Paris Jackson begins acting career - Lundon's Bridge - Summary of the book @pg42

Do not judge without knowing. The producer Dennis Christen is a excelente person See his biography. He is a serious person. Nobody is trying to take advantage of Paris.

Do you know him personally that you can say he's an "excellent" person? I don't think so. And I read his biography. He played in a sitcom in a foreign country. He has no producer / director experience and he has 3 books. So again, how did you conclude that he's an "excellent" person and he's not trying to take advantage of Paris?
I am not that against her doing a movie. Who am I to judge ?!
Who would think that a lyric from HT " she"s only 15 .." would apply to his own child. ( not meaning anything bad by that )
I hope Paris never read such a topic with such criticism and sarcasm coming from fans of his Father. So sad.

Oh please , judging a 14 years old girl is so fun , she's still young , has no life experiences and people are grasping at straws !!

I swear some of you " grown" people should be ashamed of yourselves . Would you like to see your 14 years old daughter being judged like that ? SMH
I am not that against her doing a movie. Who am I to judge ?!
Who would think that a lyric from HT " she"s only 15 .." would apply to his own child. ( not meaning anything bad by that )

OK, I did try to keep my mouth shut and to not contribute to this topic, but this... How exactly this lyrics apply to Paris? She is going to Hollywood without supervision and any plan?

As far as I can see, she is trying to start in small project being a children movie. Nothing wrong this that, in my opinion. Has absolutely nothing to do with Hollywood Tonight heroine. Nothing. Zilch. Zero.

By the way, people in this topic were talking about Will Smith's kids as an example. For me, the huge project as a Karate Kid just because your parents are famous is much more questionable than small indie movie for the girl why dreams to be an actress.

And, despite all digging, I don't see anything "shady" about the producer. This is just small children movie. I would not be very surprised if it will not be picked up and will go straight to DVD, which will give Paris a humble start.
Last edited:!/dennishchristen
Dennis H Christen ? @dennishchristen
@RachelMunoz7 Thank you for telling me that. I wrote Madam, the Grass Is High 10 years ago. I'll make it into a movie someday.
12:26 PM - 7 Apr 12 via web

Dennis H Christen ? @dennishchristen
@RachelMunoz7 Yes, we'll announce these roles as well as the others on our website as soon as we can finish negotiations and contracts.
12:22 PM - 7 Apr 12 via web

Dennis H Christen ? @dennishchristen
@RachelMunoz7 All the Animation and Special Effects scenes will be done in Utah and Los Angeles.
12:12 PM - 7 Apr 12 via web

Dennis H Christen ? @dennishchristen
@RachelMunoz7 Yes, there r 4 big stars we'll announce later. We will film all exterior live-action scenes in Louisiana and Florida. (Con't)
12:09 PM - 7 Apr 12 via web

Dennis H Christen ? @dennishchristen
@rana_jeny Paris has met most of the cast who have signed but only knows the names of the ppl we are talking to. She hasn't met them yet.
3:02 PM - 6 Apr 12 via web

Dennis H Christen ? @dennishchristen
@rana_jeny Paris knows but until we sign them we must keep it quiet. We're working hard to get it all done so we can tell you all who it is.
2:39 PM - 6 Apr 12
Oh please , judging a 14 years old girl is so fun , she's still young , has no life experiences and people are grasping at straws !!

I swear some of you " grown" people should be ashamed of yourselves . Would you like to see your 14 years old daughter being judged like that ? SMH

MJJtheKing Please back up this claim you just made. Please show me the posts you are refering to that is judging PARIS and it will be reported so mods can delete it. I havent seen that and I watch this thread closley to make sure "Paris" isnt personaly attacked . please quote the post or posts you are refering to and if you cant present such a post, then please stop making false broad claims against members posting in this thread.
Mod note
If anyone finds a post in here personaly attcking or judging the child Paris please report it -
I have seen no reports come in..

disagreement and different points of view on this movie project is fine. Do Voice your opinion but if you are in disagreement make clear who or what you are disagreeing with and try to do it in a respectful less judgmental manner.

No one has to like or support ths movie. Now I do support it and hope it does well, but that doesnt mean everyone else has to agree with me.... So goes the same for your opinions.
I am not that against her doing a movie. Who am I to judge ?!
Who would think that a lyric from HT " she"s only 15 .." would apply to his own child. ( not meaning anything bad by that )
Myself I dont see how the lyric of that song would apply to his own child paris in ANY way.
( not meaning anything bad by that)
If it's not bad , Then what are you meaning by that ? You didnt say.
I swear some of you " grown" people should be ashamed of yourselves . Would you like to see your 14 years old daughter being judged like that ? SMH

None of the comments I've read included any criticisms directed at Paris. Sarcasm and suspicion were directed at the project, which she's not responsible for. The only thing people have expressed toward her is concern, that she may be used and hurt later. We have every reason to be worried, considering what has happened since Michael passed. Personally, as adult supervision or "fierce protection", I have seen nothing but encouragements to be in the spotlight for any reason. Thats not what I call taking care of very vulnerable kids. Vulnerable doesnt mean stupid.

Loving a kid doest mean supporting each and every one of their words, actions or projects. Like having a friend doesnt mean you'll always agree with them. Like loving someone doesnt mean you dont see their flaws.

And some people should remember, as weird as it seems, there are many things we know those kids are not aware of, yet, when it comes to their dad's life.
Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
With all 5 movies, Paris starts out as 13 and grows older with each book. By the time she acts in #5, she will be a 21 year old character.


so they are planning 5 movies in 5 years?
Yes I also think that should read Lunden or Paris's charcter Lunden starts off as 13. He also did the same awile back stating , Guess who is goign to play Paris father ? I corrected him and said no one better be playing Paris father, I think you mean Lunden's father. I noticed they have now changed it on the web page.
That to me says that this is more about getting Paris in a film than about the project itself, almost like it could be any film. It might not be the intention but it's how it's coming accross to me.
ivy;3621407 said:
Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
With all 5 movies, Paris starts out as 13 and grows older with each book. By the time she acts in #5, she will be a 21 year old character.


so they are planning 5 movies in 5 years?

WOW! :bugeyed :blink: This is all so..... :wtf: :crazy: :doh:
I did not say that HT lyrics are directly connected with Paris. I just ment as " ...going to Hollywood and beggining acting " , nothing more.
She is a beautiful young lady but underneath all that we see in public , I feel there is so much more .
She learned a lot from her father and she can learn from him all of her life. One day - she will be big. Not just a big star but a great person. I had a dream that she became the first woman as a president of the USA.
I read what she posted on her Twitter ( or Instagram , whatever that is....) about bulling.
That is absolutely amazing coming from a 14 year old these days. She is such a sweetheart and she cares.
I can only imagine how much she misses her father and that breaks my heart.
I wish her all the best , whatever she wants to do.
I read what she posted on her Twitter ( or Instagram , whatever that is....) about bulling.
That is absolutely amazing coming from a 14 year old these days. She is such a sweetheart and she cares.
I can only imagine how much she misses her father and that breaks my heart.
I wish her all the best , whatever she wants to do.

What did she say?
It was basicaly something like....." did you laught at that old man wearing worn out clothes today ? He is poor and he fought once for your country. Did you called that girl fat ? Do you know that she is sick ? "
Things like that. Very spiritual and grown up.
She sounds like she doesn't judge people. Just like her dad. I can see him saying that as well.
"The movie ( Lundon's Bridge and the three keys ) will not be out until late 2013 or early 2014 for international release." @Dennishchristen
By that time it will have disapeared off the raydar and he will hope we have all forgotten about it
Why ?
It can be a good movie. I think it will. It has a message of saving this planet. What is wrong about that ?
And I am sure we will see a lot of Michael values in that movie.
It was basicaly something like....." did you laught at that old man wearing worn out clothes today ? He is poor and he fought once for your country. Did you called that girl fat ? Do you know that she is sick ? "
Things like that. Very spiritual and grown up.

I'm pretty sure she's a sweet kid. But she also doesn't know that when you quote someone, you have to give credit to the author. ;)
Why ?
It can be a good movie. I think it will. It has a message of saving this planet. What is wrong about that ?
And I am sure we will see a lot of Michael values in that movie.
But there has to be a reason as to why this guy couldn't get this film off the ground and why no one with any Hollywood connections is involved with this film.
Has paris talked to you about doing other movies apart from this one?

For sure! She's a good actress and as producers watch what she does on Lundon's Bridge she'll get loads of offers. She wants that!

what if Paris decides that she wants to do just 1 or 2 movies instead of 5. Is she allowed 2 do that?

Of course. If Paris wants to stop after book #1 or book #2 she can. We hope she doesn't but we will not force anyone to be in this.
Dennis H Christen?@dennishchr isten

@pajaelu Our distribution & marketing plan will not begiven upfront. We have a detailed plan but will keep it under wraps for now.Sorry.

8h Dennis H Christen?@dennishchr isten

@pajaelu The soundtrack is something we will deal withduring post production, after filming is completed. Our website will inform youall.

13h Dennis H Christen?@dennishchr isten

@pajaelu Yes, way before then. We will not be able to startLundon's Bridge without the director and full cast onboard before that time.

14 Apr Dennis H Christen?@dennishchr isten

@ParisJacksonNL The story is for 4th graders and up. We havemany adult fans as well. We think Lundon's Bridge is for the whole family.

14 Apr Dennis H Christen?@dennishchr isten

@pajaelu Each of the main actors that we cast will each havetheir own photo shoot and interviews for Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys.

Apr Dennis H Christen?@dennishchr isten

@pajaelu That is correct. I am NOT the director. We'll beannouncing who that will be soon along with other main actors that we cast.

14 Apr Dennis H Christen?@dennishchr isten

@pajaelu There will be a trailer 4 Lundon's Bridge we showon our website and a trailer we show in the theaters prior to the opening.

14 Apr Dennis H Christen?@dennishchr isten

@quotegirllovin There r roles that African American actorscan go for. Rolley, Madam Lifee, plus 40 or more of the 150 kid roles in book#1.

13 Apr Dennis H Christen?@dennishchr isten

@rana_jeny LUNDON'S BRIDGE promotion plan's called BRIDGINGTHE WORLD. It'll be massive. Every part of the world is included in the plan!!!

13 Apr Dennis H Christen?@dennishchr isten

@PPB_Forum You are more than welcome. You all deserve toknow the facts about this movie as it relates to Paris. You are her fans.

13 Apr Dennis H Christen?@dennishchr isten

@rana_jeny Like the other lead actors, we have narrowed thelist down of "A" list directors we want and are now in talks withtheir agents.

13 Apr Dennis H Christen?@dennishchr isten

@dennishchristen @pajaelu Paris has a manager & lawyers.She's well covered in that area. Of course, her grandmother is a pro she raisedMJ.

13 Apr Dennis H Christen?@dennishchr isten

@pajaelu Yes. She will be offered more roles once the worldsees that she is actually a good actress. She'll be swamped with roles.

Dennis H Christen?@dennishchr isten

@pajaelu Paris has a manager.

Dennis H Christen?@dennishchr isten

@pajaelu You got it! Paris wants to stand for something thatshe believes in.
14 Apr Dennis H Christen?@dennishchr isten

@quotegirllovin There r roles that African American actorscan go for. Rolley, Madam Lifee, plus 40 or more of the 150 kid roles in book#1.

The first role, is for an African American no?