Part 2: To Let You All Know Who I'm That You'll Understand Who I'm O.k

Who decides what is or isn't "slow"? It's all relative, to be honest.

You go on living your life despite what people may say about you. Whatever they say that is negative is more their issue than it is yours. Leave it all behind and fly away to your destiny.

You have a dream that you strongly believe in, which is more than most people can say for themselves. In the end, that's the only thing that's worth a damn. Even the "fastest" person lacks purpose if he or she has nothing to live for.

You are fortunate because you have a dream and a strong drive to achieve it. Never let anyone or anything get in the way of what you want. Reach for it so long as it hurts no one, and one day you will shine and tell us all how great your singing career is.

You know Michael would support you, and you know the rest of us here at MJJC definitely do. So reach far for us and don't let them get you down. :)
Who decides what is or isn't "slow"? It's all relative, to be honest.

You go on living your life despite what people may say about you. Whatever they say that is negative is more their issue than it is yours. Leave it all behind and fly away to your destiny.

You have a dream that you strongly believe in, which is more than most people can say for themselves. In the end, that's the only thing that's worth a damn. Even the "fastest" person lacks purpose if he or she has nothing to live for.

You are fortunate because you have a dream and a strong drive to achieve it. Never let anyone or anything get in the way of what you want. Reach for it so long as it hurts no one, and one day you will shine and tell us all how great your singing career is.

You know Michael would support you, and you know the rest of us here at MJJC definitely do. So reach far for us and don't let them get you down. :)

WoW xsmooth_criminalx WoW your words speechless me

I Love You More what you say

:yes: please support me about my sing maybe the MJJC can support me on this & help me on this :)
Oh, Emilia - that is such a beautiful name btw, i think it suits you just fine :) i'm sooo sorry it took me so long to find this thread.

Honey, doN't you worry about anything or anyone. Don't let the world's definition of 'smart', 'beautiful' or 'normal' ever get you down and dictate how you live your life. Who knows what those things really mean anyhow? YOU ARE a very beautiful and smart human being. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise, ya hear me?

THANK YOU for sharing with all of us here your beautiful soul and your creations - from your cards :cheeky: to your songs and thoughts. And whenever you are in trouble never hesitate to share with us your pain. YOU ARE NOT ALONE, you have to know that and you have to trust that.

Remember what Mike taught us: don't let no one get you down, keep movin' on higher grown. Keep fightin' are the queen of the hill. :D I am sure Michael would be very, very proud of you. :yes:

For you and everyone else dealing with disabilities of all kinds here are a couple of songs that can lift anyone's spirit up:

from our very own boy, none other than.....KEEP THE FAITH

and from my gals the Sugababes.....UGLY

Cause there will always be the ones who will say something bad to make them feel great.
Oh, Emilia - that is such a beautiful name btw, i think it suits you just fine :) i'm sooo sorry it took me so long to find this thread.

Honey, doN't you worry about anything or anyone. Don't let the world's definition of 'smart', 'beautiful' or 'normal' ever get you down and dictate how you live your life. Who knows what those things really mean anyhow? YOU ARE a very beautiful and smart human being. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise, ya hear me?

THANK YOU for sharing with all of us here your beautiful soul and your creations - from your cards :cheeky: to your songs and thoughts. And whenever you are in trouble never hesitate to share with us your pain. YOU ARE NOT ALONE, you have to know that and you have to trust that.

Remember what Mike taught us: don't let no one get you down, keep movin' on higher grown. Keep fightin' are the queen of the hill. :D I am sure Michael would be very, very proud of you. :yes:

For you and everyone else dealing with disabilities of all kinds here are a couple of songs that can lift anyone's spirit up:

from our very own boy, none other than.....KEEP THE FAITH

and from my gals the Sugababes.....UGLY

Cause there will always be the ones who will say something bad to make them feel great.

thank you :flowers: you're very sweet person

i love it how you call me Queen of the hill :wild:

thank you for the video both of them

:yes: i know i'm not alone that song heals me alot when i'm not feeling well :swoon:
rockstar I think you're a beautiful person, from what I can see....Keep your chin up! I always listen to 'Keep the Faith' in situations like this....It always helps! :flowers: :huggy:
i know i know this will sound creazy to tell you all this i didn't ask my mother this cause i'm 27 years old i'm older enough to do things on my own

i what online for Publish book about all my songs i wrote :yes: :thinking: what do you think of that :D
rockstar I think you're a beautiful person, from what I can see....Keep your chin up! I always listen to 'Keep the Faith' in situations like this....It always helps! :flowers: :huggy:

Yes that song is great to listen whne ur feeling down. It makes me feel better everytime i hear it.
:lol: i'm 27 years old i still too & i still have to ask my father too but my father say ask your mother :giggle: :lol:
but my father support me cause of my slow :yes: i'm dad gril :D

Haha, I'm 27 and definitely rely on my parents for advice, if not permission ;) And my dad often says "ask your mother" :lol:
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Haha, I'm 27 and definitely rely on my parents for advice, if not permission ;) And my dad often says "as your mother" :lol:

:yes: :lol: but my dad loves more then my sister & brother my teats me different then them :yes: he teats them like they're stupid but he teatd me different :yes:
Emilia you're a wonderful person! :huggy: I'm sure you know that we care about you! You're a special part of our MJ fan community :)
Emilia you're a wonderful person! :huggy: I'm sure you know that we care about you! You're a special part of our MJ fan community :)

hi the one :waving: you're too sweet to say that too me :huggy: back

quess what my worker maggie she is taking me at the endof augs i'm going to my downtown waterloo that's where i live i'm going to see the Waterloo Busker Carnival :D:punk: :jump: i can't wait :D

here is link if you don't know what is: