Story on MJ's Children In People Magazine Next Week

Strange Blues;2598780]I keep getting mixed reactions to articles about the children, even though the People magazine article was overall very positive. I don't know, maybe all this media positivity about the children is just surprising to me after all those years they tried to paint an image of Michael as a bad father. On the one hand I'm so glad that they're doing okay and that everyone keeps saying what wonderful kids they are, but at the same time I kind of feel like they're trying to draw a dividing line between their former "sheltered" lives and their current "normal" one. I mean it's not like the kids couldn't go to karate class before or that they didn't hang out with friends before, it's just that all that has become more "exposed" now that all these mags are writing stories about them. With this I'm referring more to the article with Brian Oxman than to the People article btw.

The major reason why the kids are so smart and well-adjusted in the first place is because of their father but that somehow fails to register with some. The children's lives changed forever last June for sure, and now the Jackson family are just trying to continue looking after these kids the way Michael would have wanted, nothing more, nothing less. It's a darn good thing their dad took such good care of them for those years so that they'll be ready to face whatever's coming.

I agree with you.
You stated what I have been thinking very well.
Thank you. :flowers::flowers:
The article which shows many quotes from Oxman is a horrible and negative article. It depicts Michael as a parent who provided no stability, long-lasting relationships, and proper socilization for his children. The only positive things were that the kids were coping and Cathrine was doing a wonderful job.

I am tired seeing these articles referenced here. It is sad that the things I make strong effort to avoid, such as looking and listening to particular news reports and reading certain publications, I come across here of all places. It is depressing to me that I find the most negative reports on MJ here.

I thank those of you who are a little more discriminating in your choice of literature. Peace
MY SISTER IS A JW...that relation is horrible for kids.

I am always walking on egg shells during the holidays ...
I have to say something. I was raised in a Jehovah's Witness family. My 2 older siblings were young when my parents became Jehovah's Witnesses. My other older sister as well as I were babies.

First of all, let's get something straight right now: Jehovah's Witnesses is not a brainwashing cult made up of poor weak-minded, blinded sheep who don't think for themselves. We are Christians who strive to learn about the Almighty God, Jehovah, and his son Jesus Christ and to live our lives in harmony with what we learn. It's not a ritualistic form of religion. It's a way of life. We follow Jesus Christ---not worship him as God---but follow his example. The term CHRISTian means followers of Christ. One of the main things that Jesus Christ did when he was on earth was preach and teach to people about his Father, Jehovah and His heavenly Kingdom and he trained his 12 apostles to do the same thing. There were many other non-apostles--disciples of Jesus who did the same thing. That's what 7 million Jehovah's Witnesses do ALL over the world. We continue that ministry work that Jesus did, sharing Bible truths will all those WHO WANT TO LISTEN and help them to dedicate themselves to God. Look up the scriptures and you will see the origin of door to door ministry and the origin of TRUE Christianity. We do not base our faith nor our worship on man-made rules like some ill-informed people have claimed. Our beliefs are based on and supported by the Holy Scriptures. We are not perfect, nor claim to be; but we do make it our way of life to live our lives in the upmost harmony with the will of God and not to allow ourselves to be molded by the spirit of this world.

Is Jehovah's Witness religion strict? Oh, yes, especially compared to the 'live and let live' and 'do as you please' mantra of this world. It takes a humble heart and a love for God to want to live your life serving him and doing his will the way HE sees fit---even when it means self-sacrificing. We live, no longer for ourselves nor for this world; but to do God's will. Do we have fun and recreation? Lot's of it! But we don't make that our PRIME objective and we make sure that our recreation are wholesome for ourselves and for our children (for those of us who are parents). And being a Jehovah's Witnesses, you're able to make such strong, long lasting friendships...I mean TRUE friendships, not the shallow nonsense.

As a child growing up as a Jehovah's Witness, I would sometimes envy the "freedom" of other teens that were not Jehovah's Witnesses. Compared to me, they seem to have all the fun and they "lived life" and I did feel abit resentful at times. But as I have gotten older and I see the state of the world is with it's social ills that are just engulfing people--especially young I could have left a LONG time ago, to get the "freedom" I thought I was missing out on, but as I have observed, the "freedom" this world offers you will eventually come with a price. I'm thankful I remained a Jehovah's Witness. It spares you from alot of needless heartache this world can bring.

When Michael left, I never stopped loving him. I always hoped he would return. He was also raised as a Jehovah's Witness since he was a child and those Bible-based values don't EVER leave you even if you leave Jehovah's Witnesses. Sure Michael went away but he was always referring back to those values he was raised with and he unashamedly mentioned them in various interviews. In the 24 years I've been a Jehovah's Witness, I notice many people who had left for one reason or another, eventually came back ON THEIR OWN. Sadly, it's after the cruelty of this world has shown to be a harsh reality. I do notice that when Michael Jackson was in the Jehovah's Witness, he didn't have as many problems, compared to the never-ending drama that plagued his life during the 22 years after he left. Sure, he probably felt hindered--especially by him being an artist that wanted to express himself more freely---but, believe me, he was ALOT more protected from the wolves, false friends, betrayals and conspiracies this cold world brought to him. I cried MANY times over Michael and prayed for him because even though he wasn't a Jehovah's Witness anymore, it pained me to see him go through what he went through because he was such a good person with a good heart.

Just reminds me of the scripture Proverbs 10:22, "The blessing of Jehovah--that is what makes rich, AND HE ADDS NO PAIN WITH IT." Michael sacrificed his youth, his health, his energy etc. just to bring joy to this world with his remarkable, God given talent. He bought ALOT of joy to this world and he lived to do his part in healing the world; but what did he get in return? Mostly pain--needless pain and heartache. Sure there were people who loved and appreciated him; but to be honest, this world was not worthy of him; otherwise he would not have been treated the way he was.

Getting back on topic (lol), I want to get that People Magazine but I'm snowed in. I'll try to get it in a few days. Good to see Michael's babies are doing well. They are right where they need to be---with their Grandma. They have plenty of love from the Jackson family.
Is it that people can not read the magazine? I can try to print out just the articles words if someone wants that.
Beautiful article and I for one am so glad the everyone comments in the media about how wonderful these kids are. It's a big FU to the media who were so convinced that they would turn out weird because they have Michael as a parent. Michael raised his kids with such love and devotion-its beautiful to see.
Beautiful article and I for one am so glad the everyone comments in the media about how wonderful these kids are. It's a big FU to the media who were so convinced that they would turn out weird because they have Michael as a parent. Michael raised his kids with such love and devotion-its beautiful to see.
Paris' short but moving speech at the Memorial and Prince's eloquent speech at the Grammy's trumps ANYTHING the Gloria Allred's, the Carol Leibermans, the Nancy Graces the Chers and any other big mouth dummy has said about Michael's fitness as a parent.
Is it that people can not read the magazine? I can try to print out just the articles words if someone wants that.

I think it is easier to read if people they right click on it.

Also, in response to your post, I am not wrong. I said they they don't allow in the sense that they do not just give up and say oh well, let them die. We try very hard to do all that we can to preserve the lives of our families.

If it comes down to they may die or have blood, we will choose to die instead of partaking of something that we see as wrong. But that is only after all options have been exhausted.

We all love our families and wish them a long life. We don't just "allow" things like that to happen without a fight. i know you did not say that you thought otherwise, but many do think just that. So I was making that point clear.
I think it is easier to read if people they right click on it.

Also, in response to your post, I am not wrong. I said they they don't allow in the sense that they do not just give up and say oh well, let them die. We try very hard to do all that we can to preserve the lives of our families.

If it comes down to they may die or have blood, we will choose to die instead of partaking of something that we see as wrong. But that is only after all options have been exhausted.

We all love our families and wish them a long life. We don't just "allow" things like that to happen without a fight. i know you did not say that you thought otherwise, but many do think just that. So I was making that point clear.

Yes, I understand. I also understand the meaning of it and why it is the way it is and respect it.
I keep getting mixed reactions to articles about the children, even though the People magazine article was overall very positive. I don't know, maybe all this media positivity about the children is just surprising to me after all those years they tried to paint an image of Michael as a bad father. On the one hand I'm so glad that they're doing okay and that everyone keeps saying what wonderful kids they are, but at the same time I kind of feel like they're trying to draw a dividing line between their former "sheltered" lives and their current "normal" one. I mean it's not like the kids couldn't go to karate class before or that they didn't hang out with friends before, it's just that all that has become more "exposed" now that all these mags are writing stories about them. With this I'm referring more to the article with Brian Oxman than to the People article btw.

The major reason why the kids are so smart and well-adjusted in the first place is because of their father but that somehow fails to register with some. The children's lives changed forever last June for sure, and now the Jackson family are just trying to continue looking after these kids the way Michael would have wanted, nothing more, nothing less. It's a darn good thing their dad took such good care of them for those years so that they'll be ready to face whatever's coming.
Thank you for your post.:clapping::cheeky:
When Michael left, I never stopped loving him. I always hoped he would return. He was also raised as a Jehovah's Witness since he was a child and those Bible-based values don't EVER leave you even if you leave Jehovah's Witnesses. Sure Michael went away but he was always referring back to those values he was raised with and he unashamedly mentioned them in various interviews. In the 24 years I've been a Jehovah's Witness, I notice many people who had left for one reason or another, eventually came back ON THEIR OWN. Sadly, it's after the cruelty of this world has shown to be a harsh reality. I do notice that when Michael Jackson was in the Jehovah's Witness, he didn't have as many problems, compared to the never-ending drama that plagued his life during the 22 years after he left. Sure, he probably felt hindered--especially by him being an artist that wanted to express himself more freely---but, believe me, he was ALOT more protected from the wolves, false friends, betrayals and conspiracies this cold world brought to him. I cried MANY times over Michael and prayed for him because even though he wasn't a Jehovah's Witness anymore, it pained me to see him go through what he went through because he was such a good person with a good heart.

Just reminds me of the scripture Proverbs 10:22, "The blessing of Jehovah--that is what makes rich, AND HE ADDS NO PAIN WITH IT." Michael sacrificed his youth, his health, his energy etc. just to bring joy to this world with his remarkable, God given talent. He bought ALOT of joy to this world and he lived to do his part in healing the world; but what did he get in return? Mostly pain--needless pain and heartache. Sure there were people who loved and appreciated him; but to be honest, this world was not worthy of him; otherwise he would not have been treated the way he was.

Getting back on topic (lol), I want to get that People Magazine but I'm snowed in. I'll try to get it in a few days. Good to see Michael's babies are doing well. They are right where they need to be---with their Grandma. They have plenty of love from the Jackson family.

What you say in some way is true. I don't know so much about Jehovah's witness, but i know what Michael lacked after he left them was a protective ring around him of sincere people.

In the music industry, he was constantly sorrounded by insicere people.

I think the JW did not also know how to handle his fame. I wonder how Prince the singer manages to get on well, yet MJ wasn't able to, and some things Prince does are more risque than MJ.

I think they learned after MJ how to handle celebrities better.

Michael had two shortcomings after that, he didn't have his father around him for protection and he didn't have the JW, so the wolves were free to do as they pleased.

Even tough crime bosses have someone watching their back for tehir protection. They have that right-hand man.

Anyone with such fame and success needs protection.

But you can never name Michael's right-hand man throughout his career, there wasn't any who was watching his back.

Possibly for a time it was Bill Bray mostly in the 1980s, but by 1990s, MJ was mostly alone as Bill grew older and MJ wanted more freedom after feeling "trapped" all his life.

Otherwise, with protection, these wolves wouldn't have gotten far.
Think of Chandler, Bashir, Schaffel, and all the lot.
the People's article was positive but that other one was B.S.
What you say in some way is true. I don't know so much about Jehovah's witness, but i know what Michael lacked after he left them was a protective ring around him of sincere people.

In the music industry, he was constantly sorrounded by insicere people.

I think the JW did not also know how to handle his fame. I wonder how Prince the singer manages to get on well, yet MJ wasn't able to, and some things Prince does are more risque than MJ.

I think they learned after MJ how to handle celebrities better.

Michael had two shortcomings after that, he didn't have his father around him for protection and he didn't have the JW, so the wolves were free to do as they pleased.

Even tough crime bosses have someone watching their back for tehir protection. They have that right-hand man.

Anyone with such fame and success needs protection.

But you can never name Michael's right-hand man throughout his career, there wasn't any who was watching his back.

Possibly for a time it was Bill Bray mostly in the 1980s, but by 1990s, MJ was mostly alone as Bill grew older and MJ wanted more freedom after feeling "trapped" all his life.

Otherwise, with protection, these wolves wouldn't have gotten far.
Think of Chandler, Bashir, Schaffel, and all the lot.
Actually, Michael Jackson wasn't the first celebrity to become a Jehovah's Witness. There was actress, the late Teresa Graves from that 70's crime drama "Get Christie Love", George Benson, Ronnie Laws, Larry Graham and I personally know a traveling overseer who's father was--and I think still is--a member of the jazz group The Crusaders. Michael became baptized in 1980 or 1981 and he was already a celebrity hot off of Off the Wall. However, Thrillermania moved Michael from being just a famous singer to a MAJOR global icon...a larger than life legend; and you're right, having someone of that huge magnitude and the stuff that came along with it was new and unique to the local elders in the congregation. Not to mention the video Thriller caused a rucus because even though of course Michael wasn't endorsing belief in the occult, the concept of dead people coming back to life terrorizing the living goes against Jehovah's Witness Bible based beliefs. So that did cause a huge mess between Michael and the local elders in the congregation. The elders in the congregation have a scriptual responsibility to take care of the congregation's spiritual needs and yes, that would include loving discipline and counseling when they see a person is or may be in danger of taking a course that can damage him spiritually. So it wasn't that the elders were acting like FBI agents always on Michael's tail, they were carrying out their duty to the congregation like it's laid out in the scriptures. And at the same time, poor Michael was torn, because he was a very devout Jehovah's Witness, including going door to door even after Thrillermania (with disguises). He wanted to stay and tried to remain in the religion as much as he could; but at the same time he was probably tired of having to answer for every creative decision he made and probably felt fenced in so to speak. So in the end, he left.

And what you said about that protective circle that Michael lacked, was spot on, because as strict as Jehovah's Witnesses are, one thing a person doesn't have to worry about is getting stabbed in the back. Yes people are people, including in the Jehovah's Witness religion; but you are surrounded by sincere people that have genuine love for you and have your best interest at heart, people that you can count on. You're not guaranteed that in this Satanic world. Such sincere friendships--especially with a celebrity of Michael's magnitude--are very few and far between.

Seeing what Michael went through since 1993 on down to June 2009 and even now since his death, I'm convinced that certain people in the industry wanted Michael away from anything that shielded him and protected him so they could take advantage of him. Yes, Joe had his ways and he could be a tyrant with an iron fist back in the day; but he loved his kids and he was FIERCELY protective of ALL of them. And I'll never forget what he said a long time ago during Michael's popularity with Thriller, how people were whispering in Michael's ear basically to lure him away, and Joe was right. The record industry is FULL of sharks and criminals and snakes and many of them managed to slither into Michael's life. They were nothing but wolves in sheep's clothing waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce on him while at the same time smiling in his face. The jerks.
The article which shows many quotes from Oxman is a horrible and negative article. It depicts Michael as a parent who provided no stability, long-lasting relationships, and proper socilization for his children. The only positive things were that the kids were coping and Cathrine was doing a wonderful job.

I am tired seeing these articles referenced here. It is sad that the things I make strong effort to avoid, such as looking and listening to particular news reports and reading certain publications, I come across here of all places. It is depressing to me that I find the most negative reports on MJ here.

I thank those of you who are a little more discriminating in your choice of literature. Peace

Oxman needs to be quiet. He says one thing about Michael and then insults him the next. The kids had friends with Michael. The kids had school (they still do home school with Katherine) and they were already well adjusted with Michael. They did travel a lot because Michael wanted them with him. He could have left them at Neverland with a nanny but he didn't want to do that. I am glad he was so close with his kids.
Well, this article has a lot of mistruths in it....especially the parts about Michael's kids not having a home nor any other children to play with. But I will say this...Michael knew that his mother was still faithful to the JW religion BEFORE he died. It was his decision to leave them with her. So if he left them with her, then I am sure that he discussed with her how he wanted his children's religious upbringing to be. And my guess is that he didn't want them to be raised JW since then children spend the holidays with other people. Michael himself celebrated Christmas...we have pictures of him doing so with his kids. We also have pics of all of them celebrating birthdays. So my guess is that Michael may have discussed this stuff with his mom, and Katherine excepted it and is carrying out her son's wishes. I believe this is why Grace plays such an important role right now. She probably gets the kids and takes them through holidays so that Katie won't have to violate her own conscience. But when I think about it...Katie herself has celebrated her own birthday given by her children. Honestly, I don't think anybody in that family is 100% devoted the the JW religion.
Michael wasn't with the JW when he died, and I'm sure he wouldn't want his kids to be JW either.

I'm certain that Mike would be happy with what ever his mother chooses to help guide her grandchildern. Besides, keep in mind that Micheal left the JW simply because it just got to hard for him to go from door to door. He could no longer live a simple life back in 1983 after 'Thriller' came out... everyone wanted him. :(
Paris' short but moving speech at the Memorial and Prince's eloquent speech at the Grammy's trumps ANYTHING the Gloria Allred's, the Carol Leibermans, the Nancy Graces the Chers and any other big mouth dummy has said about Michael's fitness as a parent.

This is soo true, and in the next few years we're going to see a lot from these childern. No doubt they'll be in various volenteer groups and issues concerning the environment. A lot of folks are going to be eating crow for years to come.
how do u know if he did or not. what religious books he read to his kids. why u all so scared of JW;s ignorance probably

Not always.
I've been doing hella big researches over the years on this religion and after checking everything (both sides of the story), I'd rather the kids not be JW. And since the JW themselves aren't allowed to read on their own religion (archives), it's kind of easy to know more than they do about the religion they are in.

As sweet as Katherine can be, I don't agree if she wants to raise the MJ3 as JW.

And at the Grammys, I was surprised how gown up they looked, then I thought they look like JW... I didn't like the feeling I got then.

btw.. on that article picture, Blanket looks bad ass ;)
Carinemjj, I knew that Blanket looked like Michael the most but seeing your picture there side by side like that wow. He is the spitting image of Michael.
I don't know, I wouldn't say that Katherine is drilling the actual religion into the childern, it's more or less used as a 'guide' for them. Besides, although there may be certain rules in which they are asked to abide by, I'm sure that there is plenty of leaway for them to have artistic freedom. I don't think JW is the way many folks like to portray it is; if you take time to get to understand what it really is about, it becomes clear that it's mainly used as a guide to follow Christ's way.
PEOPLE magazine is wooing KATHERINE JACKSON bigtime. At every opportunity the mag implies that MJ'S kids are in better care with KATHERINE. No way should KATHERINE JACKSON allow herself to be suckered into giving PEOPLE MAG access to MJ'S KIDS.
We could disagree on this one :)
with L.O.V.E.

We could, I don't really have faith in anything much any more so. I just don't see the point in getting upset over something that is a. out of our control and b. conjured up by the media and other sources to be untrue. Not every religon is followed closely, they do have some freedoms. As long as the childern are loved and guided, that's all that matters.
PEOPLE magazine is wooing KATHERINE JACKSON bigtime. At every opportunity the mag implies that MJ'S kids are in better care with KATHERINE. No way should KATHERINE JACKSON allow herself to be suckered into giving PEOPLE MAG access to MJ'S KIDS.

Katherine has only had the kids for 7 months...MJ should get all the credit for how they turned out.

Why is it so hard for people to give him credit (aside from his musical talent)?

No joke, Oxman needs to be muzzled.
please please not again this JW thing ... my God, please have mercy. Why fans are always going so exaggerated furious over this matter?

And even forgotten? ... it was Michael's wish Mother Katherine, JW, should care for the children.
Wow, I am honestly amazed at some of the comments.

Calm down the children will still celebrate holidays.

They've been taught about many religions just because they go to Kingdom Hall doesn't make them Jehovah Witness.
I just think we should leave these kids alone.
Can´t we let them have their privacy as much as they can?
If we don´t look at the pitures taken by paparazzis and read tabloidstories about them maybe they don´t have to be hunted as Michael was.

But I think they can appreciate if they get letters and cards telling them about good things that´s done for them and Michael, how Michael made a difference to the better for some of us, how much he is loved.
But I guess the love for him has no limits.
Oh give me a break all of you. When MJ named his mother guardian of his kids, I am sure he was aware of how they would be raised. MJ himself took his kids to the Kingdom Hall. And who are you to say she is not respectiong his wishes by doing the same. I have so much to say about this, I better check myself BEFORE I get started. Some people's ignorance and stupidity astounds me.

And yes, we do not accept blood transfusions, but being in the medical field, I am sure you are aware of the many strides witnesses have taken in the bloodless medical field. To insure they can live a life without having to have transfusions. It has progressed so well, even people who are not witnesses who do not want blood ask for info on this for when they have their surgeries.

Also Katherine is not forcing them to do anything. She is obviously giving them achoice since they spent Thanksgiving with Joe and Christmas with Grace.

So get off of it!!!!
I'm not a JW, but I'm with you on this. MJ OBVIOUSLY knew how Katherine would raise his kids. It was a "no brainer" for him, so people need to get off their high horses and stop acting like they are BETTER than Katherine and that THEY would raise MJ's kids "according to his wishes" :smilerolleyes:. That attitude pisses me off too ginvid!

Btw, I would be interested in hearing more about those non-blood- transfusing strides the JW's have made for surgery. :)
Katherine has only had the kids for 7 months...MJ should get all the credit for how they turned out.

Why is it so hard for people to give him credit (aside from his musical talent)?

No joke, Oxman needs to be muzzled.
Agree completely, whatever the children are now the cridit goes to Michael Jackson and Michael Jackson only, he was the one who was raising them for 12/11 and 7 years and not his mother. But it doesn't surprise me one bit, they hate the fact that the children are so wonderful.The children reflect what a great parent Michael was.

I'm not a JW, but I'm with you on this. MJ OBVIOUSLY knew how Katherine would raise his kids. It was a "no brainer" for him, so people need to get off their high horses and stop acting like they are BETTER than Katherine and that THEY would raise MJ's kids "according to his wishes" :smilerolleyes:. That attitude pisses me off too ginvid!

Btw, I would be interested in hearing more about those non-blood- transfusing strides the JW's have made for surgery. :)
Agree with you, it bugs me that fans have the audacity to question the way Katherine is raising those three, it's obvious to me that they are not being forced into anything, they are being given the option instead.