Should Janet Jackson Be Inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame?

Should JJ be inducted into the R&R Hall of Fame?

  • Yes, She absolutley deserves it!

    Votes: 33 61.1%
  • No, She hasn't earned it!

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • IDK, I'm on the fence!

    Votes: 12 22.2%

  • Total voters
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Having connections in the industry will only get you so far. You can have all the connections you want, but if you're delivering Britney Spears post-2006, you'll be dropped rather quickly. John McClain took note of Janet's story saying she wanted a change and do something on her own. That's when HE recommend Jimmy and Terry to Janet. At that time they were UP AND COMING producers of the 80s. I mean, did PRINCE really need them? A musical genius more talented than anyone in the Jackson family.

In any event, Janet got where she is because of her. The connections only went so far, and that was evident before Control came out. After that it was all up to her, and her talents. Janet is by far a more well-rounded talent than any of the Jacksons. Musically, who is the most talented is all subjective, but her catalog is definitely more diverse than them all. And it's a fact that Janet can and will act circles around all 8 of her siblings.

The reason why Janet worked and her siblings didn't is because she was putting out something that had never come from the Jacksons. No one was being sassy and bitchy like Janet on "What Have You Done....". None of them had that poise and vulnerability that Janet had. That's why she worked. She was different, she was fresh, she stood out from her peers, and this was noted at MTV Icon.

And if you're still on the fence, plz read:

YES!!!!!!! :wub:

and I would like to add that I'm not being biased when I say this but Janet's def. far more artistic then the rest of her siblings.
Untouchable to him. Others have surpassed his talents.

Of course that your "objective" opinion. Michaels talent is untouchable, period.

Having connections in the industry will only get you so far. You can have all the connections you want, but if you're delivering Britney Spears post-2006, you'll be dropped rather quickly. John McClain took note of Janet's story saying she wanted a change and do something on her own. That's when HE recommend Jimmy and Terry to Janet. At that time they were UP AND COMING producers of the 80s. I mean, did PRINCE really need them? A musical genius more talented than anyone in the Jackson family.

In any event, Janet got where she is because of her. The connections only went so far, and that was evident before Control came out. After that it was all up to her, and her talents. Janet is by far a more well-rounded talent than any of the Jacksons. Musically, who is the most talented is all subjective, but her catalog is definitely more diverse than them all. And it's a fact that Janet can and will act circles around all 8 of her siblings.

The reason why Janet worked and her siblings didn't is because she was putting out something that had never come from the Jacksons. No one was being sassy and bitchy like Janet on "What Have You Done....". None of them had that poise and vulnerability that Janet had. That's why she worked. She was different, she was fresh, she stood out from her peers, and this was noted at MTV Icon.

And if you're still on the fence, plz read:

You are absolutley RIGHT connections can only get you so far...They open doors, they get you that "Hot" producer, They get you that "life-changing" audition but after that it is up to that artist. This is what has been stated already in this thread and is what I and many others have argued. You just stated exactly what I've said...that Janet Jackson got her foot in the door through her CONNECTIONS. I went on to say that it was her determination, ambition, and talent that got her to where she is today. For some reason, her die-hards want to act like she did it all herself, including getting that foot in... SHE DID NOT. that is fact.

Now... I would love for you to PLEASE educate me on just HOW Janet is "by far a more well-rounded talent than any of the Jacksons"??? and please keep YOUR opinion out of it.. because Im sure you included Mike in this assessment.

ALSO Please tell me HOW her "catalog is definitely more diverse than them all" as well.

And lastly where did you come up with this "fact" that Janet "Can and will act circles around all 8 of her siblings". Because I have seen Her act in...Poetic Justice, The Nutty Proffesor 2, and Why did I Get Married and she was nothing special.

And what exactly did you mean by saying Michael's talent is only "untouchable to him"? and that "others have surprassed him"???
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YES!!!!!!! :wub:

and I would like to add that I'm not being biased when I say this but Janet's def. far more artistic then the rest of her siblings.

I can agree with that up to a certain degree.....and I say that, having been a fan of the Jacksons for over 15 years.
You are absolutley RIGHT connections can only get you so far...They open doors, they get you that "Hot" producer, They get you that "life-changing" audition but after that it is up to that artist. This is what has been stated already in this thread and is what I and many others have argued. You just stated exactly what I've said...that Janet Jackson got her foot in the door through her CONNECTIONS. I went on to say that it was her determination, ambition, and talent that got her to where she is today. For some reason, her die-hards want to act like she did it all herself, including getting that foot in... SHE DID NOT. that is fact.

Now... I would love for you to PLEASE educate me on just HOW Janet is "by far a more well-rounded talent than any of the Jacksons"??? and please keep YOUR opinion out of it.. because Im sure you included Mike in this assessment.

ALSO Please tell me HOW her "catalog is definitely more diverse than them all" as well.

And lastly where did you come up with this "fact" that Janet "Can and will act circles around all 8 of her siblings". Because I have seen Her act in...Poetic Justice, The Nutty Proffesor 2, and Why did I Get Married and she was nothing special.

And what exactly did you mean by saying Michael's talent is only "untouchable to him"? and that "others have surprassed him"???

Honestly, If Joe didn't step in and dictate all of the Jackson's in the beginning of their careers they would be nowhere. MJ didn't get to where he was by himself. The same can be said for Janet. She got that contract because John McClain signed her in 1982. Yes, she didn't go through an audition and she has admitted several times. What I don't understand is why people hold that piece of information and automatically assume Janet got by her last name. If she didn't take control of her decisions she would probably be where Latoya is right now. But even with her debut she was making hits then her other siblings (excluding MJ). So there must be something about her that the public loved. Don't ya think? and I agree with MJ1814 when he or she said that Janet is well-rounded talent then her other siblings. She ventured out of her shell and explored different sounds and sung on different topics. Her other siblings didn't this. Her peers around her didn't either. That also includes how diverse she is. After all, she remains the only artist in Billboard history to hit no.1 on the Dance, Pop, Rock, Rap, R&B, Adult Contemporary and Top 40 charts and she's also the first and only artist to be nominated in pop, rock, rap, R&B, and dance at the Grammys. Janet also acts so that's a plus. Her other siblings acting was mediocre to nothing. From the WDIGM2 trailer you might get a chance to see Janet's acting as more then "nothing special".
this is not a thread about comparing Michael to Janet. it's about why or why she is not hall of fame material, and it's a subjective thread.

but..this is primarily a Michael Jackson board, with Janet Jackson fans on it. and, somehow, trying to take away from Michael, on a board full of his fans...well.. they are his fans, for a reason. comment.
You are absolutley RIGHT connections can only get you so far...They open doors, they get you that "Hot" producer, They get you that "life-changing" audition but after that it is up to that artist. This is what has been stated already in this thread and is what I and many others have argued. You just stated exactly what I've said...that Janet Jackson got her foot in the door through her CONNECTIONS. I went on to say that it was her determination, ambition, and talent that got her to where she is today. For some reason, her die-hards want to act like she did it all herself, including getting that foot in... SHE DID NOT. that is fact.

I wouldn't call "up and coming" [Jimmy and Terry] producers "hot". They didn't "get hot" until after the success of Control. And to be specific, it was really just the last name that helped....connections goes without saying as networking is the backbone of the business world. And true "die-hard" fans like myself know that Janet has stated that her last name has helped, and has hurt as stated in various interviews from the RN1814 and Janet. eras.

Now... I would love for you to PLEASE educate me on just HOW Janet is "by far a more well-rounded talent than any of the Jacksons"??? and please keep YOUR opinion out of it.. because Im sure you included Mike in this assessment.

Janet is a more well-rounded talent...she's the only one who can act, sing, and dance, with skill. The first triple threat in entertainment. The other family members can only do two of the three. And if you're LaToya, none of the three.

ALSO Please tell me HOW her "catalog is definitely more diverse than them all" as well.

Plz tell me what other Jackson can go from a song like "Rhythm Nation" to a song like "Any Time, Any Place"? Janet has DEFINITELY talked about more topix than her siblings.

And lastly where did you come up with this "fact" that Janet "Can and will act circles around all 8 of her siblings". Because I have seen Her act in...Poetic Justice, The Nutty Proffesor 2, and Why did I Get Married and she was nothing special.

It is a fact that Janet can and will act circles around her siblings. It's unfortunate that you feel indifferent about her acting, but it's reality. The MTV Movie Awards, and the NAACP Image Awards with both co-sign with me on this topic. And I'm almost certain their opinion(s) are valued moreso than yours.

And what exactly did you mean by saying Michael's talent is only "untouchable to him"? and that "others have surprassed him"???

His talents are untouchable on HIS level. There are ppl who are more talented than Mike. That's all.
After all, she remains the only artist in Billboard history to hit no.1 on the Dance, Pop, Rock, Rap, R&B, Adult Contemporary and Top 40 charts and she's also the first and only artist to be nominated in pop, rock, rap, R&B, and dance at the Grammys.

According to the press release and Harpers, she's hit #1 on every chart except Latin.:punk:
I wouldn't call "up and coming" [Jimmy and Terry] producers "hot". They didn't "get hot" until after the success of Control. And to be specific, it was really just the last name that helped....connections goes without saying as networking is the backbone of the business world. And true "die-hard" fans like myself know that Janet has stated that her last name has helped, and has hurt as stated in various interviews from the RN1814 and Janet. eras.

Janet is a more well-rounded talent...she's the only one who can act, sing, and dance, with skill. The first triple threat in entertainment. The other family members can only do two of the three. And if you're LaToya, none of the three.

Plz tell me what other Jackson can go from a song like "Rhythm Nation" to a song like "Any Time, Any Place"? Janet has DEFINITELY talked about more topix than her siblings.

It is a fact that Janet can and will act circles around her siblings. It's unfortunate that you feel indifferent about her acting, but it's reality. The MTV Movie Awards, and the NAACP Image Awards with both co-sign with me on this topic. And I'm almost certain their opinion(s) are valued moreso than yours.

His talents are untouchable on HIS level. There are ppl who are more talented than Mike. That's all.

how is someone more talented than Michael, when he is the best selling artist of all time? how in the world do you define talent? maybe you should make a seperate thread on that. the greatest laughable mystery in the world, is when people try to downplay Michael, while spending time on a board that is dedicated to him.
how is someone more talented than Michael, when he is the best selling artist of all time? how in the world do you define talent? maybe you should make a seperate thread on that.

How in the world do you equate talent to album sales?
How in the world do you equate talent to album sales?'s kinda like this..

if you are able to make people make the hard effort, with their hard earned money, which they are hard pressed to give away on expensive cds, throw their money on the table to pick up an expensive MUST have SUPERIOR talent. and if you are able to do it with the MOST MUST have the MOST exquisite talent.'s kinda like this..

if you are able to make people make the hard effort, with their hard earned money, which they are hard pressed to give away on expensive cds, throw their money on the table to pick up an expensive MUST have SUPERIOR talent.

So this is your logic:

Talent = album sales

No talent = no album sales

So that means:

Mike = album sales

Britney Spears (post 2006) = no album sales

Ppl who have talent sell....ppl who don't have talent don't sell. Is this what you're saying?
So this is your logic:

Talent = album sales

No talent = no album sales

So that means:

Mike = album sales

Britney Spears (post 2006) = no album sales

Ppl who have talent sell....ppl who don't have talent don't sell. Is this what you're saying?

what are you saying..Britney Spears sold NOTHING past 2006?

and..what i am saying is..the one who sold the MOST. not jus sold. but sold the MOST.

there are people out there who will buy what radio tells them to buy.

and there are people who are afraid to part with their money.

Michael was able..and is still able to get the people who won't part with their money, and are afraid to go outside to a record store, to part with their money, and go outside to a record store. and that is the difference. and that takes TALENT of a special breed.
how is someone more talented than Michael, when he is the best selling artist of all time? how in the world do you define talent? maybe you should make a seperate thread on that. the greatest laughable mystery in the world, is when people try to downplay Michael, while spending time on a board that is dedicated to him.

How do you equate sales to talent? How's that possible?

The ABILITY one posses in a talent is all a matter of opinion. We would be going in circles saying who's the better dancer, singer, writer, etc. Tell me what could MJ do that Janet couldn't?

No one's downplaying MJ! If anything people are overplaying MJ. The reason for my response is because of other people downplaying Janet, not MJ.
what are you saying..Britney Spears sold NOTHING past 2006?

and..what i am saying is..the one who sold the MOST. not jus sold. but sold the MOST.

there are people out there who will buy what radio tells them to buy.

and there are people who are afraid to part with their money.

Michael was able..and is still able to get the people who won't part with their money, and are afraid to go outside to a record store, to part with their money, and go outside to a record store. and that is the difference. and that takes TALENT of a special breed.

Your logic is failing you sir.

You're equating talent to sales. So you're saying because Mike sold the most, he's the most talented person on Earth? The more you sell, the more talented you are? What kind of logic is that? :mello:
Well 10 million records begs to differ.

So what about the ppl who aren't selling...does that mean they aren't talented?

the talent that is being discussed here, that matters(yeah..i said it) gets people to do what they would not do. part with their money and go out to a record store.

remember..i said the MOST people.

that means...MJ got people who would NEVER dream of going out and buying a cd, to go out and buy one.

and guess what...when the media sought to destroy MJ sales...they did not.

you tell me an artist who was able to accomplish that at THAT THAT extent, other than MJ. he should get hall status just for that. and, he started the pop star superbowl halftime shows. everybody wanted to do it, after that. MJ=money, even in the midst of him being hated. and to the illest extent. more than anyone in history. that is saying something.
the talent that is being discussed here, that matters(yeah..i said it) gets people to do what they would not do. part with their money and go out to a record store.

remember..i said the MOST people.

that means...MJ got people who would NEVER dream of going out and buying a cd, to go out and buy one.

and guess what...when the media sought to destroy MJ sales...they did not.

you tell me an artist who was able to accomplish that at THAT THAT extent, other than MJ.

Robert Sylvester Kelly
the talent that is being discussed here, that matters(yeah..i said it) gets people to do what they would not do. part with their money and go out to a record store.

remember..i said the MOST people.

that means...MJ got people who would NEVER dream of going out and buying a cd, to go out and buy one.

and guess what...when the media sought to destroy MJ sales...they did not.

you tell me an artist who was able to accomplish that at THAT THAT extent, other than MJ. he should get hall status just for that. and, he started the pop star superbowl halftime shows. everybody wanted to do it, after that. MJ=money, even in the midst of him being hated. and to the illest extent. more than anyone in history. that is saying something.

Sir, that is applicable to nearly every artist that has ever released an album. :mellow:
sorry to call you wrong..but R Kelly was NOT hated by radio. he got the same amount of hate as Chris Brown..but NOT by radio. i listen to radio. i know.

MJ got RADIO hate.

When did radio come into discussion? :mello:
I was referring to the whole thing. That entire post is applicable to nearly every artist...esp the best selling artists.

how? that MJ started the superbowl thing because CBS knew that he was the biggest, even when they hated him?

how are all these artists the number 1 best seller, when there only can be one? he's in the guinesss book.
when does anything come into discussion when you are calling a debate on behalf of an artist? all the time.

That didn't make any sense.

FYI- I didn't call for this debate. Someone else started it and I'm just giving my 2 cents.
That didn't make any sense.

FYI- I didn't call for this debate. Someone else started it and I'm just giving my 2 cents.

it makes plenty of sense.

what doesn't make sense is calling on who started a debate, when you get involved. the only way to end it is to not participate.
how? that MJ started the superbowl thing because CBS knew that he was the biggest, even when they hated him?

how are all these artists the number 1 best seller, when there only can be one? he's in the guinesss book.

It is applicable to every artist. I never thought I'd sit on a bus for 4 1/2 hours from DC to NY, and wait in line for a total of 12 hours to attend Janet's album signing in 2008. That's what I'm talking about. It's applicable to every artist. I'm sure fans of Mike, Whitney, Madonna, Janet, etc all have similar stories.
It is applicable to every artist. I never thought I'd sit on a bus for 4 1/2 hours from DC to NY, and wait in line for a total of 12 hours to attend Janet's album signing in 2008. That's what I'm talking about. It's applicable to every artist. I'm sure fans of Mike, Whitney, Madonna, Janet, etc all have similar stories.

again..not to the extent of Michael. again..i'm talking guiness book.

Why are you red herring?

you gotta be clear. you're not making yourself clear. how am i a red herring?
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