Randy Jackson is MAD!

It's just not TMZ it's all other news as well. Jackson Family should have keep Michael burial as private just like Farrah Fawcett.
Not as many people are interested in Farrah, Walter Cronkite, or Teddy Kennedy. There was little if any paparazzi out for them. The media goes where the money is. There's no money to be made of dying of old age or cancer.
I don't get what you mean by Randy making a statement on the footage. It could be that the Jacksons actually wanted it to be private but wanted to show the fans some of the ceremony but kept the eulogies private so people can be more open in what they say about MJ.

ok and the media did not really continue their coverage after the live feed was cut , cnn kept getting tweets , that's it . everything was showed by the family .
Not as many people are interested in Farrah, Walter Cronkite, or Teddy Kennedy. There was little if any paparazzi out for them. The media goes where the money is. There's no money to be made of dying of old age or cancer.

That was harsh, but sadly true.

Then can we corral the remaining BROKE with no MONEY Jacksons and put duct tape on their mouths, please?
obvioulsy A&G is frustrated .

in other words , we signed a deal and sold the right to the footage for alot of $$$$ , damn you for jeopardizing the deal . you have no right to air the pics of MJ's coffin and his children faces we have already sold them .

And so what if they signed a deal that supposedly sold the right to the funeral? By the way the estate already were already given the rights to the footage by a judge that will be given to AEG to be part of this movie show. That Randy and none of the other Jacksons will be profitting from, that is the siblings. Randy fought so hard for his brother at the trial in 05. He was the one responsible for findind Messerou who saved Mike from going to jail. How easy people like you forget the good deeds of others.

He has a right for their wishes to be respected that was donot fly over a NO FLY ZONE and tape his brothers funneral regardless, I don't care if was gonna be sold it is his right to ask that. Like I said Randy stand by his brother through thick and thin and you have no right to be speaking about this family like that.
That was harsh, but sadly true.

Then can we corral the remaining BROKE with no MONEY Jacksons and put duct tape on their mouths, please?
Why? It's a free country, they can say whatever they like.
And so what if they signed a deal that supposedly sold the right to the funeral? By the way the estate already were already given the rights to the footage by a judge that will be given to AEG to be part of this movie show. That Randy and none of the other Jacksons will be profitting from, that is the siblings. Randy fought so hard for his brother at the trial in 05. He was the one responsible for findind Messerou who saved Mike from going to jail. How easy people like you forget the good deeds of others.

He has a right for their wishes to be respected that was donot fly over a NO FLY ZONE and tape his brothers funneral regardless, I don't care if was gonna be sold it is his right to ask that. Like I said Randy stand by his brother through thick and thin and you have no right to be speaking about this family like that.

well yes he hired mez but what else did he do , that what i posted before read please:

for those who say Randy cared the most about MJ , you need a reality check guys , you probably did not hear what Randy did during the trial, he was MJ's manager at the time , he hired his own lawyers own accountants , they failed to pay neverland employees, failed to pay all the expenses at neverland , failed to pay anyone , when people started suing mj for unpaid bills and unpaid wages , he sued his lawyers and accountants , Randy wrote a two letter in support of them and presented it to court , because he was the one who hired them and they obviously were sharing the money with . Mj was suddenly facing his own brother . Not only that Randy started spreading rumours about mj running a $ 700.000 bill on his credit card .

Randy signed a deal on behalf of mj's at the time to refinance the Sony/ATV loan and when mj knew about it he tried to stop it but it was too late he was sued and it cost him tens of millions .
during that trial which mj settled eventually because he was facing no one but his brother , he gave an affidavit where he talked about Randy and his friend trying to force him to sell the Sony/ATV during the trial , he said Billionaire Ron Burkle was calling him during breaks and warning him not to sign any paper , and when mj refused to sign the papers Randy "wanted his head" .

when the affidavit was leaked to the press , MJ said he loved his brother and did not accuse him of lying or stealing but it was too late mj said that under oath and everything was documented . the judge overseeing mj's estate is probably aware of that affidavit and that's why he did not allow Randy to testify at the AEG hearing . and I'm more than sure Branca is more than capable of playing dirty games when the jacksons keep using their blackmailing tactics
I don't blame him one bit for being angry. Those of us, who are out of the public eye, can mourn in private without helicopters overhead, etc. I think the media should have respected their wishes, I mean, they did let the fans be part of his memorial service, and I am so grateful to them for that.

I don't blame him one bit for being angry. Those of us, who are out of the public eye, can mourn in private without helicopters overhead, etc. I think the media should have respected their wishes, I mean, they did let the fans be part of his memorial service, and I am so grateful to them for that.


well, believe me the media is not interested in them at all , all the media wanted to see was THAT COFFIN , that COFFIN MEANS much more than jermaine , randy and the whole jackson gang to the world . everybody was watching to see THAT COFFIN . believe me NON OF THE JACKSONS IS HAPPEY ABOUT THIS SIMPLE FACT .
When it comes to Michael and profiting from his death? I think it's time for a gag order.
Gag orders are for people in court. The Jacksons aren't in court. It's no different from Priscilla Presley turning Graceland into a tourist attraction, Yoko Ono turning "John Lennon" into a money making business, or Al Hendrix marketing his son Jimi. Someone's going to be profiting from Mike anyway, why not the family?
No it's not. It's the same as someone leaking a musician's unfinished songs before they were ready to release, or people selling bootleg DVDs of movies that haven't been released yet. Just because the movie studios are planning to release the movie themselves, doesn't give a bootlegger a right to put it out. It doesn't matter if they are going to use footage themselves. They put a request of no media.

I do not know who gave that ocean person the right to be a judge against this family especially when the majority of them has been nothing but supportive to Michael throghout his life. Randy , Malon, Jermaine, Jackie has always loved and show support for their brother. Latoya betrayed MJ once in 93 later recanted Joe was may to hard on MJ but Michael loved them all and forgive their short comings, just like they forgave his short comings. This family is in pain who are we non relatives to judge them, we are outsiders looking in, you do not know the pain they are feeling for their brother deaths.
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I'd rather his kids do that since they have the right to do so. But that's just me.

Gag orders are for people in court. The Jacksons aren't in court. It's no different from Priscilla Presley turning Graceland into a tourist attraction, Yoko Ono turning "John Lennon" into a money making business, or Al Hendrix marketing his son Jimi. Someone's going to be profiting from Mike anyway, why not the family?
well, believe me the media is not interested in them at all , all the media wanted to see was THAT COFFIN , that COFFIN MEANS much more than jermaine , randy and the whole jackson gang to the world . everybody was watching to see THAT COFFIN . believe me NON OF THE JACKSONS IS HAPPEY ABOUT THIS SIMPLE FACT .

Well, my interest was not the coffin, it was the person in it. I wanted to hear about MJ. I am sure they were interested in more than just the coffin. I was not interested in it. It was nice though.
I take that all back.

If what I just read is true. Wow.

Perfect example of why you should read before you post!
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If I have to look at it from my point of view, then I'm upset that they cut off the stream yesterday - not that I'm "curious" about the ceremony but more because I wanted to feel like I was there.
For many of us (not talking about "regular people" and media), Michael was a father figure and not only gave us a childhood, but he was our childhood.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that not seeing Michael's funeral would almost feel as bad as not attending my biological parents funerals.

If the family will never release the footage then I can somewhat understand Randy's outburst, but if they will do a sucka move and make us pay to watch it then Randy and everyone involved in this decision can eat shit. Because up until they closed the stream I actually felt that I was there. My tears don't lie.

EDIT: With this said, the helicopters was too much. But I still feel that the family should've kept the stream, especially if they will add the footage to a DVD or something later on.
Guys, I know that this is a hard and confusing time... I know that the actions of SOME of the Jackson family is really hard to understand for us fans.

However, I know that the brothers love Michael. There is no doubt about that. I know Michael love them very much as well. We have not really seen the reality show yet so we shouldn't judge the family right now.
obvioulsy A&G is frustrated .

in other words , we signed a deal and sold the right to the footage for alot of $$$$ , damn you for jeopardizing the deal . you have no right to air the pics of MJ's coffin and his children faces we have already sold them .

I know that right, you couldn't have paid me to watch that sh*t?
I believe in giving the family the privacy they deserved..

Maybe I phrased myself wrong there. But it was meant to be private.. they agreed to give the media some footage so they would fuck off but they still came anyway. Sorry I'm just angry. Will they ever let Michael rest in peace? They need to show some respect ... Gah.

I didn't watch simply because I felt that the family needed the privacy and second of all it would have been too emotional.
ok he mad about the footage after the feed was stopped? cuz the feed has pics of the kids. they r the ones who provided it. and word is that the whole thing was supposed to be aired for the world. they cut it last minute. that's y so many news agencies had to scramble. lol

Who provided it?
Am I the only one who had trouble pronouncing "surreptitiously"? :unsure: It's late ya'll give me a break lol :ninja:
We don't know for sure what they taped and besides what they taped will probably be edited to show certain things, things they didn't want to show. I think we are jumping to conclusion based on information the media is giving us on the reality show.

Ain't that the truth!!

Hey, well this is Off TOPIC but where did u get ur Siggy pic? :DLOL @ the Jacksons...Never seen it b4!
I'd rather his kids do that since they have the right to do so. But that's just me.
What do preteens know about running a business? Lisa Marie didn't, but she became rich because Priscilla turned Elvis into a money maker unlike Tom Parker. And Priscilla had been divorced from Elvis for years before he died. How did Yoko Ono become a millionaire? Not from people buying her music obviously, but because she made John Lennon a brand. It's better that Mike is kept in the family, rather than outside people like Sony making money off of him.
Wow, I am in shock. Wow. I have no words. I stand corrected. Damn. WTF. This is to much to process.

What do you mean by the Jacksons black mailing tactics.

well yes he hired mez but what else did he do , that what i posted before read please:

for those who say Randy cared the most about MJ , you need a reality check guys , you probably did not hear what Randy did during the trial, he was MJ's manager at the time , he hired his own lawyers own accountants , they failed to pay neverland employees, failed to pay all the expenses at neverland , failed to pay anyone , when people started suing mj for unpaid bills and unpaid wages , he sued his lawyers and accountants , Randy wrote a two letter in support of them and presented it to court , because he was the one who hired them and they obviously were sharing the money with . Mj was suddenly facing his own brother . Not only that Randy started spreading rumours about mj running a $ 700.000 bill on his credit card .

Randy signed a deal on behalf of mj's at the time to refinance the Sony/ATV loan and when mj knew about it he tried to stop it but it was too late he was sued and it cost him tens of millions .
during that trial which mj settled eventually because he was facing no one but his brother , he gave an affidavit where he talked about Randy and his friend trying to force him to sell the Sony/ATV during the trial , he said Billionaire Ron Burkle was calling him during breaks and warning him not to sign any paper , and when mj refused to sign the papers Randy "wanted his head" .

when the affidavit was leaked to the press , MJ said he loved his brother and did not accuse him of lying or stealing but it was too late mj said that under oath and everything was documented . the judge overseeing mj's estate is probably aware of that affidavit and that's why he did not allow Randy to testify at the AEG hearing . and I'm more than sure Branca is more than capable of playing dirty games when the jacksons keep using their blackmailing tactics
I believe in giving the family the privacy they deserved..

Maybe I phrased myself wrong there. But it was meant to be private.. they agreed to give the media some footage so they would fuck off but they still came anyway. Sorry I'm just angry. Will they ever let Michael rest in peace? They need to show some respect ... Gah.

I didn't watch simply because I felt that the family needed the privacy and second of all it would have been too emotional.

I know they played me too.

I did it for Mike, he wouldn't want this. And there is now way he would approve of them showing his FUNERAL WORLD WIDE.

I can't believe they would actually do this. The reality show is one thing, but this is just too much.

And for money. I really hope this is not true. If so, I am disgusted.

Mike would not approve of this.