Rodney Jerkins Compares Lady Gaga To Michael Jackson

In minute or so, they will be saying that Justin Bieber is the NEW Michael Jackson. LOL! Watch.

Believe or not I have already read an article comparing Bieber to young Michael! I was like: where have you put your ears, dude? Honestly, no serious journalist can write something like that. It's like saying New Kids on the Block are like the Beatles.

As for Lady Gaga. To me she is more like Madonna than Michael.
yeah pretty much says it all....

Music Video Pioneer Michel Gondry on Lady Gaga: 'I'm Not Interested'

Michel Gondry has made some of the most indelible music videos of all time for some of the biggest acts of the last two decades, including Radiohead, Björk, Foo Fighters, The White Stripes, Beck and even Paul McCartney and The Rolling Stones. So when Movieline caught up with him today to discuss his forthcoming documentary Thorn in the Heart, it seemed a great opportunity to feel him out on the new vanguard of the form: Lady Gaga, whose epic awful “Telephone” video has swept popular culture with a fury, frenzy and inspiration not seen since the glory days of which Gondry himself was a part. His response — which swept through genre monoliths from Michael Jackson to Madonna to Marilyn Manson — was unexpected to say the least.

“I’m not interested,” he said. “To me it’s like a form of Marilyn Manson. It’s hard for me to talk about it; I’ve seen a couple of videos of hers, and not for very long. I stop watching them each time because I don’t think there’s melodies. I’m sorry to be negative. Like I’m not a big fan of Madonna. I respect her very much, but unfortunately the videos didn’t help the music in the long run. Well, I guess it helped it to survive to the point where the video was irrelevant. So music has to find its own way, which is good for the music. It becomes smaller and more alive and it’s not as crazy, except for some R&B. To me, it’s just talking about the surface. I compare it to Marilyn Manson. The music to me is very expected. I don’t think there’s anything in the tone or the melody that makes me say, ‘Oh, there’s something going on.’

“And I like commercial music,” Gondry continued. “Michael Jackson will always be my favorite pop musician; he was for years and years until his death, which was horrible to me. So I like pop culture. But to me, even if it’s popular, there is a quality in the music you have to be able to appreciate. And I don’t see it. Her melodies are very conventional. I remember when my friend and I would argue about Killing Joke. I remember him saying, ‘It’s so great!’ But I said, ‘It’s so conventional! How can you find anything original? It’s just surface!’ I don’t know, maybe the comparison is ridiculous. But the melody was very, very flat. That’s probably why they are famous. But maybe it’s considered high art just because of the way she dresses?”

That raised the question of the decline of the music video overall, the foundational art form that MTV has essential banished from network.

“But you know, in 1999 or 2000, MTV and VH1 did the 100 Best Videos of All Time — two different selections — and I had zero videos in either of them,” Gondry said. “So when people tell me I’m the ‘MTV Generation,’ I just say, ‘No.’ I never won any MTV [Video Music Awards]. Oh, except for one for a video I did for Massive Attack, actually, and I lost it. My producer was furious. He wanted to put it in his office. But I loved videos. I remember watching videos very late at night — Michael Jackson videos. The first rap videos were amazing: Run-DMC, Tone Loc, all of that was just amazing. The Beastie Boys videos were always great. But then it became very stereotyped. There was this confusion. Also: The MTV Video Awards were never about the video, but about the song. Most of the time it was just to glorify people for the wrong reason.”

EXCELENT ARTICLE, that man KNOWS, Michel Gondry is ingenius, incredible creative.
about lady gaga, i always knew the whole hype is because of her "crazy" (not to me though, but for the common eyes, yes) image, and the other fact are her BASIC songs, like Madonna, catchy songs, that doesnt mean they are good... female artists starting can do these and success guaranteed, but i think im saying the obvious...

Why must we have a thread over this?

L. Gaga is Madonna 2.0. Her style is not edgy or innovative. We've seen it before. Haute couture? from Drag Queens? Hello??
Rodney i like you and everything, but i mean, i know you need to promeote her as the best one, but dont use Michael, there is NOONE like Michael...

next time Rodney compare her to madonna, because thats what she is like a new madonna, catchy songs, woman acting crazy, is just her FORMULA....

Dont throw Gaga just like that in the same Category of Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson is on a category of his OWN,
besides nowadays anyone with a big costume and cameras and a mediocre dance song becomes a star, media creates the fake hype around them...that is sooo sad..., ENOUGH said...
*sigh* I am so over this girl. No offence to her fans on this board.

People need to stop claiming she is so original ( because everything she does has been done before and better imo) and that she is boundary pushing.
I can't believe that this is what the music industry is like nowadays.
Who is paying these people to hype her up so much? Seriously? They act like people worship the ground she walks on. Like her album beat Thriller in record sales or something.

I actually hear more and more people saying they are getting tired of her, so I don't know why the media feels the need to hype her up so much...
I mean my god, she just made some catchy of the moment songs while dressing strange so people are convinced that everything she touches is art.
When other artists do something that reminds them of another artist they will say that person "copies" people yet all of a sudden when she does it, it is called "paying homage to" give me a break.
She, like Beyonce, also obviously doesn't know the meaning of overexposure either.

Not trying to hate on her, just hate the overhype that surrounds her. It's easy to stand out when there is no competition anymore.

Let's see what will happen when the "electro-pop" fad will fade out. Let's see if she will still be around then. If she is on top of the world in about 15 years then the word legend might come along, but not now.
In my opinion..there is so little talent in the music industry today..not ok talent..I mean REAL talent Michael had....That they are always trying to see who is gonna be the next best thing. They already KNOW that Michael will NEVER be topped. They through around names in the hopes that people will become attached and they are hoping maybe one of them will be 1/10th as big as Michael. Sorry folks ..not gonna happen...:no:
now I'm working with Lady Gaga, who'll probably go down in history as one of the best female entertainers of all time ."

Um no. Please, don't make me laugh.


Michael is the greatest entertainer. To say that Lady Gaga will also be "one of the greats" is an insult. He wasn't comparing them, no. But it was pretty close...
She is NOTHING compared to Michael.
^^ LMAO, Lady Gagas gonna go down in history as one of the best female artists ?? Janet, Madonna, or Whitney maybe but her ?? you gotta be joking, I like her don't get me wrong but is a little too soon don't you think :lol:
ahh lady gaga is actually starting to irritate me, she can sing and shes got a good voice but she isnt that great to compare with michael jackson. She never creates her own dance moves (dont think shes talented enough to even make a signature move), she needs to show a lot of flesh to get the media attention, she delays her video telephone and compared it to thrilller to get media attention and the actual reason she is so famous at the moment is because of her wacky costumes!

i feel like shes using michael jackson legacy as well, trying to copy the short films. Dont know if you noticed she uses a lot of dance moves similar to thriller! she also wants to do a 3d concert noww, once again from michael jackson.

From what I've read, it was actually banned from certain music channels because of some of it's imagery. She didn't delay it to garner attention.
I think that Lady Gaga has talent..............

But everybody forgets that she is the human form of Marmite........

You either LOVE her or you HATE her...................

And because she doesn't have the universal acceptance she'll never be the next Michael Jackson (his haters are only a tiny minority).
I'm sorry but I have to step in and defend Lady Gaga. She is a supremely talented performer in comparison to 99% of the mainstream acts out there today. She can play piano standing on one leg and she sings every note of her shows live. I went to one of her shows as a skeptic and was blown away. She writes her own material and manages her image immaculately. I can definitely see how she's being compared to Michael.
ummmm rodney has lost it! ..
lady gaga? ..PUH-LEASE :puke:
gaga = cant dance + tries too hard ..
MJ = legend + genius .. NUFF SAID.
GAGA- Madonna and Cindy Lauper, Marilyn Manson....same shit different face.

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lmao: You basically took the words out of my mouth. Does she have talent? Yes. Does she have catchy songs? I'd be a f*cking liar if I said she didn't. But I can't STAND the way people keep saying that she's so original. Why? 'Cause I've seen all this shit before. She's just takin' a couple of pages from Madonna's book, that's all. Jesus Christ...

And comparing Gaga to MJ?! Tsk, tsk. She's only been in the industry for 2 years and people are already wanting to call her a legend? Give me a freakin' break! :smilerolleyes:
As far as young artists go, Gaga can be compared to Michael the most.

Exactly. She's a superstar, she's everywhere. She has real talent, writes her own stuff, can sing perfectly live. She's pretty much unique in that sense, with regards to that genre.
It seems that every doggone time some new "hot" entertainer comes along, or somebody has a new album coming out, their name gets put in the same sentence with Michael's.

It's become a standard marketing/hype tactic to draw attention to whomever is being promoted at the time, like free advertising.


No different than news articles or blog posts that have nothing whatsoever to do with Michael, that find a way to use his name within their text to bump their search potential.

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I dont understand why everyone has to be compared to michael jackson? I find it really anoying.
Lady gaga is going to be like britney spears in the 90's. This decade is Lady gagas but after that someone new is going to come and she will be forgotton. Why dont people compare her to Madonna??
Michael Jackson didnt walk around public with his ass hanging out in public (gaga always does)! He also never told his audience to get there cocks out! So we cant really compare them can we anymore!

p.s Her lyrics are not that great!
I think it's too soon to say whether she'll become an icon/legend whatever. She's in no way comparable to MJ. Inspired by him yes, but she'll never reach his level. No one ever will.
I like Gaga but even I agree she won't ever be at his level. Is she talented? I would be a liar if I said she didn't. Gaga is too derivative for me to call her a legend but I do love her passion.
my mother always told me if i dont have anything nice to say not to say anything at all so im just gonna leave this thread... :lol:
It's actually unfair to compare anyone to Michael because he crossed so many boundary lines, broke so many records, won pretty much every award to be had in the industry, wrote & composed so many number ones hits for himself, the DANCE, the VIDEOS, the SOLD OUT TOURS.

Who else has done ALL that before???

Not Madonna, Elvis, The Beatles, Prince, Beyonce...NOBODY has done it ALL.

But, it gives all them Youngins something to strive for :tease:
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