Should Janet Jackson Be Inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame?

Should JJ be inducted into the R&R Hall of Fame?

  • Yes, She absolutley deserves it!

    Votes: 33 61.1%
  • No, She hasn't earned it!

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • IDK, I'm on the fence!

    Votes: 12 22.2%

  • Total voters
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I'm curious as to why you don't think Janet nor Madonna are legends
I agree.
agreed that Janet has been influential (not sure I'd go as far as to say she's very talented though, not as far as singing and songwriting goes, performance-wise, sure), but as for what is written in bold, go away and listen to the Ray of Light album.

of course that is what I meant... JUST AS a performer you just supported why Janet should not be inducted and the SAME goes for Madonna (Madonna does not write, produce, play instruments and she can not sing EITHER so to sit here and compare Janet and Madonna is ridiculous because there on the same level) but Janet is a much better performer than Madonna.

I feel the same way. I don't consider Janet or Madonna legends, never have, never will. They are icons, period. Despite that I do feel that if Madonna could get in so can Janet. I do feel that Madonna deserved to be inducted solely due to her impact on pop culture and the success she's had. I also think Janet deserves to get in. I do feel she has been innovative in some ways and influential. So yeah, if Madonna could be inducted, why can't Janet? Madonna's had more of an impact worldwide and has been more influential overall I think, but Janet's impact shouldn't be downplayed either. She should get in.

I wouldn't have a problem with Janet being inducted.

LOL Let me just say this.... ONLY and only because Madonna has got in the rock hall of fame then I would say Janet should have the same opportunity but if that happens that will open the door for alot of mediocre artists who do not deserve to be in. I honestly would much rather prefer Janet over Madonna but realistically speaking there both the same.. Janet's impact is not downplayed but Rock Hall of fame is far to honorable for her when she is not deserving... There is much more to an artist than impact and influence. I just sit here and think about OTHER more deserving artists who had much of impact on music then Janet or Madonna who have yet to be nominated (artists who have in fact influenced Madonna and Janet themselves), thats what makes it unfair but since when is hollywood fair?

Oh brother. Here we go. :smilerolleyes:

Madonna very much deserved it whether you like her or not. I will not go in to that because it's simply foolish to argue. With all the acts pointed out to have been inducted over others why would you object to Madonna? She's influenced countless artists the world over both with her image, videos and indeed music (she has written and produced pop classics).

I'm beginning to love it when people start to trash talking Madonna. The agenda is obvious to everyone and most just ignore it (which is what I think I will start to do too). Just goes to show how influential Madonna really is. If she wasn't, then the select few wouldn't ALWAYS chime in with their anti-Madonna rigmarole.

I'm on the fence with Janet but I don't think it would hurt anything for her to get a nomination and even be inducted. She's certainly a pop icon, so why not?

I'm sorry to bust your fanatical bubble but Madonna is not and I honestly feel its ridiculous the Hall of Fame inducted her in when there are plenty of other artists who had much more impact than Madonna. There is nothing legendary about Madonna OR her music OR her talent. Madonna has poor vocals. She doesnt write any of her music, or play instruments or has arranged anything... so what makes Madonna legendary??? nothing.. and people will say image but image has nothing to do with music which is why Madonna has stayed relevant which suprisely has nothing to do with the music she makes or should I say her producers make. I have nothing against Madonna in fact I find alot of her early music "catchy" even though I dont take it seriously or would as go as far and call it classics. I never trash talked Madonna lol trashing talking would have been if I had called her out her name and was just straight up dissing her which I wasnt. Madonna is overrated point blank and you can like her if u want nobody is not stopping you but you can not change the reality of what certain things are.
I can't believe there is even a question about whether or not Janet deserves to be inducted into the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame. She has been a musical artist since 1984. She's had more than 5 #1 albums and several number hits and music videos. She has sold more than 100 million albums worldwide. As for those who don't think she is up to par, I suggest you go back and listen to her albums again. Yes, to AGB, she is a global icon!!! Of course, there is no other artist that comes close to the phenomenon of Michael Jackson period! She is a kind and giving human being and has fully earned her own. She is the ONLY Jackson to also have a successful acting career and to have been nominated for an Oscar. I'm tired of people putting Janet down as if she is nothing. She is the only Jackson to hold her own against her brother. She's done pretty darn well for herself too!
I'm on the fence here.....

Hmmm.... Janet has certainly done well as a solo artist.

She made pop classics & awesome music videos...

I think she does deserve it. I mean, she's been in the business since she was a kid... She knows how to entertain and she influenced a lot of the female pop artist today.

But, I don't think she is as innovative as Michael nor is she as musically talented as him... (runs)
I don't know why some of you ppl like to try and downplay Janet and Madonna just because they aren't on Mike's level per se. Like it or not, both Janet and Madonna are legends like it or not. The WMAs says they are. The BMAs says they are. The AMAs says they are. And I'm pretty sure their opinions are valued more than your worthless MJJC posts.

In any event, Janet and Madonna are arguably the two most influential females of the past 30 years. The doors they have broken for these artists to do what they do now is because of them. You've got Madonna pushing the envelope and taking notice of the importance of an image. In addition to that, you've got the both of them changing their image and persona album to album. And then you've got Janet breaking doors for black women in the industry. The Janet. album was critical for black women and it opened the door for ppl like Ciara, Aaliyah, Beyonce, and many other black females to get on stage and be sexy.

Janet and Madonna's videos are only second to Mike's. They have all been consistent with their videos and Madonna and Janet are the blue print for the videos we have today. Also their music. Part of the reason why pop sounds the way it does is because of them two. The catchy hooks, the song structures, thematics and threatrics in their music. Look at "Rhythm Nation" and "Express Yourself". Combining dance music with a message...and we've seen that with MANY videos who have followed thereafter. And you've got Janet influencing R&B. And the dance genre goes without saying as they're the leading females in that genre.

Both of them are global icons like it or not. How the hell can you live in the USA and determine how big an artist is in another country? Madonna and Janet have both sold more albums and singles outside of the US than they've sold in the US. That alone should tell you they are global.

It's beyond irritating when ppl try and downplay Janet and Madonna's accomplishments and impact like it's not shit. Like it or not, Mike even took pointers from Janet. Dangerous is pretty much RN1814 Part II when you really listen to it. Even after Control and Like A Virgin, Mike's music became more socially conscious and began to incorporate themes and messages.

In conclusion, Janet does deserve to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and when she gets induct I'm sure you'll be picking up your faces or pounding your keyboards because you're furious that she got in. You'll live. Madonna deserves to be in there as well. She is the biggest female icon of all time like it or not. Her impact is apparent as is Janet. Their records haven't been broken. The are among the best selling artists of all time. They have had an impact. Like it or not. Your opinion doesn't matter.

Get the point? Good. Let's vogue.
not saying i dont think Janet or Madonna or legends are icons and im not against Janet being inducted just NOT NOW...hell when mike got inducted i was like ALREADY!?!?! lol just so young. so amazing talented..both of them...i dont know either way Janet is BY FAR the BADDEST BITCH and i dare anyone to tell me she aint :)
I don't know why some of you ppl like to try and downplay Janet and Madonna just because they aren't on Mike's level per se. Like it or not, both Janet and Madonna are legends like it or not. The WMAs says they are. The BMAs says they are. The AMAs says they are. And I'm pretty sure their opinions are valued more than your worthless MJJC posts.

In any event, Janet and Madonna are arguably the two most influential females of the past 30 years. The doors they have broken for these artists to do what they do now is because of them. You've got Madonna pushing the envelope and taking notice of the importance of an image. In addition to that, you've got the both of them changing their image and persona album to album. And then you've got Janet breaking doors for black women in the industry. The Janet. album was critical for black women and it opened the door for ppl like Ciara, Aaliyah, Beyonce, and many other black females to get on stage and be sexy.

Janet and Madonna's videos are only second to Mike's. They have all been consistent with their videos and Madonna and Janet are the blue print for the videos we have today. Also their music. Part of the reason why pop sounds the way it does is because of them two. The catchy hooks, the song structures, thematics and threatrics in their music. Look at "Rhythm Nation" and "Express Yourself". Combining dance music with a message...and we've seen that with MANY videos who have followed thereafter. And you've got Janet influencing R&B. And the dance genre goes without saying as they're the leading females in that genre.

Both of them are global icons like it or not. How the hell can you live in the USA and determine how big an artist is in another country? Madonna and Janet have both sold more albums and singles outside of the US than they've sold in the US. That alone should tell you they are global.

It's beyond irritating when ppl try and downplay Janet and Madonna's accomplishments and impact like it's not shit. Like it or not, Mike even took pointers from Janet. Dangerous is pretty much RN1814 Part II when you really listen to it. Even after Control and Like A Virgin, Mike's music became more socially conscious and began to incorporate themes and messages.

In conclusion, Janet does deserve to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and when she gets induct I'm sure you'll be picking up your faces or pounding your keyboards because you're furious that she got in. You'll live. Madonna deserves to be in there as well. She is the biggest female icon of all time like it or not. Her impact is apparent as is Janet. Their records haven't been broken. The are among the best selling artists of all time. They have had an impact. Like it or not. Your opinion doesn't matter.

Get the point? Good. Let's vogue.

Bravo! Brilliant post. For once, I agree with everything you had to say. Whodathunkit? :p

P.S. My "fanatical" bubble hasn't been broken nor does it need to be since my fandom has no relevance to the subject at hand. I didn't say anything that wasn't true. I didn't base anything on personal opinion. I based it on fact. As for Madonna not being a legend/icon and that she hasn't written or produced any of her music... you need to do some some serious research before you go spouting off and sounding like a fool. You are dead ass wrong! Madonna has written or cowritten almost all of her hits as well as co-produced most all her albums. She has a hand in everything she does and always is the one with the vision and final say. It doesn't matter if you "get" her or not. Your obvious distaste and bias towards Madonna is what needs to be called in to question. I don't know why people gotta be like that. So what if you don't like someone? I don't like a lot of artists out there but I'm not trying to take anything away or deny the obvious. What's the point? It's like trying to argue that we don't need air, food, and water to survive. Fact is fact, my friend.
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^^^Thank you...but as stated, this downplaying of other artists accomplishments and impact is utterly disgusting. And there's no other words for it. I've notice ppl on here like to do that.
^^^Thank you...but as stated, this downplaying of other artists accomplishments and impact is utterly disgusting. And there's no other words for it. I've notice ppl on here like to do that.

Yea.. You're right. Sorry... I apologize...
Yea.. You're right. Sorry... I apologize...

Apology accepted :wub:

I read the whole thread and I didn't agree with some of the comments but I definitely respect their opinions. But when ppl started trying to downplay Madonna and Janet something had to be said. I may not be a Madonna fan, but I do enjoy her music and I recognize her impact, but to say she doesn't deserve to be in the R&R HOF is just plain silly. Same with Janet. Many artists today, and in the 80s and 90s have cited Janet as an influence in her music, her dancing, her performing, or whatever outlet. Those artists take pointers from her and incorporate it into their body of work....and the same goes for Madonna. And Janet and Madonna have both broken doors for women in the industry. And hate to play the race card, but Janet being a black woman doing what she was doing and with the success she had with it is an accomplishment in itself. To me, that seems to be contributing to the continuation of "rock and roll" music, which is the qualification for getting inducted.

PS....for the person that was trying to downplay Donna Summer, ummm, fyi, she opened doors for Mike as well. So don't try and belittle her success/impact either. ;)
Yea.. You're right. Sorry... I apologize...

LOL Apologize for what?

What you apologizing for?? you were stating YOUR opinion and if people dont agree with it, they need to just get over it. And what you said was right, Michael is more talented than Janet and thats not putting Janet down because everyone up in here knows that Janet is talented to but I'm not going to pretend either that she is on the same level as Michael when she is not.

But Madonna isnt the only one that got inducted that should not of... RUN DMC even though I love them, there were more influential hip hop artists before them that should have gotten in BEOFRE them like Afrika Bambaataa & The Soul Sonic Force, Funkadelic/ Parliament is another one I never saw the importance of U2 another group very overrated... Where is lena horne? Where is Sammy davis Jr? Delfonics? Rare Earth? Chuck Brown(innovater of gogo, soul funk, hip hop etc)?

Music is just screwed up and I'm tired of artists who get no recognition while artists who have done nothing get praise. Thats why awards, sales, hits, rock hall of fame etc doesnt mean anything. It doesnt define how talented or how good an artists music really is. It is only used for POP culture and just to draw public interest in. Because there are plenty of people who have gotten awards that should not have or have had number one albums and the entire album sucked. I wish people would stop focusing on what the media says or popularity and just focus on real music and artists.

I was waiting for someone to post this.. Here is the list of all the inductees so far..

Jeff Beck
Little Anthony & the Imperials
Bobby Womack
Wanda Jackson
Bill Black
DJ Fontana
Spooner Oldham
John Mellencamp
Leonard Cohen
The Dave Clark Five
The Ventures
Little Walter
Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff
Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five
Patti Smith
The Ronettes
Van Halen
Black Sabbath
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Miles Davis
Sex Pistols
Lifetime Achievement
Herb Alpert and Jerry Moss
Buddy Guy
Percy Sledge
The O'Jays
The Pretenders
Lifetime Achievement
Frank Barsalona
Seymour Stein
Bob Seger
George Harrison
Jackson Browne
The Dells
ZZ Top
Lifetime Achievement
Jann S. Wenner
Elvis Costello & the Attractions
Righteous Brothers
The Clash
The Police
Benny Benjamin
Floyd Cramer
Steve Douglas
Mo Ostin
Brenda Lee
Gene Pitney
Isaac Hayes
Talking Heads
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Chet Atkins
Jim Stewart
Michael Jackson
Paul Simon
Ritchie Valens
Solomon Burke
Steely Dan
The Flamingos
James Burton
Johnnie Johnson
Chris Blackwell
Bonnie Raitt
Earth, Wind & Fire
Eric Clapton
James Taylor
Lovin' Spoonful
The Moonglows
Early Influence
Billie Holiday
Nat "King" Cole
Earl Palmer
Hal Blaine
James Jamerson
King Curtis
Scotty Moore
Clive Davis
Billy Joel
Bruce Springsteen
Curtis Mayfield
Del Shannon
Dusty Springfield
Paul McCartney
The Staple Singers
Early Influence
Bob Wills and His Texas Playboys
Charles Brown
George Martin
Fleetwood Mac
Gene Vincent
Lloyd Price
The Eagles
The Mamas and the Papas
Early Influence
Jelly Roll Morton
Allen Toussaint
Buffalo Springfield
Crosby Stills and Nash
Joni Mitchell
The (Young) Rascals
The Bee Gees
The Jackson Five
Early Influence
Bill Monroe
Mahalia Jackson
Syd Nathan
David Bowie
Gladys Knight and the Pips
Jefferson Airplane
Little Willie John
Pink Floyd
The Shirelles
The Velvet Underground
Early Influence
Pete Seeger
Tom Donahue
Al Green
Frank Zappa
Janis Joplin
Led Zeppelin
Martha and the Vandellas
Neil Young
The Allman Brothers Band
Early Influence
The Orioles
Paul Ackerman
Bob Marley
Duane Eddy
Elton John
John Lennon
Rod Stewart
The Animals
The Band
The Grateful Dead
Early Influence
Willie Dixon
Johnny Otis
Creedence Clearwater Revival
Etta James
Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers
Ruth Brown
Sly and the Family Stone
The Doors
Van Morrison
Early Influence
Dinah Washington
Dick Clark
Milt Gabler
Bobby "Blue" Bland
Booker T. and the M.G.'s
Johnny Cash
Sam and Dave
The Isley Brothers
The Jimi Hendrix Experience
The Yardbirds
Early Influence
Elmore James
Professor Longhair
Bill Graham
Doc Pomus
Leo Fender
Ike and Tina Turner
Jimmy Reed
John Lee Hooker
LaVern Baker
The Byrds
The Impressions
Wilson Pickett
Early Influence
Howlin' Wolf
Lifetime Achievement
Nesuhi Ertegun
Dave Bartholomew
Ralph Bass
Bobby Darin
Hank Ballard
Simon and Garfunkel
The Four Seasons
The Four Tops
The Kinks
The Platters
The Who
Early Influence
Charlie Christian
Louis Armstrong
Ma Rainey
Gerry Goffin and Carole King
Otis Redding
Stevie Wonder
The Rolling Stones
The Temptations
Early Influence
Bessie Smith
The Ink Spots
The Soul Stirrers
Phil Spector
Bob Dylan
The Beach Boys
The Beatles
The Drifters
The Supremes
Early Influence
Lead Belly
Les Paul
Woody Guthrie
Berry Gordy, Jr
Aretha Franklin
B.B. King
Big Joe Turner
Bill Haley
Bo Diddley
Carl Perkins
Clyde McPhatter
Eddie Cochran
Jackie Wilson
Marvin Gaye
Muddy Waters
Ricky Nelson
Roy Orbison
Smokey Robinson
The Coasters
Early Influence
Hank Williams
Louis Jordan
T-Bone Walker
Ahmet Ertegun
Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller
Jerry Wexler
Leonard Chess
Buddy Holly
Chuck Berry
Elvis Presley
Fats Domino
James Brown
Jerry Lee Lewis
Little Richard
Ray Charles
Sam Cooke
The Everly Brothers
Early Influence
Jimmie Rodgers
Jimmy Yancey
Robert Johnson
Lifetime Achievement
John Hammond
Alan Freed
Sam Phillips
I don't know why some of you ppl like to try and downplay Janet and Madonna just because they aren't on Mike's level per se. Like it or not, both Janet and Madonna are legends like it or not. The WMAs says they are. The BMAs says they are. The AMAs says they are. And I'm pretty sure their opinions are valued more than your worthless MJJC posts.

In any event, Janet and Madonna are arguably the two most influential females of the past 30 years. The doors they have broken for these artists to do what they do now is because of them. You've got Madonna pushing the envelope and taking notice of the importance of an image. In addition to that, you've got the both of them changing their image and persona album to album. And then you've got Janet breaking doors for black women in the industry. The Janet. album was critical for black women and it opened the door for ppl like Ciara, Aaliyah, Beyonce, and many other black females to get on stage and be sexy.

Janet and Madonna's videos are only second to Mike's. They have all been consistent with their videos and Madonna and Janet are the blue print for the videos we have today. Also their music. Part of the reason why pop sounds the way it does is because of them two. The catchy hooks, the song structures, thematics and threatrics in their music. Look at "Rhythm Nation" and "Express Yourself". Combining dance music with a message...and we've seen that with MANY videos who have followed thereafter. And you've got Janet influencing R&B. And the dance genre goes without saying as they're the leading females in that genre.

Both of them are global icons like it or not. How the hell can you live in the USA and determine how big an artist is in another country? Madonna and Janet have both sold more albums and singles outside of the US than they've sold in the US. That alone should tell you they are global.

It's beyond irritating when ppl try and downplay Janet and Madonna's accomplishments and impact like it's not shit. Like it or not, Mike even took pointers from Janet. Dangerous is pretty much RN1814 Part II when you really listen to it. Even after Control and Like A Virgin, Mike's music became more socially conscious and began to incorporate themes and messages.

In conclusion, Janet does deserve to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and when she gets induct I'm sure you'll be picking up your faces or pounding your keyboards because you're furious that she got in. You'll live. Madonna deserves to be in there as well. She is the biggest female icon of all time like it or not. Her impact is apparent as is Janet. Their records haven't been broken. The are among the best selling artists of all time. They have had an impact. Like it or not. Your opinion doesn't matter.

Get the point? Good. Let's vogue.

I wanted to point out this post again because everyone should read it. Everything that needed to be said was and oh so eloquently. So, before you post... read this. Thanks!:punk:
I wanted to point out this post again because everyone should read it. Everything that needed to be said was and oh so eloquently. So, before you post... read this. Thanks!:punk:

The funny thing is it only took me about 5 minutes to type that. :lol:
no. i need for someone to innovate. i don't think Janet Jackson did that. for me, i need something that somebody didn't do before, even if they used elements from the past.

like Eddie Van Halen, and his style of guitar playing. i've never seen anything like it. he was the first one, where i saw him play the top of the guitar like he played the bottom of it.

i need for the person to be original.

like James Brown...who was able to put two tin cans together and make it appropriate production.

and like Michael Jackson, who took ice skating, broadway and jazz, and placed it on the pop dancefloor, and took songwriting to an unprecedented prolific pinnacle, and took singing to a new instrumental zenith.

before Michael, the thing to do was play the guitar or the piano, and nobody thought a video was NEEDED. after Michael, everybody in the industry thinks that if you don't make a video, you wont have a career. and now everybody thinks you gotta dance..even if it isn't true. making that kind of impact begets hall of fame status.

continuing with my list of innovators...

Minnie Riperton, who made me think there were more than five octaves in a voice, before anyone else did.

Elton John, who made the piano as important as the voice, and not just an accompanying instrument. also a prolific songwriter. i feel that songwriters, whose songs don't need the radio as support to be extremely popular, deserve to be in the Hall. his early songs fit that category. All of Michael Jackson's do.

Stevie Wonder, because he seemed to be the first to globalize the idea of the one man band, in pop music.
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It is okay to debate, but please refrain from cutting other artists down, which is against MJJC policy - as is cutting other members down. Thanks :)

can i ask what you mean? because if someone says they don't think Janet Jackson deserves to be in the hall, isn't that cutting her down? and then wouldn't that mean that this thread should not have been posted, because of the mulitple choice question?

i don't think that the choices i made, are cutting others down...rather, i feel that, since it's opinion based, that i picked those, my opinion, innovated, in the way i feel that they innovated, and the ones that i did not pick did not innovate, in the way that i feel my picks innovated.

so, could you please give me clarity on what you mean by cutting another artist down?
if madonna did it why wouldnt janet???, i mean, i dont take madonna seriously, she is all about marketing, and she's there, so why wouldnt Janet, i dont like what she did lately, i dont like her voice either, i mean i like her as i like madonna( almost nothing, i like her cause she is michaels sister and i like that rythm nation song and video and that old stuff, i mean madonna is not a great singer either but they are girly girls, i mean, janet should have done more artistical stuff, but look at madonna with her albums, i mean they are more like dance albums, i think that if madonna is there janet HAS TO BE THERE TOO, and the level of artistry is falling on these last years, is like make up artists, you know, britneys, even beyonce who i thought was pretty talented is selling her body more than his talent, i really thought she was pretty talented, but she is about selling her body more than anything and is sad, and these goes to all levels rock acts lack quality as well, thanks we have good acts from all history...
I voted yes before giving it some time to think, now that i have, however, i'd like to take my vote back.

I don't know what it takes to be in the hall of fame, but i take it as a status of "legendary". If so then no, she hasn't reached it.
I don't know what it takes to be in the hall of fame.
The main criteria for getting in is to be someone who makes music that Jann Wenner likes or someone he likes personally. If he doesn't like an act, they don't get in.
The main criteria for getting in is to be someone who makes music that Jann Wenner likes or someone he likes personally. If he doesn't like an act, they don't get in.

lmao!! :lol:.

.. wait.. are you serious? this whole thing is about one person's opinion? oh well.. there goes my admiration for MJ being one of the few to be induced twice in the hall of fame >_>
The main criteria for getting in is to be someone who makes music that Jann Wenner likes or someone he likes personally. If he doesn't like an act, they don't get in.

Right. Thats why I dont know why people take the Rock Hall of Fame seriously OR any award show for that matter. It really doesnt mean anything but that goes for any time an artists wins an award. Its not a reflection of how good there music really is or how "legendary" they are. Most artists who have never won a award make the best music.
It's funny though, people say an award shouldn't be taken seriously when their favorite artist is ignored...but if JJ were inducted tomorrow, people would be singing a different tune. Why people do that is just commical to me. The point is that while I agree that the number of awards or industry recognition an artist gets is not the ultimate determining factor in measuring that artist importance or is still most deffinitly IMPORTANT. It's "SERIOUS" to the artist on which the honnor is being bestowed upon so why wouldn't it be "serious" to that artist's fans? I have yet to see an artist reject a grammy or refuse inductment into the R&R hall of fame.

P.S. Thanks to all that have participated in the disscussion
I have yet to see an artist reject a grammy or refuse inductment into the R&R hall of fame.
Van Halen was inducted to the Hall Of Fame. The only members that showed up were Michael Anthony & Sammy Hagar, neither who were in the group anymore after being fired by Eddie. The Van Halen brothers and David Lee Roth refused to paticipate. Paul McCartney refused to show up for The Beatles induction because it would have been "fake" and Diana Ross didn't show up for the Supremes.
Van Halen was inducted to the Hall Of Fame. The only members that showed up were Michael Anthony & Sammy Hagar, neither who were in the group anymore after being fired by Eddie. The Van Halen brothers and David Lee Roth refused to paticipate. Paul McCartney refused to show up for The Beatles induction because it would have been "fake" and Diana Ross didn't show up for the Supremes.

Again I have yet to see an artist REJECT or REFUSE a Grammy or inductment into the R&R Hall of Fame. Not wanting to "show up" because of problems between members of a musical group is not the same as REFUSING inductment. Did these artist tell the R&R commitiee to take their inductment and shove it??? No, when Paul Mcarthney refused to attend, it was because of problems he still had with his fellow band members. He released this statment at that time: "After 20 years, the Beatles still have some business differences which I had hoped would have been settled by now. Unfortunately, they haven’t been, so I would feel like a complete hypocrite waving and smiling with them at a fake reunion.’’ He was later inducted as a solo artist.
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No. She is a great dancer and an ok singer. Influenced many female performers esp. image-wise, but that's all. And Madonna should not have been inducted. Overall, I don't take the R&R Hall of Fame seriously.

I like Janet a lot and think she's awesome but some people question whether Janet would have been able to work with all these amazing producers in the mid 80s if she wasn't Michael's little sister.
Of course, being MJ's sister did help her have connections many other rookies can only dream of and start from a relatively better position. So obvious. Everyone knows how crucial it is to have connections in the showbiz. But this does not mean she didn't make efforts to get where she is. She did.
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