Paris Michael Katherine Jackson Birthday Present - Donate button now in post #1

I love the butterfly/flower arrangement and the cookie/brownie idea as well. :flowers: I was just curious about whether a choice had been made or not, because we are running out of time. I hope the order will be placed soon!
That cookie tin ^ looks great to me :yes:

So.. the dancing butterfly basket and those cookies.

For the butterfly basket - regular, deluxe or premium? .. deluxe? I wish we could see the difference. Is there a choice like that with the cookies?
Bump! I hope ElleBella will be here soon. We are running out of time... I am nervous....
Hey everyone,
sorry for taking so long, I've had personal business that had to come first. I placed the order today, I did run into a snag though. The butterfly basket and 5 Birthday balloons was ordered, but the cookies or any baked goods have to be placed at least a week in advance. I went a head and placed the order for a candy bouquet named Sweet Expressions. I am SO SO sorry but I had to place the order. The total was $167.29, I'll have to go in the account tomorrow and will let you know how much will be going to charity.
Thanks again everyone, and sorry about the mistake.
By the way, an idea about the rest of the money. What do you guys think about probably sending Katherine flowers on Mother's day? I dont' know if she celebrates her birthday, but I guess Mother's day is ok... And then we'll give the rest of the money to charity?
I donated hope its not late to do so. Had some finances issue but it was all sorted out. Love the cookies:)
By the way, an idea about the rest of the money. What do you guys think about probably sending Katherine flowers on Mother's day? I dont' know if she celebrates her birthday, but I guess Mother's day is ok... And then we'll give the rest of the money to charity?

That's a good idea! It doesn't even necessarily have to be for Mother's Day. It could also be a 'just because' or 'thinking of you' kind of gift.
That's a good idea! It doesn't even necessarily have to be for Mother's Day. It could also be a 'just because' or 'thinking of you' kind of gift.
I think that's a nice idea too but if it's already decided to send the money to charity I'm ok with that too. Has it been decided what charity the money will be going?

Hey everyone,
sorry for taking so long, I've had personal business that had to come first. I placed the order today, I did run into a snag though. The butterfly basket and 5 Birthday balloons was ordered, but the cookies or any baked goods have to be placed at least a week in advance. I went a head and placed the order for a candy bouquet named Sweet Expressions. I am SO SO sorry but I had to place the order. The total was $167.29, I'll have to go in the account tomorrow and will let you know how much will be going to charity.
Thanks again everyone, and sorry about the mistake.
It's ok! Thanks again for your hard work ElleBella! :huggy:
Do you guys know if prince and blanket got their gifts? are they delivered there or does a fan bring them to the gate to make sure they are received?
Do you guys know if prince and blanket got their gifts? are they delivered there or does a fan bring them to the gate to make sure they are received?
They were delivered there by the company and both presents were accepted too :)
Hi Everybody !

I'm so sorry to have missed Paris birthday's gift - I really wanted to participate but I had some problems to login as I am new - I just want to tell you that is just a great great great idea and I wish to be present the next time and I will be there.
(I'm sorry too for my approximate english, I'm not very used to the language)
I cant belive i couldnt find this thread befor im so annoyed Lol!!! how could have i of missed it ?? i Know paris birthday is very very soon im going to send the card and bracelet i have got, (I know its going to be late and thats what i feel ashamed about but some one said to me its better she dos get it even if it is late) but could some one message me please as i have a address for the card and that to be send to but im worried its wrong xxx
ok, so what happened what did we send? did we send anything? i hope so!