R.Kelly will finish Michael's new album

Wow, amazing how so much can read and analyzed from not even one paragraph of words lol. I think this story is a little misleading (if not false altogether). Kelly might be trying to say that he'll eventually release songs that he wrote & produced with Michael in mind. He has said that he's written albums-worth of material for Michael, and that was several years back. He's talking about his scratch (or demo) vocals when he said "singing like him", because Michael got a kick out of hearing R. Kelly imitate all of his riffs & runs on his demos. It's likely that Kelly has a lot more Isley Brothers, Stevie Wonder, Al Green, and Marvin Gaye-inspired material tucked away as well. The only people saying anything about releasing a "Michael Jackson album" are the writers of these article-snippets. Who knows where these songs may ultimately end up. No MJ (vocals) = No MJ album

Nuff said.
I don't believe the article is 100% credible. Even if it's all true, he only said Michael liked the way he emulate his vocal style, nothing more. So, I only believe what R.Kelly himself said until more credible sources tells us more.

(for those who missed this thread, go to post #1 and #9. He didn't mention anything about singing the songs they were working on 3 weeks before Michael passed away)

why do you hate R.Kelly? he wrote a couple of Michaels songs, and he seems to be very good at it. I don't get the problem here? To me this sounds like a wonderfull idea.

Why are you talking about him not being as "great" as Michael? Thats not the point in this initiative.
Please people - try to see the positive sides of this world too. Like Michael did. Be objective!

Agree 100%

R.Kelly said nothing about singing all of MJ's songs. If this album is as close to being finished as everyone likes to claim then there won't be much if any of that going on. The vocals should be there.

I think you took that statement too literally. Hes a great producer and he has created with Mike before so I am all for him finishing the tracks for Michael....which is what I gathered from that statement.

He wants to finish the album for Michael and for us fans...but of course most won't bother to see that. All they see is "its not Michael" and how R.Kelly is "stealing" his work or w/e else is being said.

If there is one man I would want to finish the album its R.Kelly. Hes one of the best producers and songwriters out there. Period. Just because hes not Michael doesn't mean hes not good. He is far from "garbage" like so many like to say.

Agreed :yes:
wait, I wouldnt want to even hear that. it reaaaaally sucks how things are going now. I hope its not true.
I remember when YOU ARE NOT ALONE came out, R. Kelly had done the same thing, when he submitted the track to Michael, he sang it like Michael....then, When Michael got it and did it in the studio...Michael said something cocky like..."now lemme show you how its done" or something like that....Loved it.. LOL
I think Malachi would be better at singing like MJ,then R.Kelly! :lol:

But seriously,I think he is only referring to the producing part.By saying that "MJ liked the way he sang like him" he is actually trying to say that he kinda knows what sound MJ likes,and so this makes him a good choice,production-wise,to finish the album. :)
Or,at least this is what I understand from the article. :yes:
wow. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Many would say the same thing about Michael. You shouldn't talk about something you know nothing about. This was a disgusting thing of you to say.

I am so very glad that you said that.

Why on earth is everyone getting so worked up over this?? We have a tiny snippet of information and it's quite unclear information at that. What's the point in being all "hell no girlfriend!!" over it when you don't even know what's going on yet. Calm the eff down.