Rodney Jerkins Compares Lady Gaga To Michael Jackson

I think Gaga is also having probably too much hype already. And people talk so much about something else than music. I wonder why doesnt she just take off her clothes and perform naked. Then she could wear more normal clothes like Mike did and her career could last too..
It seems that every doggone time some new "hot" entertainer comes along, or somebody has a new album coming out, their name gets put in the same sentence with Michael's. It's become a standard marketing/hype tactic to draw attention to whomever is being promoted at the time, like free advertising. No different than news articles or blog posts that have nothing whatsoever to do with Michael, that find a way to use his name within their text to bump their search potential.
I have to say I agree. It's just like with the "omg, Justin Bieber!" crowd. I'm almost 40 and all I can say is that every couple of years there's some new amazing talent who's going to "take the crown" :rolleyes2: or some such nonsense. Over and over, because there's always a new crop of kids looking to latch onto something new that's kinda freaky to their parents, and the industry is a business and promotes whatever sells in whatever way they can (like by comparing them with crazy hyperbole to actual legends, etc). Rodney Jerkins here sounds like a musical propaganda machine, saying she's going to be one of the biggest ever, sorry. And if you think this type of hype was never used in regard to Michael... well of course it was :lol: (Just in his case he was the real deal and so it stuck.) It doesn't mean that people like Gaga or whomever aren't talented, but in a couple of years it will almost certainly be someone new and you may find yourself saying, "Omg, this chick is just like Lady Gaga! Remember her?". Some will truly be something special and they'll still be around and still wowing us, but most...? Nope. And all that hype just gets tossed onto the next amazing talent who's the "next MJ" and so on and so on ad nauseum. I'm not trying to bash Lady Gaga and I don't know enough about her to say whether she's got "true talent", but the 'best new artist' isn't automatically an icon, no matter how great their one big album is or how goofy their clothes are. Wait a few years and see.
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You know, people should stop worrying about comparing artists with Michael. There won't be another Michael, we all know that and everyone knows that...whether they hate or like him.

If Lady Gaga becomes big, fine...but she's Lady Gaga, not Michael Jackson.

There's no need for comparison, every artist is themselves and sure, they can have similarities but there's no use in going mad at Gaga or the one dropping these comparisons, 'cuz they don't have any worth anyway! We know better, the world knows better.

Just leave it. :)
How can you compare Michael Jackson to someone like Lady Gaga?? Its beyond ridiculous!
That's not even a comparison, guys. Seriously >_>

Gaga is one of the best pop artists right now imo (not that there's much competition)... She ALWAYS puts on a great show (however creepy it may be) and her voice is great.

But for the sake of comparison... noone comes close to MJ.

I agree with you. I like Lady Gaga's music. But no one should be calling her a legend just yet IMO. It took Michael years to be called that. But Lady Gaga needs to be around alot longer with more albums (without becoming overexposed) and great sales potential before being a real legend in her own right.
The only comparison Rodney Jerkins makes between Gaga and MJ in the article is hinting that they are both fearless artists.. in reference to her Telephone video and the 'not all good' reaction it received.

In my opinion people in this thread are getting worked up for nothing here
I WISH I could see why people love Lady Gaga so much. Cuz I personally don't like her taste of music or style of clothing. OR her voice even.
I think Gaga is also having probably too much hype already. And people talk so much about something else than music. I wonder why doesnt she just take off her clothes and perform naked. Then she could wear more normal clothes like Mike did and her career could last too..

The clothing Michael wore was considered far from normal when he was doing them. When he wasn't performing he looked more casual, but when he did and various appearances, the things he wore were hardly normal for a male, that's one of the things that made Michael what he is, his fearlessness to mix and mesh different things and make it look good. I don't see how Lady Gaga's attire can be considered any different.
To me Lady Ga Ga's music is like chewing gum. The first few listens are nice but after awhile the flavour goes
This guy needs to stop smoking the funny stuff LADY GAGA like Michael Jackson yeah rite and im the pope.. Noone will ever ever ever compare to MJ.............EVER!!!!!!!
idk if this true but one fan said that she's trying to beat the sales of thriller, but i tried to tell them you can't always believe what you read
Why is it that everyone gets so cut up over articles such as this? Assuming what Jerkins said was meant what everyone here believes it to mean, is it a big deal? Is it necessary for fans to go all vigilante against any artist or personality who claims to have a legacy or talent? It's been happening for years, even prior to the passing of Michael but it's probably become worse since then.

No longer can a solo artist be lauded, propped up, worshipped or awarded without the usual suspects making ridiculous claims of "no talent" or "Michael did it better".

I don't like Lady Gaga that much myself; her style and music doesn't really engage me, much like the millions out there that don't really feel anything from Michael's music, but that doesn't mean she's talentless or her music is forgettable.

I'm sure in the 80's, you had self appointed music know-it-alls claiming Michael Jackson, Madonna and the Pop genre in general was full of industry bred "fluff" music that would die out like any teenage fad before it - and look... we still listen to Madonna and Michael Jackson and other artists from that time.

In conclusion, get off the backs' of the pop artists out there today and don't take offence to every article claiming X, Y, Z, artist has talent.

GREAT post!
idk if this true but one fan said that she's trying to beat the sales of thriller, but i tried to tell them you can't always believe what you read

:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: i don't even.....:hysterical: I can't even....:hysterical:
i wish these self appointed 'big brothers' would stop coming on here, and telling fans how to be a fan of Michael, and how to protect him, and how not to, in comparison with other artists. it happens way too often. Michael earned the fanbase he has, and the passion with which they express it, in comparison to other artists. in the real world, people do compare artists, and people are objectively real in their feelings about the music. and Michael has earned his top spot. when the haters can't ignore the artist, the artist has won.
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It's a good thing that she tries to be the best and aspires to beat the Thriller record. That's the only way someone could become a legend. I personally don't think she could compete with Mike, but who knows let's see how her career fares out. I don't think she has the substance to compete with the colossal talent and creativity of Michael, but hard work and the sought of perfection can take her a long way. Never ever give up and never ever say I can't. That's how history is made.
Is this telephone video anygood? i dont think i have heard the song yet? Maybe i will youtube it, when i take some time off from michaeling :lol:
Is this telephone video anygood? i dont think i have heard the song yet? Maybe i will youtube it, when i take some time off from michaeling :lol:

Put simply, the telephone music video has (in my opinion) nothing to do with the song. The Lady Gaga fans will deny this of course, saying there's a hidden meaning or that you have to read between the lines to find the relation. But to most average folks who don't analyse music videos, the video and the song are two different things.

Video wise, it's kind of explicit, so there's a censored version of it if you prefer to watch something clean. I, personally, find the video kind of funny. But others might be disgusted by it, just so you know.
I think it's hard to beat Thriller. The sales for Thriller is still counting and on for decades to come. I dont want to attack Lady Gaga because I like her Bad Romance pretty much. But to think Lady Gaga as the best female performer in history is too early. Recent years, before Lady Gaga there were quite a number of performers people think would become a history and yet it didn't happen at all. Some of those performers even disappeared from the industry
Thread cleaned. Please think about what you're saying. :doh:
Give Me A Break!

GaGa has been in the game for 2-seconds, and Rodney's already talking about history. PLEASE! Homegirl needs a chance to "simmer" before it's determined how far she will go. These folks kill me, they are forever talking about somebody being on the level of Michael, i.e. Justin Timberlake, Usher, Ne-Yo, and even Beyonce. In minute or so, they will be saying that Justin Bieber is the NEW Michael Jackson. LOL! Watch.

Oh and speaking of Beyonce, Rodney better be careful who he annoints with the title of "best female enertainer of all time." I mean, just a few days ago, that title went to Beyonce. Now Rodney trying to give the title to GaGa. LOL!

Seriously, folks are STILL watching Thriller, will they be watching GaGa's "Telephone" for the same length of time. I, personally, would say NO, but only time will tell, in my opinion.

Did people even read the quote?

I think some here are making a mountain out of a mole hill. He meant no disrespect to MJ, nor did he even really compare them. He just said that he though Gaga was going to go down as a legendary performer one day. Like it or not, he may actually be right. Even if he isn't, what's the big deal? He never said Gaga was on the level of MJ or anything of the like.
Beat the sales of Thriller? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh man thats classic.

Lady GaGa is an attention whore who trys to steal the spotlight from everything. Granted she has a few catchy tunes but do they mean anything? NO Poker face,Bad Romance what the heck do those songs even mean?

Michaels songs had meaning and depth to them and were catchy they had them all

Wont be long now till they say Justin Bieber is trying to beat Thrillers sales
I like poker face, that had something, but the rest are just average, pop songs. She thinks sticking a harpsichord sound at the start of her bad romance vid is gonna make her same like a genius, to a musician, it's like big deal, lets see you write some proper music.
Thread cleaned. Please think about what you're saying. :doh:

I was wondering what happened to the other post I made in this thread about this. It was criticizing someone's vulgar use of language to describe Lady Gaga. Thank you for removing the original post that got me so mad. I did make some other points in my response thread to this whole issue so I am going to post it again, but will leave out any further mention of what was said before in this thread. Thank you again for removing that original post (I am being serious, not sarcastic here, just want you to know that and not think I am saying that because I am re-posting part of what I said in my thread before and think I am mad about it-I am not I am glad that post is gone).

And others have stated-have any of you actually read the article in question? Rodney is not literally comparing Lady Gaga to Michael. And whether or not that was the case, it really makes me mad when I see threads like this pop up and people bash other artists. Michael would never do that, why should we as his fans do that then?

I swear the same people saying that no one should be compared to Michael Jackson ever are the same people that if someone red hot came along in the music industry and Michael's name wasn't even brought up in the conversation about this new hot artist, then these same people would say "How dare Michael's influence not be mentioned when talking about this artist!"

As I have stated before, if I was a casual Michael Jackson fan and came on to this website for the first time today, and read this thread, I would walk away thinking how High and Mighty Michael Jackson fans are when it comes to Michael and what an elitist attitude they have. We all know Michael is the best there is, best there was, best there ever will be (yes I know wrestling fans I stole Bret Hart's saying with that one LOL), but there is NO NEED at all to insult another artist to prove your point. Especially one-like in this case Lady Gaga-who has not said or done anything to disrespect Michael in anyway.

Don't you know that when you bash another artist on here, you very well could be hurting the feelings of someone else that likes that said artist. I know this is a Michael Jackson site, but I am pretty sure that we all have other musical interests than just Michael. You can disagree with the article, but no need to bash Lady Gaga, or any other artist or celebrity if they have never said or done anything to hurt or disrespect Michael.

It just makes us as fans as a whole look bad when people do that. Period.
An article about the "Lady GaGa" exceeding 1 billion in "youtube":


I’ve been known to enjoy a Lady Gaga video or three. Sure, load something up with hooks, quirks and anything designed to make you stare, unable to look away — yeah, I’ll eat that stuff up.

So I’m not here to malign her or her talent; others seem to do that quite capably anyhow. I like her. But I do take issue with the recent declaration that she is the first artist to exceed one billion online video views, as put forth by Mashable at:

My first thought upon reading that was, “Wow.” Then my second thought was, “Hey, wait a minute — wouldn’t Michael Jackson have neatly passed that mark a long time ago?” And I discovered that yes, indeedy, he has. Michael Jackson is undoubtedly the first artist to surpass one billion online video views...

It just makes us as fans as a whole look bad when people do that. Period.

MJ fans are not the only victims of this kind of attitude. It's fans in general. Back with ?uestlove calling Beyonce the new Michael you would not believe what I read Beyonce fans saying about MJ. Or when people call MJ the best selling artist of all time, you would not believe the horrible things that Elvis fans say about MJ. This applies to a lot of fans in general. While I don't condone it, it's going to happen. A lot. In the end, it's their opinion and while I may not agree with it, it's still theirs and they are allowed to have it. It's only when people start sprouting off uneducated junk that gets me.
"I've always wanted to leave my stamp on music, and to be able to say that I worked with Michael Jackson and now I'm working with Lady Gaga, who'll probably go down in history as one of the best female entertainers of all time ."

The Devil is a Liar