Son went back to emergancy room on Thursday(update pg 6)

Re: Please pray for my son

Oh no. I hope he stays in good health. Many prayers :pray:
Re: Please pray for my son

This is my very first post on this forum and sorry it has to be under these circumstance, I am praying for both you and your son and his speedy recovery. God Bless you both.
Re: Please pray for my son

Oh no!!!

I am so sorry to hear this, just pray and be strong for him
let him know why he needs to get through this!!!
Re: Please pray for my son

Please keep us updated about this. I hope everything turns out okay.
Re: Please pray for my son

Dorothy I hope your son will feel much better soon! That must have been such a scare for you, I can only imagine! You are both in my thoughts and prayers!
Re: Please pray for my son

Please keep us updated about this. I hope everything turns out okay.

I shall keep you updated for sure. The Drs came in and said that he seems to be doing better but are going to run more bloodwork to find out excatly what was causing the infection. They will also do an ultra sound of his heart. Thank you once again for your outpouring of prayers and positive energy. It really is helping as God works in mysterious ways. I cannot thank you enough.
Re: Please pray for my son

Thinking of you and your son, hoping everything is okay xx
Re: Please pray for my son

*hugs* i'll pray for you and your son.:angel:
hope everything will be okay soon
Re: Please pray for my son

Dorothy my sweetie,i just read this and i am schoked and speachless my deear friend.

Please know that you and your son are in my prayers,and that i am 24/7 availabe to listen if you need to talk no matter what time.

God Bless you and your children my friend.HUGS
Re: Please pray for my son

I'll definitely keep him in my thoughts. Take care of yourselves!
Re: Please pray for my son

Gosh I don't know how to start this. :no: My son was out last night watching his favorite thing: wrestling (wwe at come to our town) and my son was so excited about it. I dropped him off and I told him to have fun. Well the next few hrs me thinking he was okay when he truly wasn't. Thankfully a family friend was there and brought him home. My son was complaining of chest pains and so I took him to the ER right away thinking the worst. Praying to the Lord that nothing was wrong with my son and crying at once made me panic even more. The Drs did a bunch of blood work and did a chest x-ray. They started some antibiotics which made him get an allergic reaction so they had to stop that. He had a very high fever and his heart was beating a thousand times faster then normal. We didn't get a room until 5 this morning. Thankfully the chest pain has gone away and the fever went down. The Dr says he might have an infection in his heart which people who have a heart murmur or heart problems can get. They are running more blood work and will do an echo test and a ultra sound of his heart to make extra sure that he is okay. Please my friends pray for my son that everything is okay. I am taking a break from the hospital as I didn't even sleep at all from worrying about him and will come on later to let you know any updates. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers in advance.

Im so sorry that has happened to your son, hes in prayers :hug:
Re: Please pray for my son

This must be such a worry for you Dorothy and I will pray that your son will get all the treatment he needs in order to be well again.:better:
I also hope that you get some rest and please do let us know how he gets on with the tests.
Love to you and your lad.:yes::wub:
Re: Please pray for my son

Gosh I don't know how to start this. :no: My son was out last night watching his favorite thing: wrestling (wwe at come to our town) and my son was so excited about it. I dropped him off and I told him to have fun. Well the next few hrs me thinking he was okay when he truly wasn't. Thankfully a family friend was there and brought him home. My son was complaining of chest pains and so I took him to the ER right away thinking the worst. Praying to the Lord that nothing was wrong with my son and crying at once made me panic even more. The Drs did a bunch of blood work and did a chest x-ray. They started some antibiotics which made him get an allergic reaction so they had to stop that. He had a very high fever and his heart was beating a thousand times faster then normal. We didn't get a room until 5 this morning. Thankfully the chest pain has gone away and the fever went down. The Dr says he might have an infection in his heart which people who have a heart murmur or heart problems can get. They are running more blood work and will do an echo test and a ultra sound of his heart to make extra sure that he is okay. Please my friends pray for my son that everything is okay. I am taking a break from the hospital as I didn't even sleep at all from worrying about him and will come on later to let you know any updates. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers in advance.

Dorothy Marie - you have my prayers. Please keep us updated about his condition.
Re: Please pray for my son

I'm so sorry to hear this Dorothy. I will be praying for your son and you.
Re: Please pray for my son

My prayers are with you and your son Dorothy.Shame that such a happy event was ruined.Keep us updated here and in chat.God bless you both.
Re: Please pray for my son

im so sorry to hear that sweety! I hope he gets better and perfect soon!! God Bless Him! :hug:
Re: Please pray for my son

I'm really sorry that happened to your son. :( I will be praying for him!