September 26 - 28 *Updated for Sept 28, 2008, on post #104*

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Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

Well Pam tried to get rid of her breast implants and as soon as she did, the phone stopped ringing, so she had them put back in. Women, statistically, live longer then men, so shouldn't the standard be the other way around? Michael should be old while Pam is still young? lol. Whatever.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

u turkeys take any opportunity to blabber on about pamela anderson.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

I don't think Pamela Anderson lies.
She's too intelligent. She doesn't have to.
She's also not saying much.
But yeah she keeps ppl talking... that's good for her and it's good for Michael also... at least business wise.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

good morroning everybody and the ppls too :) :jump: :sun:

here is website:,0,735891.story

Dancing to a new mix in Macon, Ga.

MACON, Ga. - The three deejays spun R&B and hip-hop, with a focus on oldies, party anthems and black artists gone mainstream - Michael Jackson, OutKast, Gnarls Barkley.

These were carefully chosen common denominators, songs that black and white club-goers might agree upon in 2008. And, in fact, the two races were here in equal measure on a Friday night, dancing shoulder to shoulder at this upscale club in the heart of the old Confederacy.

The dancers, about 50 of them, were too young to remember April 1968, when angry blacks rioted here after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. They were too young to recall Feb. 18, 1970, when 4,000 whites rallied against desegregation just across the Ocmulgee River. They were too young to remember "Machine Gun" Ronnie Thompson, the white mayor from 1967 to 1975 who threatened that his police would "shoot to kill" rioters on his watch.

To club-goers such as Nathan Hicks, the mixed-race dance floor at Club Envy represents a departure from all that.

"You're seeing a very unique time, locally and nationally," said Hicks, 30, a lawyer who is white. "Nationally, you have the introduction of the first serious black candidate for president. Locally, things have been divided for a long time."

But now, he said, Macon has something new: "a generation that doesn't know that racial divide."

Political observers are wondering whether younger voters, unburdened by ancient racial biases and baggage, might make an impact in November's presidential election. In a handful of Southern states, such voters could help Democrat Barack Obama mount a serious challenge to Republican John McCain, potentially canceling out lingering prejudices harmful to a black candidate.

The trio of deejays at Club Envy have been throwing multiracial dance parties like this for a few years around Macon, and they are aware that they have tapped into the forces that have been reshaping racial attitudes - even in the South.

"It was bound to happen," said Rory Tibbals, 30, who is white. Tibbals, a lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force, calls himself DJ Tagg. "You go to school these days, you're in a mixed class. You go to work, it's integrated."

"I swear," added Dallas Jackson, a black 33-year-old who spins records as DJ Roger Riddle. "Every year, kids get better about race."

But the crew, rounded out by a black rap station personality named Ronald "Dirt Dog" Jackson, also know that Macon has by no means transcended the boundaries of race. The crowds they draw, by local night-life standards, are relatively small. Their black-and-white audiences are exceptions to the rule in Middle Georgia, where clubs tend to be as segregated on Saturday night as churches are the following morning.

Here, the borderlines of race may shift and blur, but they still exist, for better or worse, shaping the flow of any given weekend.

Macon, with a population of 97,000, is an old cotton hub about 90 minutes from Atlanta. It's just far enough to feel outside the big city's orbit and part of a deeper South. Decades ago, white flight and suburban malls hollowed Macon's historic core, leaving blocks of empty and underused buildings.

Some are still tagged with the ghost logos of long-gone stores.

Inside Club Envy, in the main room, DJ Tagg had the run of the sound system. He bobbed behind a table crowded with LPs, turntables and laptops, his head cocked sideways to brace a set of headphones. The shuffling bass line of "Billie Jean" shook the room.

A small group of women in their 20s - all black except for one - danced closely, sipping cocktails and shouting happily in each others' ears.

"One of the reasons these parties are desegregated is because they mix up the music," shouted Cameron Beasley, 23, who was collecting the cover charge. "I mean, who doesn't like 'Billie Jean'?"

Justin Cutway, 32, wandered in. Cutway is white and teaches at an elementary school that is 98 percent black. Members of the local indie rock band Nomenclature - an all-white group -stopped by, slovenly and thrift-store cool. A young black woman named Tarcia Tripp arrived in an elegant dress with a few black friends. Her parents had sent her to a private high school that was nearly all white. This, she said, was the world she was used to, a world she was trying to sustain for her 7-year-old. "I teach him no color," she said.

The three deejays did not start out with a plan to bring the races together. Tagg, the Air Force lieutenant, was a military brat. He discovered hip-hop at age 12, in Japan. "People, especially people in the South, say, 'Hip-hop, that's black culture,'" he said. "But to us, it was just music."

In 2005, Tagg was transferred to Robins Air Force Base, about half an hour from downtown Macon. On MySpace, he connected with Roger Riddle, a Detroit native whose eclectic taste confounded his black Southern friends: They didn't get his fondness for both James Brown and Dolly Parton, his propensity to rave on about, say, Joanna Newsom, an avant-garde harpist, or Fumio Itabashi, a Japanese jazz pianist.

When I got down here," he said, "it was sort of like, 'All the black people are this way,' and I was like, 'I'm not into what y'all are doin', so I'll go and do my thing.'"

Tagg and Roger Riddle played a few shows together, advertising largely through word of mouth. In January, Tagg went to Iraq for a six-month tour, so Roger Riddle paired up with Dirt Dog, who was feeling constricted by his rap station's tightly focused playlist.

Their experiment unfolded as Macon seemed to be lurching fitfully toward the future. In 1999, the city elected its first black mayor, C. Jack Ellis. His divisive eight years in office were marked by his conversion to Islam and accusations of misused federal funds.

The city - once home to the Allman Brothers and Otis Redding - is embracing its rich music history, opening a museum and re-branding itself "the Song and Soul of the South." But downtown is still not the vibrant place many would wish. Dirt Dog thinks that a more integrated entertainment scene could spur economic development.

"Downtown doesn't have no sushi. Downtown doesn't have anything. If we started throwing bigger parties, we could have sushi. ... We could show that this was more than a hick town. This is more than deejaying parties. Business-wise, it's going to open economic opportunities.

"Down south it's real cliquish," Dirt Dog said. "We want to un-clique it."

On Friday night, the cliques are found on the edge of town, on the road that leads to the Air Force base. An all-white crowd was listening to a twangy Nashville act at Whiskey River, a 22,000-square-foot country music hall adorned with portraits of white musicians: Reba McEntire, Alan Jackson, Merle Haggard.

Owner Ernie Shepherd, 61, a former liquor store operator, took over the place in the 1980s. "When I bought it, it was red - I mean redneck," he said, "a real hard-ass urban-cowboy nightclub."

The reputation endures, he said, among Macon's blacks. "We cleaned it up," he said, "but the stigma through the years has stuck with us."

Less than a mile down the road, a young, nearly all-black crowd congregated at Club Money's, where huge airbrushed portraits of black rap stars - Eazy-E, Tupac Shakur, Biggie Smalls - loom atop the facade like a hip-hop Mount Rushmore. Assistant manager Armond Acree, 26, was setting up early Friday for the big night. He grew up on Macon's black south side.

When he started getting in trouble with the law as a teen, his father, a sheriff's deputy, encouraged him to enlist in the Air Force. In basic training, Acree said, "I met a white guy who said, 'You're my first black friend.'

"But I couldn't be mad at him, cause he was my first white friend."

Peter Diehl, the percussionist in the indie rock band, said Macon's old generation was still fighting the Civil War. He hopes the younger ones won't feel so burdened by history.

"We want to turn this town on its end, basically," said Diehl, 24. "It's been a certain way for so long."

here is website:
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

Well Pam tried to get rid of her breast implants and as soon as she did, the phone stopped ringing, so she had them put back in. Women, statistically, live longer then men, so shouldn't the standard be the other way around? Michael should be old while Pam is still young? lol. Whatever.

i dont make the standards. society does. it has nothing to do with how long women and men live. it has to do with how ppl view men and women. women are at their best in their 20s when men are at their best in their 40s and 50s. generally speaking looking young is what makes a woman attractive and looking mature is what makes a man attractive. when women reach 40 u can totally see how desperate they are to look younger but when a man reaches 40 he wont do anything to look younger. i've seen 20 and 30 year old guys trying to act and look older but not the other way around. looking mature is man's key to sexyness.
i see that u really like pamela and that u've gotten a little upset over the things i said so this is my last post on this thread. :flowers: to me is how old u look and feel what really matters.
u can be 50 and look and feel better than a 20 year old.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

i dont make the standards. society does. it has nothing to do with how long women and men live. it has to do with how ppl view men and women. women are at their best in their 20s when men are at their best in their 40s and 50s. generally speaking looking young is what makes a woman attractive and looking mature is what makes a man attractive. when women reach 40 u can totally see how desperate they are to look younger but when a man reaches 40 he wont do anything to look younger. i've seen 20 and 30 year old guys trying to act and look older but not the other way around. looking mature is man's key to sexyness.
i see that u really like pamela and that u've gotten a little upset over the things i said so this is my last post on this thread. :flowers: to me is how old u look and feel what really matters.
u can be 50 and look and feel better than a 20 year old.

What society are YOU living in then? lol Cuz I don't agree and I know a lot of people wouldn't. LOL I mean if 30-35 is hitting old age, I might as well get prepared to invest in a walking cane in ten years :lol:

Men don't try to look younger? Really? Dying their hair, hair transplants, really?
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

Ohh dearest meeee. :lol: I'll just say it's nice to know Pammy's a fan. Welcome to the club, Pammy. And on that note, I'm outta this thread.

Well Pam tried to get rid of her breast implants and as soon as she did, the phone stopped ringing, so she had them put back in. Women, statistically, live longer then men, so shouldn't the standard be the other way around? Michael should be old while Pam is still young? lol. Whatever.

okay, I can't resist. See, this is why it's important to encourage young girls to use their brains to get ahead in the world. Let beauty and body be your sidekick, but the brain should be the main least until Alzheimer's kick in. Beauty often fades (unless you're lucky and have a good gene pool where things don't "crack" so easily) and the body eventually sags. And eventually you reach a point where what's sagging can't be nipped, tucked, and stretched anymore cuz there's nothing left to nip, tuck and stretch. Using the body as the main attraction all thru life could be a prob. when you hit a certain age. That should only be left to those with very little brain to work with. Otherwise, it's a lazy way to get by IMHO...especially when you HAVE more brains than most. I hate when women try to play down their intelligence so men don't feel intimidated. I say if he feels intimidated, you need to move on to men who appreciate it. That way when you're old and cracking and sagging, he still has something to love (along with your sparkling pesonality, of course) An intimidated man is an insecure man and more than likely an immature man. Blah. Meh. Laterrrrrrr! 'K, now I'm done. It's out of my system. *steps off my feminist soapbox* :fear:

Thanks to all for the news and mentionings. :flowers:
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Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

u obviously didnt understand my post at all. first of all i meant the majority of men and women thats why i said "generally speaking". when i said "old age" for women i didnt mean old age as in 90. i meant old age as in not at their peak anymore. as in not so sexy and attractive anymore when compared to 20 year olds. yes men do dye their hair and they do stuff to not look unattractive like keeping their skin young looking, keeping their body in shape etc they dont try to pass for 20 though like women do. thats what i meant.
i think i replied to all ur "really really?" questions although i think u coulda been a little more polite when asking them. :)
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

i was talking about pamelas age in terms of her sex appeal not in terms of her not being able to walk without a cane. obviously.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

i doubt theres anything in the video story anyway. pam just prob used it off the top of her head when being asked. mj is about 15 years to late if he were to use her in a video
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

info from

2008. szeptember 27.

Another New Jackson Company

Michael Jackson just established another company. This new entity has been registered in Nevada under the "MJJ Legacy LLC" name.

Katherine Jackson is in the company as well. Based on the other Jackson company structures, it seems that MJJL will more likely handle the pop legend's business and financial affairs.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

Wooow.... get it, Mike. :wink: A business man, dawg, lol.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

how are mj's kids dealing w/ this 'crap' datsy ? u really think he lets them in on every piece of tabloid fodder? honestly? if it's a rumor, then it'll blow over. the idea that what americansthink of as a hot ass chick is gonna b in mj's vid is actually amazing b/c it shows what kind of clout he has.

the ONLY person takingthis seriously is u. it's not that big of a deal...especially w/what's happened before, compared to that, this is playground news
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

there are different standards for men and women. personally i consider women over 30-35 old and men over 60-65 old. i think its ok to do some plastic surgery if ur unhappy about sth in ur body and want to make it look better and if u can afford it of course but imo pamela has overdone it. janet looks totally natural even though shes had some work done. if i didnt know that janet had a boob job i wouldnt believe it but pamela on the other hand well.... her boobs are bigger than a giant watermelon lol and her face looks totally unnatural too like shes had millions of face liftings. anyways, im not judging. its her body she can do whatever she wants.
also janet is in pam's age but she looks at least 10 years younger unlike pamela who looks her age if not older

So women over 35 are old? Please let me remind you of that statement in 20 years or so. I'm assuming you're not a day over 15 or you could never say something so ignorant. Oh wait, since I'm 33 I guess I'll be so ancient in 20 years that I'll be in an old people's home :doh:. Why don't you call up Jennifer Lopez, Michelle Pfeiffer, Iman, Naomi Campell, Heidi Klum and a bunch of other OLD women and explain to them that they're old and should crawl under a rock because nobody would dream of thinking they're sexy:smilerolleyes:.

Secondly, don't you think it's a bit rich of Michael Jackson fan to attack Pam Andersons plastic surgery? I mean really.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

If Mike wanna be with someone like Pam Anderson, age ain't nothing but a number.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

u obviously didnt understand my post at all. first of all i meant the majority of men and women thats why i said "generally speaking". when i said "old age" for women i didnt mean old age as in 90. i meant old age as in not at their peak anymore. as in not so sexy and attractive anymore when compared to 20 year olds. yes men do dye their hair and they do stuff to not look unattractive like keeping their skin young looking, keeping their body in shape etc they dont try to pass for 20 though like women do. thats what i meant.
i think i replied to all ur "really really?" questions although i think u coulda been a little more polite when asking them. :)

ok i apologize if i seemed aggressive but that's just usually how i am, and how I post when debating something.

And I know u meant generally, and that part I disagree with. I don't think a majority of the people think that way.

I think there are many celebs that are in their 30s that men find extremely attractive. There are men in their 20s that girls find extremely attractive. They do try to hide their age and they DO try to look younger (and the most tell tell sign for them IS hairline and losing their hair and hair discoloration...for women it's more about their skin.) So in that sense lots of men do try to pass for 20, because the fundamental thing that shows off their age they try to fix, just as women do.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

Michael Jackson Mentionings for September 28, 2008:

The different bands competed in three different classes, each band with a distinct show.
"It's our directors first year this year and we really wanted to have fun this year," said one of Spirit Lake's Drum Majors. The band's theme this year is "Fright Night."
With music from "Tales from the Crypt" and Michael Jackson, it's a show aimed at "thrilling" the audience. "It's a huge adrenaline rush you think you're tired before the show, but you get on and it's just like you're not tired at all," said Goodlaxson.
Few bands get into the performance as much as this crew does. Part of the band even puts down their instruments to dance to "Thriller" towards the end of the performance. "The kids are so fun and when they do the Thriller dance they just think it's funky and cool, which it is," said Dunham.,25197,24415010-25090,00.html

Get a peace of the action
ONLINE bookies have really opened up the betting markets since the days when you were limited to a punt on the hayburners, the dishlickers or the local footy competition. Lasseters Sportsbook yesterday opened a market on this year's Nobel peace prize, which will be announced on October 10. The favourite, at $5, is Zimbabwe's new prime minister-designate Morgan Tsvangirai, ahead of Colombian-French politician and recently freed kidnap victim Ingrid Betancourt ($7) and Chinese activist Hu Jia ($9). But it is the people further down the list who caught Strewth's eye. That Irish duo who combine music and good works, Bono and Bob Geldof, are $34, while fellow entertainer Michael Jackson is $501. In what appears to be a rather calculated insult by Lasseters' Gerard Daffy, former British PM Tony Blair and US President George W. Bush are listed at $1001.

She rocked 'Midnight Train To Georgia!'" Latifah reviewed approvingly, before introducing fashion stylist/singer O'Neal McKnight, who rocked a look that was sort of dapper 1980s' eighth grader, in a ball cap, plaid shirt and checkered backpack. McKnight, known for the single "Check Your Coat," made an impression more for his dancing, including a spot-on Michael Jackson routine to "Billie Jean," than his singing. But he looked real good.

No longer a mere musical parodist who has sent up everyone from Michael Jackson to rapper Chamillionaire, Yankovic is now being recognized as "the unlikely forefather of the infectious, hyperlinked, quasi-referential comedy that's become the lingua franca of the Web."

Sheryl Crow takes the Pengrowth Saddledome stage on Wednesday.
The singer-songwriter blends rock, country, pop, folk and blues into one mainstream sound.
Crow has won nine Grammy Awards.
She has sung duets with Mick Jagger, Michael Jackson, Eric Clapton and Kid Rock, among others.

So you didn't hear this from anyone still on the payroll, but Al Gore considers the Four Seasons his Philadelphia home. Michael Jackson and his entourage once visited and brought two of their own chefs -- one to cook vegetarian for ***** and the other to do soul food for the crew. John Kenneth Galbraith, Jimmy Carter, Dennis Rodman and Darryl Dawkins, Maurice Sendak and Anna Quindlen have all been guests.

First, let me explain what I was up against. The white-covered particleboard cabinets were ugly, at least 20 years old, and barely better than a cardboard box. They weren't that good when Michael Jackson's "Thriller" was flying off the shelves, and they most certainly weren't any good in 2008.

Jeff Clayton worked in recording studios, where beginning in the 1970s he played backup for pop music's biggest stars, including Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson and Madonna.
Jeff Clayton is still involved in studio work -- last season he played saxophone for "American Idol." John Clayton is now also producing, including projects with Natalie Cole and Diana Krall. Both play in the Clayton-Hamilton Big Band

Stars like Ella Fitzgerald, James Brown, Michael Jackson and Lauryn Hill got their start at this 1913 theater. After a period of disuse and abuse, the theater was acquired by the state of New York in 1991 and is currently undergoing renovations. A tour can be had for not much more than the cost of a movie, and the Apollo still hosts its world-famous Amateur Night on Wednesdays at 7:30pm.

Despite having a distinct ’50s feel, Springvale also features an ironic nod to Michael Jackson’s Thriller, which is quintessentially ’80s.

“I had finished shooting the sung sequences and then it occurred to me that it might be rather amusing to dance to a version of the iconic Thriller, given that my song is all about a cemetery,” Elton explains.

Michael Jackson HIStory for September 28, 2008:

1987 - Michael Jackson's "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" was certified Gold by the RIAA.

Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

there are different standards for men and women. personally i consider women over 30-35 old and men over 60-65 old. i think its ok to do some plastic surgery if ur unhappy about sth in ur body and want to make it look better and if u can afford it of course but imo pamela has overdone it. janet looks totally natural even though shes had some work done. if i didnt know that janet had a boob job i wouldnt believe it but pamela on the other hand well.... her boobs are bigger than a giant watermelon lol and her face looks totally unnatural too like shes had millions of face liftings. anyways, im not judging. its her body she can do whatever she wants.
also janet is in pam's age but she looks at least 10 years younger unlike pamela who looks her age if not older

aww darn! knew i was old, but sheeeez... shhhhh
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

info from

2008. szeptember 27.

Another New Jackson Company

Michael Jackson just established another company. This new entity has been registered in Nevada under the "MJJ Legacy LLC" name.

Katherine Jackson is in the company as well. Based on the other Jackson company structures, it seems that MJJL will more likely handle the pop legend's business and financial affairs.

sounds great, if it is true.

Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

how are mj's kids dealing w/ this 'crap' datsy ? u really think he lets them in on every piece of tabloid fodder? honestly? if it's a rumor, then it'll blow over. the idea that what americansthink of as a hot ass chick is gonna b in mj's vid is actually amazing b/c it shows what kind of clout he has.

the ONLY person takingthis seriously is u. it's not that big of a deal...especially w/what's happened before, compared to that, this is playground news
Michasel jackson's kids are 10 and 11. Common sense tells me that he cannot protect them from the rumours any longer and they will soon be reading newspapers, watching tv without their dad watching them and also talking to friends that live in the outside world. You really don't think he can stop them from hearing these things, do you?
They probably will have heard it already. if they have friends that they visit, they will ask them if it is true. That is what children do.

I care about it because I care about Michaels legacy and I am mindful of the way the media is working at programming people to think that MJ is strange and is not worth taking seriously. This is the game that they are playing, not unlike the story of the quadruplet that Michael was supposed to have fathered with a white man's sperm or the sex change stories that were front page all over the tabloids., It is done for a reason. That is to undermind Michael jackson and to turn him into a laughing stock. Since they didn't drive him into prison or into an asylum, let 'us' laugh at him so they the mere mention of his name will get a certain response. This is part of the programming that the masses are getting. It is working pretty well, cause even MJ fans have now settled for it and is laughing with the morons now.
Yes, i take it seriously, and I hope, so does MJ. And I am concerned for his children, yes.
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Basically what some r tryn 2 say is, compared to CM jokes, vitiligo, and all that sh*t, this really isn't anything serious. Sometimes you just HAVE to know when to relax about some stuff. No one knows if this Pam/MJ thing is 100% true, no one's implying that, but if, just IF, it were true, then whatever is whatever. That's his business. I mean, relax sometimes, gosh...
SO what if they heard the kids heard it though? I don't get what would be the harm. The worst reaction i can see of Prince, Paris, or Blanket is "OOOOOO daddy's got a girlfriend! daddy's gotta girl friend! I'mma teeeell Grace! Ooooooo!" :lol: And that's IF they actually thought it was true! They might look at it and be like "pssshhh" LOL I mean i don't see these kids being scarred cuz of THIS rumor. Like till said, they could be talking about SO many worse things that the kids REALLY would be upset about.

And considering that many many many men would like to have a piece of Pam, and feel that Pam IS very attractive, I don't think this adds to any "weird" rumors. This is actually the first "normal" rumor I've heard in a WHILE. LOL MJ might be getting some of that....not weird to me lol
Basically what some r tryn 2 say is, compared to CM jokes, vitiligo, and all that sh*t, this really isn't anything serious. Sometimes you just HAVE to know when to relax about some stuff. No one knows if this Pam/MJ thing is 100% true, no one's implying that, but if, just IF, it were true, then whatever is whatever. That's his business. I mean, relax sometimes, gosh...
I do know how to relax. In fact I stated my point of view just like everyone else stated theirs. It does make me laugh though to see that the people who are challenging me are the ones telling me to relax or not to take it so seriously. I never challenged anyones point of view,. I simply stated mine., It almost feels as if I am being told to shut up because I don't support the status quo.
Just because you don't agree with me, their is no need to tell me to relax. I am very relaxed thank you. I just came back from a long country walk.
I do know how to relax. In fact I stated my point of view just like everyone else stated theirs. It does make me laugh though to see that the people who are challenging me are the ones telling me to relax or not to take it so seriously. I never challenged anyones point of view,. I simply stated mine., It almost feels as if I am being told to shut up because I don't support the status quo.
Just because you don't agree with me, their is no need to tell me to relax. I am very relaxed thank you. I just came back from a long country walk.

point well taken datsy. not our place to tell you to lighten up or to what level of intensity you wish to respond. i think it goes against rules to attack a person in this manner on the forum anyhow. responding to your points is cool, but telling you in what manner you should post i do believe is off limits. sorry :flowers:
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