Rumor: Footage of Michael singing 'Keep Your Head Up'. Proof at last?

Re: Footage of Michael singing 'Keep Your Head Up'. Proof at last?

How much do you wanna bet that if a video is released it will feature totally different vocals than the ones we hear on the album. Then all of us who dont believe it is him will end up not changing our minds because the vocals we hear coming from Michael's mouth on the video are not the same as those we hear on the actual song.

Then all the believers will proceed to call us stubborn and brainwashed.

As I said, im not disputing that MJ wrote these songs and was part of the creative process. So its very likely he did sing this song at some point.

No no, man. You are taking this way too far. If they had the TINIEST snippet of Michael, they would DEFINATELY NOT throw it away. Instead they would have mixed it with fake vocals, but not throw it away, that's impossible
Re: Footage of Michael singing 'Keep Your Head Up'. Proof at last?

Keep in line guys, remember this is not concrete evidence by a long shot. Right now it's just a rumor. Until something actually shows up (if it does at all) then please don't get ahead of yourselves.
Re: Footage of Michael singing 'Keep Your Head Up'. Proof at last?

They would've shown it on the Oprah show, perfect opportunity, had it existed.
Re: Footage of Michael singing 'Keep Your Head Up'. Proof at last?

Not to get off topic...but I just notice SC05 is a moderator now....Congrats man!
Re: Footage of Michael singing 'Keep Your Head Up'. Proof at last?

i'll believe it when i see it or should that be hear it :)
Re: Footage of Michael singing 'Keep Your Head Up'. Proof at last?

If those songs were recorded in the Cascio (amateur) studio, then where are all the musicians that played the instruments? Why won't they come forward and testify that it is Michael singing..? Michael would never release anything that was produced in a home studio..
Re: Footage of Michael singing 'Keep Your Head Up'. Proof at last?

let's not argue about something that we don't even know if it's really exists. If true we'll evaluate it if -when it becomes available.

on side note: I actually have been hearing about this poster "BabyBeMine" from Prince website for a while, she/he claims to have known Michael and several other Jackson's and posts personal/insider info for a while now. Is it truth or Lies? It's anyone's guess.
Re: Footage of Michael singing 'Keep Your Head Up'. Proof at last?

I Would Kill To See That Footage!!!! But I'm Already 110% Sure It's Him On The Whole Album. GO MIKE!!! :D
Re: Footage of Michael singing 'Keep Your Head Up'. Proof at last?

So is the title of this thread gonna change? It is misleading as one thinks that, by entering the thread, (s)he is about to see video of MJ singing kyhu
Re: Footage of Michael singing 'Keep Your Head Up'. Proof at last?

If it exists, I look forward to seeing it. Be interesting to see if it sounds the same as what we hear in the song.
Re: Footage of Michael singing 'Keep Your Head Up'. Proof at last?

So is the title of this thread gonna change? It is misleading as one thinks that, by entering the thread, (s)he is about to see video of MJ singing kyhu

I edited the title to say "rumor". If -when we get confirmation and/or video from the actual parties we can edit the title again. If not treat this as a rumor.
Although it is just a rumour right now, I think it will turn out to be true. However, until then I will treat it as a rumour.
Re: Footage of Michael singing 'Keep Your Head Up'. Proof at last?

If those songs were recorded in the Cascio (amateur) studio, then where are all the musicians that played the instruments? Why won't they come forward and testify that it is Michael singing..? Michael would never release anything that was produced in a home studio..

He didn't, and why would they need a band for? Chances are the songs were already in an instrumental format at the time they were recorded.
Re: Footage of Michael singing 'Keep Your Head Up'. Proof at last?

If those songs were recorded in the Cascio (amateur) studio, then where are all the musicians that played the instruments?

you are talking about a live recording - which is pretty rare. In most instances everyone (musicians and the vocals) will record their parts separately (and it will be added together later). Plus as this is a home studio demo recording most probably there was only base music played by keyboard and/or guitar.
I'm pretty sure MJ did backing vocals for this, so I wouldn't be surprised if this were true. I don't think he laid down lead vocals for this though, so I'd like to see exactly which parts of the song he's singing in the video if it exists.
This is from the same poster who said that he met Michael and said that Michael lived a wild life - getting drunk all the time and getting "pleasure" from women while in the back of his limosuine - yeah, so reliable.
I believe it's just a rumour. If there was a footage, Cascios would say it in on Oprah's show when she asked them about how can they prove it's really Michael.
I really do not need to see footage of Michael singing KYHU as I know his voice, It is so clearly his vocals, oh my goodness!!!!!!!
But would love for it to come to light if true to stop all the nonsense as of late.. Sick of it all to tell the honest truth.
With all the drama and all the controversy SONY would make an EPIC fail to wait with releasing such materiale!

SONY should release that kind of material, if it exists, before critics made their reviews and before Michael was released.
I wonder about something though.

This is gonna be the video for KYHU? Isn't the music in videos on tv always straight from the CD? Unless we see Michael in the studio and hear the LIVE audio from there, then it's credible. Otherwise not at all really. Think about it. They can show footage of him in a studio, but simply have the song KYHU playing.

No proof at all then, it really isn't. We'll see.
I really do not need to see footage of Michael singing KYHU as I know his voice, It is so clearly his vocals, oh my goodness!!!!!!!
But would love for it to come to light if true to stop all the nonsense as of late.. Sick of it all to tell the honest truth.
Amen to this!
With all the drama and all the controversy SONY would make an EPIC fail to wait with releasing such materiale!

SONY should release that kind of material, if it exists, before critics made their reviews and before Michael was released.

Forget the critics............Music Critics know nothing. Period........

..........and they are a bunch of haters!!!!!!

A music video of backstage Michael sounds good to me!!!
I really do not need to see footage of Michael singing KYHU as I know his voice, It is so clearly his vocals, oh my goodness!!!!!!!
But would love for it to come to light if true to stop all the nonsense as of late.. Sick of it all to tell the honest truth.

Well your not the one that needs convincing are you?

I am pretty sure that if a video exists of MJ singing this song, the vocals will sound completely different to that on the actual song.

But I also doubt a video exists, otherwise they would of said it on Oprah. Or showed it on Oprah. What we got instead was Teddy struggling to come up with a reason why we should believe it is MJ on these songs. 'Because you can hear, the..the authenTICITY in his voice'
Well your not the one that needs convincing are you?

I am pretty sure that if a video exists of MJ singing this song, the vocals will sound completely different to that on the actual song.

But I also doubt a video exists, otherwise they would of said it on Oprah. Or showed it on Oprah. What we got instead was Teddy struggling to come up with a reason why we should believe it is MJ on these songs. 'Because you can hear, the..the authenTICITY in his voice'

You are right, they would have shown it on Oprah, I mean that's what part of the show was supposed to be about, to help show people that it IS fully Michael on the Cascio songs..I gotta admit, it was really pointless of having Teddy going there and not really going into huge detail why it doesn't fully sound like Michael..

Hey L.T.D, this album is reminding me of 7even, you know what I'm talking about? ;)
Re: Footage of Michael singing 'Keep Your Head Up'. Proof at last?

I think that's the only way to prove everyone wrong is to have video footage of the man himself recording the songs.

Of course then they'll say it was a look a-like and not the real MJ. lol

I am one of those who still have doubts about the vocals. And yes, yes, I would definitively love watching MJ singing this song. I wouldn't mind being proved wrong in my doubts. Having these doubts is really killing me. It makes me feel terrible. I have said ever since BN was launched I will wait to have my opinion and that would be based on the REAL album. I can't help it. I will not make any illegal downloads and I refuse to hear the live stream of the album.

I am sorry people ask fans to boycott the album, but they have illegal copies anyway. I will pay for the music, as it must be done. Then I can listen and make my onw decition.

Even when I don't think my opinion about the Cascio tracks will change, as many have said, I will always have the skip button :)
LOL I would just love to see this! What a lost opportunity on the Oprah show if this is true? Cause not even a screen shot of MJ was shown in the studio! lol
This is from the same poster who said that he met Michael and said that Michael lived a wild life - getting drunk all the time and getting "pleasure" from women while in the back of his limosuine - yeah, so reliable.

That's not what he said. He said that MJ has gotten drunk before. He said he has passed out before from drinking. He says he liked to keep that part of his life hidden from his fans and his family.

However, the part about the women in the limo was pretty much what he said. Howver, he did say it was full sex. But MJ was satisfied.

You know what, I believe him.