Story on MJ's Children In People Magazine Next Week


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I hope this is allowed. If not, just erase it.
The article just says Katherine and Grace are doing a good job raising Michael Jackson's children;and that the children are strong like their father. :)



First off, you can read all of that? Wonderful eyes!

Second off, so what!! What's wrong wtih that?

Here is another article on the children regaring the Jehovah Witness for anyone who wants to know.

The night was supposed to belong to R&B glamour puss Beyonce Knowles, but in the end it was three sweet-faced kids who stole the show. At the 52nd annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles this week, Michael Jackson's children took to the stage to accept a posthumous lifetime achievement award in honour of their father who died of a heart attack last June.

Prince Michael (12) and Paris Michael (11) spoke with remarkable composure about their superstar daddy while wearing miniature versions of the shiny black suits with red armbands that were Jackson's onstage trademark. Their seven-year-old brother, Prince Michael II (aka 'Blanket'), watched from backstage.

It was their first public appearance since Jackson's memorial in July, when a tearful Paris told the world that "Daddy had been the best father you could ever imagine".

Since Jackson's death, the world has heard little about the three children who have been kept in relative isolation in the Californian mansion belonging to their guardian and grandmother, Katherine Jackson.

But in an exclusive interview this week with a Jackson family lawyer, the Irish Independent has learned how the King of Pop's kids are adapting to their new life, and how they are coping with the death of Jackson -- the only parent they have ever known.

"It is a mixed bag," said Brian Oxman. "On the one hand, they are doing extremely well with Katherine Jackson. They are very comfortable there and they like it.

"On the other hand. . . they have to deal with the death of their father, and the constant reminders of that do not go away -- from the news media, to friends, to court proceedings. It is always a constant reminder for them, so they have a very mixed emotional experience."

When he was alive, Jackson spent enormous effort and money shielding his children from public view, hiding their faces behind bizarre masks and keeping them away from the public with a platoon of burly framed bodyguards.

The children never spent a day in school. They never had friends over to play. And beholden to Jackson's eccentricities and legal woes, they always lacked a permanent home, hop-scotching all over the world from Bahrain to Dublin to Las Vegas to Switzerland.

"As Michael's children, they lived a sort of a vagabond life. They went from city to city, hotel to hotel. Michael essentially lived in hotels," said Oxman, who has worked with the Jackson family since 1989, and was one of Jackson's lawyers on his 2005 child-molestation trial.

"So their life has always been travelling from place to place to place. This is the first time that they've ever had a truly stable home where they put their heads down on the same pillow each night."

'Home' is now a sprawling mansion in Encino, California -- the hub of the Jackson family empire -- run by the sprightly but fierce family matriarch, 79-year-old Katherine Jackson.

"Mrs Jackson is the pied piper of children. They follow her around. She has the chefs make them cookies and candy," said Oxman.

Apart from weekly karate classes, the children rarely leave the premises. They are home-schooled by tutors who arrive at the mansion gates each day to provide lessons. Their only contact with other children is the legion of Jackson cousins who drop by regularly to provide a steady source of raucous entertainment. "There are usually anywhere from five to 10 additional kids who are at the house and they just have a good time," Oxman said.

Even their controversial grandfather, Joe Jackson, who no longer lives in the Jackson family home, seems to be playing a role in their life -- despite the tortured relationship he endured with his son prior to his death.

"Mr Jackson will visit on a regular basis. He will go places where they are. He is not actively involved in raising the kids but he is an ever-present factor in their life. They love him," said Oxman.

Living under the same roof as a devout Jehovah's Witness, the children must now learn to adhere to their grandmother's strict religious principles -- which means no birthday parties or Christmas celebrations.

"Mrs Jackson is a Jehovah's Witness so she does not celebrate with the party hats and the streamers and the birthday cake," Oxman said. "Those things are considered to be pagan. They just don't do the celebration that we usually attribute to birthdays."

On his last Christmas, Michael Jackson had surprised his children by arranging for Carrie Fisher to drop by the house on Christmas Eve and reprise her role as Princess Leia in Star Wars. "They were so excited," said family friend Stephen Price. "She did her famous speech for them -- the 'Help me, Obi-Wan' speech."

On their first Christmas without their father, Katherine Jackson sent her grandchildren away with their long-term nanny Grace Rwaramba -- the closest person they have ever had to a mother -- so they could enjoy the holidays and be lavished with gifts like other children, said Oxman.

Despite his much-publicised eccentricities -- the plastic surgeries, dangling babies out of hotel windows and taking his kids shopping at 3am -- Jackson was a devoted father, said Oxman, and his children "are his greatest work".

Prince is a "substantial" young man and the most outgoing of the three. Paris is polite and reserved, and very protective of her younger brother, Blanket. They are, said Stephen Price, "the greatest kids you'll ever meet".

"I think the public is very surprised at how well these kids have turned out," said Oxman. "However, the people in the family, and those of us who knew Michael, we're not surprised in the slightest.

"What else could possibly have been the result for Michael Jackson's children? They were raised to be kind, gracious, smart. This is the way Michael wanted them to turn out and we who knew him knew that this would be the product of Michael's work."

But Jackson's three heirs -- set to inherit a vast fortune after the death of their grandmother -- will have to work hard to keep their feet on the ground. Last month, a judge ordered the children's monthly allowance from their father's estate to be raised to $60,000 (€44,000). Their grandfather Joe -- who is represented by Oxman -- is locked in a bitter legal battle with the administrators of his son's estate to provide him with a monthly allowance and will return to court next week to fight his case.

Ultimately, Jackson wanted to give his kids the idyllic childhood that he was deprived of, said Oxman. But his tragic death has changed all that, and his kids are having to grow up sooner than he had planned.

"And that's nothing that Mrs Jackson can control. It's nothing that anybody else can control. When a parent is no longer there, a child has to grow up real fast, and I think at the Grammys we saw kids who were coping with it pretty doggone well."
First off, you can read all of that? Wonderful eyes!

Second off, so what!! What's wrong wtih that?
Michael wasn't with the JW when he died, and I'm sure he wouldn't want his kids to be JW either.
First off, you can read all of that? Wonderful eyes!

Second off, so what!! What's wrong wtih that?

I have a very close friend who belongs to that religion and being a nurse I also know they are not allowed to receive a blood transfusion under any circumstance which is something that frightens me.

Other than that, they can not celebrate holidays because every day is special.

I think they are going to be allowed to make their own choice but perhaps not to have celebrations within the house as respect for Katherine but I don't really know because I don't live there. Strictly my guess.
It's a real shame that Katherine is not raising the kids the way Michael wanted them to be raised. *sigh* Nobody is respecting his wishes it seems.
I have a very close friend who belongs to that religion and being a nurse I also know they are not allowed to receive a blood transfusion under any circumstance which is something that frightens me.

Other than that, they can not celebrate holidays because every day is special.

I think they are going to be allowed to make their own choice but perhaps not to have celebrations within the house as respect for Katherine but I don't really know because I don't live there. Strictly my guess.

well they have been proven right considering all the diseases that have been spread by tainted blood transfusions ppl are so ignorant about JW. many of the grandkids have gone with katherine u all had no problem with them thanking god at the grammies. evrytime the JW talk comes up we have the same ranting. i doubt some of u even have a clue about them. mj took his kids to the kingdom hall aswell. i guess that was ok was shouldnt be indoctrinated in anything to start with yet if htey went ot a protestant church i guess no one would batter an eye lid

there were pics of a xmas tree at hayvernhurst this year being decorated by the cousins posted on the net
well they have been proven right considering all the diseases that have been spread by tainted blood transfusions ppl are so ignorant about JW. many of the grandkids have gone with katherine u all had no problem with them thanking god at the grammies. evrytime the JW talk comes up we have the same ranting. i doubt some of u even have a clue about them. mj took his kids to the kingdom hall aswell. i guess that was ok was should be indoctrinated in anything.

there were pics of a xmas tree at hayvernhurst this year being decorated by the cousins posted on the net

It's quite simple really, If Michael wanted them to be raised as a JW then he would have been raising them as one when he was alive.
Michael wasn't with the JW when he died, and I'm sure he wouldn't want his kids to be JW either.

he took his kids to the kingdom hall in the past. mj would want his kids educated on all religions just as he was. u think they really do anything there anyway. they prob wanna go cause there grandmother is going somewhere and they ask if they can come along like jerms kids do
It's quite simple really, If Michael wanted them to be raised as a JW then he would have been raising them as one when he was alive.
how do u know if he did or not. what religious books he read to his kids. why u all so scared of JW;s ignorance probably
he took his kids to the kingdom hall in the past. mj would want his kids educated on all religions just as he was. u think they really do anything there anyway. they prob wanna go cause there grandmother is going somewhere and they ask if they can come along like jerms kids do

He also wanted them to celebrate Birthdays and Christmas. Not doing so is disrespecting his wishes.
Oh give me a break all of you. When MJ named his mother guardian of his kids, I am sure he was aware of how they would be raised. MJ himself took his kids to the Kingdom Hall. And who are you to say she is not respectiong his wishes by doing the same. I have so much to say about this, I better check myself BEFORE I get started. Some people's ignorance and stupidity astounds me.

And yes, we do not accept blood transfusions, but being in the medical field, I am sure you are aware of the many strides witnesses have taken in the bloodless medical field. To insure they can live a life without having to have transfusions. It has progressed so well, even people who are not witnesses who do not want blood ask for info on this for when they have their surgeries.

Also Katherine is not forcing them to do anything. She is obviously giving them achoice since they spent Thanksgiving with Joe and Christmas with Grace.

So get off of it!!!!
how do u know if he did or not. what religious books he read to his kids. why u all so scared of JW;s ignorance probably

Scared of JW's? LOL. No. Like I said it's quite simple, his kids celebrated Birthdays and Christmas therefore he wasn't a JW nor was he raising his kids as one. There is a reason why Michael himself left the church my friend.
There is a reason why Michael himself left the church my friend.
yeah hes said many times or are u going with the tabloid version. would u be so upset if they were going to a catholic church or protestant one with katherine. probably not.
Scared of JW's? LOL. No. Like I said it's quite simple, his kids celebrated Birthdays and Christmas therefore he wasn't a JW nor was he raising his kids as one. There is a reason why Michael himself left the church my friend.

And what reason was that? Oh, you don't know? EXACTLY!!!! So I think it is best sometimes to just be quiet when you do not know instead of opening your mouth and proving yourself ignorant.

And as said, Katherine isn't doing anything MJ did not do himself. They went to the Hall with him as well.:)
yeah hes said many times or are u going with the tabloid version. would u be so upset if they were going to a catholic church or protestant one with katherine. probably not.

The real reason he left the church is because he felt that they were trying to control him to much. And I would be upset about any way his children are being raised in any way he wouldn't want himself. This his has nothing to do with religion. It's about respecting the way Michael would have wanted things.
well they have been proven right considering all the diseases that have been spread by tainted blood transfusions ppl are so ignorant about JW. many of the grandkids have gone with katherine u all had no problem with them thanking god at the grammies. evrytime the JW talk comes up we have the same ranting. i doubt some of u even have a clue about them. mj took his kids to the kingdom hall aswell. i guess that was ok was shouldnt be indoctrinated in anything to start with yet if htey went ot a protestant church i guess no one would batter an eye lid

there were pics of a xmas tree at hayvernhurst this year being decorated by the cousins posted on the net

Well, here is the thing. I have nothing against any religion and only sight that particular aspect of it because if it is an emergency (life or death) and someone can die without the transfusion, I have seen people in this faith still turn down the transfusion. In the case of my friend, she would refuse such a transfusion for her daughter and allow her to die if it came down to it because thats just how strong their belief is.

I have no problem with any religion they embrace, one way or another. It should always be ones personal choice.

Here is info on their view on blood.

Based on their interpretation of various biblical texts, such as Genesis 9:4, Leviticus 17:10, and Acts 15:29, they believe:

* Blood is sacred to God.[1]
* Blood means life in God's eyes.[2]
* Blood must not be eaten or transfused.[3]
* Blood leaving the body of a human or animal must be disposed of,[4] except for autologous blood transfusions considered part of a “current therapy”.[5][6]
* Blood was reserved for only one special use, the atonement for sins, which led up to Jesus' shed blood.[4][7]
* When a Christian abstains from blood, they are in effect expressing faith that only the shed blood of Jesus Christ can truly redeem them and save their life.[8]
* Even in the case of an emergency, it is not permissible to sustain life with transfused blood.[9]
* Conscientious violation of this doctrine is considered a serious offense, after which a member is subject to organized shunning
unless mj told you that then u are speculating just like everyone else and he left his kids with his mother .that is your answer,u act like they go every week we have seen one picture of them at the KH since june.big deal i wish this was the biggest worry everyone had on mjs kids.
Thank you Kathy Hilton for once again talking to the tabloids about Michael's children. :doh:

And the mention of Grace :smilerolleyes: no comment about her...
Well, here is the thing. I have nothing against any religion and only sight that particular aspect of it because if it is an emergency (life or death) and someone can die without the transfusion, I have seen people in this faith still turn down the transfusion. In the case of my friend, she would refuse such a transfusion for her daughter and allow her to die if it came down to it because thats just how strong their belief is.
yes i believe that is stupid any religious fundimentalist is but they have a point considering all the diseases that have been spread through transfusions and the fact in operations they can recycle your blood but alot dont want to cause of the money involved
Well, here is the thing. I have nothing against any religion and only sight that particular aspect of it because if it is an emergency (life or death) and someone can die without the transfusion, I have seen people in this faith still turn down the transfusion. In the case of my friend, she would refuse such a transfusion for her daughter and allow her to die if it came down to it because thats just how strong their belief is.

I have no problem with any religion they embrace, one way or another. It should always be ones personal choice.

Here is info on their view on blood.

Based on their interpretation of various biblical texts, such as Genesis 9:4, Leviticus 17:10, and Acts 15:29, they believe:

* Blood is sacred to God.[1]
* Blood means life in God's eyes.[2]
* Blood must not be eaten or transfused.[3]
* Blood leaving the body of a human or animal must be disposed of,[4] except for autologous blood transfusions considered part of a “current therapy”.[5][6]
* Blood was reserved for only one special use, the atonement for sins, which led up to Jesus' shed blood.[4][7]
* When a Christian abstains from blood, they are in effect expressing faith that only the shed blood of Jesus Christ can truly redeem them and save their life.[8]
* Even in the case of an emergency, it is not permissible to sustain life with transfused blood.[9]
* Conscientious violation of this doctrine is considered a serious offense, after which a member is subject to organized shunning

Thanks for your info on blood. It is accurate. But witnesses have a whole committee set up to deal with the blood issue that come to the hospital to talk about alternatives to doctors when parents need them. they do not wish their children to die, nor do they just throw their hands up and "allow" this to happen. They have found many alternatives to blood when having surgeries are actually able to have many surgeries once deemed impossible with out blood and have them successfully.
unless mj told you that then u are speculating just like everyone else and he left his kids with his mother .that is your answer,u act like they go every week we have seen one picture of them at the KH since june.big deal i wish this was the biggest worry everyone had on mjs kids.

Ok, but bottom line is. Michael wanted them to celebrate birthdays and Christmas. He celebrate that with them, he would have wanted it to continue. QUIT acting like I am attacking the JW church or being ignorant.
and as i said they celebrated xmas this years according to reports and pictures of the xmas tree at hayvernhurst. and see what happens next saturday when jr has his birthday
Ok, but bottom line is. Michael wanted them to celebrate birthdays and Christmas. He celebrate that with them, he would have wanted it to continue. QUIT acting like I am attacking the JW church or being ignorant.

But you have to ask yourself, has Katherine prevented them from doing just this since they have been in her care? From what we have seen, the answer is, "No". So, what argument then do you have against her taking them there?
this filthy media doesn't even deserve to mention Michael's name or his children!! now that Michael is dead they are exploiting the children to sell their filthy papers
and I bet this is what Grace wanted to have her name involved with MJ again, that's why she's posing for the paparazzi with "her babies" - oh what a happy reunion that was...after MJ had fired her!
I wish Brian Oxman would stop speaking for Michael. He tries to say something nice but it comes across as insulting him. Do you know what I mean?
My take on this long as the children are happy and grow up to be well rounded individuals....then I am fine with what Katherine is doing with the children...I am sure Michael took into account that his mom was a JW...I think that Michael expose his children to all different types of cultures and religions when he was I say ...I think Michael would approve..IMHO