Son went back to emergancy room on Thursday(update pg 6)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Gosh I don't know how to start this. :no: My son was out last night watching his favorite thing: wrestling (wwe at come to our town) and my son was so excited about it. I dropped him off and I told him to have fun. Well the next few hrs me thinking he was okay when he truly wasn't. Thankfully a family friend was there and brought him home. My son was complaining of chest pains and so I took him to the ER right away thinking the worst. Praying to the Lord that nothing was wrong with my son and crying at once made me panic even more. The Drs did a bunch of blood work and did a chest x-ray. They started some antibiotics which made him get an allergic reaction so they had to stop that. He had a very high fever and his heart was beating a thousand times faster then normal. We didn't get a room until 5 this morning. Thankfully the chest pain has gone away and the fever went down. The Dr says he might have an infection in his heart which people who have a heart murmur or heart problems can get. They are running more blood work and will do an echo test and a ultra sound of his heart to make extra sure that he is okay. Please my friends pray for my son that everything is okay. I am taking a break from the hospital as I didn't even sleep at all from worrying about him and will come on later to let you know any updates. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers in advance.
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Re: Please pray for my son

Oh Dorothy that is terrible! :weeping: I will be thinking of you and your son, I hope he gets better! :angel:
Re: Please pray for my son

Thank you so much guys as it means the world to me. Gotta go get some sleep. I hope to bring some good news later on today. :better:
Re: Please pray for my son

Dorothy, you and your family are in my thoughts. Take care! :hug:

Re: Please pray for my son

Your son is in my prayers Dorothy :hug: Hope everything is ok.
Re: Please pray for my son

Your son and you are in my thoughts. I hope he will get well soon!!!
Re: Please pray for my son

Dorothy, thats so awful...I hope he turns out to be fine...I'll say a prayer
Re: Please pray for my son

Oh gosh, that's horrible! :no: I truly hope everything is ok and that your son is well. I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

I'm sure he'll be ok. :hug:
Re: Please pray for my son

Sending you and your son all my love Dorothy, i hope he will be ok and back home with you very soon. :heart::hug:
Re: Please pray for my son

Dorothy I am sorry to hear abut your son..I will pray for him...:hug:
Re: Please pray for my son

Best wishes for your son and family.

Really sucks it had to happen during the show. It's probably the most insignificant part of your story in the grand scheme, but as a wrestling fan myself I know how exciting it is to get to go to a show. I'm sure there'll be many more in the future :).
Re: Please pray for my son

Dorothy I am so so sorry to hear this. :( You and your son and family are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending so much love and strength your way, I'm thinking of you xxx
Re: Please pray for my son

That sounds awful, Dorothy. :( I hope he'll be ok and both of you and your family are in my thoughts. :better:
Re: Please pray for my son

I will pray that it is nothing serious. Stay strong! :angel:
Re: Please pray for my son

sending my prayers too .
Re: Please pray for my son

I will pray for him ..Sending LOVE and strength to you :angel: :heart: .. Hold on there, be strong :heart: L.O.V.E
Re: Please pray for my son

My son is in good spirits, he ate a good breakfast, took a shower, and is pain free right now. They just did a cat scan of his heart so I shall ask for your continued prayers. Thanks so much for such an outpouring of your L.O.V.E :)
Re: Please pray for my son

My thoughts are with you and your son, sending love your way! :heart:
Re: Please pray for my son

My thoughts, Prayers and love are with you. I hope all is ok. :hug: :praying
Re: Please pray for my son

I will pray for your son and your family. Sending all my love and good energy :angel: Stay strong :heart: