Randy Jackson is MAD!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Randy Jackson: Don't Air Footage of MJ's Funeral

Posted Sep 4th 2009 9:27PM by TMZ Staff

Randy Jackson is furious footage of Michael's funeral at Forest Lawn is being broadcast all over the world, saying it was a private event and not meant for the public to see.

Jackson just released a scathing statement condemning those who violated the no-fly zone over Forest Lawn last night -- asking all media organizations to refrain from airing footage of the event.

Here's Randy's full statement:

"As a family, we are all aware of how Michael's life, and his death, touched so many around the world. It is why we held a public memorial in my brother's honor.

And it is the reason we chose to release a small amount of footage leading up to yesterday's ceremony at Forest Lawn.

I was dismayed last night and again today at the coverage I saw on television of our ceremony for Michael. We had asked the media to respect the privacy and the sanctity of this event; to give us one moment of privacy to mourn as a family out of the public spotlight.

Unfortunately, despite a no-fly zone around Forest Lawn, many media organizations decided to ignore our wishes. They employed helicopters that not only surreptitiously recorded our private family ceremony, but also severely disrupted it.

I therefore ask today that media organizations airing helicopter footage of the ceremony we held for my brother immediately pull that footage from their air and refrain from airing it in the future."

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0QC2weY6w
gooo on randy!!!

but isn;t it abit hyprocritical when their going to show footage in their new show/documentary?
obvioulsy A&G is frustrated .

therefore ask today that media organizations airing helicopter footage of the ceremony we held for my brother immediately pull that footage from their air and refrain from airing it in the future."

in other words , we signed a deal and sold the right to the footage for alot of $$$$ , damn you for jeopardizing the deal . you have no right to air the pics of MJ's coffin and his children faces we have already sold them .
The Jackson family should not release any statement when Michael will be burial it's their fault they let it leaking the media would not know about it.
Since when has the paps/media actually paid any attention to someone's requests? Never.
obvioulsy A&G is frustrated .

in other words , we signed a deal and sold the right to the footage for alot of $$$$ , damn you for jeopardizing the deal . you have no right to air the pics of MJ's coffin and his children faces we have already sold them .

Ehhh you obviously have something against all of the Jacksons LOL! So how do you feel about Janet??
The copters were reportedly 3,000+ feet in the air with a telephoto lens specifically to circumvent the no-fly policy.
How can they complain about there being footage of the funeral when they are selling footage of it to A&E for a TV show? That's hypocritical.
Ehhh you obviously have something against all of the Jacksons LOL! So how do you feel about Janet??

I have absolutely nothing against Janet , I know she can't stop them from taking advantage of MJ and his kids , their answer would be if we refrained would you support us for the rest of your life .

she knows they are FREE LOADERs, LEECHES .
How can they complain about there being footage of the funeral when they are selling footage of it to A&E for a TV show? That's hypocritical.
We don't know for sure what they taped and besides what they taped will probably be edited to show certain things, things they didn't want to show. I think we are jumping to conclusion based on information the media is giving us on the reality show.

Since when has the paps/media actually paid any attention to someone's requests? Never.
Ain't that the truth!!
obvioulsy A&G is frustrated .

in other words , we signed a deal and sold the right to the footage for alot of $$$$ , damn you for jeopardizing the deal . you have no right to air the pics of MJ's coffin and his children faces we have already sold them .

Ouch! lol Umm...

Okay, I'm confused. Is there footage floating around of the actual service? :blink: I thought after they cut the live feed everyone was left with that one aerial shot (CNN said it was from a camera 3,000 feet away and not a helicopter). No one could really see very much after the kids put the crown on the casket and as far as I could tell (being on CNN) there was no audio to be had. CNN started replaying recorded footage of guests arriving, etc... until ppl inside tweeted that it was all over. So, I'm confused. Was someone able to record the ceremony and get audio of the speeches as well to distribute on the news? If they have, I've totally missed it. :unsure:

Gotta say I did wonder about the aerial shots at first becuz I knew there was supposed to be a no-fly zone. I said to my Mom that the Jacksons need to get their money back if they paid for that. But CNN made out like there was an "Ok'd" camera placed 3,000 feet away...not a helicopter. If there were helicopters overhead then Randy has a right to be itching. If he paid for that to not happen, then he should ask for a refund on that service...UNLESS it was police chopters who were doing the taping and disturbing flying overhead. Don't know what to say about that.
Anyways, I'm a bit skeptical about this statement. There's a possibility Randy isn't agree with the whole reality show and all but if he did then he must have some nerve to be releasing this statement! I mean we know all the Jackson's saw those big ass cranes moving over their heads.
Or maybe those aerial shots were met for the press but were cut off before the service started. Hmmmmm
gooo on randy!!!

but isn;t it abit hyprocritical when their going to show footage in their new show/documentary?

How can they complain about there being footage of the funeral when they are selling footage of it to A&E for a TV show? That's hypocritical.

Well! You don't know whether they actually will sell or show anything! So far only TMZ is claiming that they'll do so!
actually after the live feed was cut , the footage from the copter's did not last more than five to ten minutes , CNN has someone tweeting for them probably OXMAN , Randy's buddy and that's it . so what Randy is talking about .
The Jackson family should not release any statement when Michael will be burial it's their fault they let it leaking the media would not know about it.

In this day and age , u REALLY think that the press wouldn't have found out anyways??????????? Come on now. TMZ anyone!!!!!!!!!!
It was Al Sharpton. CNN was reporting his Tweets.

actually after the live feed was cut , the footage from the copter's did not last more than five to ten minutes , CNN has someone tweeting for them probably OXMAN , Randy's buddy and that's it . so what Randy is talking about .
In this day and age , u REALLY think that the press wouldn't have found out anyways??????????? Come on now. TMZ anyone!!!!!!!!!!

I was actually REALLY surprised that they stopped their reporting as soon as the family arrived.
actually after the live feed was cut , the footage from the copter's did not last more than five to ten minutes , CNN has someone tweeting for them probably OXMAN , Randy's buddy and that's it . so what Randy is talking about .

I don't get what you mean by Randy making a statement on the footage. It could be that the Jacksons actually wanted it to be private but wanted to show the fans some of the ceremony but kept the eulogies private so people can be more open in what they say about MJ.
How can they complain about there being footage of the funeral when they are selling footage of it to A&E for a TV show? That's hypocritical.
No it's not. It's the same as someone leaking a musician's unfinished songs before they were ready to release, or people selling bootleg DVDs of movies that haven't been released yet. Just because the movie studios are planning to release the movie themselves, doesn't give a bootlegger a right to put it out. It doesn't matter if they are going to use footage themselves. They put a request of no media.
wow, the media was looking hard for information if they found it from Sharpton's tweets.

Larry King was there too... so CNN had their very own inside source... so no need for accusing Oxman, Sharpton or anyone else to "leak" stuff!
In this day and age , u REALLY think that the press wouldn't have found out anyways??????????? Come on now. TMZ anyone!!!!!!!!!!

It's just not TMZ it's all other news as well. Jackson Family should have keep Michael burial as private just like Farrah Fawcett.
I think it's fairly safe to say that the family sold the rights to AEG so that it would be kept private. If they hadn't agreed to a deal like this the media frenzy would have been far greater and even more disrespectful. Haven't you guys seen the interview with Michael where he talks about Prince's birth? He didn't want helicopters and media anywhere near the hospital. So he sold them pictures so that the media would get what they want and leave Michael in peace. He gave all the money he earnt out of that to charity.
ok he mad about the footage after the feed was stopped? cuz the feed has pics of the kids. they r the ones who provided it. and word is that the whole thing was supposed to be aired for the world. they cut it last minute. that's y so many news agencies had to scramble. lol
It's just not TMZ it's all other news as well. Jackson Family should have keep Michael burial as private just like Farrah Fawcett.
the media was outside the gates taking footages and photos of it. I think if the world was more interested in Farrah they would've done her the same way with an aerial footage.:no:
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