Rumor: Footage of Michael singing 'Keep Your Head Up'. Proof at last?

Re: Footage of Michael singing 'Keep Your Head Up'. Proof at last?

Can't wait until the people who think the Cascio songs are fake get proved wrong with this one!

I'm sure those who believe they are fake, WANT it to be Michael Jackson.. So, if there IS a video, that's great news.
KYHU is as much of an MJ-style song as you could possibly get. It's just the lead vocals that are the problem.
Really guys? I didn't even notice. I mean I was one of the people that questioned breaking news when it first came out. But when I heard Keep Your Head Up, I didn't really hear anything that made me question that it was Michael. It sounds like Michael from beginning to end, to be honest. Didn't know there was controversey regarding this song..Anyone care to explain?
Really guys? I didn't even notice. I mean I was one of the people that questioned breaking news when it first came out. But when I heard Keep Your Head Up, I didn't really hear anything that made me question that it was Michael. It sounds like Michael from beginning to end, to be honest. Didn't know there was controversey regarding this song..Anyone care to explain?

It has the "Cascio" name attached.
It has the "Cascio" name attached.

that's it? ooo..kkk..

P.S. I really love that song. And it makes me feel the same way I do when I hear other MJ songs. I seriously doubt that there's any fake vocals on this track.

And you know what, as an afterthought, if this somehow happens to actually be an impersonator..then he deserves to be applauded and the song deserves to be praised. I'm sorry but if some random guy has the ability to replicate Michael's voice AND singing style this perfectly, then he might as well but respected just as much as Michael..(with regards to singing that is..)

..But, I still believe 100% that this is Michael Jackson all the way through. There's no hint whatsoever of another voice present on the song..
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Damn it, I don't know. I believed the album was Michael for the past three weeks and now I'm starting to doubt it again, especially after listening to the acapella of Breaking News. I don't know. I'm glad sony don't have any more songs in their vaults, because I dont want to go through this mess again. If the estate has anything..fine, if not then I'm perfectly fine with what i know is Michael. It's just so not worth fretting over what 6 songs on the album? (Minus hold my hand, another day, the way you love me, and behind the mask which we know for sure are michael) It's just not worth it. Michael left us 50 years of music. So why waste our time and energy over 6 songs? I think it's terribly sad. But what can we do?
It's just so not worth fretting over what 6 songs on the album?

Yeah but that's just it, it's 6... SIX songs out of ten on an album goddamn it! To me, really ALL of these doubtful songs make me shudder and I can't understand the (positive) excitement of fans over songs like "Hollywood Tonight", "Keep your head up" or "Monster" AT ALL!
Adding to this, I found the demo version of "Another day" even better and I can't find any improvement in "The way that you love me" either. That leaves two songs...
...And because some of it doesn't sound like Michael.

Who does it sound like then? It's definitely not Malachi coz i can't be fooled by him. He sounds similar to Mike in places but if you listen to any of his songs you know instantly it's a fake coz he messes up multiple times at multiple places. IF it's an imposter on this song then he should probably be getting his own contract.

To me, it's just Demo vocals. Incomplete and a rough sketch of what he would have sung on the final recording.

And because the singer's vibrato sounds unnatural and unlike Michael's, the singer doesn't have Michael's unique timbre and tone, and his pronounciation of words are different.

Which words does he pronounce differently on KYHU?

It has the "Cascio" name attached.

Yeah but that's just it, it's 6... SIX songs out of ten on an album goddamn it! To me, really ALL of these doubtful songs make me shudder and I can't understand the (positive) excitement of fans over songs like "Hollywood Tonight", "Keep your head up" or "Monster" AT ALL!

Hollywood Tonight is not a Cascio track :)
Adding to this, I found the demo version of "Another day" even better and I can't find any improvement in "The way that you love me" either. That leaves two songs...

Oh I am sure there aren't even those two songs! In fact, there is no album at all! Come on people, you are just too much now! It's ok discussng the Cascio tracks, but what - were the previously leaked songs not supposed to be released at all? Cut it out , it's becoming madness damn it! You cannot have a brand new Michael Jackson album with brand new songs from him and approved by him because he is dead. Face it already.
@dangerous 88, I don't want to ruin it for you. It's just that the album feels horrible to me and I wish I hadn't bought it, I almost feel ashamed for it. I never would have said before, but now seeing where all this lead to I would agree with Akon: "Burn it!!"
I know how you feel,this wasn't a direct attack on you,but it's just the way it is...It's not the best, but it's the only way.
They couldn't have released it at all, I'd have preferred that. But I know, it's my fault I had to buy and listen to it. I have to admit apart from the strange vocals I love "Breaking news"... at least I have a wav of it now (lol).
They couldn't have released it at all, I'd have preferred that. But I know, it's my fault I had to buy and listen to it. I have to admit apart from the strange vocals I love "Breaking news"... at least I have a wav of it now (lol).

well,there was absolutely no chance they wouldn't release it, sooner or later,so...
If I had the footage of things like this I'd not release it yet.. I'd let people speculate all they want.. get the grownd swell of conversation going..

then release it in music videos that support the song(s)... thats just me!
shame on some fans !!! now Sony will show some Private home videos of MJ , which i'm sure he would hate alot ...some fans who refused to believe in MJ anymore are the reason for this invading of privacy !
If I had the footage of things like this I'd not release it yet.. I'd let people speculate all they want.. get the grownd swell of conversation going..

then release it in music videos that support the song(s)... thats just me!

After the recent news regarding Monster, that seems to be the approach they're taking.
I need to hear Mj singing the whole song., besides t does not proof anything if we hear him singing small parts.
Songs could have been re-recorded later by "others".

Damage has been done to the fan base, believers or non-believers,