sorry but i have to ask

ohhhh but didn't evan chandler sue him for simply saying 'lies, lies, lies, lies....' to diane sawer on ptl? if that's all that takes to have an active lawsuit that takes sev. thousand if not more to combat, imagine a full blown interview about it.-------------------- and if my memory serves me correct, that was THROWN OUT. ANd many people even bring this up. If his child was abuse, why would he try to sue for a second time? So it helps and it puts into record on how these people want $$$$$$ nothing else.
and note...jordan wasn't forced to lie. he signed a piece of paper and read a statement. he didn't go on the stand and lie and he never spoke to ts and co about this so where did he lie? it was the adults that did it for him using his siggy and his voice reading a prepared statement.------------ Sorry but I see no difference. Jordan did not deny it. so to me, Jordan might as well got on a stand.
Parents still have a strong influence on their children up until they grow up.

At the end of the day they are still Gavins parents and he loves them. It depends how mature they are for their age.

None of us really know what was said and happened within the family behind closed doors. So we are not one to comment really! We can still blame the parents, but we dont know all the details with Gavin and what could possibly have been said to him. At 15 your parents still have a strong influence on you.

Besides wasnt Jordie Chandler supposed to have been drugged by his father so that he would acually believe everything, because if so then no wonder he never came forward in 2005 because he still probably believes it himself........
u can't 'get on a stand' if no one friggin calls u. mez didn't call him. he said he didn't need him. NO witness for mj lied or lied in the past. NOT ONE and the ONLY witnesses for the state that told the truth were DEBBIE ROWE, AND THE TWO FLIGHT ATTENDANTS. everyone else lied.

so y ruin it by calling someone who would be questionable?

there is no statute of anything on this. gavin cannot sue mj. he had until he was 18. he's 19 now. they lost their chance.

the ONLY thing preventing anyone from talking is the iron clad confd. settlement. i don't hear anyone yelling for mj to talk. oh well, it's just a measly little cofd agreement. no one will sue and if they do, oh well. try telling that to mj.

what's done is done, no one will believe him, just like they didn't believe mac, wade, or bret. throw fault on the adults involved b/c it shows that even as a minor and young adult, jordan was defending mj the only way he could and that was through friends and people who didn't know who he was. he wasn't called so he couldn't testify.
Parents still have a strong influence on their children up until they grow up.

At the end of the day they are still Gavins parents and he loves them. It depends how mature they are for their age.

None of us really know what was said and happened within the family behind closed doors. So we are not one to comment really! We can still blame the parents, but we dont know all the details with Gavin and what could possibly have been said to him. At 15 your parents still have a strong influence on you.

Besides wasnt Jordie Chandler supposed to have been drugged by his father so that he would acually believe everything, because if so then no wonder he never came forward in 2005 because he still probably believes it himself........
I agree with this. This is why I had a little more lead way with Garvin compare to Jordan now.
the ONLY thing preventing anyone from talking is the iron clad confd. settlement. i don't hear anyone yelling for mj to talk. oh well, it's just a measly little cofd agreement. no one will sue and if they do, oh well. try telling that to mj.-------- There is no need to Michael to speak. He is the one accused. The one who is claimed to be the "victim" should be the one speaking more. Look at OJ. If OJ is really innocent, we do not want to hear from him;, we want to hear from the real killers who did it if that is true.
what's done is done, no one will believe him, just like they didn't believe mac, wade, or bret. -------- Sorry but I do not agree that NO ONE will be believe him. Many people do believe the guys you mention (heck many people do NOT even know about them because they were never talked about 24/7 like Jordan, the boy who got the settlement). These guys came to defend MJ as grown men and said alot to those who followed it and want to know the truth, not dumb @#$% who just want to believe MJ is guilty just because because they just do not like MIchael. I still say Jordan needs to clear this mess for his own sake and MJ no matter what anyone else will think afterward. I rest to see under MJ's name "who settled with the 1993 boy who later said it did not happen" than to continue to see "who settled with a 13 year old boy". Just like with Latoya. Now NO ONE, who want to know the TRUTH and who has substance, does NOT even bring her into the topic no more after she said Jack put her up to do it.
u can't 'get on a stand' if no one friggin calls u. mez didn't call him. he said he didn't need him. NO witness for mj lied or lied in the past. NOT ONE and the ONLY witnesses for the state that told the truth were DEBBIE ROWE, AND THE TWO FLIGHT ATTENDANTS. everyone else lied.------------- Oh I understand this on Tmez part. I was just saying in quote to you about Garvin being on the stand and why you seem to want to defend Jordan into thinking he is different when this situation was fresh on his plate. when he was 13, Jordan read a paper. What I am saying, "who cares, he might as well had gotton on the stand back then". Jordan STILL did damage to Michael probably even moe than garvin, who was viewed no more than a little thug, since he took the settlement. Maybe when Jordan step his @$$ up to the plate, people will slow down waving his stupid affidant. Again, So def, I understand everything you are saying but still there is still a thing called "DEALING with YOUR LIES" and REPENT no matter what the outcome will be. The truth will come out, GOd will see to that even if it is on one's death bed.
omg i can't see how gavin is less to blame than jordan. omg im just laughing right now....seriously. this kid lied time and time again, then to the grand jury then on the stand and couldve putmj away for life yet lets pitty him?

he's been a crook since he could was proven
the scariest thing do u recover from cancer, then seek out to destroy a guy instrumental in your recovery from such a deadly disease?

he's old enough...the question is, what's inside of him?
Gavin is as guilty as his mother. i will never ever forget the shock from reading court transcripts and realizing how cheeky and evil were his answers. he wasnt a victim, he was just another predator. his answers to T Mez made me think that he actually enjoyed being "cool" and talking to a lawyer and being disrespectful to him. I will never understand how you could do this to a person that saved your life. it's not my job to judge him. but what happened is really sad. we lost Neverland. we lost Michael's openness to people. his good name is tarnished.

recently i went to a small town Napier in New Zealand with a group of my students. there is a historical prison, old, standing on the hill. they would execute murderers there. and i was astonished to see Michael's photos on one of the walls of this prison. this very famous one - that the police took. i came up to a lady asking why they put Michael on the wall as he was acquitted of all charges. and she said "well he is guilty. and i dont care about what jurors said."

how can you explain to such a person that she is blind? she wouldnt even listen if you tell her "listen lady - did you ever read court transcripts? do you know Michael Jackson? did you listen to his music? did you watch his interview?" because the only one source she's got her opinion from is the tabloids and her own mind that doesnt feel magic of life anymore. or doesnt want to accept differences at least ....

i know Michael is the strongest man ever. i know he's moving on. i know that Neverland is in his heart...
but when for example i see his private stuff from Neverland on display - i know that this is wrong. one of these consequences of what this Arvizo family did to him. but he is traumautized. his children are. and the damage is done.

and it cannot be ok to think that when he started to be more open than ever before, i mean he was so close to fans and so open to people before 2003 as he never was before, as it seems to me, and i was "watching" since 1990... so when it seemed to be so harmonized and fine - everything was broken. may be forever. will he ever talk to the camera as he did before telling his thoughts or dreams, i dont mean all of them, but some...

well i guess i have to finish this endless message. just couldnt hold on lol
omg i can't see how gavin is less to blame than jordan. omg im just laughing right now....seriously. this kid lied time and time again, then to the grand jury then on the stand and couldve putmj away for life yet lets pitty him?

he's been a crook since he could was proven
Who said he was less to blame? His is just to blame as much as Jordan; however, I am have lead way with Garvin now compare to Jordan now. Jordan is a grown @$$ man whose set the record straight (and I do not care if a few people may or may not believe him-though I think MOST people will since his now grown to tell the truth and not under his father no more, not even for financial support). Garvin is still a kid and still depend on his mother so I can understand him staying quiet FOR NOW. I felt the same way for Jordan when he was young but he is now AN ADULT.
recently i went to a small town Napier in New Zealand with a group of my students. there is a historical prison, old, standing on the hill. they would execute murderers there. and i was astonished to see Michael's photos on one of the walls of this prison. this very famous one - that the police took. i came up to a lady asking why they put Michael on the wall as he was acquitted of all charges. and she said "well he is guilty. and i dont care about what jurors said."

how can you explain to such a person that she is blind? she wouldnt even listen if you tell her "listen lady - did you ever read court transcripts? do you know Michael Jackson? did you listen to his music? did you watch his interview?" because the only one source she's got her opinion from is the tabloids and her own mind that doesnt feel magic of life anymore. or doesnt want to accept differences at ------------------ Well a person like this is just plain STUPID. SHe probably did NOT like Michael to begin with and this is her way of justfying her dislike. I bet you that she could not give two PROOFS that Michael was guilty. People like this I could careless in what they think. They are STUPID. AND yes, I agree with your comments on Garvin however JOrdan helped kicked this mess off and has not did anything to help clear it now that he is an ADULT.
not so sorry to say this, but anyone still walking around feeling MJ is guilty is a dead person walking, as far as i am concerned. they may still be walking, but they have no soul, no heart, and no life inside them.
it's gavin not garvin number one....and that kid deserves no sympathy cuz what he did could've putmj in jail for life. what jc 'did' was read a peace of paper and caused a civil suit. not jail time. both bad and both disgraceful but at least when asked, jordan tells the truth. gavin and star didn't i mean, anton and daniel...whatever they go by now

if mez called him, he would've tol d the truth. he didn't so what's the issue?
it's gavin not garvin number one....and that kid deserves no sympathy cuz what he did could've putmj in jail for life. what jc 'did' was read a peace of paper and caused a civil suit. not jail time. both bad and both disgraceful but at least when asked, jordan tells the truth. gavin and star didn't i mean, anton and daniel...whatever they go by now

if mez called him, he would've tol d the truth. he didn't so what's the issue?

How is Jordon telling the truth now going to help Michael Jackson?
Jordon is just as bad as Gavin and he deserves no sympathy either. That 1993 civil suit caused a nightmare for Michael Jackson and it did ruin his reputation and it started a snowball effect that has had an impact on how a lot of people now see Michael Jackson. You can never get your reputation back. If Jordon Chandler is saying that Michael Jackson never did anything to him, then give the damn money back. PHUCK!!! a damn agreement. Give every last cent back, and tell the world you are doing so. We don't need to know anything else.
If Jordon Chandler is saying that Michael Jackson never did anything to him, then give the damn money back. PHUCK!!! a damn agreement. Give every last cent back, and tell the world you are doing so. We don't need to know anything else.

frankly speaking i think that even if JC wanted to tell the truth now - number one Michael probably wouldnt be very happy as it just would start everything again. and number two - nobody would believe him. as nobody wants the truth.
frankly speaking i think that even if JC wanted to tell the truth now - number one Michael probably wouldnt be very happy as it just would start everything again. and number two - nobody would believe him. as nobody wants the truth.
You do not know how Michael may feel. And further more, you do not know what most people will think. From my experience, I think it will help more than hurt. Who cares if it bring it back up at least it is brough back up to clear his name.
How is Jordon telling the truth now going to help Michael Jackson?
Jordon is just as bad as Gavin and he deserves no sympathy either. That 1993 civil suit caused a nightmare for Michael Jackson and it did ruin his reputation and it started a snowball effect that has had an impact on how a lot of people now see Michael Jackson. You can never get your reputation back. If Jordon Chandler is saying that Michael Jackson never did anything to him, then give the damn money back. PHUCK!!! a damn agreement. Give every last cent back, and tell the world you are doing so. We don't need to know anything else.
Exactly. ANd you do not see him giving NOTHING back. Like I said, there are many way to prove your point without an interview or breaking some agreement IF you really wanted to tell the truth.
the mother had alot to do with it also maybe money came into it as well. We know they werent a very wealthy family they probably are now though. I presume this family is in hiding ever since as i have not heard anything about them recently.
they're not in hiding, no one cares about them anymore.

and terrell, that's YOUR 'experience' u have not suggested one thing other an interview or something public. the ONLY way to do it WITHOUT breaking the agreement is to go in court and he called to testify but he WASN'T so it's DONE....right?

he tried to take his father to court and was denied that right. so his options are closed as of now. wht sneddon's stupid ass did was when he included jc and jf into the trial, it assured that IF ever mj were to be accused again, those two along w/ gavin couldn't be used against him as 'prior bad acts' so now the door for jc is really closed unless a civil case comes about or something.

and i don't think anyone here wants that to happen. what's done and on record is his friends' statements and his cooperation w/ that. he wasn't called. u can say boo about what u want and what u feel but the law is different.
I don’t think we will hear any more from JC or Gavin they got there money from MJ that’s all they wanted.
they're not in hiding, no one cares about them anymore.

and terrell, that's YOUR 'experience' u have not suggested one thing other an interview or something public. the ONLY way to do it WITHOUT breaking the agreement is to go in court and he called to testify but he WASN'T so it's DONE....right?

he tried to take his father to court and was denied that right. so his options are closed as of now. wht sneddon's stupid ass did was when he included jc and jf into the trial, it assured that IF ever mj were to be accused again, those two along w/ gavin couldn't be used against him as 'prior bad acts' so now the door for jc is really closed unless a civil case comes about or something.

and i don't think anyone here wants that to happen. what's done and on record is his friends' statements and his cooperation w/ that. he wasn't called. u can say boo about what u want and what u feel but the law is different.
I know the law is different but who care if you LIED. TEll the truth. As was said, JC did NOT have to take the money. the law DID NOT enforce that on him. What about now. If what you are saying about Jordan is true, then Jordan should NOT have no problem giving it back. As I have said, from my experience, some people people risk perjury and admitted they lied in court to clear up a sitution. Some people have even risked their lives to set situations right that were wrong. Who cares about an agreement if YOU LIED. Set it straight. And since the money was not JOrdan to begin with, Jordan should not care if he loses it regardless if that is by giving it back to Jackson or a lawsuit. Like I said, there is a way around EVERYTHING. NOthing is 100% solid.
any excuse for what they did and trying to defend them is the way some come across
And sorry but this mess from 1993 will NEVER be done and over it unlike the trial of 2005 which many people (I am talking about good thinking people, not haters) now viewed that trial as unfair especially when the mother was arrested. It will always come up because no closure was ever given. Sorry but a settlement only makes it worst and live on even more. This is why it keeps coming up.
any excuse for what they did and trying to defend them is the way some come across
Exactly. Like I said, I am tired of people using the system like this. We have real children who are abused and molested, we have women who are really rape, we have real pedophiles, and we have innocent people in prisons fighing for their freedom and to be heard, It is mess like that only make these people situations worst especially when these are high profile cases are played out.