Rodney Jerkins Compares Lady Gaga To Michael Jackson


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Jul 25, 2011

Lady GaGa Compared To Michael Jackson
Published Friday, 26th March, 2010 at 12:25 PM

A record producer who worked with Michael Jackson has compared Lady GaGa to the late King of Pop.
Rodney Jerkins, who worked on Jackson's 'Invincible' album in 2001, also collaborated with GaGa on her 'Telephone' hit and he thinks she has what it takes to go down in history as a great performer.
"We haven't seen an artist like Gaga in a long time - we haven't seen an artist that really has no fear," Jerkins said after spending studio time with the 'Bad Romance' star.
"I remember Michael Jackson used to tell me he was crucified for doing 'Thriller', but he had to do what he felt was needed at that time. I'm just happy to be part of history." Rodney recalled to People.
"I've always wanted to leave my stamp on music, and to be able to say that I worked with Michael Jackson and now I'm working with Lady Gaga, who'll probably go down in history as one of the best female entertainers of all time ."
Jerkins also spoke about the trouble he had merging Beyonce's verse with the rest of the dance song.
"When I got on the phone with Beyonce, she was telling me she wanted her verses to have a hood, street element, and I actually was caught off-guard." He explained.
"I wondered, 'How am I going to do that? How am I going to make a disco/techno record and create a hood, street anthem vibe for her verse?'
"But once I got to the studio, it just kind of came to me."

Madnews Quote Of The day response:

"Whatever Lady GaGa’s doing now Madonna did 20 years ago. And drag queens have
been dressing like GaGa for years (on a cheaper budget).

The poor delusional woman really thinks she’s “breaking new ground”.
No luv, so far you have just repackaged what’s already been done.
And Rodney…..I have absolutely nothing to say to you!"

Even when people will be wanting to compare anyone to Michael?
This is impossible
He was a genius
Art flowed through your body all
Had a sense of feeling incomparable music
The only one who was first, second and even third voice
He danced like no one more dance
Michael is incomparable
This womans getting too much hype too soon.
I agree. Feels awfully premature, but only time will tell. I'm not dissing her, just yeah... why don't we wait awhile before acting like every new person on the scene is some kind of a legend? Wait another year, two years, 10 years and then start discussing the legend of Gaga. Chance are there won't be one.
yeah pretty much says it all....

Music Video Pioneer Michel Gondry on Lady Gaga: 'I'm Not Interested'

Michel Gondry has made some of the most indelible music videos of all time for some of the biggest acts of the last two decades, including Radiohead, Björk, Foo Fighters, The White Stripes, Beck and even Paul McCartney and The Rolling Stones. So when Movieline caught up with him today to discuss his forthcoming documentary Thorn in the Heart, it seemed a great opportunity to feel him out on the new vanguard of the form: Lady Gaga, whose epic awful “Telephone” video has swept popular culture with a fury, frenzy and inspiration not seen since the glory days of which Gondry himself was a part. His response — which swept through genre monoliths from Michael Jackson to Madonna to Marilyn Manson — was unexpected to say the least.

“I’m not interested,” he said. “To me it’s like a form of Marilyn Manson. It’s hard for me to talk about it; I’ve seen a couple of videos of hers, and not for very long. I stop watching them each time because I don’t think there’s melodies. I’m sorry to be negative. Like I’m not a big fan of Madonna. I respect her very much, but unfortunately the videos didn’t help the music in the long run. Well, I guess it helped it to survive to the point where the video was irrelevant. So music has to find its own way, which is good for the music. It becomes smaller and more alive and it’s not as crazy, except for some R&B. To me, it’s just talking about the surface. I compare it to Marilyn Manson. The music to me is very expected. I don’t think there’s anything in the tone or the melody that makes me say, ‘Oh, there’s something going on.’

“And I like commercial music,” Gondry continued. “Michael Jackson will always be my favorite pop musician; he was for years and years until his death, which was horrible to me. So I like pop culture. But to me, even if it’s popular, there is a quality in the music you have to be able to appreciate. And I don’t see it. Her melodies are very conventional. I remember when my friend and I would argue about Killing Joke. I remember him saying, ‘It’s so great!’ But I said, ‘It’s so conventional! How can you find anything original? It’s just surface!’ I don’t know, maybe the comparison is ridiculous. But the melody was very, very flat. That’s probably why they are famous. But maybe it’s considered high art just because of the way she dresses?”

That raised the question of the decline of the music video overall, the foundational art form that MTV has essential banished from network.

“But you know, in 1999 or 2000, MTV and VH1 did the 100 Best Videos of All Time — two different selections — and I had zero videos in either of them,” Gondry said. “So when people tell me I’m the ‘MTV Generation,’ I just say, ‘No.’ I never won any MTV [Video Music Awards]. Oh, except for one for a video I did for Massive Attack, actually, and I lost it. My producer was furious. He wanted to put it in his office. But I loved videos. I remember watching videos very late at night — Michael Jackson videos. The first rap videos were amazing: Run-DMC, Tone Loc, all of that was just amazing. The Beastie Boys videos were always great. But then it became very stereotyped. There was this confusion. Also: The MTV Video Awards were never about the video, but about the song. Most of the time it was just to glorify people for the wrong reason.”

"I've always wanted to leave my stamp on music, and to be able to say that I worked with Michael Jackson and now I'm working with Lady Gaga, who'll probably go down in history as one of the best female entertainers of all time ."

Give Me A Break!

GaGa has been in the game for 2-seconds, and Rodney's already talking about history. PLEASE! Homegirl needs a chance to "simmer" before it's determined how far she will go. These folks kill me, they are forever talking about somebody being on the level of Michael, i.e. Justin Timberlake, Usher, Ne-Yo, and even Beyonce. In minute or so, they will be saying that Justin Bieber is the NEW Michael Jackson. LOL! Watch.

Oh and speaking of Beyonce, Rodney better be careful who he annoints with the title of "best female enertainer of all time." I mean, just a few days ago, that title went to Beyonce. Now Rodney trying to give the title to GaGa. LOL!

Seriously, folks are STILL watching Thriller, will they be watching GaGa's "Telephone" for the same length of time. I, personally, would say NO, but only time will tell, in my opinion.
Give Me A Break!

GaGa has been in the game for 2-seconds, and Rodney's already talking about history. PLEASE! Homegirl needs a chance to "simmer" before it's determined how far she will go. These folks kill me, they are forever talking about somebody being on the level of Michael, i.e. Justin Timberlake, Usher, Ne-Yo, and even Beyonce. In minute or so, they will be saying that Justin Bieber is the NEW Michael Jackson. LOL! Watch.

Oh and speaking of Beyonce, Rodney better be careful who he annoints with the title of "best female enertainer of all time." I mean, just a few days ago, that title went to Beyonce. Now Rodney trying to give the title to GaGa. LOL!

Seriously, folks are STILL watching Thriller, will they be watching GaGa's "Telephone" for the same length of time. I, personally, would say NO, but only time will tell, in my opinion.
Oh gosh, I forgot to add CHRIS BROWN to my list. LOL!

A hot minute ago, they ALL had young Mr. Brown as heir to Michael's might throne and look what happened. Look the heck what happened! Where is Chris Brown today?

These types of things need to "bathe in the moonlight" before you can really tell what time it is. Real talk!
yeah pretty much says it all....

Music Video Pioneer Michel Gondry on Lady Gaga: 'I'm Not Interested'

Michel Gondry has made some of the most indelible music videos of all time for some of the biggest acts of the last two decades, including Radiohead, Björk, Foo Fighters, The White Stripes, Beck and even Paul McCartney and The Rolling Stones. So when Movieline caught up with him today to discuss his forthcoming documentary Thorn in the Heart, it seemed a great opportunity to feel him out on the new vanguard of the form: Lady Gaga, whose epic awful “Telephone” video has swept popular culture with a fury, frenzy and inspiration not seen since the glory days of which Gondry himself was a part. His response — which swept through genre monoliths from Michael Jackson to Madonna to Marilyn Manson — was unexpected to say the least.

“I’m not interested,” he said. “To me it’s like a form of Marilyn Manson. It’s hard for me to talk about it; I’ve seen a couple of videos of hers, and not for very long. I stop watching them each time because I don’t think there’s melodies. I’m sorry to be negative. Like I’m not a big fan of Madonna. I respect her very much, but unfortunately the videos didn’t help the music in the long run. Well, I guess it helped it to survive to the point where the video was irrelevant. So music has to find its own way, which is good for the music. It becomes smaller and more alive and it’s not as crazy, except for some R&B. To me, it’s just talking about the surface. I compare it to Marilyn Manson. The music to me is very expected. I don’t think there’s anything in the tone or the melody that makes me say, ‘Oh, there’s something going on.’

“And I like commercial music,” Gondry continued. “Michael Jackson will always be my favorite pop musician; he was for years and years until his death, which was horrible to me. So I like pop culture. But to me, even if it’s popular, there is a quality in the music you have to be able to appreciate. And I don’t see it. Her melodies are very conventional. I remember when my friend and I would argue about Killing Joke. I remember him saying, ‘It’s so great!’ But I said, ‘It’s so conventional! How can you find anything original? It’s just surface!’ I don’t know, maybe the comparison is ridiculous. But the melody was very, very flat. That’s probably why they are famous. But maybe it’s considered high art just because of the way she dresses?”

That raised the question of the decline of the music video overall, the foundational art form that MTV has essential banished from network.

“But you know, in 1999 or 2000, MTV and VH1 did the 100 Best Videos of All Time — two different selections — and I had zero videos in either of them,” Gondry said. “So when people tell me I’m the ‘MTV Generation,’ I just say, ‘No.’ I never won any MTV [Video Music Awards]. Oh, except for one for a video I did for Massive Attack, actually, and I lost it. My producer was furious. He wanted to put it in his office. But I loved videos. I remember watching videos very late at night — Michael Jackson videos. The first rap videos were amazing: Run-DMC, Tone Loc, all of that was just amazing. The Beastie Boys videos were always great. But then it became very stereotyped. There was this confusion. Also: The MTV Video Awards were never about the video, but about the song. Most of the time it was just to glorify people for the wrong reason.”


dude took the words right out of my mouth.

Lady GaGa Compared To Michael Jackson
Published Friday, 26th March, 2010 at 12:25 PM

A record producer who worked with Michael Jackson has compared Lady GaGa to the late King of Pop.
Rodney Jerkins, who worked on Jackson's 'Invincible' album in 2001, also collaborated with GaGa on her 'Telephone' hit and he thinks she has what it takes to go down in history as a great performer.
"We haven't seen an artist like Gaga in a long time - we haven't seen an artist that really has no fear," Jerkins said after spending studio time with the 'Bad Romance' star.
"I remember Michael Jackson used to tell me he was crucified for doing 'Thriller', but he had to do what he felt was needed at that time. I'm just happy to be part of history." Rodney recalled to People.
"I've always wanted to leave my stamp on music, and to be able to say that I worked with Michael Jackson and now I'm working with Lady Gaga, who'll probably go down in history as one of the best female entertainers of all time ."
Jerkins also spoke about the trouble he had merging Beyonce's verse with the rest of the dance song.
"When I got on the phone with Beyonce, she was telling me she wanted her verses to have a hood, street element, and I actually was caught off-guard." He explained.
"I wondered, 'How am I going to do that? How am I going to make a disco/techno record and create a hood, street anthem vibe for her verse?'
"But once I got to the studio, it just kind of came to me."

Madnews Quote Of The day response:

"Whatever Lady GaGa’s doing now Madonna did 20 years ago. And drag queens have
been dressing like GaGa for years (on a cheaper budget).

The poor delusional woman really thinks she’s “breaking new ground”.
No luv, so far you have just repackaged what’s already been done.
And Rodney…..I have absolutely nothing to say to you!"

i guess by comparison, Jerkins means they are both fearless artists, in his eyes.
That's not even a comparison, guys. Seriously >_>

Gaga is one of the best pop artists right now imo (not that there's much competition)... She ALWAYS puts on a great show (however creepy it may be) and her voice is great.

But for the sake of comparison... noone comes close to MJ.
He have to stop smoking crack. :doh:


lol i cant believe this: "I've always wanted to leave my stamp on music, and to be able to say that I worked with Michael Jackson and now I'm working with Lady Gaga, who'll probably go down in history as one of the best female entertainers of all time ."

michael jackson is as important as any of the greats in music history..Mozart,Rodger and hammerstein..any greats and mj is in there without question...

You need to be exceptionally talented to be a legend in your own time and it takes a while for anyone to be realised to be a legend that wil actually last eternity...Mj was exceptionally unique because he was a child star who had o much more than your usual child star AND he backed it up in more than ways than anyone could have imagined when he turned into an adult..But even as child and a young adult he had to obviously work to show the world he would be a great artist..Yes he had te natural talent but he also had to put in the work ethic and he went overboard with that..(mostly in good ways..)But I compare him to daniel day lewis..When he works he works in every second of that time and feeds himself into it...

Now noone can say what gaga will be at this point..Waaay to early...she is not and will not be a superstar..Mj was truely the last single superstar in music..Gaga is unique but to me it is not pure like a bowie and seems more contrived and forced..She dresses like this to keep herself in the limelight..Mj did this in a sense but he also liked to wear it all ( maybe not the surgical mask..but his clothes he wore out, he would wear normally)...I get the sense gaga dresses like this in public but behind closed doors would change completely and not have a hint of the performing gaga..That is fine and you can stil be a great artist by doing this but with her it just seems like she is doing it because she has to be different..not because it is purely her.I duno it is hard to describe..But I can't see her re inenting herself like a true artist should..She does noot have that in her i believe and she has a good voice..not fabolous range, but it a good voice?..She is also not a spontaneous performer and sticks to the script I think..A great artist can and should improvise and I duno if I can see that in her naturallly...

The problem is the music industry in section genres like pop is soooooooooooo dire anyone that bit different will stand out even more and given this self importance that is misplaced and not justified..Plus we live in a more impatient culture that judges much more quickly...
People need to read the article not the misleading title. He didn't compare them at all.
Oh gosh, I forgot to add CHRIS BROWN to my list. LOL!

A hot minute ago, they ALL had young Mr. Brown as heir to Michael's might throne and look what happened. Look the heck what happened! Where is Chris Brown today?

These types of things need to "bathe in the moonlight" before you can really tell what time it is. Real talk!

Well it can be argued that if it wasn't for his temper and incident, he'd still be doing some big things till this day. Also, this isn't even a comparison people, IMO, he just said she has the potential to make history somewhere down the line, in all actuality, we all have the potential to make history in someway, shape or form, doesn't mean it's going to be done though.
but why would anybody want to be the next mj or madonna, they have to make a name for themselves not to be compared to someone else, you didn't see mj being the next somebody or madonna b/c they took they talent and made it into something their own and influnced entertainment
but why would anybody want to be the next mj or madonna, they have to make a name for themselves not to be compared to someone else, you didn't see mj being the next somebody or madonna b/c they took they talent and made it into something their own and influnced entertainment

That's true, but you can take bits and pieces of a person's ways and mold them into your own, I mean Michael took bits and pieces from James Brown, and possibly Jackie Wilson, and he molded them into his own and made it his.
ahh lady gaga is actually starting to irritate me, she can sing and shes got a good voice but she isnt that great to compare with michael jackson. She never creates her own dance moves (dont think shes talented enough to even make a signature move), she needs to show a lot of flesh to get the media attention, she delays her video telephone and compared it to thrilller to get media attention and the actual reason she is so famous at the moment is because of her wacky costumes!

i feel like shes using michael jackson legacy as well, trying to copy the short films. Dont know if you noticed she uses a lot of dance moves similar to thriller! she also wants to do a 3d concert noww, once again from michael jackson.