PHOTOSHOP THREAD! (Michael & Woman, hehe)

Haha...glad you guys like my photo.

So umm....I just finished a new photo but I surely can't post it here. :shifty:
I'll PM those who asked for x-rated photos...anyone else interested let me know.
Love the latest one! Sessy!

Here's my first contribution...didn't turn out that great but it was fun to do nonetheless.
I hope it's ok to post's dirty but doesn't show any naughty body parts or anything lol.


wow!!!!!! its beautiful :stretcher:

lucky girl!!!! :D
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This isn't raunchy, but i made it anyway so here it is. Easy to do but i like it.

Haha...glad you guys like my photo.

So umm....I just finished a new photo but I surely can't post it here. :shifty:
I'll PM those who asked for x-rated photos...anyone else interested let me know.

Well damn now you have me curious!
PM plz!
Love the latest one! Sessy!

Here's my first contribution...didn't turn out that great but it was fun to do nonetheless.
I hope it's ok to post's dirty but doesn't show any naughty body parts or anything lol.


Whoah!! is it suddenly very hot in here... *Wanna be under there*
:swoon:add me to the list Amy or anyone making perv stuff hehe:rofl:

i wouldn't mind as well seeing a young Elizabeth Taylor and Mike from thriller/bad era with her.
more more more :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
Love the latest one! Sessy!

Here's my first contribution...didn't turn out that great but it was fun to do nonetheless.
I hope it's ok to post's dirty but doesn't show any naughty body parts or anything lol.

mj-in-bed.jpg're a genius..:D
Love the latest one! Sessy!

Here's my first contribution...didn't turn out that great but it was fun to do nonetheless.
I hope it's ok to post's dirty but doesn't show any naughty body parts or anything lol.

OMG!!!! It was very hot! :wild::wild::wild:

This isn't raunchy, but i made it anyway so here it is. Easy to do but i like it.

Ohhhh... This was so beautiful and sweet. :wub:
I wish I could work photoshop, i'd love to contribute! These are fantastic, some drool worthy lol. Ehm.. any chance I could get a little pm-ing also?? :lol: I'd be VERY interested. *bows down in advance*
^hehe...thank you ;)

Well I made a post here last night but I guess it got lost with the technical issues that went on with the site...:scratch:So here's some new stuff from me again!

Sorry guys, but nothing raunchy...this is what came out me instead:


And Marilyn and Michael...both doin' their signature moves :D

Here's my contribution, it turned out to be a disaster, but ok :D
