DAs of LA and SB had no case. So what did they do? Go back to 1993, they decided to go to the civil case judge and ask for all documents being used for the civil case. (Documents that Diane Dimond then began leaking from Sneddon in 2003 starting with the affidavit on CourtTV where she was working, then Bianca's affidavit, then Jordy's psychaitry report in 2004).

A civil case lets in anything and everything and they had depositioned people paid by tabloids, like Bianca.

MJ's lawyers oppossed it but the judge gave the DAs access to depositions. Feldman representing teh Chandlers wanted to deposition Latoya and other people being paid by tabloids to slander Michael.

He also wanted to deposition Michael which would compromise the defence before a criminal trial as your words can be twisted and used against you, the wasy Sneddon tried to use Bashir's slanderously edited doc in 2005 against MJ where words were taken out of context and innuendo added.

Any good criminal lawyer knows the value of the 5th amendment regardless of guilt of innocence
"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury"

As one commentator said before MJ's trial, a skilled prosecutor can make an innocent man look guilty. The reason is, your words can be twisted.
That is why ultimately Mesereau decided not to let MJ testify because the prosecution were planning to keep MJ on the stand as long as they possibly could, even several days, till they tripped him up to which Larry King on one show said a judge would have to stop it at some point.

Back to 1993/94. At the same time, two grand juries were being convened, one in LA, one in SB. And LA police closed the case investigating Chandler befor ethe settlement. MJ's lawyers knew before then that police were not doing much to investigate him.

To take take the wind from the sail, MJ's lawyers knew that if they settled the civil case, the DAs could not make a case becaus etehy had none to start with.

- They had failed to find any evidence against MJ, including photos that did not match, otherwise Jordy testimony plus matching evidence of a most private nature, charges would have been filed in Decemeber 1993, no need to convene a grand jury
- They were now trying to use hearsay from civil case to present to a grand jury
- The LA DA was talking about seeking a new law to file charges without evidence which then became 288a in 1995.

Do you see a similarity with 2003. Sneddon filed charges using the new law that doesn't require evidence.
In January when the video tape countering Arvizos was discovered, he then went to a grand jury as he had no case and needed to change the story.

Once there was no civil case in 1994, there was no place for the DAs to go, no source of hearsay since there was no eveidence to support the allegations.

2 grand juries into criminal matter carried on well after the settlement, and they could not indict.

Another lie is because Jordy Chandler did not appear that is why they did not indict, but the grand juries heard from the two officers who interviewed Jordy and they recited everything he said. But no evidence to support.

So, did they want Jordy to appear to sway the grand jury emotionally because he was a child then?

The two grand juries heard everything, no case could be made.

Even Jason Bianca whom Sneddon used in 2005 could have been broughout before them as MJ hadn't settled with him then, but then Sneddon was still busy trying to get the psychiatrist to tamper with his head, which came out in 2005 when Mez asked Jason about Sneddon meeting the psychiatrist before a session with Jason of which many sessions were to follow.

But the media and DAs decided to reverse and hide under the "settlement".

If you look at the settlement and also US laws, it's unlawful to pay anyone so that they do not testify in a criminal proceeding. It's called OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.

The settlement clearly makes it known that the Chandlers are not prohibited from being summoned when required by law enforcement.
All it did was to stop the civil lawsuit, which MJ's lawyers had asked the Judge to delay in the first place till criminal proceedings were over and he refused despite legal precedents to do so.

But that information never suited the media and DAs disinformation of the general public.
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Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Evan was supported by the police, by the public, by the media, he was not attacked by the media at all , he was very much protected , no way any sane person will blame mj for Evan's suicide . it is a clear sign of guilt , a man who supported his 'victim' son against a pedo would not commit suicide after the 'pedo' died .

tell anyone in the street that the father of jackson accuser commited suicide and see what their reaction will be.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

yes thats chandler. and the police didint look into it because u have to remember that these ppl wanted to get mj. they werent intrested in the truth. it was a witch hunt
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

I was too young at the time to know much if any info about the 1993 allegation, I didn't learn about it until 05' when the second one happened. But yesterday someone posted a youtube video, called "Money" in which there's a man speaking at the beginning of the video, sounds like a recording, and words are identical to what Bo G put in his first post, "If I go through with this, there's no way I lose". Is that Evan Chandler himself saying that? And if so, why didn't the authorities ever look into it?

The story is long, what may help you is to read Mary Fischer's investigation

and also this book, that is if it's still being published
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

I don't think that Evan's death will have any bearing on what people think of Michael. People who thought that Michael was guilty to begin with are really the only ones having some crap to say about this. To me, the media has not really been in Michael's corner since 1986 and things went downhill from there regarding them. And they didn't really change tack much when Michael died. Only a precious few of them deviated from the usual script after he passed away. So I'm not in the least bit surprised that there's all this bull being directed at him about Evan. None of this means anything now anyway IMO. Those who hate Michael will continue to hate him. Those who have realized what a good person he was will see through the fog of that hate. Those who love Michael will continue to love him. That's all there is to it.

It does not support their vision of Evan , he is now officially unstable mentally , the mastermind behind the wholething in 1993 is proven to be unstable , how could that help them . again committing suicide is a clear sign of guilt . His efforts to bring jackson down were not appreciated by his own son , someone may say Evan was bad because he did not go after mj in a criminal trial and that's why Jordan was angry with him , but jordan himself had the opportunity to go after mj in 2005 and he refused .

what happened only support our own vision of what happened back then , Evan was unstable person who was supported by the media and later the brainwashed public to destroy the biggest star in the world .

Evan is the only one to blame for his death .
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

true. the only thing that might change alot of ppl is if JC tells the truth but even the haters will find an excuse to say hes lieing.
Then they willl only make themselves look stupid. I hear people saying Michael was hated before he died, but true, Michael was loved even before he died. What it is is that the media love to talk to haters and not to people who love MIchael (that is why it was no surprise that Thriller 25 did great all over including in the United States and why he sold out 50 shows). I never believe most people thought Michael did this mess but the media will have you think otherwise and most of the time, teh people who did believe it did NOT like MJ from the start for whatever reason. Believe me, if people really thought MJ was an abuser, they would NOT be celebrating him like this I do not care how good his music.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Good example, go to (R) Pete King's house, that racist will not have MJ cd no where not even before the abuse claims.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

In eyes of many people, his death is viewed as GUILT as it was said on Doug banks yesterday. SO they can write what they want. I think overall, it is working out for the best for MJ.
I agree, most of the folks I have come across (fans and non-fans) have basically come to the same conclusion, i.e. GUILT.

terrell, can you possibly elaborate as to what was said on the Doug Banks program yesterday. I would love to hear what he had to say. Thank you.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

I think that they would look for one immediately, there are some people who are hard to convince even if that happens.
of course when u had ppl beleiving that mj was gonna send the arvizos away in a hot air ballon and was holding them hostage while they hung out with cleebs and went shopping.then u know what sort of ppl u are dealing with. but if the truth ever came out id be partying/crying to much to even care
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Why oh god why did they use Ian needs-Helperin's book for this? All of those facts about a extortion plan were already known, all on the internet on youtube and in that Mary Fisher article. But of course....since apparently Ian's book is selling well..they are using that.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Yep..he sure does, don't you think? He's a lousy miserable good for nothing punk.

As for Evan Chandler...i didn't even know about this news, but ...well...what's the bad news again? lol.

But...i do have to say i am annoyed by reports , saying that the thing in 93 never went to trial because of the settlement. Which is absolutely not true, the accusing family had all the posibilities to go further,but it was their decision to do nothing. A DAMN shame these reports never say that.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Good example, go to (R) Pete King's house, that racist will not have MJ cd no where not even before the abuse claims.

I think that is possible, I believe that Pete King was mad, because he hated the fact that a powerful black man life was celebrated and just had this jealousy filled rant. (and I rarely cry racism unless I see it, but I see it here)
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Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Our emotions and religious opinions about his death are off-topic for this thread, OK? That was another thread that has been closed after everyone got a chance to say these things. This thread is to discuss media coverage.

I don't know if we have a mod yet watching this, and I'm going to be in and out today, so I'd like to ask for everyone's help keeping this thread on topic, and nudging one other nicely when needed. Thanks!

umm...yeah...ok. I was just replying to the comment. sorry if I didnt follow the rules...Wont happen again...


Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

I agree, most of the folks I have come across (fans and non-fans) have basically come to the same conclusion, i.e. GUILT.

terrell, can you possibly elaborate as to what was said on the Doug Banks program yesterday. I would love to hear what he had to say. Thank you.
They were all saying oh, this sound like this man was carrying guilt in what he did to Mj. It was basicly talking about that.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

I think that is possible, I believe that Pete King was mad, because he hated the fact that a powerful black man life was celebrated and just had this jealousy filled rant. (and I rarely cry racism unless I see it, but I see it here)
Pete was also looking for attention. I love Jesse Vantur(sp) comment on Larry King toward this idoit. Pete King got alot of flack for what he said and Bill Oreily got chewed in the tail for having him on.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Guilt? So you think MJ's passing and all of Evan's sins has made him decide to take his own life? It could very well be.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Last night I clicked on, literally, every article that showed up in Google News and left my corrections (dates, ages, settlement amount, insurance company, etc, etc, etc) in the comments. Some only gave me a little to correct, some gave me a lot. Anyway, made me feel better knowing that I at least put the truth out for anyone who wanted it. =) Looks like I'll have to make another round or two later on... :no: *sigh*
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

personally i think it had nothing to do with mj. if it were guilt hed have done this years ago. more likely cause he was dieing from cancer.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

I really do hope that SOMEONE will finally come out to a major TV station for an interview and say it was all faked.
But sadly, I don't think it will ever happen. And if it does, it would be for money.

Are you really sure about that..?

As Mr.Jackson has stated many times...always "Keep The Faith"~~~

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Heal The World...WE Are The World...Knowledge Is Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

to think Jordie has got rich off MJ money, and him and his dad have been fighting over it.

read that abc article linked.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Ladies & Gents,

Which ever way the "TRUTH" about the 1993 "FALSE" ALLEGATIONS comes out the "TRUTH" is going to be revealed to the world...

There IS PROOF of Mr.Jackson's innocence (in his own words) that NOT only has been validated but has been approved for release..!

Mr.Jackson and his will have their honor, respect, and intregrity restored and proceeds will be donated to the predetermined, preapproved selected charities..!

Therefore, Patience is a true virtue...Psalm 37

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Heal The World...WE Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Last night I clicked on, literally, every article that showed up in Google News and left my corrections (dates, ages, settlement amount, insurance company, etc, etc, etc) in the comments. Some only gave me a little to correct, some gave me a lot. Anyway, made me feel better knowing that I at least put the truth out for anyone who wanted it. =) Looks like I'll have to make another round or two later on... :no: *sigh*
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

umm...yeah...ok. I was just replying to the comment. sorry if I didnt follow the rules...Wont happen again...



No problem... Your penance is to find the next interesting story... :)
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

personally i think it had nothing to do with mj. if it were guilt hed have done this years ago. more likely cause he was dieing from cancer.

I'm not going to say "it had nothing to do with MJ", but no, I don't think it was guilt either. I think it was a whole slew of things. I'm sure 93, losing Jordan, 2005, MJ's death - they all played their part, but bottom line is that this was an emotionally sick man. Who knows what his life has been like? Clearly things were wrong before 1993 or none of this would've started. But after that - he lost absolutely everything in his life (except money...), so I just think that whether or not people think he did this because of guilt, it still gives credence to MJ not being guilty - by way of shining light onto what a sad, twisted, messed up guy this was.

Okay, sorry for being OT - Back to the news!
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Here is what I just wrote on a entertainment forum, having read multiple disgusting and twisted posts about MJ:

Lets not forget about Thomas Messereau had five witnesses ready to call in case Sneddon called Chandler to testify during the 2005 trial. Guess what these witnesses were all planning to say? That Jordie kept bragging about all the money he made and that Jackson hadn't touched him. And this is directly from Thomas Messereau. You can continue to get you information about the case from esteemed publications such as The Sun, Entertainment Tonight, and that Pulitzer Prize winning tabloid journalist Diane Diamond if you so wish. I refuse to get my information from newspapers and people that have been sued for libel more times than I've had hot dinners.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Wow, thanks, very interesting. Not sure what to think. This reporter is diving into the books on MJ, which are biased, and trying to pull out unbiased facts. It's an interesting attempt, but when the sources are so flawed to begin with, how do you know if ANYTHING's valid?

That was interesting about Chandler leaving his second wife and two children to go from California to NY with Jordie. Talk about "following the money"! Anyone know what age the children were at this point? Maybe they were adults, but the wording suggests not. Doesn't sound like somebody who's that into his children's welfare to me... Even if they were grown, it says he was estranged from them, his brother... it's becoming obvious this man had severe emotional problems and was not driven by love of family.

But this is significant... it's the first major network news story in the US (or anywhere?), and it's clearly trying to be balanced. Maybe it will help set the tone...