The 1993 case. [Threads merged, All discussion in this one thread]

Re: I have some questions about the 1993 case.

Anybody who wants to read the settlement contracts can do so here. I'm not reading the entire thing, but it does appear as if his insurance company was invovled but it also proves once and for all that MJ and his lawyers along with the Chandler's and their lawyers agreed to this. In fact those are the only people that signed the agreement.

Michael admits no wrong doing in the documents. It is understandable why an innocent man in his position would agree to settle. In fact most celebrities prefer to settle to get the news talking about something else as fast as possible. Even Kobe Bryant settled with his accuser, and they literally 100% proved he was innocent. I do not blame MJ for settling at all.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Yep, here it is

I tried to comment on that guy's blog to say thank you but I didn't know how to do it.

I'm not sure but I think there's a comment box and you write in it but then when you go to post it you have to enter your name and a URL but you don't have to be a member of blogspot or anything. I think you could just leave this site as your URL.

Otherwise if you go to his website his contact details are on there.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Those last few articles were really good.
1993 settlement documents

There have been rumours about these documents swirling for years. Among the rumours

1. MJ paid the family not to testify in criminal court
2. MJ bribed the family into not pressing charges
3. Mj didn't actually settle. It was the insurance companies who settled.

None of these are true. It is up to the prosecutor and the prosecutor only to decide whether to press charges and who to call to the witness stand. The accuser and his family had no say in the matter, and the settlement has no bearing on whether charges will be brought. Mj settled a civil lawsuit only. He did not settle criminal charges. These is no legal way to do so. In fact even attempting would be illegal itself.

Here are the documents for all to read. They were leaked to smoking gun right before the trial. Mj was very angry about this leak. He even issued a statement as to how this was done to taint the jury pool.

Obviously this wont squash the rumours worldwide, but at least it can clear things up for us here at MJJ community.

as for the rumour that Mj never chose to settle, here is a quote from page 5

"The parties acknowledge that Jackson claims that he has elected to settle the claims in action in view of the impact the action has had and could have in the future on his earnings and his potential income."
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Re: 1993 settlement documents

Cant we just let this go. It is very old at this point.

well many here have been talking about it rescently, and there appears to be a lot of confusion on the part of a lot of members here as to what the agreement was and who agreed to it.

a lot of members here do like to vidicate MJ and this way when they see rumours flying at other sites or nasty comments on you tube videos, now they have the link to offer proof.
Re: 1993 settlement documents

I think it is high time we all move on from this mess
Re: 1993 settlement documents

I do anticipate a few members wont like this being posted because they helped spread the rumour that MJ never agreed to settle, and this kind of proves that they either didn't know what was true, or they knew what was true and they don't want the truth being known.

edit... when I say the truth being known, I mean the truth about who agreed to settled.
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Re: 1993 settlement documents

The only thing you're proving here is your lack of understanding regarding how insurance settlement agreements work.
Re: 1993 settlement documents

The only thing you're proving here is your lack of understanding regarding how insurance settlement agreements work.

are you still claiming that MJ didn't settle? come on man. the proof is in the pudding. Nobody can force somebody to sign a contract. The insurance company isn't even a party in this contract. There were two parties. Michael Jackson and his legal team and the Chandler's and their legal team.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

You know those last two are from someones blog not newspaper reportings.

It would be amazing if such articles could be seen in a paper.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

You know those last two are from someones blog not newspaper reportings.

It would be amazing if such articles could be seen in a paper.

Yeah I know. But blogs/internet only media are getting much more notice now (even though tons of people have one). Just look at the Huffington Post to see what I mean. Ariana Huffington; the owner, is called to give commentary on certain issues by CNN and MSNBC.

Still I agree with you. I wish these articles were in a newspaper or mainstream media.
Re: 1993 settlement documents

on page 3 it does it does refer to Michael Jackson as a "party to this agreement."

Page 5

"The parties acknowledge that Jackson claims that he has elected to settle the claims in action in view of the impact the action has had and could have in the future on his earnings and his potential income."

There you go.
Re: I have some questions about the 1993 case.

Just make sure your fair and you show them both those documents and the settlement itself. especially on page 5 where it says the following

"The parties acknowledge that Jackson claims that he has elected to settle the claims in action in view of the impact the action has had and could have in the future on his earnings and his potential income."

here is the link for the documents.
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Yes but I mean everyday people walking the street won't know about this blog like they know about the stuff in the papers. I'm from the UK and I have heard of The Huffington Post, I haven't heard about this blogger before. Its a personal blog right thats just on

This guy said he contributed to certain papers and is even employed by The Sun as a Jackson expert, but they didn't use any information from his article about the Chandler suicide because they obviously didn't want to promote the truth. He also said he contacted people there to correct mistakes in the article, but he was ignored. This is such a sad situation to be in. I'm so greatful for the articles but the high majority of the public will see what is in the paper, not what the blogger writes. Why is the truth hidden?
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Amazing not ONE single paper in Australia has reported on this cause it will make Evan's credibility go out the window! Sickening!

The media make me feel ill.
Re: I have some questions about the 1993 case.

Anybody who wants to read the settlement contracts can do so here. I'm not reading the entire thing, but it does appear as if his insurance company was invovled but it also proves once and for all that MJ and his lawyers along with the Chandler's and their lawyers agreed to this. In fact those are the only people that signed the agreement.

Michael admits no wrong doing in the documents. It is understandable why an innocent man in his position would agree to settle. In fact most celebrities prefer to settle to get the news talking about something else as fast as possible. Even Kobe Bryant settled with his accuser, and they literally 100% proved he was innocent. I do not blame MJ for settling at all.

Well YA! I said that didn't I?! What's up with it "APPEARS as IF?" It's in the docs... The insurance paid! lol Except it! And just because redemption has religion in it don't mean sh*t it doesn't take away what Evan said on the tape sorry for u if u never heard the whole thing or read the whole taped Convo! She isn't the only one who as leaked the convo so maybe u should look elsewhere for them?
Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

The spin that is being put on this now in many reports is that the suicide was due to evans torment over what Michael did to his son - they are making evan a poor victim of Michael the monster. It makes me sick!
Re: 1993 settlement documents

on page 3 it does it does refer to Michael Jackson as a "party to this agreement."

Page 5

"The parties acknowledge that Jackson claims that he has elected to settle the claims in action in view of the impact the action has had and could have in the future on his earnings and his potential income."

There you go.

MJ agreed But, the insurance paid the out of court settlement for him for negligence so I would agree too! LOL And the chandlers obviously did too because that's what they wanted which is why they ALL three agreed on and specifically stated distress as the cause for settling because they knew damn well the insurance would pay for those kinds of claims! The money was not from MJ's pocket so it's whatever and it was for Negligence, the chandlers dropped the claims of Molestation, PERIOD! The prosecution didn't have a case before or after the out of court settlement!

Two Grand Jury's in L.A and Santa Barbara refuse to indict MJ, Jordan was even taped by the cops after the settlement to build a case and nothing came out of and he always refuse to testify, even in the grand jury so the cops had to read his affidavit instead and tom Sneedon always blamed that for a reason that he didn't file charges lol! The statue of limitations on this case ran out in 1999 that was plenty of time to build a case don't ya think? Or for anyone to decide to testify too! LOL

And why must people make threads about the same thing over and over again?, please leave it in the same thread it is much more easier if u want to get a discussion going instead of people saying their over it and them getting bored lol

One more thing if your gonna point out page 5 in the docs then you should also point out the part where it also says in the docs that it was not in M.J's or his illegal counsel control if his insurance wanted to pay, That's in their too! It's one thing to except it but it's another that u can do anything about it!


MOVING ON......:)
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Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

fck the media, they will never say the truth, F THEM!
Re: I have some questions about the 1993 case.

Thank you elusive moonwalker for the info. I read through this thread and have another quesition. This case should be closed as soon as the insurance company settled. But why they did it until the limitations had run? Is there any other else case like this? It looks strange to me.
Edit. Why Jordan left his father after this case?
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Re: Recent news reporting on 1993 allegation

Thanks to the blogger and the one who posted them!:)

But, it is a damn shame that the media won't report the truth that MOST of them know and trust me they KNOW! Most of them helped Chandler then and still are, all for money!