Part 2: To Let You All Know Who I'm That You'll Understand Who I'm O.k

Oh no im sorry to hear that hun :(

Hope u get better soon :hug:
my health is getting bad my liver is not good i have to take pill to help my liver but my pharmacy doesn't want me too cause i have IBS :yes:
but my doctor is not happy on that :no:

Been thinking of you these days, Rockstar... I'm so sorry you're not too well. ..): Will pray for you... You'll get better with time, you'll see... Hang in there!...
Been thinking of you these days, Rockstar... I'm so sorry you're not too well. ..): Will pray for you... You'll get better with time, you'll see... Hang in there!...

that is sweet of you Alma that you were thinking about me thank you

i pray too that i'll get better soon cause i want to show the world that i can sing to heal my soul
Hi Alma thanks for the hug i need it :hug: back

see i'll post all my MJ hats i create :) i just post it on facebook :)

That's great, please do!.. :) Arts always helps when not too well.. You will get better, though; you just need to follow your treatment, like now, for your liver and persevere... Easier said than done, but you can do it, Rockstar, your strength and pure spirit are always pleasing to God. ^ *some more hugs* *and some flowers..^*
That's great, please do!.. :) Arts always helps when not too well.. You will get better, though; you just need to follow your treatment, like now, for your liver and persevere... Easier said than done, but you can do it, Rockstar, your strength and pure spirit are always pleasing to God. ^ *some more hugs* *and some flowers..^*

hi Alma thanks for the prayer

:yes: i just post it the pictures of the hats i create :D go see them :)
My first time reading this thread. Never seen it until this morning.

Lots of Support, prayers & love to you.

Be strong. Never give up...and of course, follow your doctor's advice & take great care of yourself.

Blessings 2 U Rockstar
My first time reading this thread. Never seen it until this morning.

Lots of Support, prayers & love to you.

Be strong. Never give up...and of course, follow your doctor's advice & take great care of yourself.

Blessings 2 U Rockstar

thank you i'll listening to my doctor

thanks for the support & love :)
hi :waving: everybody

things been going up & down pass weeks :yes:

today i had interview with Extend-A-Family for new worker she nices & cool we like the samethings in music & art too :D
on monday i'll me going out with my new worker on monday i can't wait :D :jump:
hi :waving: everybody

things been going up & down pass weeks :yes:

today i had interview with Extend-A-Family for new worker she nices & cool we like the samethings in music & art too :D
on monday i'll me going out with my new worker on monday i can't wait :D :jump:


Great! :clapping: That's wonderful. :hug: I wish luck to you! ;)
today i'm staying home my mom & dad is painting the downstires i'm staying upstires cause of the paint smell is not good for my health

so today i laugh cause i woke up & i idid some of glittler hearts & glittler crowns & i what downstires to get something to eat & i saw what time it was 1:30 & i say to myself ooh god i sleep in that long :giggle:

what creazy saturday :yes:
quest what my new worker from exrend a family she quit on me cause she got the teaching job :( know i'm going to miss her she was great & the best we were just getting more into funny stuff :yes: :D

know i have to look for a new one & start over again :( i hate this

yesterday i what to serveontaria that i have to renew my health card but this guy worker there give me so much hard time that make me so angry & up
so this morrowing my mother call for different place & told them what happen