Part 2: To Let You All Know Who I'm That You'll Understand Who I'm O.k

o.k don't be scary it's me :yes: it was my first time taking picture of myself for the first :yes:


wow..Rockstar..I DO LOVE your new hair look lovely.....:hug:..Now your a whole new you..:)
to let you know that my health is not doing will but i'm on diet i have to eat fiber,Vegetable,fruit

but no meat, no fat foods, no junk, no dairy, no chocolate :( i'm going to miss my chocolate

& i have to walk everyday :yes: i have to see her in dec 20 so i have to work on it she wight me at 222 that's how much i wight :eek: :yes::(
Wow, I just stumbled across this thread.

rockstar - I think it's amazing you opened up to so many people. Keep chasing your dreams, believe in yourself and one day you'll realize you made it - you'll have lived a happy life.

Thank you for sharing your story

Wow, I just stumbled across this thread.

rockstar - I think it's amazing you opened up to so many people. Keep chasing your dreams, believe in yourself and one day you'll realize you made it - you'll have lived a happy life.

Thank you for sharing your story


thank you Alec very sweet of you

& :yes: i'm tryying to get my dreams come true but no one is helping me :( :cry:
Emilia, I have a form of learming disability too. lots of hugs to you x
What kind of help are you looking for?

i love to do thing about my songs books i have :yes: i have other about 156 songs of books i write songs
& i love to share it :yes:

& i love to sing but i have fears of sing front of people i need help on that :yes: :( :cry:
but my health is taking control of me so is hard to learning my sing cause of that cause i promised myself last year to sing front of my family who i love all my auntes & uncles & everybody i know who loves me but i didn't i got scary & i didn't do it but i told myself that i want to do it this year but it's Oct alright & i don't have much time

so that's what i need help please this website is like family & friends to me in here please help me :pray:
I started writing songs myself when I was in my early teens, and back then I was PETRIFIED to sing them or show them to anyone. I would compose as quietly as possible in my bedroom so even my parents wouldn't hear me. I'm trying to remember what it was that eventually broke the fear.... I can't think of what it was specifically, but I took baby steps and eventually I was able to open up little by little. Now I jump at the chance to share my songs with anybody, but it took years!

Maybe you could try recording your song on tape, and playing the tape for a trusted family member or friend? Then you could share your music without having to sing live. Maybe that could help build your confidence in your voice?

No matter who you share your songs with, I think it's fabulous that you are expressing yourself through music, even if it's just by yourself for now. Your solo practice will certainly help you when you are ready to share with others. Good luck!
I would love to hear your songs. =)
I'm sure all of us would, and you don't have to be scared to sing. Your family will love the way you sing, I am sure.
& i love to sing but i have fears of sing front of people i need help on that :yes: :( :cry:

I feel that too. I sing too. But when it comes to people, I got fear and I can't control it!!!
So you're not the only one :hug:
But I learn that.. It wouldn't change something if you feel that way. Think positive. Keep The Faith. Say to yourself: "I am a great person, and I know that I CAN sing in front of people."
Don't stress youself. You have many years to do it. It dosen't have to be in this year.
i love to do thing about my songs books i have :yes: i have other about 156 songs of books i write songs
& i love to share it :yes:

& i love to sing but i have fears of sing front of people i need help on that :yes: :( :cry:
but my health is taking control of me so is hard to learning my sing cause of that cause i promised myself last year to sing front of my family who i love all my auntes & uncles & everybody i know who loves me but i didn't i got scary & i didn't do it but i told myself that i want to do it this year but it's Oct alright & i don't have much time

so that's what i need help please this website is like family & friends to me in here please help me :pray:
Aww, can do it! :yes: I know you have that courage deep within yourself! But you have to believe it! And I know, when you find that courage, Michael will be standing right next to you holding your hand! :wub: Don't be afraid! :huggy:
Aww, can do it! :yes: I know you have that courage deep within yourself! But you have to believe it! And I know, when you find that courage, Michael will be standing right next to you holding your hand! :wub: Don't be afraid! :huggy:

thank you Hocus :hug: you're dear true friend :hug: :flowers:

my teeth ache came back i'm so much in pain that i'm so grumpy that i can't eat at all :cry: today & tried too :yawn:

but tomorrow i'll post three songs i wrote i'll post them in my rockstar songs thread o.k :D:punk::doh:

right know i'm going to bed & :cry: in my sleep :cry:
Hey Emilia, I can't wait for you to share your songs with us. I bet they are beautiful, anything written from the heart is :flowers:
Aww your tooth is hurting again? How is the dental treatment going?
Hey Emilia, I can't wait for you to share your songs with us. I bet they are beautiful, anything written from the heart is :flowers:
Aww your tooth is hurting again? How is the dental treatment going?

:yes: i'll post them today at my thread call Rockstar songs go there

i'm woke very early it's 6:00am in this morrowing i'm still in pain :( :cry:

yeah it's still hurtting is like someone throw rock at me that's how i feel :doh::bugeyed:cry:

the dental treatment they're very nices people they really like be there they call on that day when i what in the summertime how i feel if i need anything like painkillers but i did need anything cause they fix some of it i fall asleep in my bedroom :yes: :(
but this weekend it wasn't fun at all feeling like someone hate me with baseball bat :yes::eek: that's how i feel :(
:yes: i'll post them today at my thread call Rockstar songs go there

i'm woke very early it's 6:00am in this morrowing i'm still in pain :( :cry:

yeah it's still hurtting is like someone throw rock at me that's how i feel :doh::bugeyed:cry:

the dental treatment they're very nices people they really like be there they call on that day when i what in the summertime how i feel if i need anything like painkillers but i did need anything cause they fix some of it i fall asleep in my bedroom :yes: :(
but this weekend it wasn't fun at all feeling like someone hate me with baseball bat :yes::eek: that's how i feel :(

Oooh ok i'll check out your songs thread! :punk:

Your dentist and dental nurses are really nice and caring people, so that's great! But your tooth pain sounds horrible (like being hit with a baseball bat, ouch!!), especially because you can't sleep properly :( Please call them as soon as you can, hopefully they'll have time to give you an appointment soon and get you out of that awful pain! :better:
Oooh ok i'll check out your songs thread! :punk:
alright post the three songs go see them :D

Your dentist and dental nurses are really nice and caring people, so that's great! But your tooth pain sounds horrible (like being hit with a baseball bat, ouch!!), especially because you can't sleep properly :( Please call them as soon as you can, hopefully they'll have time to give you an appointment soon and get you out of that awful pain! :better:

i think the person at the desk is on hoilday :smilerolleyes: so i hope they call this tuesday please :yes::angel::angel:

tomorrow is thanks giving & we got Ice Cream Cake :yes: but i'm taking Tylenol with codeine to hlep the pain :yes: & it's very hard to think :yes: & to eat, drink :yes: :( & i can't sleep & my life ear is hurtting me lot :yes: :cry: all i want to do is scream.....................................:doh: :yes:
today i what to see my dental today & everytime i go there i feel sick after :yes: :cry:

but they work on my lift bottom teeth :yes: my tummy was going help me stop it & my other side my teeth they hurt when they work on one side :yes: :blah:

this morrowing i what out with my worker maggie & i got alot of christmas crafts & craft kits too :yes:
my worker maggie read my songs i wrote & she loves all of them so i have to write them up & i'll post them on here too :D
hi :waving:

i want to see my doctor today my doctor is so worrying about me :cry:
my liver is not good i have fat around it :( i can't have starch or sweet & junk & pop no more i'm very upset i never new this day will happen too me i'm so upset

my doctor told me that i'm ribbit know :lol:
Aww, Rockstar... ): But just know that on keeping this diet, your liver will get healthier, and you will feel better and more energetic. Think of it as being good for you, and I'm sure there are quite a few nutritional substitutes for the foods you must avoid. ^
Aww, Rockstar... ): But just know that on keeping this diet, your liver will get healthier, and you will feel better and more energetic. Think of it as being good for you, and I'm sure there are quite a few nutritional substitutes for the foods you must avoid. ^

thank you Alma but it'll be so hard :cry:
yersterday & today i don't eat anything that i'm not allow too have & i'm not in pain or feeling sick i think this will work out will but very hard to let go :(
also too my doctor whats be to work out at gym but i hate the gym i want there once along time age people were looking me mean look so i never want back :no:

& also too my doctor me all i can get is ribbit food & meat & frit too :yes: i hate my life

i hate being ribbit :mat:

every morrowing i eat 2 pitted prunes :yes:
yersterday & today i don't eat anything that i'm not allow too have & i'm not in pain or feeling sick i think this will work out will but very hard to let go :(
also too my doctor whats be to work out at gym but i hate the gym i want there once along time age people were looking me mean look so i never want back :no:

& also too my doctor me all i can get is ribbit food & meat & frit too :yes: i hate my life

i hate being ribbit :mat:

every morrowing i eat 2 pitted prunes :yes:

That's okay, that's how all beginnings are, almost impossible to start off at times. ^... But if you don't like the gym, you could maybe get a stationery bike to exercise in the comfort of your home, and do some improvised exercise along with that (warm-ups).

You're so cute (@ ribbit) ^^... Don't hate your life, trust that you are a blessed soul, and a strong, persevering one too. *hugs*
That's okay, that's how all beginnings are, almost impossible to start off at times. ^... But if you don't like the gym, you could maybe get a stationery bike to exercise in the comfort of your home, and do some improvised exercise along with that (warm-ups).

You're so cute (@ ribbit) ^^... Don't hate your life, trust that you are a blessed soul, and a strong, persevering one too. *hugs*

thank you you're sweet firend Alma
it's so hard want too eat :(
my health is getting bad my liver is not good i have to take pill to help my liver but my pharmacy doesn't want me too cause i have IBS :yes:
but my doctor is not happy on that :no: