Son went back to emergancy room on Thursday(update pg 6)

Re: Please pray for my son

Guys your prayers are helping so much and it's so over whelming. The Lord has answered all your prayers. My son is doing very well and in good spirits. All tests are showing negative on the blood work, but they are wanting to see about his heart. All other test on the heart have been negative so that is still a good sign. I hope we will find out soon about 1 more test and then maybe he can go home tomorrow. Please continue to pray for more good news.

I just don't know how to thank all the staff and members here in MJJC. You have always been my second family and it is just great to have prayers from all around the world. It is all about L.O.V.E :)
Re: Please pray for my son

I'm so so sorry to hear what you have been through. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping for good recovery. Love you, hon. Be strong.
Re: Please pray for my son

Dororthy,Thank God Your son is doing better and he very soon he will be just great.

I will go on praying for you and your family.

Anything you need,i'm here

Re: Please pray for my son

Gosh I don't know how to start this. :no: My son was out last night watching his favorite thing: wrestling (wwe at come to our town) and my son was so excited about it. I dropped him off and I told him to have fun. Well the next few hrs me thinking he was okay when he truly wasn't. Thankfully a family friend was there and brought him home. My son was complaining of chest pains and so I took him to the ER right away thinking the worst. Praying to the Lord that nothing was wrong with my son and crying at once made me panic even more. The Drs did a bunch of blood work and did a chest x-ray. They started some antibiotics which made him get an allergic reaction so they had to stop that. He had a very high fever and his heart was beating a thousand times faster then normal. We didn't get a room until 5 this morning. Thankfully the chest pain has gone away and the fever went down. The Dr says he might have an infection in his heart which people who have a heart murmur or heart problems can get. They are running more blood work and will do an echo test and a ultra sound of his heart to make extra sure that he is okay. Please my friends pray for my son that everything is okay. I am taking a break from the hospital as I didn't even sleep at all from worrying about him and will come on later to let you know any updates. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers in advance.

My son is in good spirits, he ate a good breakfast, took a shower, and is pain free right now. They just did a cat scan of his heart so I shall ask for your continued prayers. Thanks so much for such an outpouring of your L.O.V.E :)

Oh Dorothy, I'm so sorry. I'm just now seeing your thread.
Reading thru it, I could hardly wait to hear your updates.
Thank goodness for good the news!

He'll continue to get strong and be home soon.

And don't forget to take care of yourself too. You have to....for your son.
Take care my friend. :better: :huggy:
Re: Please pray for my son

My son Michael says thank you for all the prayers and he says that Michael Jackson fans are the best people ever :)
Re: Please pray for my son

Dorothy, I'm so glad your son is getting better and that the tests came back good. I will continue to pray he gets even better.
Re: Please pray for my son

I hope your son is recovering :heart:
Re: Please pray for my son

Dorothy, I'm happy to read that your son is doing so much better! I hope he will continue to feel better and be allowed to go home soon. Make sure you also take care of yourself, okay ?
Re: Please pray for my son

Dorothy,how is "our" Michael today?

When will he return home?

I'll keep praying for him,and for you.
Re: Please pray for my son (Update on pg 5)

My son is HOME!He is in great spirits acting his old self again. The Drs said that they couldn't find anything wrong but need to check his heart in two weeks. I am so glad to be home with my son and everything back to normal. I would like to thank each and every one of you again for your over whelming responses and prayers. Without your prayers my son would have been in a different situation but of course that was not the case. The Lord answer all your prayers.PRAISE THE LORD~:)

Guys your prayers are helping so much and it's so over whelming. The Lord has answered all your prayers. My son is doing very well and in good spirits. All tests are showing negative on the blood work, but they are wanting to see about his heart. All other test on the heart have been negative so that is still a good sign. I hope we will find out soon about 1 more test and then maybe he can go home tomorrow. Please continue to pray for more good news.

I just don't know how to thank all the staff and members here in MJJC. You have always been my second family and it is just great to have prayers from all around the world. It is all about L.O.V.E :)

That's great Dorothy! Keep us up to date...continuing to pray for you and your son...keep the faith!
Re: Please pray for my son (Update on pg 5)

My son is HOME!He is in great spirits acting his old self again. The Drs said that they couldn't find anything wrong but need to check his heart in two weeks. I am so glad to be home with my son and everything back to normal. I would like to thank each and every one of you again for your over whelming responses and prayers. Without your prayers my son would have been in a different situation but of course that was not the case. The Lord answer all your prayers.PRAISE THE LORD~:)

This is good news Dorothy. I'm very glad your son is feeling better. :angel:
Re: Please pray for my son (Update on pg 5)

Yes!Some good news thank God.

Dorothy i am so so happy that your son is home and well.

I hope and pray that he will get 100% soon.

Keep us update on what is going on ok?

Re: Please pray for my son (Update on pg 5)

My son is HOME!He is in great spirits acting his old self again. The Drs said that they couldn't find anything wrong but need to check his heart in two weeks. I am so glad to be home with my son and everything back to normal. I would like to thank each and every one of you again for your over whelming responses and prayers. Without your prayers my son would have been in a different situation but of course that was not the case. The Lord answer all your prayers.PRAISE THE LORD~:)

Dorothy, I'm so glad your son is home. I will continue to pray that he recovers and that they don't find anything wrong with him. I'm so happy for him and for you.
Re: Please pray for my son (Update on pg 5)

My son is HOME!He is in great spirits acting his old self again. The Drs said that they couldn't find anything wrong but need to check his heart in two weeks. I am so glad to be home with my son and everything back to normal. I would like to thank each and every one of you again for your over whelming responses and prayers. Without your prayers my son would have been in a different situation but of course that was not the case. The Lord answer all your prayers.PRAISE THE LORD~:)

I am so glad to hear that :clapping: I hope your son stays healthy and doesn't scare you like that any more!!
Re: Please pray for my son (Update on pg 5)

My son is HOME!He is in great spirits acting his old self again. The Drs said that they couldn't find anything wrong but need to check his heart in two weeks. I am so glad to be home with my son and everything back to normal. I would like to thank each and every one of you again for your over whelming responses and prayers. Without your prayers my son would have been in a different situation but of course that was not the case. The Lord answer all your prayers.PRAISE THE LORD~:)

Really glad to hear that your son is back home, Dorothy. :angel:
Re: Please pray for my son (Update on pg 5)

Great to hear your son is ok Dorothy Marie :)
Re: Please pray for my son (Update on pg 5)

So glad to hear he's back home! I really hope all the tests come back ok. :hug: Much love to you both.
Re: Please pray for my son (Update on pg 5)

Gosh I don't know how to start this. :no: My son was out last night watching his favorite thing: wrestling (wwe at come to our town) and my son was so excited about it. I dropped him off and I told him to have fun. Well the next few hrs me thinking he was okay when he truly wasn't. Thankfully a family friend was there and brought him home. My son was complaining of chest pains and so I took him to the ER right away thinking the worst. Praying to the Lord that nothing was wrong with my son and crying at once made me panic even more. The Drs did a bunch of blood work and did a chest x-ray. They started some antibiotics which made him get an allergic reaction so they had to stop that. He had a very high fever and his heart was beating a thousand times faster then normal. We didn't get a room until 5 this morning. Thankfully the chest pain has gone away and the fever went down. The Dr says he might have an infection in his heart which people who have a heart murmur or heart problems can get. They are running more blood work and will do an echo test and a ultra sound of his heart to make extra sure that he is okay. Please my friends pray for my son that everything is okay. I am taking a break from the hospital as I didn't even sleep at all from worrying about him and will come on later to let you know any updates. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers in advance.

My son is HOME!He is in great spirits acting his old self again. The Drs said that they couldn't find anything wrong but need to check his heart in two weeks. I am so glad to be home with my son and everything back to normal. I would like to thank each and every one of you again for your over whelming responses and prayers. Without your prayers my son would have been in a different situation but of course that was not the case. The Lord answer all your prayers.PRAISE THE LORD~:)

oh so sorry to hear what happened to your son I am so very glad that he is better now I hope he continues to recover well & nothing bad like that happens again & that nothing bad is found ever

My thoughts & best wishes with you & your son

(((hugs))) chantelle
Re: Please pray for my son (Update on pg 5)

That's great news! Glad to hear that your son is doing much better!
Re: Son went back to emergancy room on Thursday(update pg 5)

Yesterday my son went back to the emergancy room because he was feeling bad again. He had a pain from his right arm all the way to his right side of the chest. He was at school when this happened and I was at work. He called me and I ran out of the building telling everyone I had to go because I had to take my son back to the emergancy room. I took him to the emergancy room and they took a chest xray,bloodwork, and ekg. A few hours later they came back and said they couldn't find anything wrong that his tests were all negative so they released him. He wasn't in severe pain like the first time and was doing good just the pain was kind of bothering him. I was panicking when he told me but thank God he is okay. I am just going to keep an eye on him really well and make sure he is eating healthy. Just keep praying for him that he will be okay. Thank you my friends.
Re: Son went back to emergancy room on Thursday(update pg 5)

Dorothy :hug: Sorry to hear about your son once again :( Hopefully he starts feeling his normal self again soon :(
Re: Son went back to emergancy room on Thursday(update pg 5)

Yesterday my son went back to the emergancy room because he was feeling bad again. He had a pain from his right arm all the way to his right side of the chest. He was at school when this happened and I was at work. He called me and I ran out of the building telling everyone I had to go because I had to take my son back to the emergancy room. I took him to the emergancy room and they took a chest xray,bloodwork, and ekg. A few hours later they came back and said they couldn't find anything wrong that his tests were all negative so they released him. He wasn't in severe pain like the first time and was doing good just the pain was kind of bothering him. I was panicking when he told me but thank God he is okay. I am just going to keep an eye on him really well and make sure he is eating healthy. Just keep praying for him that he will be okay. Thank you my friends.

........Well wishes for your'e son!:yes::better::yes: