
^The difference between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour is in who/what they involve. For example, one could make a compelling argument that pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, etc. are sexualities which some people are born with and do not choose, and by and large that holds true. However, in consummating that desire in the real world, a transgression against the will and well-being of another would have to occur, as children are not biologically or emotionally equipped to consent to intercourse, and animals are not biologically/emotionally wired for interspecies intercourse. These facts are what make both pedophilia and bestiality unacceptable in the eyes of society. They both require someone/something who/which cannot reasonably consent to sexual activity getting hurt and violated to satiate the desires of the other. Of course, dead bodies cannot consent to sexual activity either for obvious reasons, and the crime lies in the desecration of the memory of the individual and the causing of emotional distress to the family/friends of the violated deceased.

The same goes for someone who likes to kill or rape--those activities are transgressions against the will of another, since people who are targets of murderers/serial killers generally do not consent to being killed, and people who are raped by definition do not consent to intercourse with the rapist.

I think much the same goes for people who have sex with those who are severely mentally challenged--although some may be technically of age, their mental limitations are such that they are not able to consent to sexual activity.

Therefore, none of the above examples are logically comparable to two mentally competent consenting adults of the same gender agreeing to have a sexual relationship.

It is no more a crime to be attracted to and have a consenting relationship with another adult of the same gender than it is to be attracted to and have a consenting relationship with an adult of the opposite gender.

I fail to see what the big difference between the two is in abstract terms, and what makes one comparable to someone who likes to murder people [to you, at least, citing your example as a reference] and the other A-Okay.
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Mod Note Thread cleaned
OK thats enough in here - please dont turn this into a religious debate
This is NOT the place -
That all - no more - nada - THANKS :)
Mod Note Thread cleaned
OK thats enough in here - please dont turn this into a religious debate
This is NOT the place -
That all - no more - nada - THANKS :)

Thank you for cleaning things up. ^_^
"Do not judge a person, do not pass judgment, unless you have talked to them one on one."MJ
Another good advise from Michael:let it simmer,bathe in the moonlight...
My free interpretation of it is wait to answer a comment that make you upset.
Read it again maybe it´s misunderstandings behind it

Remember hard words doesn´t change a persons opinion.
Thank you for cleaning things up. ^_^
Please Dont act smug or innocent with your smilie. :nono: Actually I shouldnt have to clean up and to make it clear I wasnt taking ANY sides in this debate yours or others involved. :)
^ Woah dude I think you misinterpreted Travis! He would never be smug like that. That's a smile in a thanking way!
Please Dont act smug or innocent with your smilie. :nono: Actually I shouldnt have to clean up and to make it clear I wasnt taking ANY sides in this debate yours or others involved. :)

^ Woah dude I think you misinterpreted Travis! He would never be smug like that. That's a smile in a thanking way!

^^ Yes Dude but he used an innocent looking smile .. ;D

Disco is right, you 100% misunderstood my intention (which was indeed an "innocent" one). I really don't understand why you would jump to that conclusion. I didn't use an "innocent" smiley, I used a happy/content smiley because I was genuinely glad to see the thread cleaned up. Also, I don't give a flying fig which side of the fence you're on. I don't need your approval, wasn't looking for it, and didn't ask for it. I was just happy to see the thread cleaned up and expressed exactly that. I'm slightly offended by your uncalled for personal attack, but I don't hold a grudge so no worries. And really, what good would it do? You're the mod. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.
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Ok. We can leave it at a misunderstanding and move on. It is often hard to convey what someone's true intentions were through the computer. How can you say something was uncalled for when it was a reaction to something that you admit was misunderstood? Sometimes we don't even know how we come across. That's for anyone on the board, whether mod or not.

What was cleaned up by Qbee earlier was posts that were inappropriate from both sides of the issue. She was just making it clear that she was not favoring a side in what she did but was just in general cleaning up offensive posts or off topic posts no matter which side of the issue they were on. So I don't understand the comments about not caring what Qbees thoughts on the subject are or not giving "a flying fig". :worried:

Regardless, we can all admit that we want an atmosphere where we can be free to post without causing offense. Qbee as a mod always tries to accomplish this the best she can. She was not trying to be condescending or offensive in her post. If you are allowed to be misunderstood, surely you can grant this to her as well.
Ok. We can leave it at a misunderstanding and move on. It is often hard to convey what someone's true intentions were through the computer. How can you say something was uncalled for when it was a reaction to something that you admit was misunderstood? Sometimes we don't even know how we come across. That's for anyone on the board, whether mod or not.

What was cleaned up by Qbee earlier was posts that were inappropriate from both sides of the issue. She was just making it clear that she was not favoring a side in what she did but was just in general cleaning up offensive posts or off topic posts no matter which side of the issue they were on. So I don't understand the comments about not caring what Qbees thoughts on the subject are or not giving "a flying fig". :worried:

Regardless, we can all admit that we want an atmosphere where we can be free to post without causing offense. Qbee as a mod always tries to accomplish this the best she can. She was not trying to be condescending or offensive in her post. If you are allowed to be misunderstood, surely you can grant this to her as well.

I thanked her. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less. How many interpretations are there for saying "thank you"? Anyway, I still don't get it but whatever... I'm over it. Moving on.
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Disco is right, you 100% misunderstood my intention (which was indeed an "innocent" one). I really don't understand why you would jump to that conclusion. I didn't use an "innocent" smiley, I used a happy/content smiley because I was genuinely glad to see the thread cleaned up. Also, I don't give a flying fig which side of the fence you're on. I don't need your approval, wasn't looking for it, and didn't ask for it. I was just happy to see the thread cleaned up and expressed exactly that. I'm slightly offended by your uncalled for personal attack, but I don't hold a grudge so no worries. And really, what good would it do? You're the mod. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

Travis I apologise if you feel offended. My reply was meant to be light hearted tongue and cheeck way to let you and all involved know that no one was singled out when I cleaned the posts. I was trying to be funny and light hearted. I guess it didnt come across that way :( Sometimes its hard to show intention behind our words and looks like even smilies cant properly show that. I will admit I did misunderstand your smilie tacked on to the thank you just as you misunderstood my reply. I hope you dont hold a grudge as I do appreciate you on the board :)
Travis I apologise if you feel offended. My reply was meant to be light hearted tongue and cheeck way to let you and all involved know that no one was singled out when I cleaned the posts. I was trying to be funny and light hearted. I guess it didnt come across that way :( Sometimes its hard to show intention behind our words and looks like even smilies cant properly show that. I will admit I did misunderstand your smilie tacked on to the thank you just as you misunderstood my reply. I hope you dont hold a grudge as I do appreciate you on the board :)

Of course not. Water under the bridge. :better:
tyff says whoa;3590207 said:
I am heterosexual but men don't like me. So what does that make me? lol

It makes you...


lol. (Don't worry, I'm Forever Alone™ too). =(
^That beats the point of being Forever Alone™. You are permitted only one dog. However, if you're female, you may have an unlimited amount of cats. Generally, the more cats you possess, the more accentuated your Forever Alone™ position becomes.
^^It's so funny you say that. It gets so hot when all four of them are around me, I have to open the window and let the cold air come in. Whew! They can generate some heat! :)

But alas! The kids in the neighborhood of my Mom's home have already dubbed me "The Cat Lady". As such, I think I am doomed to die in spinsterhood with my brood. Go figure!

Such is life when you have no companion to grow old with. :(
I have four myself. It simply means I am saving energy costs, especially since I can lower the thermostat. I'm also thinking of my carbon foodprint, I feel that is the true meaning of "Earth Song".

Yeah, that's the kind of attitude that cements your fate as:


I heed Earth Song's call and lower my carbon footprint with fur, also. 'Cept mine isn't alive. :3
I believe everyone is born bi, but we're conditioned by society to take a certain path. I myself have only been in relationships with men, but I've been attracted to girls as well. I just think you go with whatever your heart tells you.

you said it better then I ever could, thank you.
^I disagree. If that were true, then there would be no open predominantly [or exclusively] homosexual people. Sexuality is a complex thing, and I'm not going to re-post all I've posted on the subject, whoever cares enough can travel back and see. However, studies have shown most people are predominantly heterosexual with some homosexual tendencies. But these would not count as true bisexuals, and it has nothing to do with society "conditioning" them.