Quincy Jones talks Michael Jackson with Roger Friedman (video)

Quincy was important in Michael's career but not the Alpha and Omega of it, like he wants people to believe. I think he always tries to take a bit too much credit for everything and has a HUGE ego. This is something I recently read about him:

In a recent interview, Quincy was asked to comment on Kanye in relation to himself. Specifically, the reporter tried to make the two sound as equals, as both of them consider themselves performers and producers. However, the reporter didn't even get halfway through the question, before Quincy stopped them and corrected the. He said:

"How man? No way. Did he write for a symphony orchestra? Does he write for a jazz orchestra? Come on, man. He’s just a rapper. There’s no comparison. I’m not putting him down or making a judgement or anything, but we come from two different sides of the planet. I spent 28 years learning my first skill. I don’t rap. It’s not the same thing. A producer has to have some sort of skills that enable him to be a producer. It’s totally different to know what to do with 16 woodwinds you know from piccolos down to bass clarinet. It’s a whole different mindset. No comparison. None."

He may be right regarding Kanye. But he comes across as very self-centered and someone who wants all the credit for himself in anything he does and who puts a LOT of emphasize on his role. I think possibly this is why Michael dropped him.
That does not surprise me one little bit respect77. Quincy has always been the same I'm aftraid.

Always bigging himself up and putting others down -it's all "ME, ME, ME" I noticed it many years ago.

He is not an 'authority' on all things Michael Jackson as some would have us believe. In fact, I'm not even sure he liked Michael Jackson 'the man'.
Why are you all still discussing the senile old man? I tweeted him directly what I wanted him to know...and as far as I am concerned it's done.

We have bigger & greedier fishes to fry.
Lol, so now Quincy is just senile, probably never liked Michael Jackson, didn't do that much for MJ, didn't do that much outside of working with MJ....

Why are you all still discussing the senile old man? I tweeted him directly what I wanted him to know...and as far as I am concerned it's done.

We have bigger & greedier fishes to fry.

Did he respond to your tweet?
You guys are some of the most disrespectful people I have ever met.

Michael would not be Michael without Quincy

That can easily be reversed! MJ picked Quincy for his producer, fought for him to stay! When his record company didn't want Quincy working with mike! So, I say they help each other to glory! Like MTV and MJ did too! Truth! There is no I in the HIStory of these 3 but, WE! MJ knew that! He isn't the arrogant one like sometimes Quincy comes across as and MTV! MJ always thanked even the Disc Jockeys for his success!:yes:
Hehe, poor Q left the house in his bathrobe - and what's with the BYO Tabasco? That is just not the done thing in a smart restaurant, wonder what Friedman was REALLY thinking when he whipped it out... but hearing Quincy whine about the family not thanking him struck a nerve - he was paid very handsomely for his services and MJ thanked him publicly - that should be more than enough. When you compare how he speaks now against videos of him talking around 'Thriller' era when he was in his early 50s, it's just sad to see how the years have taken their toll. Maybe he's forgotten just how much he WAS acknowledged back in the day and over the years...
I don't get why Quincy thinks the Jackson family should thank him. Because it was Michael Jackson who collaborated with Quincy Jones as a solo artist, not Michael and his brothers as the Jackson 5 or The Jacksons. Michael thanked Quincy Jones many times, and Quincy should be satisfied with that as Michael was the only Jackson that Quincy really knew.

I agree with Quincy that Joesph is lying that he sat in on all of Michael's recording sessions. I guess Joesph just sat in on Jackson 5 and MJ solo sessions at Motown and The Jacksons sessions from The Jacksons album through to Triumph.
all of a sudden RF is so "glowing" about Mike...while trying to cut his knees off for the last 15years of his life...

all of a sudden RF is so "glowing" about Mike...while trying to cut his knees off for the last 15years of his life...


very true.. it's sickening. Roger Friedman played a major role in MJ's media troubles from 2000-2009 with all the stories on Neverland and Sony ATV being sold and MJ in financial straits etc.. Now suddenly he's being glowing. I hope Roger Friedman rots along with all the other media pundits who played a role in MJ's pain. They are all acting like they've done nothing and didn't contribute in anyway, but they did. I just hope that one day they will all reap what they did to Michael.
ahaha, i just cant believe this Friedman guy... now he wants to make Quincy Jones who personally knew Mike and was a co-producer with him, Friedman (o_O) wants to convince Jones that that fake weak aweful voice is Michael's??? and to Quincy??? ahahahahah, man i just cant.... what a world,

Friedman has no EARS! for God's sake!!!!! i hate it when people who knows nothing about Michael's music tries to talk about it, FRIEDMAN WHY DONT TO GO AND LISTEN TO MADONNA'S OR THAT KIND OF STUFF, commercial borring music like LADY GAGA OR I DONT KNOW, BUT YOU HAVE NO EARS!!!! DONT TALK MICHAEL JACKSON!!!!! man11 REALLY IM SICK OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!CLEAN UP YOUR EARS, I DONT THINK IT'LL HELP, BUT AT LEAST TRY!

Michael is genius, ingenius, musical master god, and Friedman is a loser, f*ck him, he's is liar or he's deaf, i think he's totally deaf.... GOD! Lord have mercy....yes it irritates me... God, i wish it didn't.
You guys are some of the most disrespectful people I have ever met.

Michael would not be Michael without Quincy.


Im out, cant believe some people i respect them even if they are awefully wrong but i cant take them, out for me now....

wish Michael was here to speak for himself, even though he was awefully humble... Nothing like q. Jones....
SeriousEffect, try and rethink your statement about Michael. Here are thinks you can do if you were not old enough to listen to him when he was a child:

1) go to itunes and download his early videos and WATCH AND LISTEN to him.
2) buy the Vision box set and look at disc 3
3) get a hold of his songs from PRE-THRILLER and shows from Ed Sullivan, Carole Burnette, Soul Train.

This will show you that he was destined to be a KING regardless of Quincy, way before thriller was thought in someone's mind. Quincy was important in knowing just what this master needed to enhance his already existing talents.

Quincy is important, but to say "Michael would not be Michael without Quincy" is a bit over the top. What do you think?
SeriousEffect, try and rethink your statement about Michael. Here are thinks you can do if you were not old enough to listen to him when he was a child:

1) go to itunes and download his early videos and WATCH AND LISTEN to him.
2) buy the Vision box set and look at disc 3
3) get a hold of his songs from PRE-THRILLER and shows from Ed Sullivan, Carole Burnette, Soul Train.

This will show you that he was destined to be a KING regardless of Quincy, way before thriller was thought in someone's mind. Quincy was important in knowing just what this master needed to enhance his already existing talents.

Quincy is important, but to say "Michael would not be Michael without Quincy" is a bit over the top. What do you think?

Yeah come on, talk about a gross exaggeration!!!!!!!!! What catapulted MJ to the stratosphere was a confluence of circumstances, including greatly his Motown 25 performance. There was NO ONE on that stage mesmerizing the world but one person--MJ. It was one of the single biggest moments in the entertainment industry ever. Quincy Jones is definitely due respect for his contribution to Michael's success in the 80's, but Michael was Michael before him and after him. And it's d@mn insulting to say he wouldn't be who he was without Quincy Jones. Immensely insulting.

P.S. And a large number of his fans became fans post the Thriller and Quincy era, with Dangerous and his HIStory tours.
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Quincy was on UK TV quite recently and was getting lots of things wrong. I remember one thing he said about MJ was that he had a snake called bubbles. Everyone and their mama, MJ fan or not, knows bubbles is the chimp.
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