Part 2: To Let You All Know Who I'm That You'll Understand Who I'm O.k


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
hi :waving:
this thread is old thread it's close :yes:
so i just through i make need one o.k :)

i just like you all to know who i'm in this world cause the way who i'm people juge on me who i'm think i don't know who i'm in this world

the way people are so mean, & don't understand what i'm going through alot of people like my family or other people outside of me
they think is not big deal being slow & the truth is not :yes: it is big deal in my life is hard
& my sick& tried the way people are being mean to us cause we're not stop & people like in stores or tryying to get a job & no one whats you cause all they what smart people i just wish everynight that i can be like everybody else :cry:

life is so hard is so hard that is so scary outside of the world i'm scary to walk outside cause i not believe in people who is smarter then me but i love people i'm people person :yes:
i had job before but then i got very very sick & then they don't what me anymore is very hard to find job that someone will take you :yes: :(

i had friends mores of them are slow like me or different like me so we don't get out very much :no: are like is like cicole or hold we can't understand who we're in this world :yes:

life is not life to me cause living in world with slow

i love to get me dream come true to become the first learning disablility to become singer
i wish everynight everyday past of my life is hard

you all know that i write songs :yes: :D someday i'll sing them :yes:

i had goldfish i had her about 12 years she die 3 days before MJ passing :yes:
know i have 4 new babies they're chipumps :yes: :D:wild:

i was so so so so bave going to the detenals for the first time :yes: know i have to go back again cause they had to fix it & :yes: they'll put me asleep :yes:

also too i'm big fan of the BackStreet Boys my first concert see them is year of 05 the sametime i was in the hospliza :yes: :(
but my biggest wish is to met them :yes:

thank you for understanding who i'm in this world :cheers::cheeky::)

here was my first post i did it long time ago :D
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Oh, Emilia this breaks my heart... :cry: I know you have learning disability, that must be so hard for you... :( But don't you ever think you are less than any other person! And people who are mean to you are just plain stupid! You are better than them, it's their loss!
When you set your mind to it you can achieve anything you want to be! :yes: Heads up girl! Don't ever give up dreaming! :wub:
You have such a good heart. You always bring a little sunshine with your lovely posts! You are a very special and beautiful person and we, your MJ family, love you! :huggy: :heart:
Oh, Emilia this breaks my heart... :cry: I know you have learning disability, that must be so hard for you... :( But don't you ever think you are less than any other person! And people who are mean to you are just plain stupid! You are better than them, it's their loss!
When you set your mind to it you can achieve anything you want to be! :yes: Heads up girl! Don't ever give up dreaming! :wub:
You have such a good heart. You always bring a little sunshine with your lovely posts! You are a very special and beautiful person and we, your MJ family, love you! :huggy: :heart:

you're too sweet to say that to me
Hocus you're great friend to me :hug: back

people look at me thank i'm o.k think i'm not slow but somepeople don't know how i feel inside being who i'm being slow life is so easy to be slow people don't get that :(:doh::bugeyed

i'm tryying to get my dream to come alive is not easy cause i'm shy & i'm afraid what people will say :(:doh:
puls i'm tryying to less writgh :yes: i have to less this fat i'm not happy on my body :yes:

last night me & mom we what to the mall to get some food & stuff in this one store call Zellers i saw MJ 2011 calenar :yes: :D :jump: i can't believe my eyes :doh::wild:
then at the food store i saw one my friend there who like me but she is having baby ooh my god:doh::doh: all my slow friends i know they all have kids or having baby this is creazy :doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::cheers::cheers:

just hoping my song writting bring me dream alive in this world :yes::clapping::D
I'm so sorry. :( These kind of things really do upset me. I hate when people judge others because of their ignorance (referring to those people). It's a terrible thing and I can't imagine what you go through. They have no right. When you say you want to "be like everyone else," I'd like to say that it's not possible. For everybody is different, nobody is alike. :) You're different, I'm different, we are all are. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that either.

Also, I saw your thread where you posted your writings and I think they are wonderful. You are smart and your writings are fabulous. Keep your head up and keep on pushing yourself. You can achieve what ever dreams you may have in mind if you work hard enough for it. Go for what you want and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. :)

Remember, Michael was always and is still being judged by many nasty people in the world. But he remained strong, kept his head up, and got through it. You can too. Just stay strong dear, you're better than them. :hug: You seem like such a sweetheart and I enjoy your posts you share with us here. :heart:
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i might get in trouble for saying this..but i don't agree with any doctor who diagnosed you as having a learning disability. i have seen your posts. i don't see somebody who is slow. i see somebody who is talented and smart and is in a world full of hate. it is the world that is in trouble. not you. it is the world that should be diagnosed negatively..with hate. those that diagnosed you remind me of those who showed hate for Michael.

it's those haters who have the true malady..pathological disease, and all around transgression. it's those haters that are in the bad place.

and because of that, good people like you, suffer.

and i am sorry you have to go through that.

and i pray for you, everyday.

yeah..i know how bad the world is...and you are not alone.

you've been given the good soul, and the Michael. you, like Michael, are the ones who God loves to give blessings to. and He does.

thanks for being here. and thanks for sharing your wonderful gifts, and reminding us that MJ's example has produced great fans.

it helps to look at your posts...cus it helps me to try and learn to not be so angry all the time, even though there is much injustice in the world. i wish i had more of the peace of your good soul.
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Don't let anything bring you down because your such a great and smart person rockstar :) :flowers:
I agree with the other posters here -- your good heart and intelligence shine through in every post you write. :D We are lucky to have you in our circle of friends here on MJJC. Everyone in life is different and the differences make the world a beautiful and interesting place. And EVERYONE sometimes feels unintelligent or unattractive or somehow 'less than' what the world says we should be, and finding the inner strength to love yourself anyway can be really hard. But please know they we think you are great! :yes:
Don't let these things get to your head. Don't label yourself as "slow." People are different and everyone of us has something to bring to the table. You can do all you want to do and you sure excel at certain things. We all need to work to learn. I am not saying this just to cheer you up. I really do believe this. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. The world is huge and filled with chances. You just have to believe in yourself and do what you have to do to become whatever it is you want. For example, Dr. Benjamin Carson, a leading brain specialist, was thought of a "slow" and undistinguished. However, he rose to the top by working on his weaknesses and using his strengths. I saw the movie on his life, Gifted Hands. This man is just one example of too many people who defied the odds and persevered. You can be the next Carson. Everyone can. Just believe in yourself and march on. If you face difficulty, remember that everyone faces different obstacles in life. Best of luck to you.
Don't let these things get to your head. Don't label yourself as "slow." People are different and everyone of us has something to bring to the table. You can do all you want to do and you sure excel at certain things. We all need to work to learn. I am not saying this just to cheer you up. I really do believe this. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. The world is huge and filled with chances. You just have to believe in yourself and do what you have to do to become whatever it is you want. For example, Dr. Benjamin Carson, a leading brain specialist, was thought of a "slow" and undistinguished. However, he rose to the top by working on his weaknesses and using his strengths. I saw the movie on his life, Gifted Hands. This man is just one example of too many people who defied the odds and persevered. You can be the next Carson. Everyone can. Just believe in yourself and march on. If you face difficulty, remember that everyone faces different obstacles in life. Best of luck to you.

Wow i don't know what to say :doh::scratch:
Hi Rockstar, I hope you are able to accomplish your dreams. :) I understand what it's like having a disability because I have a disability too: Asperger's Syndrome. So it can be very hard. I wish you much love and luck in life. :huggy:
Lady, no need to say a word. Just chase your dreams and remember that the beginning is the toughest. Things start to get much easier and soon you realize that you made things look harder than they truly are.

i know hard is too way too hard for me doing thing are easy to do easy i understand :yes:
Hi Rockstar, I hope you are able to accomplish your dreams. :) I understand what it's like having a disability because I have a disability too: Asperger's Syndrome. So it can be very hard. I wish you much love and luck in life. :huggy:

ooh sorry to hear :hug: to you

have disablility is like no big deal but to me yes it is a big deal people don't real understand how i feel inside :yes:
ooh sorry to hear :hug: to you

have disablility is like no big deal but to me yes it is a big deal people don't real understand how i feel inside :yes:

I know what ur going through rockstar, i have a disability too and it hurts when ppl judge u for it. Like everyone else has said- dont let ppl get u down! they are not worth it.
Hello Rockstar...I am sorry that people in this world feel the need to disrespect you...why they do this I dont know. I have to agree with alot of the people in this thread....I have read your posts..your poems and your Music lyrics..I think that you are very smart and that you have a beautiful heart and soul. Try not to keep thinking about having a disability.....your posts are brilliant...give yourself more credit..:hug:
hi :waving:
this thread is old thread it's close :yes:
so i just through i make need one o.k :)

i just like you all to know who i'm in this world cause the way who i'm people juge on me who i'm think i don't know who i'm in this world

the way people are so mean, & don't understand what i'm going through alot of people like my family or other people outside of me
they think is not big deal being slow & the truth is not :yes: it is big deal in my life is hard
& my sick& tried the way people are being mean to us cause we're not stop & people like in stores or tryying to get a job & no one whats you cause all they what smart people i just wish everynight that i can be like everybody else :cry:

life is so hard is so hard that is so scary outside of the world i'm scary to walk outside cause i not believe in people who is smarter then me but i love people i'm people person :yes:
i had job before but then i got very very sick & then they don't what me anymore is very hard to find job that someone will take you :yes: :(

i had friends mores of them are slow like me or different like me so we don't get out very much :no: are like is like cicole or hold we can't understand who we're in this world :yes:

life is not life to me cause living in world with slow

i love to get me dream come true to become the first learning disablility to become singer
i wish everynight everyday past of my life is hard

you all know that i write songs :yes: :D someday i'll sing them :yes:

i had goldfish i had her about 12 years she die 3 days before MJ passing :yes:
know i have 4 new babies they're chipumps :yes: :D:wild:

i was so so so so bave going to the detenals for the first time :yes: know i have to go back again cause they had to fix it & :yes: they'll put me asleep :yes:

also too i'm big fan of the BackStreet Boys my first concert see them is year of 05 the sametime i was in the hospliza :yes: :(
but my biggest wish is to met them :yes:

thank you for understanding who i'm in this world :cheers::cheeky::)

here was my first post i did it long time ago :D

MJ fans come from so many different walks of life, don't they? I know how you feel as well, as I have ADHD.
I think having a disability just means that you are even stronger because you have to deal with more, you know? And there's never anything wrong with having a disability. People who judge just don't want to try and understand, that's all.

:huggy: :wub:
that is true :yes: people who don't care about people who have disablility they don't understand it :yes: they're jealousy in way cause they don't get the specail teatment :yes:
i think this right :thinking: sayying this :thinking:

but the way my family is that they teat me like is not big deal but to be is cause i live inside of it :yes: :(

if they really what to know go walk in my shoe & you'll know how life is really is :yes:
Rockstar - your posts always remind me of my auntie who also had learning difficulties but that didn't stop her being a kind, generous and loving person. Just like it doesn't stop you being the same.

Although we tend to use 'normality' or 'intelligence' as ways to judge someone in this world, by rights we should use a person's gentleness, kind-heartedness and humanity. All of which you have in spades.

When anyone hurts you or someone you love, just remember that you are a better person that them and don't let anyone bring you down.
ooh sorry to hear :hug: to you

have disablility is like no big deal but to me yes it is a big deal people don't real understand how i feel inside :yes:

Emilia (is it okay that I use your name?), I have to agree with everyone else here. You always speak from your heart, and it translates just fine in your posts. I can always understand everything you say.
Emilia (is it okay that I use your name?), I have to agree with everyone else here. You always speak from your heart, and it translates just fine in your posts. I can always understand everything you say.

:yes: that's o.k you can use my name :yes:
Hey Rockstar >>> :hug:

You have learning difficulties? To me it seems not. I'm surprised. Why do I have read everything you post here. You're a very intelligent girl and very hardworking. You just have to have more confidence in you and believe you can do whatever you want. Never doubt yourself. I'm sure you're still going too far and will achieve everything you want in life. Never give up your dreams!!! :wild: Good luck dear! :cheeky:
Hey Rockstar >>> :hug:

You have learning difficulties? To me it seems not. I'm surprised. Why do I have read everything you post here. You're a very intelligent girl and very hardworking. You just have to have more confidence in you and believe you can do whatever you want. Never doubt yourself. I'm sure you're still going too far and will achieve everything you want in life. Never give up your dreams!!! :wild: Good luck dear! :cheeky:

wow i was suprise what you say :doh:

i ask you this what do yuo think of this that i saw write song :scratch::smilerolleyes:
Why? :unsure:

I know.... I never commented, but I always read everything in the forum. I liked their songs. :yes: You're creative and you must not quit. :wild:

:lol: cause i didn't know what to say :doh:

no i never quite i'm wild one in the family :giggle:

you like my songs i post :D thanks go ready more cause there some new ones i post last night :D

did you heard that i got MJ bubblehead :jump: today
No matter who you are or what you look like, there are people in this world who will be mean. They have tiny little hearts and make themselves feel better by tearing other people down. Something about you makes them jealous. I don't know you, but I read your posts and you are perceptive, generous and kind. I know it hurts when people are nasty but do your best to ignore them and focus on those who appreciate you.
Another thing I'd like to say:

When I first read your posts (back when I was a new member here), I never thought for a second that you had a disability :scratch: (honestly). So I really think that says a lot. You are very smart and you have a good heart. That's all that matters.
Another thing I'd like to say:

When I first read your posts (back when I was a new member here), I never thought for a second that you had a disability :scratch: (honestly). So I really think that says a lot. You are very smart and you have a good heart. That's all that matters.

thank you my friend that's what i really need it from someone to say :hug: :smilerolleyes:
No matter who you are or what you look like, there are people in this world who will be mean. They have tiny little hearts and make themselves feel better by tearing other people down. Something about you makes them jealous. I don't know you, but I read your posts and you are perceptive, generous and kind. I know it hurts when people are nasty but do your best to ignore them and focus on those who appreciate you.

thank you fro saying that

is very hard to ignore people who is smarter then me & meaner that they don't understand what we going through inside of us

& inside of me i cry everynight in my sleep :yes::( is true cause i wrote a song along time ago :yes: