Rumor: Footage of Michael singing 'Keep Your Head Up'. Proof at last?

That's not what he said. He said that MJ has gotten drunk before. He said he has passed out before from drinking. He says he liked to keep that part of his life hidden from his fans and his family.

However, the part about the women in the limo was pretty much what he said. Howver, he did say it was full sex. But MJ was satisfied.

You know what, I believe him.

"He says he liked to keep that part of his life hidden from his fans and his family."

Why are you doing the precise contrary of that, imitating that poster? Posting incredibly private details of someone's life like this on a public forum, true or false. Second: this thread is not about MJ's sex life. Moreover, this forum was supposed to respect his private life and keep it like that. Instead, some anonymous dudes' assertions, who don't give a fly on him obviously, are getting disseminated, getting more attention.

... 0...0

On what this thread is really about. All of you gloating over yet unproven things, tone down this evil behavior of yours. It's beyond immature and disgraceful. Saying "I believe the X vocals are real" is sky-high different than "I hope the people who don't believe the vocals are real would take a hike"/"I can't wait til the doubters eat crow", or sth, you get what's it's meant by these examples.

Whether the footage is shown or not - although it most def would've on Oprah, since the Cascios were supposed to prove whatever they're supposed to and did not really - try to act more normally, it's getting nauseating.
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First off, please don't double post.

Secondly, if someone is going to use misinformation as a basis for disproving or proving an argument, then yes, I am going to make it known what the exact words are so people are not misled in to thinking something that is not true. And yes, since this whole thread is built up around what this poster has said, then it is ON Topic when questioning that posters character (as to whether he is believable) and what this poster has said before that either adds or detracts from that.

Thirdly, I understand that some fans like to be in a little bubble where they don't like to think of MJ in any sexual way and like pretend he was some sexless nymph, than more power to them. I for one think that is more of a disservice than imagining MJ as a human being with natural and common desires.

Lastly, we are not using this thread as a way of dissecting his private life. we are not using the forum to go in detail about what he did, when, and with whom. It was only mentioned mentioned in the context of whether or not the poster was credible. So don't act as if we have turned this forum into an all out MJ personal life buffet.

But since the thread is about that poster and what he claimed and not about the merits of examining MJ's private life in detail... NOW, I will get back on topic.

You are welcome.
I double posted, so you won't think I was referring to you, ginvid, in my second post, I separated two unrelated topics. 0..0 edit: I've merged the two....................

Michael himself tried so hard to prevent that from happening. Now that he's gone, it's all the more wrong. I only hoped people understand this.

"Thirdly, I understand that some fans like to be in a little bubble where they don't like to think of MJ in any sexual way and like pretend he was some sexless nymph, than more power to them." - if you're referring to me, personally, you're very much only assuming, so don't post words in my mouth I didn't say.

Thank you.
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I double posted, so you won't think I was referring to you, ginvid, in my second post, I separated two unrelated topics. 0..0 What's the anger about?

Michael himself tried so hard to prevent that from happening. Now that he's gone, it's all the more wrong. I only hoped people understand this.

"Thirdly, I understand that some fans like to be in a little bubble where they don't like to think of MJ in any sexual way and like pretend he was some sexless nymph, than more power to them." - if you're referring to me, personally, you're very much only assuming, so don't post words in my mouth I didn't say.

Thank you.

OM Goodness!!!!! Sorry for that Alma!! I tried to reply to your post and ended up editing it. I think I put it back to how you had it!! Sorry!

Thanks for that. But, I won't be offended. When I see posts directed at me, I just take what applies to me and when something doesn't I just overlook it. LOL! I wouldn't take it persoanlly. But thanks for thinking about my feelings. :hug:

And speaking about fans living in a bubble is the way it is. I dont' know you personally and don't know your views. But many fans do feel this way and really feel he was sexless. Whatever they want to think. We all have our own image of him. But I like to be accurate in what I say. And when someone uses something someone says as reason to discredit an argument, I think the correct information should be posted. Some fans are going to make up their minds based on this and it should be accurate. I never said you felt that way and didn't put words in your mouth. That is all.

And I am not angry. (I will usually say it in my post when I am). But I am a bad computer typist. My exact emotions are harder to portray. I felt more so like, "OK?" (If that makes sense). Not anger. :)
OM Goodness!!!!! Sorry for that Alma!! I tried to reply to your post and ended up editing it. I think I put it back to how you had it!! Sorry!

Thanks for that. But, I won't be offended. When I see posts directed at me, I just take what applies to me and when something doesn't I just overlook it. LOL! I wouldn't take it persoanlly. But thanks for thinking about my feelings. :hug:

And speaking about fans living in a bubble is the way it is. I dont' know you personally and don't know your views. But many fans do feel this way and really feel he was sexless. Whatever they want to think. We all have our own image of him. But I like to be accurate in what I say. And when someone uses something someone says as reason to discredit an argument, I think the correct information should be posted. Some fans are going to make up their minds based on this and it should be accurate. I never said you felt that way and didn't put words in your mouth. That is all.

And I am not angry. (I will usually say it in my post when I am). But I am a bad computer typist. My exact emotions are harder to portray. I felt more so like, "OK?" (If that makes sense). Not anger. :)

Thank you for your respectful and kind response...
keep your head up was actually one of the songs i thought was actually mj,however i would like to see footage of him recording breaking news,
Yes, if they really show a part from the studio with also the vocals from there, well simply the sound from there, that would be good. But somehow i highly doubt that. If they had such material, why haven't they already shown it? I mean..plenty of fans haven't bought the cd now because of this fiasco....

I think it depends on Sony's approach to this situation - is it damage control or publicity/pr stunt?

if the approach was "damage control" , yes you would have expect them to come up with any and all evidence (whether it might be expert reports or video/audio footage) almost immediately to debunk all the claims.

but what if the approach is "publicity/pr stunt"?
I mean look to the events and the reactions

- tabloids and then later Jackson's introduce questionable vocals
- breaking news get released
- heated arguments among fans start
- controversy is also mentioned by the press
- result : everyone's attention (even non fan public) is on the album even simply because of the question "is it or isn't it Michael".

- time passes , arguments cool

- Cascio's appear on Oprah, album leaks, CD's getting shipped
- Result : controversy again gets heated. People's characters, honesty is being questioned, we get better quality of the songs which allows us better listen, better evaluation etc etc.

now as the time passes this debate is bound to get old, cool again. like you said fans will either buy the album or not.

if this information is true and if there's a footage of Michael and if that footage is incorporated to the video (such as raw undubbed footage of him singing and asking to record it again etc- like rumored) then it will again create a publicity and get people's attention back on the album and spike the sales again.

also from a publicity/pr stunt perspective as along as in the end they eventually convince people in the end it's Michael, it's all good.

who knows really?
even if Monster is released as a single and has "footage" of MJ recording the song, they often just dub video into the song. Therefore we wouldn't know what the actual recording sounds like.

They have been clever with dubbing, if you've watched TII, they even make his vocals off-time, but if you listen carefully it's either the studio or the demo versions. (like Billie Jean, Earth Song, Jam)

Yes, but if they have actual footage of MJ singing the song then we know for sure that a) these are legitmate songs which MJ was working on and b) MJ recorded vocals for them.

It would clear up a LOT of doubts. Teddy Riley has been saying "the truth will prevail" and such things.... I always figured he was just saying that as a figure of speech, but perhaps he knows something we don't???
Yes, but if they have actual footage of MJ singing the song then we know for sure that a) these are legitmate songs which MJ was working on and b) MJ recorded vocals for them.

It would clear up a LOT of doubts. Teddy Riley has been saying "the truth will prevail" and such things.... I always figured he was just saying that as a figure of speech, but perhaps he knows something we don't???

I agree with you....especially about Teddy....he has been saying 'the truth will prevail' since BN was previewed....Why does he keep saying that? :scratch:
Yes, but if they have actual footage of MJ singing the song then we know for sure that a) these are legitmate songs which MJ was working on and b) MJ recorded vocals for them.

It would clear up a LOT of doubts. Teddy Riley has been saying "the truth will prevail" and such things.... I always figured he was just saying that as a figure of speech, but perhaps he knows something we don't???

I agree with you....especially about Teddy....he has been saying 'the truth will prevail' since BN was previewed....Why does he keep saying that? :scratch:

Well I remember him saying something like "If they don't think it's him the lets go to the courts and the truth will come out" during that radio interview...But obviously the family doesn't want to do that? So I don't think it has to do with video footage honestly it would have come out by now because it would be a convincing factor to those who will not buy it. There's no purpose in sheltering footage like that it away is there? It just hurts the perceptions of the songs IMO, nothing more.
@ Arklove: I don't know. But I would like to see what he was talking about. And, I hope it is not just empty words.

(Sorry Tsukiji - :ciao:)
I think it depends on Sony's approach to this situation - is it damage control or publicity/pr stunt?

if the approach was "damage control" , yes you would have expect them to come up with any and all evidence (whether it might be expert reports or video/audio footage) almost immediately to debunk all the claims.

but what if the approach is "publicity/pr stunt"?
I mean look to the events and the reactions

- tabloids and then later Jackson's introduce questionable vocals
- breaking news get released
- heated arguments among fans start
- controversy is also mentioned by the press
- result : everyone's attention (even non fan public) is on the album even simply because of the question "is it or isn't it Michael".

- time passes , arguments cool

- Cascio's appear on Oprah, album leaks, CD's getting shipped
- Result : controversy again gets heated. People's characters, honesty is being questioned, we get better quality of the songs which allows us better listen, better evaluation etc etc.

now as the time passes this debate is bound to get old, cool again. like you said fans will either buy the album or not.

if this information is true and if there's a footage of Michael and if that footage is incorporated to the video (such as raw undubbed footage of him singing and asking to record it again etc- like rumored) then it will again create a publicity and get people's attention back on the album and spike the sales again.

also from a publicity/pr stunt perspective as along as in the end they eventually convince people in the end it's Michael, it's all good.

who knows really?

Definitely sounds like a very possible scenario about Sony. But i really doubt this, but we'll see :)
Yes, but if they have actual footage of MJ singing the song then we know for sure that a) these are legitmate songs which MJ was working on and b) MJ recorded vocals for them.

It would clear up a LOT of doubts. Teddy Riley has been saying "the truth will prevail" and such things.... I always figured he was just saying that as a figure of speech, but perhaps he knows something we don't???

He might and he just has to act like a damn till the end. It does not really matter that much anymore. In my theory I can turn on Teddy and make him a good guy or make him a bad guy from my point of view of course.:) It does not change the situation. The most important figures in this story is not Teddy but other ppl.
And,it is not a publicity stunt imo, it is something much more interesting. :ciao:
Riley, no doubt about it, he has said some really important things about Michael, and I won't forget when he cried when he passed on a show...

But his more than rude replies ranting against fans who don't believe it's Jackson on some songs really leave much to be desired. The songs he produced on "Michael" are overproduced, and his takes on it are at least questionable, such as on the Oprah Show.. He looked down all the time when speaking about it and body language doesn't lie.
Folks, the only person/source who has ever claimed this video even exists is a poster from a message board, not even a MJ board for that matter! There would have been other mentionings or musterings. Friedman would have even mentioned it when he talked about the hand-written lyric evidence.

My gut says this video doesn't exist. False hope, folks.
KYHU the worst song on tis album imo. I heard it once and that's enough for me, sorry.
KYHU the worst song on tis album imo. I heard it once and that's enough for me, sorry.

So I guess you dont like Cry, Earth Song, We've had enough.. all song in the same vibe, starting slow finishing strong.. !? Or is it because its 50% Michael ?
So I guess you dont like Cry, Earth Song, We've had enough.. all song in the same vibe, starting slow finishing strong.. !? Or is it because its 50% Michael ?

IMO Cry sucks, Earth Song is a masterpiece, We've Had Enough is epic and KYHU is meh.
If there's proof, show it.

KYHU doesn't sound like a type of song Michael would release on his album. It's sounds too much like a boy band song.
To me the whole Cascio mess was created by Breaking News... which is really a very plain song, Michael would not have released it, and if he did, it wouldn't have been in the state it was. Like alot of his stuff he likes to re-write and tinker with it. I believe that people have a true disliking for the Cascio tracks because of the bad taste left from BN, i personally love Monster and KYHU, and i think Michael WOULD have released them once he finished them. Now replace BN with Blue Gangsta and Slave To The Rhythm and you have Thriller 2...
So KYHU sounds like a boy band song now? I would love to listen to boy bands that sing this type of environmentally aware songs instead of singing about sex, banging in the clubs etc.
So KYHU sounds like a boy band song now? I would love to listen to boy bands that sing this type of environmentally aware songs instead of singing about sex, banging in the clubs etc.

Until Jesus comes back down to Earth and tells them that the songs are all Michael Jackson, the Cascio tracks will be dogged to hell and back. Afterwards, they will be masterpieces. SMH.
ive always said KYHU was mike on almost the entire song...idk how pple say it isnt lol. IF this is true i cant wait 2see.

If there's proof, show it.

KYHU doesn't sound like a type of song Michael would release on his album. It's sounds too much like a boy band song.

So a song that tells a story about what goes on everyday in the world and motivating us NOT to give up and to stay stong no matter what we're going through is the kind of song Michael wouldnt put on his album? Yet he put "Keep the Faith" on Dangerous. Man in The Mirror on BAD, On The Line and WHE On long have u been a fan? some of these claims lately are ridiculous
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So a song that tells a story about what goes on everyday in the world and motivating us NOT to give up and to stay stong no matter what we're going through is the kind of song Michael wouldnt put on his album? Yet he put "Keep the Faith" on Dangerous. Man in The Mirror on BAD, On The Line and WHE On long have u been a fan? some of these claims lately are ridiculous


[Lol at that "M" on your kitten].
i dont know. i heared it once and didnt care for it but i believed it was michael singing keeping your head up.

I hope we get more footage about michael like his private home videos so special. more like him singing the songs in studios etc.. like another film, maybe if it excits they save it for that,
but with the discuscion going on and then not showing i dont know
To be honest I have always believed KYHU is Michael but its a Cascio track so is always going to have that doubt surrounding it. I believe it is a song that Michael would put on an album, Keep The Faith anyone?