September 2. News & Mentionings - [RUMOR]Pam and Mike out and about

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I do not believe the story at all. I often wonders how MJ deals with his name being used with so many events. It would drive me insane

I think that MJ doesn't care about petty things like that. MJ is a celebrity and the reality of a celebrity is that their name is on the tabliods and rumorville. The rumor is harmless. I do not know if it is true, but I do not think that they are dating.

BTW, I don't know how many men these days would give a high five with Mike because he is supposedly hanging out with Pam. Guys might be turned off by the fact that she is very loose. LOL.
Michael must have met Pamela through West? I think papers are twisting something. I think they weren't dating but maybe Pam will be involved with MJ's projects somehow..?
"I think they weren't dating but maybe Pam will be involved with MJ's projects somehow..?"

I think they're involved in the two situations.Date and projects.

ewww wasn't this already dead in the water? or r fans in a tiff cuz they do n't like who issuedthe denial?

honestly, get hobbies
If people want to say that Pam is not his type of woman, let them say that. I do not see what is wrong with that. We all do not know MJ. However, I want to give MJ the benefit of a doubt and say that maybe they are just hanging out and nothing more. Four years ago, I hoped to read stories like these because these stories were pleasant and harmless. I am glad that four years later, I am reading such things. Whether it is true or false, who really cares? Not everyone that we see/read/hear is true or false anyway.

event Fox journalist get jealous when they hear Michael is romantically involved with anyone ...

Yeha, because that person knows that he/she will never have MJ look at them.
Pam and Mr. Jam, huh? Alrighty!!

They'll either show up in a news video or a music video. We'll have to wait and see which one it will be. LOL
I would rather a rumour of this sort than the ones that paint him as creepy for hanging around underaged boys

Exactly. Hell, I love this story. I have my opinions on Pam, but I can give her this: she is very devoted to her two sons, just like Mike is very devoted to his three children. I am not surprised that the rumor spread because peeps are talking about it. I even told this to my sister. She was shocked.

Oh, brushy eyebrows!!! LOL! Brooke! She was alright, regarding Mike. I actually think they were cuter in the 1990s. They did seem cute together. It was more realistic compared to the 1980s.
Taking one step back, here. The story has tabloid origins. Are tabloids accurate, or are they fiction? Just think about that for a sec?

carry on,

Unfortunately most true story on celebs good or bad start in tabs these days think the John Edwards scandal which did start in the National Enquirer months ago and it did turn out to be true.
Unfortunately most true story on celebs good or bad start in tabs these days think the John Edwards scandal which did start in the National Enquirer months ago and it did turn out to be true.

no..not most. these tabs talk about aliens in outer space too.

people tend to have to distinguish.

and it's not just Michael. i listen to ryan seacrest, and the litany of celebs who cry out about tabs saying that two caught together automatically means date, is endless.

we're always gunna run around with anything reported on Michael. but his high profile status means rumours run amock. so..whatever...
Just remember...The rumors about MJ and Lisa was denied.Always and always.

"MJ and Lisa Marie Presley???Awww,no!This is disgusting!"

no..not most. these tabs talk about aliens in outer space too.

people tend to have to distinguish.

and it's not just Michael. i listen to ryan seacrest, and the litany of celebs who cry out about tabs saying that two caught together automatically means date, is endless.

we're always gunna run around with anything reported on Michael. but his high profile status means rumours run amock. so..whatever...

vncwilliam I have to respectfully disagree, there was a time we could say that but unfortunately when the OJ trial came along the lines between tabs and legit news got blurred, now im not saying they always get it right but now you have mainsteam and particularly blogs who look to the Enquirers and Star mags to help them out, the stuff about McCain's VP came out of tabs into the mainstream so while im not saying it's true about Mike and Pam, I'll say that tabs do far more fact checking than they used to.
Just remember...The rumors about MJ and Lisa was denied.Always and always.

"MJ and Lisa Marie Presley???Awww,no!This is disgusting!"


You are absolutely correct and even when pics of them appeared in the Globe I still did not believe it thinking tabs had put pics together etc....only when the news broke they married that I believed and again stories about Lisa and Michael started in UK tabs then made their way to american tabs, again I'm not saying this is true about Mike and Pam but usually big stories do start overseas and then filter out worldwide only time will tell if this is true, has legs or will die on the vine.
vncwilliam I have to respectfully disagree, there was a time we could say that but unfortunately when the OJ trial came along the lines between tabs and legit news got blurred, now im not saying they always get it right but now you have mainsteam and particularly blogs who look to the Enquirers and Star mags to help them out, the stuff about McCain's VP came out of tabs into the mainstream so while im not saying it's true about Mike and Pam, I'll say that tabs do far more fact checking than they used to.

it's a slippery slope. the tabs still continue to mix fabricated stories. what are we going to depend on now? and how do u know the vp republican candidate was first reported in the enquirer? i listen to a radio station called kabc in los angeles. they're up on the vice president as fast as, or before anybody, because they are a republican station.

if we're going to depend on a tab, then we are in trouble, because they mix respectfully disagree with you too. we're going to have to discern. because papers that mix things can easily be dangerous.
dri u are right bout the mj and lisa marie thing though

i rememeber i didnt belive it @ first, but it was true!
it's a slippery slope. the tabs still continue to mix fabricated stories. what are we going to depend on now? and how do u know the vp republican candidate was first reported in the enquirer? i listen to a radio station called kabc in los angeles. they're up on the vice president as fast as, or before anybody, because they are a republican station.

if we're going to depend on a tab, then we are in trouble, because they mix respectfully disagree with you too. we're going to have to discern. because papers that mix things can easily be dangerous.

I'm not saying they always get it right or don't mix up lies, even mainsteam media does that now and they used to be far more interested in being correct, now you have one outlet saying something and everybody else repeating the same thing. People don't care anymore as long as they have the story that's part of how the tabs went from being just the laughable alien stories to the news breaker on various stories, the mainsteam media got lazy and invited them in and so it's all a blurred line. We can no longer just say tabs are full of lies because they all feed off each other like a buffet line of the same story whether its factual or not, that's why ratings of news shows are at an all time low the public isn't stupid they know there really isn't much difference between the Globe and NY Times for example, you have a better shot getting an unfiltered story online now because it's all one entity. Anyway the rumor is harmless and it doesn't trash Michael in any way, if it's true time will tell if not, we'll forget all about it until the next story comes along.
I'm not saying they always get it right or don't mix up lies, even mainsteam media does that now and they used to be far more interested in being correct, now you have one outlet saying something and everybody else repeating the same thing. People don't care anymore as long as they have the story that's part of how the tabs went from being just the laughable alien stories to the news breaker on various stories, the mainsteam media got lazy and invited them in and so it's all a blurred line. We can no longer just say tabs are full of lies because they all feed off each other like a buffet line of the same story whether its factual or not, that's why ratings of news shows are at an all time low the public isn't stupid they know there really isn't much difference between the Globe and NY Times for example, you have a better shot getting an unfiltered story online now because it's all one entity. Anyway the rumor is harmless and it doesn't trash Michael in any way, if it's true time will tell if not, we'll forget all about it until the next story comes along.

i would tend to agree with you, if it weren't for the aforementioned radio station. this station is reputable....they are on one side..the republican side..but they first broke the embarrassing details about a republican vice presidential candidate. they are even conceding that they might not win the election, this year. so..they are on the up and up. they have their opinions, but they always report the facts. so, i disagree that ALL media is in the same boat. giving opinions, are one thing...making up lies and putting them in the same paper with stories that everybody eventually acknowledges, are two different things.
i would tend to agree with you, if it weren't for the aforementioned radio station. this station is reputable....they are on one side..the republican side..but they first broke the embarrassing details about a republican vice presidential candidate. they are even conceding that they might not win the election, this year. so..they are on the up and up. they have their opinions, but they always report the facts. so, i disagree that ALL media is in the same boat. giving opinions, are one thing...making up lies and putting them in the same paper with stories that everybody eventually acknowledges, are two different things.

I see your pov as well, in any event I hope we get to see Mike at the BMI awards on Thursday :flowers:
if we're going to depend on a tab, then we are in trouble, because they mix things

If we depend of the media in general, we are in trouble. At the end of the day, we have our own minds and we just try to weed out what we believe is true or not. It is a shame that the media doesn't care about the truth or facts anymore. They care about making headlines, getting the first story and getting paid. There is no professionalism anymore. So, rumors like this will continue.

However, you got to admit that it is very weird that the media is picking up this story about MJ being with Pam. We all know that the media does not believe that MJ is like any other straight man out there. So, the fact that the media is even reporting this story is crazy. You have to wonder if the "tides have turn" regarding Mike.

Anyway, I think you guys are making great points.

I hope we get to see Mike at the BMI awards on Thursday

I hope so as well.
Hey, there's been far worse stories than this one. This writeup is a 180.

But really, if they were out and about, there would be pictures of them all over the place. Pam and the KOP out and about and nooooo pictures of them together yet? LOL

See, this could be one of the reasons why MJJC placed [RUMOR] in the title.
It's for prejudice that making this story of dating between MJ and Pam is being discussed by many people.
And, yes, the rumors between Lisa and Mike began in tabloids.The spookperson of MJ denied, but after everything..................... was confirmed.
I don't know if it is true or not but if it is true hope they will be happy.

Hugs,hopespringseternal and 8701girl!
Hey, there's been far worse stories than this one. This writeup is a 180.

But really, if they were out and about, there would be pictures of them all over the place. Pam and the KOP out and about and nooooo pictures of them together yet? LOL

See, this could be one of the reasons why MJJC placed [RUMOR] in the title.

The photos of Lisa and Mike were posted together only when they confirmed the date...
The photos of Lisa and Mike were posted together only when they confirmed the date...

Let's get back on the topic. Some people made a major point that there are no pics of MJ and Pam together. If you read the article, they made it seem as though people actually saw them together. It is all weird in a way.
But they have not been seen in public, Bee.I believe that no photos for this.The meeting was surprise and in a private place and unusual.
But they have not been seen in public, Bee.I believe that no photos for this.The meeting was surprise and in a private place and unusual.
true, it seems it was all in secret so that explains no pictures...
How the hell did this thread get to 12 pages over a rumor that Michael was hanging out with Pamela Anderson?

By the way, she isn't some bimbo. If you've ever seen her in interviews, she's quite intelligent.

And Obama isn't a rock star, he's a politician with a lot of charisma. The cult of personality, like the Living Color song.
i just dont know if i can really belive it lol.
The first meeting between Mj and Lisa was with a friend in common..Sorry I forgot the name of painter!argh!

But the pic of this meeting was posted for the press long time after.
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