Statement Regarding Michael's Health - Official

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it will be confirmed when u are sat in the stadium/arena watching him. dont believe anything in mj world untill then. its the best way to go LOL
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You got me INNNN ah.... State of Shock. :eek:

I know this isn't confirmed news yet, about the tour part of the statement, and notice it's the word finalizing - not finalized. But like someone else said here, amazing [ freaking ] news and music to mah ears. :angel: xx
I've never seen Michael live, so that would be great if he toured. But I'll tell you what would really be music to my ears: actual music lol I hope he brings out a CD before he does any touring. It would make a lot of sense, and we're all dying to hear something new, I'm sure. That's what I'm most excited about. Fingers crossed. :)
Just the fact that there's a world tour coming should speak volumes. An official statement like this is something that I've been waiting to hear. Best of luck to Michael.
I am just happy that Mike is healthy and doing what he has to do. Go Mike, we support you no matter what! :)

Let the haters hate and the lovers love. Peace.
I am just happy that Mike is healthy and doing what he has to do. Go Mike, we support you no matter what! :)

Let the haters hate and the lovers love. Peace.

ITA :clapping:
it will be confirmed when u are sat in the stadium/arena watching him. dont believe anything in mj world untill then. its the best way to go LOL


Even though I hate to admit it, you are right!

You never know what will happen, before it actually happens!! :lol:

:ph34r: :zorro: :santa: :ph34r:
For at least one performance, Michael HAS to wear the Zorro mask. At least 1.
Yahoo top music story. "Michael Planning a World Tour?"

I love this sh*t. :stretcher:
The media's coverage surrounding this story has been truly despicable,shameful and very insensitive to say the least. Reports reading "J.acko this" or "J.acko that". This a man's life we're talking about here and not a joke.
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Michael Jackson is apparently ready to get back to work. After over a decade without producing any useful music, Jackson has been working on his latest album and is even planning a world tour. His reason? No, not his nearly brokenness. He wants his children to see what he does for a living. That’s right, *****’s ready to rip off the surgery mask and dance.

Michael Jackson is on the verge of agreeing a huge comeback tour. The King Of Pop has told fans that plans for his big stage return next year are well under way. And he is lining up a 30-date tour taking in 30 cities around the world. ***** is currently based in Las Vegas, where he is recording material for a new album at The Palms casino resort. And the oddball singer has now flown to Los Angeles to discuss details of his comeback with top music execs.

With his return imminent, the Thriller star left his mask and other face-hiding apparatus at home as he was pictured shopping in Hollywood. He didn’t do a bad job of looking like the pop star we once knew and loved. ***** revealed his concert plans to fans before leaving for LA this week.

One follower revealed: “Michael said he wasn’t doing a Vegas residency but was going on a world tour, taking in 30 cities next year. He said he wanted to do it for his kids. He wants them to see what he does, and he wants to take them on the road. He said he was on his way to Los Angeles to finalise the details.”

*****’s three children — Prince MICHAEL, Prince MICHAEL II and PARIS — were not even born when he did his last major tour in 1996. He was rumoured to be in negotiations to sign up for a lucrative residency at one of Las Vegas’s top casinos — but has opted instead to go on the globe-trotting tour so more fans could see the show.

The past ten years have seen ***** plagued with financial difficulties. But even if he’s a penny short of the full shilling, he still has some of the most devoted fans in pop and could sell out any venue many times over. That should get the cash rolling in again…
Michael Jackson is apparently ready to get back to work. After over a decade without producing any useful music,
And after 2 decades of useless slander and bias towards a man they don't know on a personal level not being able to call him by his own birthname begging the question have they been letting 3rd graders write their articles for them?
And after 2 decades of useless slander and bias towards a man they don't know on a personal level not being able to call him by his own birthname begging the question have they been letting 3rd graders write their articles for them?

Here is the point. Michael has had a career spanning forty years. Twice as long as most entertainers. He owes the fans, and the world, NOTHING. Nothing more. He has said that he loves his fans, and I believe it. If he chooses to perform again, to do a world-tour, believe it ,that it is out of his love for those who have supported him for so long. His fans.

He is a magnificent human being, and we know that. Rumors or criticism from the press do not stop him from knowing where is support is, and it is US.


And TOUR BRAZIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:party:

Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,Michael!!!(Rio de Janeiro to be exactly!)-_-
I really hopes he tours canada ... Otherwise I'm jetting off to the closest place he will be touring!!
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