Randy Jackson is MAD!

we should also not judge the neverland fab five after all it was their business to sell stories about mj we were not there , how about Gavin and Jordan and jason , I mean they needed money so what , it was their business , we should not judge them also.
You can do what you want, I said I don't judge.
I read somewhere on here and I also heard it on CNN that the camera footage was provided by the Jacksons. CNN said they had no control over what was shown because the Jacksons were providing the video of those coming in, etc . Unless Randy is talking about the actual ceremony, which I didn't see.
I do not know who gave that ocean person the right to be a judge against this family especially when the majority of them has been nothing but supportive to Michael throghout his life. Randy , Malon, Jermaine, Jackie has always loved and show support for their brother. Latoya betrayed MJ once in 93 later recanted Joe was may to hard on MJ but Michael loved them all and forgive their short comings, just like they forgave his short comings. This family is in pain who are we non relatives to judge them, we are outsiders looking in, you do not know the pain they are feeling for their brother deaths.

^^Yes, I applaud music65 too!

But I still feel that the family should've kept the stream, especially if they will add the footage to a DVD or something later on.

No, they should not, either way! It's one thing to grieve in public with cameras there, where you have the option to edit what the world is going to see or to grieve in public with a livestream where the world is watching in real time! And that is also true for people who held eulogies!

And again, we still do not know if that A&E or DVD story is true! And this whole judging of the Jackson family should stop! No one of us knows what leads to their decisions! And it's none of our business!

And for the people saying, Michael would want this, Michael wouldn't want that! Geez... none of us KNOWS what he wanted, so why not just shut up!

EVERYONE in the media thought they'd have the live feed from the family.
No! Not everyone... I was watching 2 channels and they had no idea what was going to happen in terms of live feed... they where just as in the dark as anyone else!
People just like negativity, talking about people they've never met or know anything about. I'm pretty sure they don't like anyone talking trash about them, or judging them. I guess that's why I rarely come into this section of the site and stick mainly to the music ones, lol.
The media could care less. They will air that helicopter footage over and over again. He said the choppers were severely disrupting the ceremony, which makes me wonder how close were they. I'm sure they knew the choppers were there; he didn't have to go home and turn on his TV to see that. What were the police doing to enforce the no fly zone?

hence...randy is the reason mj is so much in debt. shhhhhh

Not to open another can of worms, but wasn't it Randy and Oxman that ran the MJJSource Website? Like after several members bought a year's membership, after say a couple of months it no longer worked and basically vanished?

My cousin still rags on me about that...I talked her into buying a years membership there but after 4 months after she paid for it, GONE and without even a goodbye or sorry.

OMG I totally forgot about that! I almost got the year membership and something came up and I didnt and then like you said it just up and vanished one day with no explanation or refunds. I had wondered if anyone ever got their money back....
I agree with him - the media want information, and the family gave them respectfully information, but they are just disrespectful.

this is unethical behavior of press people who think of themselves as the highest morality, pointing their fingers on every one

what is a no fly zone worth? legally?
People just like negativity, talking about people they've never met or know anything about. I'm pretty sure they don't like anyone talking trash about them, or judging them. I guess that's why I rarely come into this section of the site and stick mainly to the music ones, lol.

well, as I said before I did not meet the chandlers nor the arvizos , yet I judged them , why ? based on FACTS . what apply to them apply also to the jacksons , everybody tried to give them the benefit of the doubt , yet they have never failed to show their true colours .

MJ said it on those Glenda phone records ,how they took advantage of him , you probably did not hear Jermaine song the BADD where he accused mj of bleaching his skin , of stealing all the lights from his very UNTALENTED siblings ...etc .

MJ forgave them but sure did not forget . well, I'm not MJ i did not forget and I'll never forgive anyone who hurt him . sorry that's my opinion . -_-
People just like negativity, talking about people they've never met or know anything about. I'm pretty sure they don't like anyone talking trash about them, or judging them. I guess that's why I rarely come into this section of the site and stick mainly to the music ones, lol.
I need to try that myself lol.
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MJ said it on those Glenda phone records ,how they took advantage of him , you probably did not hear Jermaine song the BADD where he accused mj of bleaching his skin , of stealing all the lights from his very UNTALENTED siblings ...etc .
Are you serious? Jermaine said that?
I think part of the reason Randy is pissed is because ET showed a scene where the kids were putting the crown on top of the casket.. That right there would've bothered me, I mean let the kids have their moment.. Glad the camera's weren't around when Mrs. Jackson couldn't walk into the mausoleum, now that just would've been too damn much
I think part of the reason Randy is pissed is because ET showed a scene where the kids were putting the crown on top of the casket.. That right there would've bothered me, I mean let the kids have their moment.. Glad the camera's weren't around when Mrs. Jackson couldn't walk into the mausoleum, now that just would've been too damn much

I hear ya!! If I saw Mrs. Jackson do that, I would have been very upset.
I think part of the reason Randy is pissed is because ET showed a scene where the kids were putting the crown on top of the casket.. That right there would've bothered me, I mean let the kids have their moment.. Glad the camera's weren't around when Mrs. Jackson couldn't walk into the mausoleum, now that just would've been too damn much
OT: ok, your siggy is too sexy(or cute if MJ is under 18 in some of the pics)!
as long as RAndy is not releasing any minute of their own recordings in any future ventures they have on the horizon I agree
otherwise, they should be very careful what they are putting into writing as it could backfire....
well, as I said before I did not meet the chandlers nor the arvizos , yet I judged them , why ? based on FACTS . what apply to them apply also to the jacksons , everybody tried to give them the benefit of the doubt , yet they have never failed to show their true colours .

Yeah, your comments have never bothered me because for the most part you back up your critical views of the family. IMO, alot of the defenders are just turning a blind eye to certain things.

I hate that you're not on the KOP board anymore.
Yeah, your comments have never bothered me because for the most part you back up your critical views of the family. IMO, alot of the defenders are just turning a blind eye to certain things.

I agree
ppl shouldn't so hard on her
its hard not to judge some of the family when the facts are right there
Damn, this thread is making my head spin.

And I haven't even read half of it.
in other words , we signed a deal and sold the right to the footage for alot of $$$$ , damn you for jeopardizing the deal . you have no right to air the pics of MJ's coffin and his children faces we have already sold them .
lol yeah thats more like it .

This is Propoganda in my mind. and if this was business that is if it is for real in the first place.
its all documented in court papers and articles from the time. its very much real
In my opinion, there should not be one single public picture or footage of the kids from the funeral. They should have the right to mourn their Daddy in private without the whole world watching and commenting on their doings, looks or behavior during the ceremony.
What difference does it make? You couldnt even see anything from the news choppers, the footage the Jackson family showed was more intimate and violating in that case..
the family let cameras there..i don't understand why...so now please don't complain,it is just stupid!i understand they need money and maybe think to a reality show or something,but this cameras didn't ended up there alone...
the family let cameras there..i don't understand why...so now please don't complain,it is just stupid!i understand they need money and maybe think to a reality show or something,but this cameras didn't ended up there alone...

yup..I can see CNN lawyers getting worried....:Dcome on they were there as they were allowed to be there...
if there were strong security and no fly zone as they have mentioned this chopper couldnt have been there....and that footage wasnt filmed from a 3km distance! :doh: