Rodney Jerkins Compares Lady Gaga To Michael Jackson

It's actually unfair to compare anyone to Michael because he crossed so many boundary lines, broke so many records, won pretty much every award to be had in the industry, wrote & composed so many number ones hits for himself, the DANCE, the VIDEOS, the SOLD OUT TOURS.

Who else has done ALL that before???

Not Madonna, Elvis, The Beatles, Prince, Beyonce...NOBODY has done it ALL.

But, it gives all them Youngins something to strive for :tease:

well...the greatest way to say that nobody compares to Michael, is when non intending people compare everybody to Michael. them, we say...thanks:)

if Michael is on all these peoples' brains...we understand.

considering all the dance shows that have been on the air, since MJ hit his second stride(Thriller era):)(saw a Rebbie vid from an 80's show called 'Solid Gold'.), right up to 'Dancing With The Stars', today.
I would make a bet that the media is hyping Lady Gaga now so they can do the same thing to her that they did to Michael. It won't be long before they are tearing her down to. She obviously is a talented performer and she has done well, but doesn't deserve all of the press that she is getting. But I think the vultures are circling. Michael is gone, Britney is old news, being cruel to Taylor Swift would be like kicking a kitten. They need to create hype to get people interested so when they start making up shit about Lady Gaga, everyone will want to read it. Mark my words............
Some one needs to get their brain exam Leave them Drugs alone

Breaking News: It is offical after Michael's death his legacy is living on through artist like Lady gaga, Usher, Justin Timbelake, Brandy, Justin Beiver, Akon. Black eye pea's Jill scott, Jennifer Hudson, T-pain Etc,BET Staff, MTV staff, Vh1 Staff, also Tv shows such as Dancing with the stars the hostes compare Michael style of Dressing to all the fellas on the show. Michael is compare to Elmo with his funny laugh and smarts educating Children Accross the word. Here is a message Mickey Mouse from disney land We love you Michael YaY I was also compare to you for running Disneyland for years and going against Neverland Michael is our hero once again the day have been saved thanks to Super gold magic love aka MJJ
Rdoney running his mouth without the filter......uh like NEVER! Michael is an ICON, dont ever, ever get it twisted! Madonna paid her dues and Mike did it before he was 10 sooooooooo.

GAGA- Madonna and Cindy Lauper, Marilyn Manson....same shit different face.

Exactly. She's a superstar, she's everywhere. She has real talent, writes her own stuff, can sing perfectly live. She's pretty much unique in that sense, with regards to that genre.
Oh my God :bugeyed, you have been obviously smoking the pot....or you are beeing sacastic...She has real talent??? oh please!!! her record company is suporting her like hell, thats her formula, she is a formula, a new madonna (that is already a copy....), noone will ever be in the same league of Michael Jackson, sorry to break your bubble and her bubble as well, but media helps her a lot and its getting obvious and ridiculous..., she is not original, my God, she is copying everyone... and her songs are super basical and unoriginal, come on!

And yes, why everydody has to be the next Michael Jackson, when in fact there will never be another genius like him, im just saying the true, lady gaga may be the next madona (mediocre singer, mediocre songwriter, mediocre dancer, mediocre actress, mediocre etx, and a very supporting record company behind her...), she may be the new madonna, but Madonna is even artistic levels she is also a madonna,

stop all this ridiculous hype over her... i mean Rodney Jerkins, i cant believe it.... she is at Michael Jackson level???????:bugeyed,

put her at madonnas level, thats the level of unoriginal artists who go with the flow for money, and its fine, but is not Michael Jackson level, im sorry but Michael Jackson is GENIUS LEVEL....

lady gaga??? SHE CANT EVEN DANCE WELL... see?? we are talking about her now, how STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im OUT
"I've always wanted to leave my stamp on music, and to be able to say that I worked with Michael Jackson and now I'm working with Lady Gaga, who'll probably go down in history as one of the best female entertainers of all time ."

As much as I like Lady Gaga and as talented as she is, this will not happen. Madonna will go down as one of the best female entertainers of all time but artists today will not. They are all hot today and gone tomorrow.
and im not hating on Lady Gaga, my sister likes her to dance, but all this hype is getting a little too stupid... the whole "oooh the next Michael Jackson" is really idiotic.
Oh my God :bugeyed, you have been obviously smoking the pot....or you are beeing sacastic...She has real talent??? oh please!!! her record company is suporting her like hell, thats her formula, she is a formula, a new madonna (that is already a copy....), noone will ever be in the same league of Michael Jackson, sorry to break your bubble and her bubble as well, but media helps her a lot and its getting obvious and ridiculous..., she is not original, my God, she is copying everyone... and her songs are super basical and unoriginal, come on!

And yes, why everydody has to be the next Michael Jackson, when in fact there will never be another genius like him, im just saying the true, lady gaga may be the next madona (mediocre singer, mediocre songwriter, mediocre dancer, mediocre actress, mediocre etx, and a very supporting record company behind her...), she may be the new madonna, but Madonna is even artistic levels she is also a madonna,

stop all this ridiculous hype over her... i mean Rodney Jerkins, i cant believe it.... she is at Michael Jackson level???????:bugeyed,

put her at madonnas level, thats the level of unoriginal artists who go with the flow for money (she cant even dance well....)

lady gaga??? SHE CANT EVEN DANCE WELL... see?? we are talking about her now, how STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im OUT

Nah i'm the one who smokes the piff aka pot and I know damn well she ain't on Michael's level Just another Artist making some nose she remind me of the new age Madonna and this is no disrespect to Lady Gaga cause I know some of MJ fans lose control over themselves for no reason I just don't understand how can you compare any body to MJ dude did more things beside Music he reach the most Hightest in this game until some one accomplish the things he did and more than that's when they can compare him don't campare him to all these up and coming people. Yes lady gaga takes it there in her videos and yes she can sang but all this comparing him to these artist needs to stop there is only one king of pop and that Michael Jackson. Michael basically took this industry and broke the rules and records something that many artist can't do. At the end of the day I will give respect to Lady gaga because she is making some nose and i see people are into her. Nuff said
one more thing, i wont talk about her qualities as a vocalist, songwriter, or her dance skills, cause im that cruel...and i like the fact that she is trying her best she can to be good, of course her record company helps her A LOT, but i recognize her efforts, that is a plus...and cannnot deny, but on levels of talent, well she is very mediocre (ut i had to say that as Rodney compared her with a genius like Michael Jackson...), sorry but she is mediocre and to be fair, everyone compared to Michael Jackson is simply mediocre...

She iscomparable to Madonna, she is like madonna that is very true... so i mean, stop it with the whole next Michael Jackson, that is hurting her more than supporting her...
She can sing, but, again compared to Michael Jackson she is completely mediocre...

She can dance, but compared to Michael Jackson she is nothing but a mediocer dancer...once again she gets in the bad light.

her songwriting skills, compared to Michael Jackson...well I wont even start, cause i like her, so i wont be cruel and start saying the truth....

and she is a woman cant be compared to a man (only if she was genius level that would be possible, but this is not the case), so you should compare her to madonna, who the one she is totally comparable to. :yes:

and her Telephone video is very very nice to look, all the colors, really lookable, very nice video, so she can keep on with the whole image stuff, that a PLUS, is really working for her, so i take my Michael Jackson Fedora hat for her. she is trying and is really working and i love that but dont compare her to Michael, cause she will only get hurt.

wow, i felt like i was dooing nothing so i spent this little time on this very important story.. :lol:
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I'm so tired of people comparing Michael Jackson to all of these artists that are out today..I'm sorry but NOBODY comes close to MJ PERIOD!!
I like some of her music and I find some of her videos clever and entertaining. If Lady Gaga is still around and making music people want to listen to in 20 years, then maybe there would be some justification for the comparison to Madonna. But now, it just sounds silly. It will never be within reason to compare her to Michael Jackson.
Honestly I think Gaga's appraisals are well deserved.

Unlike that little Ms. Taylor Swift who beat out of MJ for AMA's artist of the year.
Anyway, regarding Lady Gaga, I have to admit that I really do appreciate her songs (when compared to today's music). I'm proud of her for writing her own music (I think), and I'm proud of her for debuting with two decent/good albums. But I wouldn't say that she's got potential to be legendary just yet. In fact, I think it's still too early to be calling out legends left and right.

To me, it seems like everyone is trying to predict who the next "Michael Jackson" is, so that, when (and if) there ever is one, they'll turn around and say, "See? I told you so!"
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there will never be another MJ.

first of all you have to be a star at the age of 10 and have a never ending talent.

i don't see those things in her.

I forgot about my least favourite thing on this forum... the majority lack basic reading comprehension skills. Someone please paste me the section of Rodney Jerkins' quote where he directly compares the two? Do some people here look for the bad in every article? You think comparisons and hyping of OTHER celebrities gets old... how about constant bickering over false quotes?

I forgot about my least favourite thing on this forum... the majority lack basic reading comprehension skills. Someone please paste me the section of Rodney Jerkins' quote where he directly compares the two? Do some people here look for the bad in every article? You think comparisons and hyping of OTHER celebrities gets old... how about constant bickering over false quotes?


True, he doesn't directly compare the two. But he instigated the comparison with this line, "I've always wanted to leave my stamp on music, and to be able to say that I worked with Michael Jackson and now I'm working with Lady Gaga, who'll probably go down in history as one of the best female entertainers of all time."

Based on what I understand, his achievements were:

1) Left his stamp on music.
2) Worked with Michael Jackson.
3) Worked with Lady Gaga.

By putting MJ and Lady Gaga in the same sentence, he's either hinting that he had the same level of achievement with both of them, or they both have the same level of achievement. Which ultimately, boils down to a heated debate on who is more legendary.
Why is it that everyone gets so cut up over articles such as this? Assuming what Jerkins said was meant what everyone here believes it to mean, is it a big deal? Is it necessary for fans to go all vigilante against any artist or personality who claims to have a legacy or talent? It's been happening for years, even prior to the passing of Michael but it's probably become worse since then.

No longer can a solo artist be lauded, propped up, worshipped or awarded without the usual suspects making ridiculous claims of "no talent" or "Michael did it better".

I don't like Lady Gaga that much myself; her style and music doesn't really engage me, much like the millions out there that don't really feel anything from Michael's music, but that doesn't mean she's talentless or her music is forgettable.

I'm sure in the 80's, you had self appointed music know-it-alls claiming Michael Jackson, Madonna and the Pop genre in general was full of industry bred "fluff" music that would die out like any teenage fad before it - and look... we still listen to Madonna and Michael Jackson and other artists from that time.

In conclusion, get off the backs' of the pop artists out there today and don't take offence to every article claiming X, Y, Z, artist has talent.
Lady Gaga is talented and threads like these always go the same way. There will never be another Michael Jackson, he in uncomparable.
People need to read the article not the misleading title. He didn't compare them at all.
Yep. :smilerolleyes:

Though I still disagree with him, Gaga going to be a legend.. And I agree with whoever said that she's getting too much attention too soon. She's had like one album out and suddenly she's a 'legend' ?
Ok, noone is hating on Lady gaga (at least not me) but puting her on the same sentence is like comparing them, and when you compare any artist to Michael Jackson which is genius level talent, even if is quite talented he/she will look weak... so i mean i dont like lady gaga as artist, but i like the fact that she tries, she has to have to give the biggest credit to the record company supporting her, she is very much all about the image, and im not talking about dance or artistical legacy, i mean literally the image AND the catchy songs, its a very good formula, it worked with many artists for a LONG TIME, she is not original to me, but i do understans she is for other people :) and i respect them.

To the record lady gaga is not my taste but she is very good on what she doe, she is better than that one Kesha... 100 times better, you know, so, we like lady gaga for her and her record company efforts to recreate the "Madonna/britney formula", cause is really working and i have to say its clever, at least for now :yes: bye everyone :) (it worksd for madonna till now, so clever of her and her record company, See madonna is average talented and she is still today, thats good!
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oh dear! and thats the state of the music industry for you
What is it with Rodney Jerkins these days. First he feeds the media crap about Michael knowing his time was up and now this.
I like Lady Gaga, but Rodney is insane. The girl has just started. She has, literally, just started yesterday. She is still riding on the coattails of her 1.5 albums, not including her first one as herself. You need some type of longevity to before you can be labeled as the 'greatest female performer of all time.' Also, as someone stated earlier, by putting her and MJ in the same sentence, it is going to be seen that you are comparing them.

I respect her and the fact that she's taking risks, but she still has yet to prove herself. You can have as many #1 hits as you want, but, at the end of the day, it's about your ability to prove yourself as being you. So much so that you can not be compared to others. This what MJ did and she needs to be able to do that as well to considered 'Greatest' anything.
Not really a comparison but its very much pukeable :p..
She has been around for zero years compared to Michael...
"One of the best female singers of all time"... OMG...
I think that Lady Gaga has talent..............

But everybody forgets that she is the human form of Marmite........

You either LOVE her or you HATE her...................

And because she doesn't have the universal acceptance she'll never be the next Michael Jackson (his haters are only a tiny minority).

well said
WTH.. Gaga is like a clown, Michael was like a real musician.. Isnt there a bit difference..? :lol: I understand RJ will be forever sad we and he lost Michael too soon and his chances with Michael interrupted, but theres no need to get stupid still.. :lol:
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IMO, she's all gimmick and not much substance. And Rodney will soon find out that people get tired of novelties eventually.
WTH.. Gaga is like a clown, Michael was like a real musician.. Isnt there a bit difference..? :lol: I understand RJ will be forever sad we and he losted Michael too soon and his chances with Michael interrupted, but theres no need to get stupid still.. :lol:

This coming from someone who said "losted".....
This coming from someone who said "losted".....

Sorry, I dont know where that came from. English is not my native language. I posted that mobile and was having a breakfast. Maybe I was thinking bread I just toasted. Or then I was thinking my native language.