Rebuttal to OK Magazine/Aaron Carter/Daphne Barrak Story

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This may be a bit extreme but I've seen this work in the past. Personally, I believe both Carter and Barack should be ignored. The purpose of this story was to generate attention and so far they have succeeded. I think the focus should be on the magazine and its sponsors. Its been reported that this mag is struggling, they can't afford to lose any sponsors. If they fail to print a retraction, threaten to take out a full page ad in the Hollywood Reporter, NYT, etc exposing Barack for who she is then list all the sponsors who support this bottom-feeding reporting by their continued sponsorship of this mag. I hope the climate becomes so toxic that most publishers would think twice before hiring Barack or purchasing her "exclusives". At this point, Barack owes Michael more than an apology, she should lose her job. What she and Carter are claiming is criminal misconduct and its so unfortunate that these two can't be charged for making false claims.

I think fans did this with Discovery Channel and it worked, right?
Yeah with the Discovery Channel fans threatened to boycott all their sponsors and they quickly dropped it. It really does work, think we need to get on this as quickly as we can.
Now see, that's what I'm talking about! Hit them where it hurts. They deserve to be shut down and that barack woman needs to get a life. It's like she has taken a chapter directly out of D. Dimonds book. These people need to be exiled to another planet.
im speechless at this point right now. nothing surprises me anymore bc there justr dont seem to be any limits to what these bottom feeders can and cannot say about michael. Ive been a fan of Aaron Carter for years and his brother Nick and BSB. This shockes me bc Aaron has always been on Mj's side. i havent watched the video or herd the audio bc its just not worth it. whats being said is discusting and wrong. i dont wanna blame Aaron bc he's been through alot but this makes me sad to think he may have said these things but again we dont know for sure bc this just doesnt seem to make sence when all these years he's had michael's back. im not on aarons side and im NOT on OK magazines side bc they started this mess and for all we know everything Aaron said could have been taken out of context and edited. just like what was said earlier OK magazine is suffering and will most likey be no more if they cant keep selling magainzes. I fully support any action taken to perserve and save Michael's legecy. anything that can be done im fully behind. its time this garbage stops and the world finally sees their sick and discusting ways of harrassing and bullying a man who didnt deserve it.
I signed the petition..the truth should win! and Aaron seams on drugs now if he starts saying stupid thing after so many years...
I signed the petition.

Jermaine is a shame! One more time, the only people I see defend Mike, are his fans.Just unbelievable to see that even his family can't defend him.

They must be really busy with their books...
I signed the petition yesterday, and if anymore help is required I'm volunteering.

Agreed about the sponsors, and how much does a a full page ad cost in NYT and Hollywood Reporter? I'd contribute towards exposing DB. That's a really great idea, although I'm not sure how feasible that is. She deserves a dose of her own medicine.
Signed the petition
Staying online to contact those listed via twitter and e-mail. I also want to be involved in organizing a full page ad in a public paper so keep us informed
I'd believe a thief before I believe Carter! The problem is NOT US believing him. It's the fact that the media will print anything NEGATIVE Associated with Michael! It Kills me to get up everyday and come on here and other MJ sites to see the lies and hurtful things people are saying about Michael. I dont think the tears will ever stop, but We have to do everything in our power to Defend Michael! Like DIPLOMATE Said; We're the only ones that have been and still are defending him. Forget about the family; the media rarely want to hear anything from them if its not negative. We are his voices now and Will be for years and decades to come!

:cry: Sorry i'm pretty emotional today...I'll start taking action in a few...

I Love all the fans and I'm so proud to call my self a Michael Jackson fan!
Am I right in thinking that we need to e-mail the various media outlets who repeated the story to tell them how disgusted we are at their lazy journalism? Perhaps we could make a list of all those media outlets who got on the bandwagon and attach the contact details of each one so that us fans can e-mail the whole list? I would be happy to help make a list if others think this is worthwhile.
Signed it.

The only person who can sue OK Magazine is Carter, about his statements being misrepresented (WERE they?) It's not possible to sue for defamation on behalf of a "deceased person." Hence, the petition. Good job, guys!
There is a list already in the other thread when they started organizing. TCO is drafting a letter now to start sending to these outlets. I will post the link to the list here so we can readily find it.

ETA: Here is the link:

The problem is, a lot of these are posting the comment from Aaron"s rep saying he didn't say that now. So it is a little difficult to see who went with the original story. I I think it is prettey safe to bet thatthey probably all did.
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You guys give me life! This is exactly what needed to be done. Hats off! And my sleeves are rolled up ready to join you!
Aaron Carter definately bares a lot of blame in this; however, I don't feel there is much he can do even if he sues. By his own admission, he needs help and I truly hope he gets it. The Barack's, Dimonds, Orths's etc of this world are beyond hope. For me, I don't want any of these people to have a platform ever again. It's one thing to make hurtful comments about someone's appearance but those Carter insinuations are criminal in nature. Illegal use, possession and distribution of a controlled substance (cocaine) is a felony and supplying an intoxicating agent to a minor is a misdemeanor. It would not be illogical for a reader to jump to the conclusion that Carter was given drugs and alcohol as part of some set-up for molestation and the whole I woke up to find him sitting on my bed proves that. This story, as small as the original article was, should have never been published. If I'm not mistaken, there isn't wording such as alleged incidents, according to Carter, etc so we are to take those comments as fact. In my opinion, the best way to stop this is to make it difficult for it to be published. The publishing industry is hurting, the threat of losing major advertising deals and readers will make any editor think twice about publishing this stuff. Unfortunately, there will be another fool making outrageous claims against MJ, I want to make it almost impossible for anyone to have a platform to do so.
This is a general statement.

You guys seriously, after reading this thread I have to ask again that comments about the story be posted in the thread in the Controversy section. We really want to make an organized effort and to do so, it would be better to not have to read over comments that are not about a specific action that can be taken, or from someone letting us know they can help.

Please post all commentary about the situation in the other thread.

Thanks so much for understanding. :)
Am I right in thinking that we need to e-mail the various media outlets who repeated the story to tell them how disgusted we are at their lazy journalism? Perhaps we could make a list of all those media outlets who got on the bandwagon and attach the contact details of each one so that us fans can e-mail the whole list? I would be happy to help make a list if others think this is worthwhile.

This would go a long way in helping. This is a huge problem that if ever corrected would nip everything else in the bud. The story should have been vetted before being repeated no matter who said what or whom it was said about. If there was contradictions, then that should have been pointed out. They have the power to shut down the sharks yet do not do so.

I will say that before any thing is posted in an ad or release about D. B., please make sure that you have facts in hand to back up what you are saying. That is for your protection. You can show contradictions in what is being reported that Carter said in this interview and what he has said before; you can ask was this contradiction addressed in the interview and if not, why not. But, make sure that any accusations thrown towards D.B. can be backed up. It is like what Michael did with Bashir. He didn't just say he did show reality or he took things out of context; he had physical proof that is what happened and he brought it out. You may feel something in your heart but you have to be able to prove it once you go public.
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We all know people are going to comeout with lies about Michael after his death and Michael isn't here to defend himself to renigg these claims and for that I'll ignore cause those people who are trying to get money from a dead man and his family on false truths will get their punishment soon enough.Jealousy and Greed play Hand in Hand when it comes to our poor Michael. Leave Michael and His Family Alone.
Remember you can join up to be a part of the team that emails the media in response to situations like this.

Just contact and put sign me up in the subject. All we need is your name, the email address you want info sent to and your username at MJJC. This way when other stories come up you will be informed about how we are going to respond.

Sign up guys! Let us be a part of the solution.


MJJC Legacy Project.
@TheChosenOne, The letter is great other than "zipping on a glass of wine" should be "sipping on a glass of wine."

They can also be refuted by those who were there: "I saw Michael leave for just a few minutes to wash of that cake, he was later zipping on a glass of wine, and he never finished it. They were out driving around the ranch with the fourwheelers and we were many out there having a laugh about it. when talking to Michael he said he didn´t even know half of the people being there but he loved that the fans could be there. When he finally left the party after driving around the ranch, he was alone except for one security guy. he invited a few (I was among them) into the house, we were there for about an hour. He left for his bedroom and didn´t ask us to leave, it was more like "enjoy yourself, I trust you". And there were no Aaron Carter anywhere to be found in that house during that night. he´s taken care off by Tucker I think, I didn´t see him after the drive around the ranch. So much more happened, but not a single minute was Michael out of sight except when he cleaned up himself."
The MJJC Media Advocacy team is posting out now in the various threads and the email distribution list. Nancii, we are basically using what you drafted and a few additional pieces of information. Why reinvent the wheel.

EDT: I don't think I need to post this story any more in the News and Announcements and Controversy threads. I will post in the Legacy Project Team threads and email distribution. My sincere apologies for not acting on this sooner, but it appears people are already on it.
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We had a link by KingMikeJ of all the magazines that posted the original story, but now I think as Lindsey said, we should go through and make that into an actual list and then divvy the list up between those who are willing to help?

What are you guys thoughts on this?
We had a link by KingMikeJ of all the magazines that posted the original story, but now I think as Lindsey said, we should go through and make that into an actual list and then divvy the list up between those who are willing to help?

What are you guys thoughts on this?

This is a good idea...let's do it. We'll post it out through our process as well.
Isn't Daphne Barak the same one who did that controversial interview with nanny Grace?
This is one case where there is a viable lawsuit and where one needs to be vigorously pursued. Someone made an unambiguous and false statement, whether it was Carter or the magazine. I'm sure it's all taped, so it shouldn't be hard to figure out who. Whoever it is needs to be taken to task legally, or what's to stop others from doing this in the future?
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