
Butterflies01;3551185 said:
I am a religious person and from what I know, no religion allows homosexuality.

Now, that is simply not true. Paganism in general allows homosexuality. Take, for example, Thelemic stance on it:

“There shall be no property in human flesh. The sex-instinct is one of the most deeply-seated expressions of the will; and it must not be restricted, either negatively by preventing its free function, or positively by insisting on its false function. What is more brutal than to stunt natural growth or to deform it? What is more absurd than to seek to interpret this holy instinct as a gross animal act, to separate it from the spiritual enthusiasm without which it is so stupid as not even to be satisfactory to the persons concerned?

The sexual act is a sacrament of Will. To profane it is the great offence. All true expression of it is lawful; all suppression or distortion is contrary to the Law of Liberty. To use legal or financial constraint to compel either abstention or submission, is entirely horrible, unnatural and absurd.”

-Commentary to The Book of the Law I:41

Other Pagan paths, such as Wicca, also have no issue whatsoever with homosexuality.

Religions which are not hostile towards homosexuality:

Sikhism [relatively neutral]
Hinduism [homosexuality even appears in some of their myths, generally in a positive light, and homosexuality is not considered deviant].

I think the scientific/biological stance on this issue holds a million times more value than any religious argument, but I just wanted to name a few to prove you wrong.
^ fine, the religions you mentioned above might approve of homosexuality. But, what about all those religions that condemn homosexuality and yet people from that religion, who claim to be so religious follow and accept homosexualty... i.e. someone who claims to be a very strict and religious Christian. He/she goes to Church regularly and pray to God at alltimes but is a homosexual. So isn't that person going against what his/her religion says... So, then why do these kind of people call them religious, when they only follow half of what their religion says. imo, you have to follow every aspect of your religion to be a part of that religion. If you fail in following any aspect of your religion, then you don't belong to that religion. So, you can't be a homosexual person and still call youself a Christian., because you are not.

This is my most controversial yet the one that I am most proud of 'post' on this forum.

For those wondering, I am not a homophobic.. I don't hate or am scared of homosexuals... I just simply disagree with the act and practice of homosexuality.
^ fine, the religions you mentioned above might approve of homosexuality. But, what about all those religions that condemn homosexuality and yet people from that religion, who claim to be so religious follow and accept homosexualty... i.e. someone who claims to be a very strict and religious Christian. He/she goes to Church regularly and pray to God at alltimes but is a homosexual. So isn't that person going against what his/her religion says... So, then why do these kind of people call them religious, when they only follow half of what their religion says. imo, you have to follow every aspect of your religion to be a part of that religion. If you fail in following any aspect of your religion, then you don't belong to that religion. So, you can't be a homosexual person and still call youself a Christian., because you are not.

This is my most controversial yet the one that I am most proud of 'post' on this forum.

For those wondering, I am not a homophobic.. I don't hate or am scared of homosexuals... I just simply disagree with the act and practice of homosexuality.

But that IS homophobia LOL. Why do you condemn a natural feeling that people cannot help? You know homosexuality has been present in almost every decade of history? It's not some new-fangled thing that kids do these days. It's an expression of love - and a beautiful one at that.
But that IS homophobia LOL. Why do you condemn a natural feeling that people cannot help? You know homosexuality has been present in almost every decade of history? It's not some new-fangled thing that kids do these days. It's an expression of love - and a beautiful one at that.

I am not homophobic.. I have some homosexual friends that I am very close to. All I said was that I don't agree with homosexuality. I did not say that I don't respect homosexuals.. Its a bit like saying that you respect someone else's religious beliefs, but you still follow your own religion instead of converting to that religion. That's because you don't agree with their beliefs and think your ones are the truth.
I am not homophobic.. I have some homosexual friends that I am very close to. All I said was that I don't agree with homosexuality. I did not say that I don't respect homosexuals.. Its a bit like saying that you respect someone else's religious beliefs, but you still follow your own religion instead of converting to that religion. That's because you don't agree with their beliefs and think your ones are the truth.

Why don't you agree with it, though? It's just love. The exact same love as between a man and a woman. Love was not invented purely for people to pro-create, the same with sex! It's just a beautiful, joyous feeling and it gives meaning to life.

Homosexuality is not a choice. It's not a religion. I want to say that it's just love again, but it's more than that. I just don't understand how you can read a centuries old book and let that allow you to judge others and to say what's right or wrong. That's extremely silly and I'm sorry for being offensive, but it's not okay to me.

Also using the argument "I have homosexual friends" is really de-railing and quite redundant, haha! It's on the same level of, "but I have black friends!" to prove someone's not racist.
What does it mean to "not agree with homosexuality"?

I mean, to me it's like saying "I don't agree with blue eyes". Doesn't make sense.
^ fine, the religions you mentioned above might approve of homosexuality. But, what about all those religions that condemn homosexuality and yet people from that religion, who claim to be so religious follow and accept homosexualty... i.e. someone who claims to be a very strict and religious Christian. He/she goes to Church regularly and pray to God at alltimes but is a homosexual. So isn't that person going against what his/her religion says... So, then why do these kind of people call them religious, when they only follow half of what their religion says. imo, you have to follow every aspect of your religion to be a part of that religion. If you fail in following any aspect of your religion, then you don't belong to that religion. So, you can't be a homosexual person and still call youself a Christian., because you are not.

This is my most controversial yet the one that I am most proud of 'post' on this forum.

For those wondering, I am not a homophobic.. I don't hate or am scared of homosexuals... I just simply disagree with the act and practice of homosexuality.

Are you aware that there are about 30000 branches of Christianity and each one of them says something different about how to interpret the Bible correctly? And of course all of them think they are the ones who interpret it correctly. True, the Bible condemns homosexuality. Very harshly at that, because the Old Testament, for example says, gay people should be put to death. As well as the Bible also says disobedient children should be put to death or those who work on Saturday should be put to death and so on. Do you agree with all of these?

Now, homosexuality isn't only condemned by the OT but also by the New Testament. But the same NT says that women should be silent in churches, they should not teach, not even speak, they should be submissive to their husbands and if they have a question they should ask their husbands privately at home because they are not allowed to speak in church. Do you also agree with these rules? Do you follow them?

Some Christians claim the only way to interpret the Bible is the literal interpretation - but noone really today follows the Bible literally. It would have quite interesting consequences if they would. OK, there are some denominations who try to follow the Bible literally but those are usually very cult-like churches. So if, let's say, most Christians don't follow the rule of women not being able to talk in church, then why do the same churches still follow the condemnation of homosexuality? How do Christians cherry-pick which rules to keep from the Bible and which ones not to keep?

Now, there are liberal Christians who will say it's possible to be a Christian and gay at the same time. They may say, for example, that the Bible is not the inerrant word of God (like more fundamentalist churches think it is), it's only partly inspired, but it's human and therefor it can contain mistakes, errors. So for them it's totally possible to ignore passages which they feel applied to a certain historical, social context and are not valid for ever. For example about homosexuality.
imo all of you that support homosexuality and say that you have no problem with it are all actually lying and decieving yourself...
If you see a man and a woman kissing on street, you would think/say 'aw, thats cute. They love each other'. But if you see two men or two women kissing each other, you'll be disgusted by it.
imo all of you that support homosexuality and say that you have no problem with it are all actually lying and decieving yourself...
If you see a man and a woman kissing on street, you would think/say 'aw, thats cute. They love each other'. But if you see two men or two women kissing each other, you'll be disgusted by it.

Umm... no! And this totally proves that you ARE homophobic! Whenever I see people kissing I really don't care if they are straight or gay. I'm simply happy to see there's people who have someone to love and are loved back.
Why should I be disgusted? We are all human! Love doesn't care about those things. Being homosexual is not a thing you suddenly decide to be, one day. You simply are or are not.
It's sad, really sad... Never ever will I be disgusted by the image of two loving people...
Well, my opinion is this. I don't care about other people. They may love whoever they want. I will never choose to be gay though. That's not for me. Each person has it's own path he chooses to walk. And if someone is choosing other way, I have nothing to do with it. Live your own life :) This doesn't mean I hate gay people. I just don't think about this matter so much if it's right or wrong. Cause each person chooses different things. Although I don't think gay pride parade is really necessary. I already respect those people. This question will always cause endless debates just like religion and God. But what's the point of fighting? lol :lol:
Umm... no! And this totally proves that you ARE homophobic! Whenever I see people kissing I really don't care if they are straight or gay. I'm simply happy to see there's people who have someone to love and are loved back.
Why should I be disgusted? We are all human! Love doesn't care about those things. Being homosexual is not a thing you suddenly decide to be, one day. You simply are or are not.
It's sad, really sad... Never ever will I be disgusted by the image of two loving people...

I know many people who say they have no issue with homosexuality, but when they see homosexual acts they act disgusted.
I know many people who say they have no issue with homosexuality, but when they see homosexual acts they act disgusted.

That's because they were conditioned to think homosexuality is sinful, unnatural etc. But people would take it as natural as heterosexual couples without this conditioning.
Well, my opinion is this. I don't care about other people. They may love whoever they want. I will never choose to be gay though. That's not for me. Each person has it's own path he chooses to walk. And if someone is choosing other way, I have nothing to do with it. Live your own life :) This doesn't mean I hate gay people. I just don't think about this matter so much if it's right or wrong. Cause each person chooses different things. Although I don't think gay pride parade is really necessary. I already respect those people. This question will always cause endless debates just like religion and God. But what's the point of fighting? lol :lol:

No one is fighting. We are discussing.
For anyone who thinks homosexuality is a choice and it's something that should be "cast out" of people, here is a story:

Do you think it was a "choice" for Kirk Murphy? Did he deliberately want to go through all this mental torture out of choice? Do you think it's all right to tell kids they are sinners because of who they are? Do you think it's alright to want to change them telling them they are somehow defected because of how they were born?

Ah, and if it's a choice as George Rekers, the psychologist who treated Kirk, claims how come he too struggles with it. (It somehow always turns out that the most homophobic religious fundamentalists are basically struggling with their own selves.):

Homosexuality is a choice just like hetrosexuality.. It's not like you are naturally born homosexual or hetrosexual.. As you grow up, you choose to be the one in which you find the most comfort.
^ So if being with either gender can be a comfort, why do you find one of them to be disgusting and wrong?
Homosexuality is a choice just like hetrosexuality.. It's not like you are naturally born homosexual or hetrosexual.. As you grow up, you choose to be the one in which you find the most comfort.

I doubt people choose to be hated. It's starting to change but it's still a lot more difficult to be gay than to be heterosexual. Gay people are still bashed, called "sinners", scapegoated etc. I'm not sure what's so attractive about it as a choice. Or how can you say it was a choice for that little boy in the video I linked in?

Fact is, we don't know yet what factors cause homosexuality. It could be part genetics, part chemical effects in the mother's womb, part environment.

What we do know is though that religion is a choice. More so than sexuality. So I'm not willing to condemn people based on religious dogma.
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Sexuality does not define the totality of an individual. He/She may not be straight or may fall in love with the same sex but this should not be an indication of discrimination nor Inequality.
Homosexuality is a choice just like hetrosexuality.. It's not like you are naturally born homosexual or hetrosexual.. As you grow up, you choose to be the one in which you find the most comfort.

Comments like these are so disheartening. It's hard to believe there are still so many out there who believe in such things. It's confusing when someone says that we all choose to be straight or gay when common sense already dictates that we do no such thing. We are attracted to what we are attracted to by things outside of our own control. Chemicals and hormones from within our bodies ignite our senses. We don't choose. People don't choose to be discriminated against or take their own lives over something as simple as a willy nilly easy breezy "choice". I chose to be gay just like someone chooses to have blue eyes. THINK. :doh:
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Comments like these are so disheartening. It's hard to believe there are still so many out there who believe in such things. It's confusing when someone says that we all choose to be straight or gay when common sense already dictates that we do no such thing. We are attracted to what we are attracted to by things outside of our own control. Chemicals and hormones from within our bodies ignite our senses. We don't choose. People don't choose to be discriminated against or take their own lives over something as simple as a willy nilly easy breezy "choice". I chose to be gay just like someone chooses to have blue eyes. THINK. :doh:

Well, I think that we as human beings have control over our senses, emotions and the decisions that we make.... We choose to be who we are and what we wanna do in life... It's not like some ultimate force aka God is controlling our minds... God has given us a brain to be able to think and make the best decision for ourselves and others around us...:)

As far as discrimination is concered, it is not your decision to get discriminated.... It's someone else's decision to discriminate you or thers, whilst being a hetrosexual or a homosexual is clearly your decision..
Comments like these are so disheartening. It's hard to believe there are still so many out there who believe in such things. It's confusing when someone says that we all choose to be straight or gay when common sense already dictates that we do no such thing. We are attracted to what we are attracted to by things outside of our own control. Chemicals and hormones from within our bodies ignite our senses. We don't choose. People don't choose to be discriminated against or take their own lives over something as simple as a willy nilly easy breezy "choice". I chose to be gay just like someone chooses to have blue eyes. THINK. :doh:

Travis, I share your disappointment and your being disheartened. Hopefully though there are enough voices out there by now that clearly say that it is NOT OKAY to discriminate.

Human rights are not up for discussion and debate and it is not okay to discriminate against anyone who lives their life as a human being.

People LOVE pretending that discrimination is somehow okay by pretending that somehow they have a right to discriminating against those of a sexual orientation that they personally do not share/understand. Pretending that sexual orientation is a 'choice' that the weak and feeble minded homosexuals somehow choose (*sarcasm*)- IS discriminatory in nature. It's a very transparent veil, (un)fortunately the homophobia behind peeks right through. Especially commentary along the lines of "it's not discrimination since you're the one choosing to be gay".

A few decades ago women didn't have the right to vote either- and what were the 'explanations'- a violation of the 'natural order of things' and thus women ought to shut up about it since the 'natural orders of the inferiority of the hysterical female mind' was against the idea of women voting. People also thought it perfectly acceptable to engage in racism- and had their 'perfectly acceptable' explanations for these kinds of human rights violations, too. Notice how it's always okay to discriminate because the 'natural and God given order of things' was of course the discriminator's standpoint.

One day we'll all look back and discrimination based on sexual orientation of human beings will look as equally backwards to us as the idea that one gender is inferior to the other. Until then we'll be enduring plenty of explanations of why it supposedly is okay to discriminate.
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Travis, I share your disappointment and your being disheartened. Hopefully though there are enough voices out there by now that clearly say that it is NOT OKAY to discriminate.

Human rights are not up for discussion and debate and it is not okay to discriminate against anyone who lives their live as a human being.

People LOVE pretending that discrimination is somehow okay by pretending that somehow they have a right to discriminating against those of a sexual orientation that they personally do not share/understand. Pretending that sexual orientation is a 'choice' that the week and feeble minded homosexuals somehow choose (*sarcasm*)- IS discriminatory in nature. It's a very transparent veil, (un)fortunately the homophobia behind peeks right through.

A few decades ago women didn't have the right to vote either- and what were the 'explanations'- a violation of the 'natural order of things' and thus women ought to shut up about it since the 'natural orders of the inferiority of the hysterical female mind' was against the idea of women voting. People also thought it perfectly acceptable to engage in racism- and had their 'perfectly acceptable' explanations for these kinds of human rights violations, too. Notice how it's always okay to discriminate because the 'natural and God given order of things' was of course the discriminator's standpoint.

One day we'll all look back and discrimination based on sexual orientation of human beings will look as equally backwards to us as the idea that one gender is inferior to the other. Until then we'll be enduring plenty of explanations of why it supposedly is okay to discriminate.

Thank you so much for your eloquent and insightful words. A more simple truth couldn't be spoken. :bow:
For anyone who thinks homosexuality is a choice and it's something that should be "cast out" of people, here is a story:

Do you think it was a "choice" for Kirk Murphy? Did he deliberately want to go through all this mental torture out of choice? Do you think it's all right to tell kids they are sinners because of who they are? Do you think it's alright to want to change them telling them they are somehow defected because of how they were born?

Ah, and if it's a choice as George Rekers, the psychologist who treated Kirk, claims how come he too struggles with it. (It somehow always turns out that the most homophobic religious fundamentalists are basically struggling with their own selves.):

tHis deserves a view. i assuming it will be very interesting.
Travis, I share your disappointment and your being disheartened. Hopefully though there are enough voices out there by now that clearly say that it is NOT OKAY to discriminate.

Human rights are not up for discussion and debate and it is not okay to discriminate against anyone who lives their life as a human being.

People LOVE pretending that discrimination is somehow okay by pretending that somehow they have a right to discriminating against those of a sexual orientation that they personally do not share/understand. Pretending that sexual orientation is a 'choice' that the weak and feeble minded homosexuals somehow choose (*sarcasm*)- IS discriminatory in nature. It's a very transparent veil, (un)fortunately the homophobia behind peeks right through. Especially commentary along the lines of "it's not discrimination since you're the one choosing to be gay".

A few decades ago women didn't have the right to vote either- and what were the 'explanations'- a violation of the 'natural order of things' and thus women ought to shut up about it since the 'natural orders of the inferiority of the hysterical female mind' was against the idea of women voting. People also thought it perfectly acceptable to engage in racism- and had their 'perfectly acceptable' explanations for these kinds of human rights violations, too. Notice how it's always okay to discriminate because the 'natural and God given order of things' was of course the discriminator's standpoint.

One day we'll all look back and discrimination based on sexual orientation of human beings will look as equally backwards to us as the idea that one gender is inferior to the other. Until then we'll be enduring plenty of explanations of why it supposedly is okay to discriminate.

Well said.
how do you attract the same sex to you and go and get a relationship if they aint gay or bi ? :unsure:

You don't. You think you can force someone bi/gay just because you like them? It must suck having such limitations on who you can be with when gay but forcing people to want you is not the answer. lol

i'm straight btw
Yep, all sexuality is a choice. I choose to be bisexual because I just love the idea of being prejudiced and discriminated against based on something which should be nobody's business. I also positively adore the thought of being stoned to death in several countries due to this, which is why, of course, I made that choice. Of course, the fact that people draw their own conclusions about me and proceed to spread rumours about what I'm like based on this information just tickles my heart in a way nothing else can.

It truly is all heart-warming, and I am sure Matthew Shephard thought so too when he was being brutally murdered by a bunch of neanderthals.
Yep, all sexuality is a choice. I choose to be bisexual because I just love the idea of being prejudiced and discriminated against based on something which should be nobody's business. I also positively adore the thought of being stoned to death in several countries due to this, which is why, of course, I made that choice. Of course, the fact that people draw their own conclusions about me and proceed to spread rumours about what I'm like based on this information just tickles my heart in a way nothing else can.

It truly is all heart-warming, and I am sure Matthew Shephard thought so too when he was being brutally murdered by a bunch of neanderthals.

This. :clapping:
I'm straight and will always be.. I don't like using the term that I "support" gay people but I don't have any issue with it, its not a big deal. I have been to Pride, go to gay clubs sometimes..

Why I say I don't "support" gay people is because I think it's a be-littleing term.. I don't "support" straight people because they are just like everyone else. While I don't "support" gay people because they are just like everyone else.. I can understand supporting a cause, have it to be sexuality related or anything that drives passion.

I am not going to support which I take it like an endorsement of a specific type of person because what they are. Im half italian and half arab but I am not going to endorse italians or arabs because its there race, we are all people..

I support LIFE, I support LOVE, I support EQUALITY, I support someone to Support there individual passions

P.S. a little side note, for comments that say they CHOSE to be straight! that is not true, we are built to crave sertain things.. Did you decide to like pizza? did you decide to like the color you like? did you decide to find a specific individual attractive?

OF COURSE NOT!! Because if that were the case, than it is your CHOICE to find this man attractive or not..

So choose to find that man attractive.. get turnned on by his face.. go ahead it's a "choice"

We are chemically built to crave sertain things, and we are all different. Not everyone enjoys tea, sports, books, trees, pop music, ballet, Because we are built differently!!

Was it a choice to be a Michael Jackson fan? could you really listen to his music and watch him dance and decide.. You know what, I don't like it..... If you can I commend you because I am a SLAVE TO HIS RHYTHM!!
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