September 26 - 28 *Updated for Sept 28, 2008, on post #104*

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Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

I am not calling Pam any name at all. What I am saying is that the media is not Michael's friend and they in no way started this rumour to make Michael look good. it was designed to take the micky at Michael. so far Mj has not responded. His silence doesn't mean consent. just because Pam is enjoying the publicity at MJ's expence doesn't mean that he is enjoying it, or that he wants his name associated with pamela Andeson. he should have the right to decide who he will be associated with without having the media or his fans deciding that for him. If I was Mj and my name was being attached to someone I don't even know, i would be quite annoyed. This is like school yard bullying where kids gossip about someone going out with some guy, just for a laugh. It is classless and rude.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

You get me wrong, Datsy. I did understand your point! But your statement was sooo important, I simply HAD TO quote it.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

You get me wrong, Datsy. I did understand your point! But your statement was sooo important, I simply HAD TO quote it.
Thank you feelgood. my response was not for you at all. i do agree with you.:D
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

Michael Jackson Mentionings for September 27, 2008:

An ode to Janet and Michael Jackson re-created some of their greatest hits, including “P.Y.T.,” “If,” “Rhythm Nation” and “Beat It.” A mock dance-fighting segment pitted the teams against each other, ending with a simulated slo-mo interlude.

Though their ode to the future of dance lacked appeal, watching these specialists in synchronization don afros and butterfly collared shirts during a tribute to the Jackson 5’s “Dancing Machine” was enthralling.

Some of this best work has echoes of prime time Michael Jackson – his voice has some similarity – and there even some glorious moments where he gets close to soulful Stevie Wonder-style perfection.

Historian William Kuhn, who has written about British royalty and politics, is writing a biography, currently untitled, about the years that Kennedy worked in the publishing business. It will begin in 1975 with her brief stint at Viking Press and then her 16 years at Doubleday, right up to her death in 1994.
Kennedy's authors ranged from celebrities Michael Jackson and Carly Simon to Nobel laureate Naguib Mahfouz, the Egyptian novelist.

Joseph Ankrah appreciates arts and craft and a little clubbing. On an average day, he learns to play a new song on his guitar. His musical influences inlcude Alicia Keys, Michael Jackson, Mary J Blige and Kojo Antwi.

“Pithoprakta” is good weird. “Lombard Play Piazzolla — the Dance Concert,” the premiere presented by the Lombard Twins from Argentina, is just weird. The twins’ biographical insert in the program describes “their unparalleled synchronized dance style in hip-hop and high-energy tap,” but it looks more like an abstracted version of Michael Jackson’s dance moves (with a little Janet thrown in). The Astor Piazzolla music couldn’t save them, despite the live band. And let us pass lightly over the skinny black pants, pointy boots, naked torsos and various metal accouterments.

Michael Jackson HIStory for September 27, 2008:

1994 - Marcio Alberto de Paolo and his sister Renata filed a $20 million suit against Michael Jackson. The claim was that they were the victims of a hit-and-run accident involving Jackson's van in Sao Paolo.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

I strongly object to this. So far we , none of us have heard a word from Michael jackson.
As I see it, this rumour started the very day when lots of people were showing up dressed as Michael all over the place. the media picked up the rumour and Pam as refused to confirm or deny it. Why should she. She is getting much desired attention from it.
Nobody knows how Michael is feeling about his name being banded about like this. we do not know because he has not spoken. For all we know, he may well be annoyed by it or just maybe quite pissed off.
I think that fans running with this story because pamela, tongue in cheek says she is going to be in a video is doing a disservice to Michael jackson himself. let the man be. he is not dating pamela and he is not doing no video with her. if he were Pamela would not have been speaking about it cause he would have given her strict instructions not to do so, and I believe she would have honoured it the same way that others are honouring his wishes. Respect MJ. The media doesn't respect him, and THEIR idea of ligning him up with pam, a woman with loose reputation, was to MOCK, Michael Jackson. I do appreciate the way pam as played it, cause she has indeed played the media at their own game, but I doubt Michael jackson is laughing. :no:

Why do you always portray Michael as some kind of God??

And how can you be 100% sure about Pam not being in his video??

Datsymay, I personally don't know you but yu alvaways take everything so seriously!

Chill out, have fun! Michael is grown man.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

Disservice to MJ? I don't think he cares not one inkling about if we think Pam's in his vid or NOT :lol: Actually it's a SERVICE to MJ cuz people are TALKING about his new projects, be the rumors true or not. Talking about his projects and not about other things. LOL
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

Disservice to MJ? I don't think he cares not one inkling about if we think Pam's in his vid or NOT :lol: Actually it's a SERVICE to MJ cuz people are TALKING about his new projects, be the rumors true or not. Talking about his projects and not about other things. LOL
If a group of people link your name to some guy that everybody talks about as unsavboury and loose, see how you would like it whrn everybody in your neighbourhood is lasughing, Just because MJ doesn't respond doesn'rt mean that he doesn't care. Treat others how you would like to be treated is my motto. Mj has always respected others. Whst is so wrong about showing him the same respect. it is disrepectful to be laughing and joking about the man going out with or dating some woman when he did not say so and has not responded to it. Silence speaks louder than words.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

Why do you always portray Michael as some kind of God??

And how can you be 100% sure about Pam not being in his video??

Datsymay, I personally don't know you but yu alvaways take everything so seriously!

Chill out, have fun! Michael is grown man.
I do not have a problem with your god, so please leave mine out of it.
I take this seriously cause I see that MJ is being mocked in the media and some fans are joining in. The image of the masked man is also mocking MJ and his skin desease. it is appallling and 'WE' have fallen for it. How would you feel if you have a skin desease and it is being treated like a subject of fun.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

If that happened to me and it wasn't true then I wouldn't worry about it too much. Rumors are rumors. They happen. It'll be different if there was like a sex tape out or something.

At this point with all the horrible things people have said about MJ, rumors about MJ getting his with some chick (promiscuous or not) is NOT something to be serious about :lol:
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

If that happened to me and it wasn't true then I wouldn't worry about it too much. Rumors are rumors. They happen. It'll be different if there was like a sex tape out or something.

At this point with all the horrible things people have said about MJ, rumors about MJ getting his with some chick (promiscuous or not) is NOT something to be serious about :lol:
Maybe so, but the problem with Mj is that RUMOUR has set the course for the way he is being treated and it was RUMOUR that set the course for the trial that he had to endure which he is reeling from. Rumour is important for MJ and his image and character. It is the stuff that his history is governed by, and for MJ, the lies become the truth. Yes, MJ rumours are hateful and designed to destroy and belitte him in the eyes of the public. We may not know how it hurts him.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

But in the celebrity world, rumors can also HELP. Thats why people have PR teams and all that. lol More likely than not, this will not effect/hurt MJ. And hell, it might be true for all we know.

And you act MJ has never been connected or "linked" with promiscuous women before (*cough* Naomi, Madonna*cough*)
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

In all honesty I dont believe Pam about him calling her for a video if he did and its true I dont have a problem with it, as I dont have a problem with the women really. But I think shes just riding the publicity.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

I have said my piece. I don't need to be arguing with anyone about how MJ feels, I don't live inside his head. I just know when a "Joke' is not a joke, but mocking and I know how I would feel about it. I also feel sorry for Mj's children who have to deal with this crap. I wouldn't want that for my kids.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

*hands up*

Not arguing. Just discussing. But yep, lets move on.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

Pam's yonger then Michael by quite a few years. Is Michael old too? Jesus people. Janet's had plastic surgery and a boob job too, but no one calls her fake. What about La Toya? Pam isn't trashy. She's no different then any other sex symbol of a woman out there now. If Michael likes her and wants her for his video, more power to him. He's got good taste. She's good looking and it doesn't matter if plastic surgery (something all of us should know is a stupid thing to complain about) assisted her in that.

there are different standards for men and women. personally i consider women over 30-35 old and men over 60-65 old. i think its ok to do some plastic surgery if ur unhappy about sth in ur body and want to make it look better and if u can afford it of course but imo pamela has overdone it. janet looks totally natural even though shes had some work done. if i didnt know that janet had a boob job i wouldnt believe it but pamela on the other hand well.... her boobs are bigger than a giant watermelon lol and her face looks totally unnatural too like shes had millions of face liftings. anyways, im not judging. its her body she can do whatever she wants.
also janet is in pam's age but she looks at least 10 years younger unlike pamela who looks her age if not older
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

if that neil sean is an english guy that im thinking it is then hes not credible anyway
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

I have always thought about Pamela Anderson as a fun girl. She doesn't seem to take herself so damn serious like many other people do. Props to her.
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Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

I don´t know what to think about it. If it is true then I will wait until I see the video until I have an opinion. I am not a Pamela Anderson hater.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

Thanks for posting the news
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

Hey, Michael Jackson is a big boy. If there's a rumor he doesn't like - he's got a mouth, he can speak or he can get a spokesperson and deny it. It's simple as that. That's how celebrities deal with rumors they don't like.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

here is website:


For a few months now there has been speculation of this item surfacing from deep inside SonyBMG's Camp.

The wait is now over and the product is out next week.

Pick up your copy next Tuesday at Amazon, Newbury Comics and Virgin Megastore.


At the 'Convention Of The Stars' in Mooresville (NC., USA) you have the chance to meet Tatiana Thumbtzen, the girl that was featured in the classic Michael Jackson video 'The Way You Make Me Feel'. A re-enactment of the video will take place together with impersonator Jose and Tatiana will be available for autographs and pictures. The convention takes place on October 24 and 25, 2008.

Click on the link below for more information:-


City/Country: Lyon/France

Location: Salle Rameau

Date: Friday, November 28, 2008

Time: 9 p.m.


Contact: Email:, Phone:+33 6 43 49 37 79

Tickets: Available on the website, Price: EUR 22

Event Description:
As you can understand, we could not remain on the success of the first NIGHT MICHAEL JACKSON, without announcing you. Yes... We can say it... There will be definitely a second edition in 2008. We accepted your mails of encouragement and so we agree to perform another special Night.

We dispose enough ideas to create it. Without losing more time and sleeping on our successful 1st edition, my collaborator Sonya and I are working on this party.

We were - frankly - already working the day before the first Night was over.. Then we have chosen for you very nice animations. At NIGHT MJ II will be different... Of course you will find (rediscover) the same mind, but with bigger means still, one much bigger theater and guests stars of the world Jackson. Regularly, I shall hold you informed about advances.

The Night Michael Jackson's concept will be based on the "Twilight Zone"...

MJfrance will be our major partner of this new special party. Once again, here we are together on the road to new and exciting adventures.


City/Country: Benningtn, Vermont (USA)

Location: Annual Pumpkin Challenge, Bennington

Date: October 25, 2008

Time: 6pm UTC / GMT


Event Description:
'Thrill the World' was founded in 2006 and since has helped volunteer event organizers across the world to organize events using their instructional based programs available on their website. Ines Markeljevi of Kitchener, Ontario and Tom Kiss of Brighton, UK from the dance group 'Thrill the World' have their sights set on breaking a world record later this year. Since 2006 'Thrill the World' has organized events with fans around the world which dance to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" all at once. In 2007, the Boston Globe called the group "Scary but oh-so-good." On October 25/26, 2008, thousands of people worldwide will participate in a simultaneous dance of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" for the Guinness World Record. The events will happen at exactly the same time across the globe. For more information about 'Thrill the World' please visit

On October 25 in Bennington, Vermont (USA) at the annual Pumpkin Challenge weekend, the group is looking to break the current record listed in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Those interested in registering as a dancer or to sign up for dance classes can visit the events section at for more information.


City/Country: Encinitas, California (USA)

Location: Will be announced

Date: October 25, 2008

Time: Check-in begins at 10:15. Dance begins PROMPTLY at 11 am. No one arriving late will be able to participate or be counted in Guiness so please arrive early!


Event Description:
'Thrill the World' was founded in 2006 and since has helped volunteer event organizers across the world to organize events using their instructional based programs available on their website. Ines Markeljevi of Kitchener, Ontario and Tom Kiss of Brighton, UK from the dance group 'Thrill the World' have their sights set on breaking a world record later this year. Since 2006 'Thrill the World' has organized events with fans around the world which dance to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" all at once. In 2007, the Boston Globe called the group "Scary but oh-so-good." On October 25/26, 2008, thousands of people worldwide will participate in a simultaneous dance of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" for the Guinness World Record. The events will happen at exactly the same time across the globe. For more information about 'Thrill the World' please visit .

Local organizers are teaching the "Thriller" choreography. Anyone can learn the dance - using a dance script, teaching videos, and local workshops, it's easy to learn and it's FREE. A local group is organizing an event and teaching the dance in Encinitas, California- find out more at .

Last year was the first annual Thrill the World event where 1,722 people in 52 cities on 5 continents danced "Thriller" simultaneously. Be a part of this year's record-setting attempt!
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

Sometimes I wonder did he use the whole video excuse just to meet her, because I would at least have my album finished before I started recruiting for a video. Just a thought.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

Maybe he wanted to ask her to be in his video early so it can give her time to decide if she wants to be in his video or not.. Maybe MJ just wants to know so he can be prepared for his comeback..thats my thought.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

:agree: Why is it that every time we hear of Michael making a creative move regarding his art and his career, nist of us think he is making a mistake or a bad move. . . just because it is not what YOU would like to see him do. We dont' even have all the details or any facts regauding the "video" Michael wants to make with Pam. Maybe it's something for his private collection and nothing at all to do with his next album or his career at all. You all seem to always forget Michael is a creative genius at what he does. Why not just sit back and expect the best. You know Michael won't let us down and give us anything less. Besides, Michael may be trying to change his image after all he's been through and all the dirty laundry about him that has been exposed during the trial. Maybe he wants to start with a clean slate, tell the world he is a grown ass man and he likes to do what grown ass men like to do, . . with beautiful women. Think about the positive possibilities on this thing., After all, you all are concluding the ending of the book after only reading the first paragraph.:cheeky:

Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

Marlon Jackson stunned about Nigeria’s potentials, says Tee Mac Written by TUNDE AKINGBADE Sunday, 28 September 2008 MARLON Jackson, one of the members of the American musical family- The Jackson 5 was stunned about the potentials of Nigeria and the richness of her arts and culture when he recently visited Nigeria, according to Mr. Tee Mac Omatshola Iseli, Nigeria’s renowned flutist and president of Performing Musicians Employer’s Association of Nigeria. Tee Mac made the revelation at the Cinema Hall, National Theatre, Iganmu, Lagos last week when he was speaking at the ceremony to unveil the logo of Songs of Nigeria Festival, (SONIFEST) billed to take off in Abuja later this year.

The Nigerian musician and flutist who was one of the dignitaries at the Sonifest event in Lagos called on Nigerians and the government to promote the arts; culture and potentials of the country so as to draw the attention of blacks in Diaspora and the international Community towards investing in Nigeria.

According to Tee Mac, Africans in Diaspora are largely unaware of the richness and potentials available to be tapped in Nigeria. He said that for example, it was not until Marlon Jackson, elder brother of Michael Jackson came to Nigeria that he discovered the rich potentials in Nigeria contrary to the negative reports they read in newspapers or view on the television about Nigeria abroad.

Tee Mac hinted that Marlon Jackson said he was going back to the United States to encourage other Africans to invest in Nigeria because of the rich potentials he saw in the country during his visit.

The musician regretted that pirates have killed the music industry in Nigeria because of the way they copied other people’s works and sold at rock bottom prices.
Professor Dora Akunyili, Director-General of National Agency for Food Administration, Drugs and Central, (NAFADAC) who was represented by Dr. Matty O.N. Udoye, chief regulatory Officer of NAFDAC called on Nigerians to promote African arts and culture. Professor Akunyili called on every Nigeria to support the fight against piracy which has been killing the music industry. She also prayed for the success of SONIFEST as well as the advancement of Nigeria artistes in all their endeavors.

Ambassador Segun Olusola, president of SONIFEST called on Nigerians to be committed to the promotion of the culture of her people and encourage creativity amongst the people.

He said that SONIFEST was meant to bring out the best in Nigeria music, arts and culture.

Mr. Chuks Akamadu the executive director of SONIFEST hinted that the organization had worked on modalities of promoting the best in Nigerian music and as such the group was working on the construction of “Rex Lawson Page” which will contain a conference center and collection of Nigerian songs which will also be sold.

He said SONIFEST is a forum for the lovers of Arts, culture and music to come together and maximize their potentials.

Chief Mrs Christy Essien Igbokwe, Nigeria’s Lady of Songs and Vice-President of SONIFEST said that all hands must be on deck to make the dreams of the organisers of the initiative a reality.

The logo was later unveiled by Dr. Udoye, the representative of Professor. Dora Akunyili on her behalf.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

there are different standards for men and women. personally i consider women over 30-35 old and men over 60-65 old. i think its ok to do some plastic surgery if ur unhappy about sth in ur body and want to make it look better and if u can afford it of course but imo pamela has overdone it. janet looks totally natural even though shes had some work done. if i didnt know that janet had a boob job i wouldnt believe it but pamela on the other hand well.... her boobs are bigger than a giant watermelon lol and her face looks totally unnatural too like shes had millions of face liftings. anyways, im not judging. its her body she can do whatever she wants.
also janet is in pam's age but she looks at least 10 years younger unlike pamela who looks her age if not older

Sorry to break it to you, but you are very hypocritical. Stating that you are not judging Pam, yet your speaking about all the work she has done, and how much it looks unnatural. Thats not judging? That is totally judging. especially the comment on how her breasts look bigger than a giant watermelon. that is making fun of some one elses body, and judging them for getting plastic surgery. So I guess you should judge Michael for his nose jobs, Janet for her plastic surgery, and every other damn celebrity that has gone through plastic surgery. You make it sound so awful, and disgusting to even consider to have plastic surgery.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

Sorry to break it to you, but you are very hypocritical. Stating that you are not judging Pam, yet your speaking about all the work she has done, and how much it looks unnatural. Thats not judging? That is totally judging. especially the comment on how her breasts look bigger than a giant watermelon. that is making fun of some one elses body, and judging them for getting plastic surgery. So I guess you should judge Michael for his nose jobs, Janet for her plastic surgery, and every other damn celebrity that has gone through plastic surgery. You make it sound so awful, and disgusting to even consider to have plastic surgery.

ok sorry if i made anyone upset ok ? that was not my intention at all. i just wanted to express my opinion like everyone else. what i meant by "im not judging" was basically that even though she had so much work done i dont care cuz its her body not mine and she can do whatever she wants. that doesnt mean though that i do like her looks. as i said i believe theres nothing wrong with plastic surgery as long as u know when to stop and u dont overdo it. i did judge meaning that i stated my opinion on her looks and how i disapprove of the tons of plastic surgery shes had. what matters though is whether she likes her body or not. if she does then my opinion doesnt matter at all. she can do whatever she wants to her body cuz it belongs to her and even though i do have an opinion i cant tell her what to do and whats right and whats wrong according to me.
Re: September 26 - 28 Pam Calls and is in talks w/MJ about comeback video?

If mike wants her in his video why not, he always has sexy women in them anyway. We don't even now what
it will be about so i'm not going to judge on that.

As for them dateing i can't see it to be honest, but she is alot of fun she just looks cheap
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