Rodney Jerkins Compares Lady Gaga To Michael Jackson

Rodney is my fave producer I adore his work but this is just ridiculous. Lady GaGa has only been out for a minute but she already surpasses artists like Beyonce who will definitely be known as one of the greats? I dont get it I dont like GaGa she is a gimmick.
I wish people would stop trying to make someone the "next" michael. There is and will only ever be ONE Michael. No one else compares
I can totally understand what he means. I don't think he's comparing her to Michael at all, he's just saying they have similar attitudes about their work and they're both talented and smart about what they do.

People might not like Gaga, but I can tell you this much, she'll be around for a long time, and she'll will surpass a lot of "greats" we see now.
Gaga is a very talented entertainer. she is no Michael Jackson but very talented in her own regard.

she's been very much influenced by Michael and he recognized her talent which is why he wanted to work with her.
na-aah! nono! nada!

Lady Gaga? she's probably talented but - noooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Michael ruled em' all - noone will come near his throne for many years!
No one can ever compare Michael Jackson the GREATEST ENTERTAINER, ARTIST, LEGEND, the one and only King of Pop/Rock/Soul/Dancing/Entertaainment of all time with anyone ever! He is beyond compare! That is the truth!
me thinks Rodney was checking out Gaga and not the talent level per see.

comical at best. then again I've heard Jerkins say some funny things through the years so I'm not surprised. he gets paid good money so i'm not shocked or surprised. now when the camera ain't on and no money on the table what does he really say and think? hmmmmmmmm
me thinks Rodney was checking out Gaga and not the talent level per see.

comical at best. then again I've heard Jerkins say some funny things through the years so I'm not surprised. he gets paid good money so i'm not shocked or surprised. now when the camera ain't on and no money on the table what does he really say and think? hmmmmmmmm

Agree... all these old heads that been in the business knows whatsup, I dont know why they act all senile when it comes to the mainstream artists of today. No one is innovative or original. There is nothing going on in the industry that is spectacular. Most of the time, there getting paid to praise the mainstream crap and they do it so they dont get a bad rep not because they truly mean it.
gaga is wack, she bites off madonna, gwen stefani and uffie

gwen stefani was in a Ska rock band called no doubt which was real good until she went solo and sold out, i hate where music is heading! everything that is being played on radio is pure commercialized garbage! and people are buying into it like sheeps, Fuck lady gaga !! I'm sick and tired of this shyt!! and I hope Rage Against The Machine comes out with a new album!!
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