R.Kelly will finish Michael's new album

why do you hate R.Kelly? he wrote a couple of Michaels songs, and he seems to be very good at it. I don't get the problem here? To me this sounds like a wonderfull idea.

Why are you talking about him not being as "great" as Michael? Thats not the point in this initiative.
Please people - try to see the positive sides of this world too. Like Michael did. Be objective!

It the way he said it. He's implying that it's Michael's wishes, and how do we know that?

R.Kelly is not the most humble of artists. Despite that, I do love R.Kelly's "Step in the name of Love" and the MJ songs he co-wrote/wrote.
"The pair never arranged any studio time, but Kelly is convinced Jackson would have chosen him to complete his final masterpiece."

"...and I was going to finish what Michael was doing at the time. We're going to get it out though. Michael liked the way I would try to sing the songs just like him."

Meh...sounds more like he wants to do it rather than he's going to do it for sure. We'll see...and who is the "we" he's refering to?

He's a wishfull thinker. All these want to act like they were best buds with MJ.
If he does get his hands on finishing whatever MJ had I hope it won't be plagiarized.
How you gonna steal a song from somebody else then pass it along to someone else as if you wrote it? That bogus!

I don't see the name r. kelly and masterpiece going together.
No,no ,no and nooooooooooooo
I don't want to hear someone else sing like Micheal I want Micheal to sing like Micheal or nothing at all
Is this not a rip off of another article? I'm sure I read an article about Neyo before where he said a similar thing about Michael 'Loving the way he does him' .
I dunno, R Kelly's been out of the spotlight for a while and perhaps he felt this was a good profile-building excercise? Throughout the making of the new album, Michael spoke to, liaised with and worked with a hell of a lot of artists and producers. It doesnt mean he had any intention of actually finally working with them or using their material.

Plus, I dont think R Kelly meant he would do Mike's voice on the album!
Oh Jeez.....this whole thing just keep getting more and more depressing.....Michael why did you have to go....:cry::cry:
Is this not a rip off of another article? I'm sure I read an article about Neyo before where he said a similar thing about Michael 'Loving the way he does him' .
I dunno, R Kelly's been out of the spotlight for a while and perhaps he felt this was a good profile-building excercise? Throughout the making of the new album, Michael spoke to, liaised with and worked with a hell of a lot of artists and producers. It doesnt mean he had any intention of actually finally working with them or using their material.

Plus, I dont think R Kelly meant he would do Mike's voice on the album!

I know that R Kelly just released a new single and is promoting the release of his newest album, so I do think he is piggybacking PR on Michael.

I do believe that R Kelly and Michael were friends and not just colleagues. R Kelly has said many positive things about Michael since his passing. Sang for him at his concerts in Africa, etc.

But I also don't like the idea of R Kelly trying to imitate Michael on Michael's songs if that's his intentions. IDK if it means he's gonna sing songs that him and Michael worked on together or if he has some of Michael's vocals and try to put things together. IDK.

Akon also said that he and Michael came up with a plethora of ideas for music that never got to final production stages. But Akon also said that he has enough ideas for hit songs that he and Michael came up with during the sessions that he is probably going to use some of those ideas on his own music in the future. As long as Michael is given credit, I'm going to take that as positive because Akon would show Michael's influence on him and on music. . . therefore the legacy continues.
:no:This sucks if this is true!

The whole point of a Michael Jackson album....... is MICHAEL JACKSON!-_-



:angry::puke:Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!I am so angry! Ok I need to breathe.
Are u serious. Don't u know what the title of this thread says? lol

R. Kelly will produce MJ songs like in the past? So what??Where is the problem???

R.Kelly is a very very good producer much better than Rodney in my opinion.
R. Kelly will produce MJ songs like in the past? So what??Where is the problem???

R.Kelly is a very very good producer much better than Rodney in my opinion.

I'm talkin' about singin' like him not the producin' part.
Ew, no thankyou. I don't mind some of his music but I don't want it anywhere near Michaels.
I'm talkin' about singin' like him not the producin' part.

??? Where did you get that info I´ve read the article two times nowhere I can find that he says he will sing the songs-where did you get the information?????
??? Where did you get that info I´ve read the article two times nowhere I can find that he says he will sing the songs-where did you get the information?????

Oops lol, I read it wrong, somebody said with R.Kelly's voice. my bad, I probably wouldn't mind. ;)
Oops lol, I read it wrong, somebody said with R.Kelly's voice. my bad, I probably wouldn't mind. ;)
Uhm...I read that too? And I saw quotes of which he says he's gonna sing it?

Anyway...I think it's probably another rumour...but if it's turned out to be true; HELL NO! :(
I think I'd rather hear nothing, than hearing it with R. Kelly's voice.
Maybe he can handle some of the production of already existing tracks. Kels is a musical genius.

Yepp He is a real musician much much more talented than Rodney Jerkins and all the other hip producers combined.

So for me Awesome News!!!!
Maybe R. Kelly should help to put his touches as well as other producers to MJs album
But not rip MJ off by singing them all and stealing the material to benefit his own style and voice