sorry but i have to ask

Do you honestly feel like this? Cause i couldn't disagree more with you. IMO this guy is just as much to blame...he could have come forward already and admit nothing happened. He could have prevented the whole trial actually...come on now. Let's not act like this POS was a victim...the only victim was/is Michael. I can't even imagine what that man had to go way that Gavin was a victim.

Screw him.


I don't understand why he hasn't made it clear in an interview that MJ NEVER EVER did anything!

He could easily do that!
Are you saying there's telephonic evidence with Chandlers dad plotting? How do you know that?

I heard something about this before. There is an attorney that is never talked about that had something to do with Evan Chandler the father. I have heard a long time ago that some Sony attorneys contacted this attorney of the fathers and not to long after that, the allegations were made against Michael Jackson about the molestation of Jordan Chandler... Remember it was the father that made the accusations originally.
I too think one day the two boys will come forward and say what really happened - nothing! I honestly believe that will happen, and that it will finally be put to rest in the minds of the haters. I really hope that will happen, Michael deserves that.
I don't have one iota of sympathy for that boy. 'Poor' Gavin was more than happy to see Michael rot in a jail cell for the rest of his life, and for his 3 children to be seperated from their father. I have no doubt the mother was the instigator but the boy and his brother and sister knew exactly what they were doing.

I hope that whole bunch rot in hell for what they tried to do, and they can take Jordan Chandler with them.
I believe these people were obsessed and addicted to Michael Jackson and the lifestyle that came with hanging around Michael Jackson. In both cases the allegations came after Michael tried to distance himself from them. If Michael cuts himself off from you there is no was you can get in touch with him or reach him. I mean he's not an average Joe that you can just walk up to. I think both families were so obsessed that they couldn’t handle the fact that Michael didn’t really want to have much to do with them anymore. They wanted revenge on Michael for cutting himself off from them and revenge came in the form of these allegations.
ha feel sorry for gavin? the kid was a willing participant, testified in court, him and his siblings, and lied constantly. they get what they deserve so i feel no pitty...he's a crook and a theif justlike his damn mama....hell, if any one deserves pitty its chandler. almost killed by his damn dad in 05 when he attacked him w/ a weight. all he 'did' was read off of a paper. and until 05 had remained estranged from his father and to this day still don't talk to his mama....

gavin knew what he was doing, he didn't care.
ha feel sorry for gavin? the kid was a willing participant, testified in court, him and his siblings, and lied constantly. they get what they deserve so i feel no pitty...he's a crook and a theif justlike his damn mama....hell, if any one deserves pitty its chandler. almost killed by his damn dad in 05 when he attacked him w/ a weight. all he 'did' was read off of a paper. and until 05 had remained estranged from his father and to this day still don't talk to his mama....

gavin knew what he was doing, he didn't care.
Gavin is nothing but a jackass. He and his brother and sister knew what they were doing. Wasn't his sister 16 years old at the time of that trial? Or 18?

Chandler is also a jackass in my book because, yeah at the time he made the allegations he was 13 years old used as a pawn by his father; but he's is or almost 30 years old now---a full grown man. So far he still hasn't shown any character to come forward. Even Mesereau said he had witnesses ready to testify that Jordan Chandler admitted to them he was never molested by Michael and that he was put up to saying it by his father. Anytime he can 'admit' that to his circle of friends, he can come forward and admit it to the public---settlement terms my foot.
Gavin is nothing but a jackass. He and his brother and sister knew what they were doing. Wasn't his sister 16 years old at the time of that trial? Or 18?

Chandler is also a jackass in my book because, yeah at the time he made the allegations he was 13 years old used as a pawn by his father; but he's is or almost 30 years old now---a full grown man. So far he still hasn't shown any character to come forward. Even Mesereau said he had witnesses ready to testify that Jordan Chandler admitted to them he was never molested by Michael and that he was put up to saying it by his father. Anytime he can 'admit' that to his circle of friends, he can come forward and admit it to the public---settlement terms my foot.

Mabye there's a Statute Of Limitations in place that doesn't allow Jordon Chandler or Michael Jackson to talk about the case. I'm sure when that limitation runs out, perhaps the both of them will speak. Michael doesn't talk about 1993 either. Chandler may have saids somethings to friends but that isn't on the record. If he gave an interview both in print or to any media outlet, that would be on the record.
Chandler is also a jackass in my book because, yeah at the time he made the allegations he was 13 years old used as a pawn by his father; but he's is or almost 30 years old now---a full grown man. So far he still hasn't shown any character to come forward. Even Mesereau said he had witnesses ready to testify that Jordan Chandler admitted to them he was never molested by Michael and that he was put up to saying it by his father. Anytime he can 'admit' that to his circle of friends, he can come forward and admit it to the public---settlement terms my foot.
he didn't admit anything in a shroud of secrecy to his friends. if u don't know who he is and mj comes up, he'll defend him. settlement terms UR foot but the kid/man has never been given a chance to go to court and come forward. he even tried to get a restraining order against his father but the judge wouldn't allow it and wouldn't allow the assault case to go to court so he couldn't testify against his father or say anything.....[shortly after the verdict evan hit jc w/ a 12lb weight in the back of his head and jc claimed he tried to seriously injure him]

he never made allegations, he read from a piece of paper. he didn't testify or ever speak w/ ts and say that mj harmed him. it was a taped shrink's visit in which he read from a prepared statement his father wrote. he then signed it but didn't write it.

gavin, star, and davellin testified at both the grand jury and the trial. multiple days, staring right at michael and put his life in's just semantics but the 'civil case' with the chandlers was never at a risk to put mj in prison. ts knew that and so did garcetti. it was just a smear campaign against mj.
Mabye there's a Statute Of Limitations in place that doesn't allow Jordon Chandler or Michael Jackson to talk about the case. I'm sure when that limitation runs out, perhaps the both of them will speak. Michael doesn't talk about 1993 either. Chandler may have saids somethings to friends but that isn't on the record. If he gave an interview both in print or to any media outlet, that would be on the record.
no statute of limitations, a confidentiality agreement. if either party is in court and is on the stand, they can testify to the terms and what really happened.

if they do it to a media outlet, they'll be sued. feldman and katz can still lose their license to practice and evan is broke so he'llbe out for blood as well.

and it is on the record b/c mez said jc knew his friends were working w/him and their statements are in mez's notes. just ask dan abrams
he didn't admit anything in a shroud of secrecy to his friends. if u don't know who he is and mj comes up, he'll defend him.
he reportedly told firends nothing happened and hated his parents for what they had done. those friends were willing to testify if JC turned up with sneddon and gave mez statements about it

settlement terms UR foot but the kid/man has never been given a chance to go to court and come forward.
except in 05 he had his chance
nope. mez refused to call him cuz he'd be the only witness who wouldhave to say 'i lied before but im not lying now' that's y he wanted the friends ONLY if the affidavit came in. he made it plain and simple, he didn't need jc and only had the friends in case mell allowed the damn affidavit to come in.

and the state wouldn't call him cuzthey knew he'd tell teh truth so they lied and said he was out of the country. haha cuz he made a very public visit to tahoe and let the paps take pics of him. stayed m.i.a. this long and right after zonen says he'sout of the country, he popsup?
nope. mez refused to call him cuz he'd be the only witness who wouldhave to say 'i lied before but im not lying now' that's y he wanted the friends ONLY if the affidavit came in. he made it plain and simple, he didn't need jc and only had the friends in case mell allowed the damn affidavit to come in.

i cant believe that. imo theres no way if jc said i want to stand there and say nothing happened then mez would say no. sneddon then turning round and saying well u lied then ure lieing now would do nothing to take away the explosivness of JC finally admitting mj never did anything and would not only discredit prosecution witnesses such as the the neverland ex staff but also his own mother. and would then help to discredit the arvizos and tickle me elmoy.
hey all ive been so confused about something and that something is gavin arivzo.

the boy who accused him of molesting him well i read up in gavin he was a fan of mj and his wish was to meet him before he dies and well that came true. and they said he has only weeks to live then michael comes along and gavin lives and gavin says all these things like michael will never do anything to a child in martain bashir doc. gavin and michael seemed like good friends. then all of a sudden gavin accuses him off molesting him im so confused why did he accuse him is there a reason why he accused him coz they seemed so happy. gavin was cured from cancer after he met michael he was a fan of mike a HUGE fan for him to be cured of cancer after meeting him so why accuse him. then that what i dont get if he was a fan why accuse him of it??

It's great that in a time when MJ is trying to come back CREATIVELY, we have fans like this one (Rockin Robins) who are still trapped in the case which should have never been.

Why? Why ask these questions now and why ask why?

And then we wonder why the SMUT Media can't help but mention it in everything they write about Michael.

Who cares how happy or unhappy he looked. HEs a LIAR. To hell with him and his cursed family. Who cares what happens to him or why he did what he did? Like EVIL needs a reason for being EVIL or something.

:lol: :lol:

You are right. That family deserves NOTHING and NO pity at all!!
It's great that in a time when MJ is trying to come back CREATIVELY, we have fans like this one (Rockin Robins) who are still trapped in the case which should have never been.

Why? Why ask these questions now and why ask why?

And then we wonder why the SMUT Media can't help but mention it in everything they write about Michael.

Who cares how happy or unhappy he looked. HEs a LIAR. To hell with him and his cursed family. Who cares what happens to him or why he did what he did? Like EVIL needs a reason for being EVIL or something.
I agree. If he can tell those so called Jackson fans that Michael did not abuse him, Jodan can tell the media and everyone else as well. I do not care if anyone believes him or not, the bottom line will be that the boy who got the biggest settlement admitted he LIED. Notice no one is quoting the guy name Jason after his nonsense on the stand.
I believe these people were obsessed and addicted to Michael Jackson and the lifestyle that came with hanging around Michael Jackson. In both cases the allegations came after Michael tried to distance himself from them. If Michael cuts himself off from you there is no was you can get in touch with him or reach him. I mean he's not an average Joe that you can just walk up to. I think both families were so obsessed that they couldn’t handle the fact that Michael didn’t really want to have much to do with them anymore. They wanted revenge on Michael for cutting himself off from them and revenge came in the form of these allegations.
And to me, this is stupid. People move on yet people come back together however by them lying on Michael they will NEVER be around Michael no more. I see nothing wrong with desiring to be like someone or to want to achieve something that someone else have (the Jacksons and Michael admires people like Diana Ross when they lived with her, James Brown, Barry Gordy, etc. DId the Jackson lie on these people, NO. We all admire people and a want a certain lifestyle).
Do you honestly feel like this? Cause i couldn't disagree more with you. IMO this guy is just as much to blame...he could have come forward already and admit nothing happened. He could have prevented the whole trial actually...come on now. Let's not act like this POS was a victim...the only victim was/is Michael. I can't even imagine what that man had to go way that Gavin was a victim.

Screw him.
Garvin is a jerk but I have to agree that I blame the adults. Yes, Garvin may know better but he has still listen to his MOTHER and deal with HER. SO I can understand Garvin at the moment; however, when they become ADULTS, I will then hold him to tell the truth like Jordan. DD was running behind Jordan, why did he tell her, "leave me alone, Michael NEVER abused me". but no, he turned his little tail around and went back into the building. Again, if he was telling those so called fans Michael did not abuse me, Jordan could have told those media people who were running behind him even when he was skiing on the slopes.
ha feel sorry for gavin? the kid was a willing participant, testified in court, him and his siblings, and lied constantly. they get what they deserve so i feel no pitty...he's a crook and a theif justlike his damn mama....hell, if any one deserves pitty its chandler. almost killed by his damn dad in 05 when he attacked him w/ a weight. all he 'did' was read off of a paper. and until 05 had remained estranged from his father and to this day still don't talk to his mama....

gavin knew what he was doing, he didn't care.
Sorry but Jordon is just as bad,if not worst. (Garvin is still a child and still have to be under his mother's roof and depend on her unlike Jordan who is now an ADULT and on his on and received a settled which is the MAIN reason some people believe MJ was guilty).
Gavin is nothing but a jackass. He and his brother and sister knew what they were doing. Wasn't his sister 16 years old at the time of that trial? Or 18?

Chandler is also a jackass in my book because, yeah at the time he made the allegations he was 13 years old used as a pawn by his father; but he's is or almost 30 years old now---a full grown man. So far he still hasn't shown any character to come forward. Even Mesereau said he had witnesses ready to testify that Jordan Chandler admitted to them he was never molested by Michael and that he was put up to saying it by his father. Anytime he can 'admit' that to his circle of friends, he can come forward and admit it to the public---settlement terms my foot.
THANK YOU! Appently, Jordan has been speaking about it. It is not difference in speaking to a group of friends or a group of media people. He still TALKED.
I too think one day the two boys will come forward and say what really happened - nothing! I honestly believe that will happen, and that it will finally be put to rest in the minds of the haters. I really hope that will happen, Michael deserves that.
I hope so as well. I know it can happen (I have seen it happen in other areas).
he didn't admit anything in a shroud of secrecy to his friends. if u don't know who he is and mj comes up, he'll defend him. settlement terms UR foot but the kid/man has never been given a chance to go to court and come forward. he even tried to get a restraining order against his father but the judge wouldn't allow it and wouldn't allow the assault case to go to court so he couldn't testify against his father or say anything.....[shortly after the verdict evan hit jc w/ a 12lb weight in the back of his head and jc claimed he tried to seriously injure him]

he never made allegations, he read from a piece of paper. he didn't testify or ever speak w/ ts and say that mj harmed him. it was a taped shrink's visit in which he read from a prepared statement his father wrote. he then signed it but didn't write it.

gavin, star, and davellin testified at both the grand jury and the trial. multiple days, staring right at michael and put his life in's just semantics but the 'civil case' with the chandlers was never at a risk to put mj in prison. ts knew that and so did garcetti. it was just a smear campaign against mj.
On once again, who is there right mind is going to sue Jordan if he is telling the truth about NOt being molested? I do not think Mike will sue. Will the lawyers or doctor sue? If they do, they will do more damage to their practices than winning some lawsuit and suing a guy who was NOT molested (IF they were to win which is not a guarantee).
i cant believe that. imo theres no way if jc said i want to stand there and say nothing happened then mez would say no. sneddon then turning round and saying well u lied then ure lieing now would do nothing to take away the explosivness of JC finally admitting mj never did anything and would not only discredit prosecution witnesses such as the the neverland ex staff but also his own mother. and would then help to discredit the arvizos and tickle me elmoy.
If Jordan really wanted to clear his thoughts and tell the truth, Jordan can. HE JUST DOES NOT WANT TO. ENd of story. People have risk their lives to tell the truth, who cares about some money that should not have been your in the first place. The worst that can happen is a lawsuit (and if the overall public knows someone put a child up to do this and to actual hear the kid say he was forced to lied, the public will give an outcry so loud that no one may not want to sue. ANd if they sue, they will lose in other ways. Believe me).
terrell u claim to have experience in the law field but it's comments like this that confuse me. speaking to friends is NOT the same as speaking to the media. not in the legal sense.

they will sue and WIN b/c he broke the confd. agreement. who cares if htey can't practice law or lose their med license (katz) they'll have themillions jordan got and then some. they can sue him for upwards of $20M each if they so choose.

so forget their law and med practices...they won't have them. they will lose their licences but live off themoney they win.

let's all not be naive...if mj has spoken to friends about this....well hell, he should go to the media and do the same. if i use the same logic, then it's just the same....

ohhhh but didn't evan chandler sue him for simply saying 'lies, lies, lies, lies....' to diane sawer on ptl? if that's all that takes to have an active lawsuit that takes sev. thousand if not more to combat, imagine a full blown interview about it.

i don't like it when people say things that are p resumptive in nature and say it like it's fact. unless u know criminal and civil law, everything should be 'i think....' b/c ur doing no one any service by having them think nothing will happen if this man comes forward's a lot more than u think.

u had bret, mac, and wade come in as MEN and say mj did nothing and the media didn't report boo. they didn't believe them so don't get on a high horse thinking if jc did the same, everything would be different.

V, honestly, this is a discussion board, if p eople wanna discuss it, let them. if u don't want to dampen ur mood and want to celebrate thelondon stuff and mj coming back, great that's u. some people choose not to forget and want to discuss it. if u don't like it, then don't comment on it. it's that simple

everyone so irritated w/ this thread are doing nothing but consistently bumping it. let sleeping dogs lay if it's all that.

and note...jordan wasn't forced to lie. he signed a piece of paper and read a statement. he didn't go on the stand and lie and he never spoke to ts and co about this so where did he lie? it was the adults that did it for him using his siggy and his voice reading a prepared statement.

mj sold out 50 concerts ( a record for the o2) and in record time and all they're reporting is stupid stuff. u really think they'll do anything positive regarding this man? three men testified he was their friend and did nothing and all they spun it to was that they shared a bed. so don't think that if jc were to come forward, the heaven's would open up and everything will be right again. it doesn't work like that.

the media is not gonna tell on themselves and show how they were actively lying and making this man lookguilty...KNOWINGLY doing it. it'd crap their cred. wishful thinking is all this is.

so long as mez has this stuff locked away, if it ever came up again in court, civil of course, mj has that stuff at the ready.
There may be a Statue of Limitations in place on why Jordon Chandler or Michael Jackson for that fact has never talked about the molestation cases in detail. Maybe time must pass before they can do so. Also if I'm not mistaken, I think there is still time for the Arviso family or Gavin to file a civil suit against Michael. I sure hope it doesn't happen, but no one should be talking now.
u had bret, mac, and wade come in as MEN and say mj did nothing and the media didn't report boo. they didn't believe them so don't get on a high horse thinking if jc did the same, everything would be different.---------------- Yes, it was reported by some during the trial. I do not care if some people do not believe them, the bottom line is that it was said and it does clear the air for anyone to "quote" them. Mac, brett, wade, did help clear up alot of the speculation for those who wanted to know the truth. I am not speaking for idoits who want to know foolness. I gave the same example about Latoya. At one time, some press use to quoute Latoya. After Larry King, no one, WITH SUBSTANCE, quote her no more even Geraldo believed Latoya at one time as well (of course all of that has change). So it does help to great deal. I guess in my position, it is all telling the truth. Again, you are focused on the money part of this, I am speaking on the moral part (so what if someone gets sued, JOrdan LIED). There are plenty of ways that Jordan can get the truth without an interview. SOrry but some things are more important what is legal. Michael went through alot and I cannot stand when people use our system to lie on people like this. Like I said, JOrdon is just as bad as Garvin (to me, that family/trial was more of a joke in the eyes of many people now especially when the mother was arrested for fraud). Many people did not believe Garvin but they still believe Jordan due to his settlement which means he holds the most to clear this mess up at least 90% of it from 1993. ANd lets not forget the strip search where one of investigators said it was a match on NBC and that was not true.
and note...jordan wasn't forced to lie. he signed a piece of paper and read a statement. he didn't go on the stand and lie and he never spoke to ts and co about this so where did he lie? it was the adults that did it for him using his siggy and his voice reading a prepared statement.----------------- It does not matter. Like I said, many folks, with substance, looked as this trial as a joke. Some people still hold beliefs from 1993 due to the settlement. If Jordan is so better than Garvin, why don't Jordan give the money back to Michael? That will speak more volumn than doing anything else (and he would not have to do an interview). But no, JOrdan may not do this because he seem to like what he did to an innocent man.
There may be a Statue of Limitations in place on why Jordon Chandler or Michael Jackson for that fact has never talked about the molestation cases in detail. Maybe time must pass before they can do so. Also if I'm not mistaken, I think there is still time for the Arviso family or Gavin to file a civil suit against Michael. I sure hope it doesn't happen, but no one should be talking now.
That family would be stupid to bring a civil suit. It they were going to do it, it would have been done by now (and remember the mother was arrested for fraud. She does not want all of that to come up again. And Garvin dirt and misdeeds came out in court during the trial). They will leave it alone.