Part 2: To Let You All Know Who I'm That You'll Understand Who I'm O.k

:lol: i'm 27 years old i still too & i still have to ask my father too but my father say ask your mother :giggle: :lol:
but my father support me cause of my slow :yes: i'm dad gril :D
I hope my girls remain daddy's girls.:)
i found some stuff on the weekend & today cause :D i'm changing my room different :yes:
i make sure that i post pictures but i think we are going to do my room in the new year :D :jump: :yes:
thank you fro saying that

is very hard to ignore people who is smarter then me & meaner that they don't understand what we going through inside of us

& inside of me i cry everynight in my sleep :yes::( is true cause i wrote a song along time ago :yes:

There are different kinds of smart, just like there are different kinds of talent. Try to remember that it doesn't take talent or smarts to be mean--they put you down to feel better about themselves. They are pitiful, really.
There are different kinds of smart, just like there are different kinds of talent. Try to remember that it doesn't take talent or smarts to be mean--they put you down to feel better about themselves. They are pitiful, really.

thanks for telling me that :smilerolleyes:

i understand what you mean :yes: is very hard to be in this kind of world that is hard to believe of unknow what is reallying what the people are sayying :yes: :scratch::smilerolleyes:
o.k don't be scary it's me :yes: it was my first time taking picture of myself for the first :yes:

hi :waving: Ms.MJ Fan2007

my health is don't doing well i was feeling like hell all week & the weekend too :yes: :( :yes:
but i'm still hurtting :yes: :( today but little butter :yes:
i can't eat cause i hurt too much :( :cry: