Randy Jackson is MAD!

the PROFITS of the Estate is divided :

Prince, Paris and Blanket 40% ( long term beneficiaries )

katie 40% (short term beneficiary)

charities 20% ( long term beneficiaries)

when katie leaves this earth , her share goes back to mj's kids , so they will get 80 % of the Estate . the other named jacksons in the will are only going to inherit mj's estate in case God forbid prince, paris and blanket die while the rest are alive .

the Estate will focus on what benefit most the long term beneficiaries the kids and charities , which means they are going to pay debts, taxes as soon as possible so they avoid paying more interests on these debts and taxes. that will make the estate more stable and they then will focus on expanding its assets and leverage .


Can I ask, how can u be sure about the long term/short term beneficiaries thing?

Cause all along I thought MJ's mum was getting the full 40% and that [God forbid] something happens to her, then she can redistribute HER OWN 40% any way she likes.....ie to her OWN Children, aka Tito, jcakie, Marlon, Jermaine and randy......????

As a mother, I would redistribute all my proceeds to my kids.......

But if what u say is TRUE.....then that's REALLY COOL.......'cause I prefer the kids Prince, paris and Blanket to get it all.

I don't know much about wills and stuff.....so maybe I missed it.

FUCK the press, Michael you are still the best!
If you guys remember, there was MJJ source.... Most of us paid the $50 dollars for it... it was run by Randy... and when the site got the maximum money, they shut it down...

So, as far as I am concerned, Jermaine brount Thome thome to Michael, Randi seems to do shady business as well, I love the Jacksons Family, but, in all honesty, it's only because of Money... they knew it was happening, and they have LIFTED the No zone Fly... so, I don't buy it, it is simply becasue they want to insure michael's burial footage can be sold at the highest -if not already- cause a stir and ensure public acknowledgment, i don't think his statement has merit...

And once again, what are we just for the jacksons? cash flow??? We have been shut down to go near Michael.......... so, say whatever you want, I don't buy it... I am no longer covering up for the Jacksons, that's my thought, after over of "service" that has cost me a lot of money, I am being shut out completely as a fan, seems the only way I can be 'thanked for" by the jackson family these days is if I buy something from them and Oh yeah, like Latorya said "keep michael's legacy alive" meaning, : buy buy buy....

but, hey, don't come close to him....

I think it's very sad.
well yes he hired mez but what else did he do , that what i posted before read please:

for those who say Randy cared the most about MJ , you need a reality check guys , you probably did not hear what Randy did during the trial, he was MJ's manager at the time , he hired his own lawyers own accountants , they failed to pay neverland employees, failed to pay all the expenses at neverland , failed to pay anyone , when people started suing mj for unpaid bills and unpaid wages , he sued his lawyers and accountants , Randy wrote a two letter in support of them and presented it to court , because he was the one who hired them and they obviously were sharing the money with . Mj was suddenly facing his own brother . Not only that Randy started spreading rumours about mj running a $ 700.000 bill on his credit card .

Randy signed a deal on behalf of mj's at the time to refinance the Sony/ATV loan and when mj knew about it he tried to stop it but it was too late he was sued and it cost him tens of millions .
during that trial which mj settled eventually because he was facing no one but his brother , he gave an affidavit where he talked about Randy and his friend trying to force him to sell the Sony/ATV during the trial , he said Billionaire Ron Burkle was calling him during breaks and warning him not to sign any paper , and when mj refused to sign the papers Randy "wanted his head" .

when the affidavit was leaked to the press , MJ said he loved his brother and did not accuse him of lying or stealing but it was too late mj said that under oath and everything was documented . the judge overseeing mj's estate is probably aware of that affidavit and that's why he did not allow Randy to testify at the AEG hearing . and I'm more than sure Branca is more than capable of playing dirty games when the jacksons keep using their blackmailing tactics

i didn't know that........
Randy complains about Helicopters filming yet was happy to sit there and be filmed by camera's on the ground. If they wanted absolute privacy they shouldn't of allowed any camera's at all.
I agree
ppl shouldn't so hard on her
its hard not to judge some of the family when the facts are right there

Yep exactly.

What difference does it make? You couldnt even see anything from the news choppers, the footage the Jackson family showed was more intimate and violating in that case..

I think he means the noise of the helicopters disrupted them, which I can understand but I can't agree with him if they filmed it all for the reality show - I guess only time will tell on that one...
If they wanted 100% privacy of no footage, they should have done the funeral service indoors. They knew choppers would fly above them. There's no escaping them, so I dont see why they are surprised. They were outdoors.
there were too many guest to do it indoors. they had a feed and said they wanted the world to see it. that's waht anderson cooper said. then they cut th elive feed. he sounded suprised. their helicopter feed worked for a few more minutes then it stopped. right after the kids placed the crown on the casket.

so y would they do that and not tell the media? cnn didn't know.

so either they did that cuz they changed their minds at the 11th hr but still allowed the kids to be filmed. OR they have other intents w/ the footage. b/c before teh helicopter lost it's feed, u can see a movie sound boom going over the mourners on the right, facign the casket.

y else would that be there unless they wereeither filming it for the movie or adding it to the reality show?
Can I ask, how can u be sure about the long term/short term beneficiaries thing?

Cause all along I thought MJ's mum was getting the full 40% and that [God forbid] something happens to her, then she can redistribute HER OWN 40% any way she likes.....ie to her OWN Children, aka Tito, jcakie, Marlon, Jermaine and randy......????

As a mother, I would redistribute all my proceeds to my kids.......

But if what u say is TRUE.....then that's REALLY COOL.......'cause I prefer the kids Prince, paris and Blanket to get it all.

I don't know much about wills and stuff.....so maybe I missed it.


yes I'm sure . that is the case . katie gets 40% of mj's estate PROFITS as long as she is alive and even those 40% are determined by the executors since the Estate has debts , taxes and future plans to expand .she can't REWILL her share at all , it goes directly to mj's kids who will eventually inherit 80% of his estate .

MJ took care of his moma in death as in life he wanted to spare her the embarrassment of asking jermaine and Randy ...etc for money , after all they did not cater for their own children , it was very reasnobale on his part to think they would not support her mother when he dies . RIP mj .
If they wanted 100% privacy of no footage, they should have done the funeral service indoors. They knew choppers would fly above them. There's no escaping them, so I dont see why they are surprised. They were outdoors.

or put up a marque with a roof. problem solved
I'm confused. Didn't they hire their own production team to provide the video? How can he be upset now? CNN said that there wasn't a no fly zone - just that they had to be above a certain foot amount???
yes I'm sure . that is the case . katie gets 40% of mj's estate PROFITS as long as she is alive and even those 40% are determined by the executors since the Estate has debts , taxes and future plans to expand .she can't REWILL her share at all , it goes directly to mj's kids who will eventually inherit 80% of his estate .

MJ took care of his moma in death as in life he wanted to spare her the embarrassment of asking jermaine and Randy ...etc for money , after all they did not cater for their own children , it was very reasnobale on his part to think they would not support her mother when he dies . RIP mj .

Thanks for the info. I didn't know that. I'm happy mj looked after his mum.

I just thought she would be able to rewill it.....that part...... I wasn't too keen on.