Paris Jackson begins acting career - Lundon's Bridge - Summary of the book @pg42

IMDB lists Craig Zukowski as screenwriter. I found a 2005 interview with him.

What have you worked on since? Give us an update about yourself.
Craig: After this project I met an Actor/ Writer/ Producer, by the name of Dennis H Christen. He had a script that he was developing with Universal Studios. They asked him to add animation to it. We met by chance that day. I was out of work and thinking it was time for me to produce and develop some of my own ideas.

It turns out that we had common goals and started writing together the next day. Together we wrote a wonderful story titled "Lundon’s Bridge." Several studios were very aggressively going after this script. But in the end, they were afraid to take a chance on an unknown story that would have 3D animation in about one third of the script.

You see at that time 3D was only used in short commercials. They did not think it was technically possible to do this much animation in a feature film. Also the budget simply would have been too costly. The other problem was that it is a fantasy adventure. They were looking for the next Terminator film, not a fantasy about the love and belief a little girl has in her family. After three years of putting all my money and time into this project, I was financially and emotionally burned out. I needed to find a paying job.

Paul Sabella was then in charge of MGM Animation. He gave me a job supervising layouts in Taiwan. Once I was back in production, I came right back to life, and back on salary.

The good news is that Dennis and I now have a novel coming out very soon based on our script. The name of the novel is "Lundon's Bridge." Now with 3D animation so popular, and fantasy being the choice of many filmgoers, we have new hopes of getting the story on the big screen.


As you can see the movie idea now goes back to at least 2002 with no major company being interested in it.

Also you can see that again the book is described as "love and belief a little girl has in her family" and not saving the earth.
As you can see the movie idea now goes back to at least 2002 with no major company being interested in it.

Actually from looking at this chap's cv on imbd, i make out zukowski met chisten in the early-mid 90s - that's when his career break occurred. He says he met christen after 'this project', he's talking about bill and ted's great adventure which finished in 1990. So this movie idea is nearly 20yrs old and we see lundon bridge was first envisioned to be a film script rather than a book. He assumed that when the book was self-published the movie would be picked up because of an interest in fantasy and 3d, and as we all know that didn't happen - it required the involvement of michael jackson's daughter to get the green light, how fortunate for them.
Last edited:
There was a thread about Paris' twitter that was closed because of the direction the thread was going. That doesn't mean those topics can now be discussed in this thread. This thread is about her movie. Please keep on topic. Thanks!

Thread cleaned.
UPDATE on Paris:

Prince-Paris-Blanket ? @PPB_Forum
@dennishchristen How is Paris? Is she rehearsing for the movie? I miss her on twitter...
8h Dennis H Christen Dennis H Christen ? @dennishchristen

@PPB_Forum Yes Paris is working hard in rehearsal, acting class and school. I think she misses you guys as much as you all miss her!
1:23 PM - 8 May 12 via web
UPDATE on Paris:

Prince-Paris-Blanket ? @PPB_Forum
@dennishchristen How is Paris? Is she rehearsing for the movie? I miss her on twitter...
8h Dennis H Christen Dennis H Christen ? @dennishchristen

@PPB_Forum Yes Paris is working hard in rehearsal, acting class and school. I think she misses you guys as much as you all miss her!
1:23 PM - 8 May 12 via web

I hope she is working hard with rehearsing , her acting class and school.
If she is serious about being a good actress, thats what it takes dedication.
Michael Jackson | Katherine Jackson 'Concerned' For Paris' Acting Career | Contactmusic
Katherine Jackson 'Concerned' For Paris' Acting Career

Michael Jackson's mother Katherine has reservations about her granddaughter's acting career as she is convinced the King of Pop would not have wanted Paris to pursue a career in entertainment at such a young age.

The late Thriller icon's 14-year-old daughter is desperate to be an actress and will make her big screen debut in 2013 fantasy film Lundon's Bridge and The Three Keys.

However, Katherine, Paris' legal guardian, admits she was reluctant to let the youngster chase her Hollywood dream.

She tells U.S. talk show host Piers Morgan, "I'm pleased and concerned (for Paris) at the same time because I don't think that Michael would have wanted her to be out there this soon. But she wanted it so badly. She kept saying, 'Please, Grandma! I want this, you know.' It was something she really wanted so I just gave in and said OK.

"I said, 'How do you know you can act? You haven't had acting (experience).' So I started sending her to acting (classes). Before then she said, 'Just try me, just try me. I can cry on cue.' She showed me how she can cry. She's very good."

Michael, who was just a boy when he shot to fame in The Jackson 5, went to great lengths to shield his three children from the spotlight, covering their faces with masks and blankets when they stepped out in public.
Janet talked about Paris being in the movie industry again recently (this was in her Prevention magazine cover story)
The pop diva also spoke about setting an example for her niece Paris -- Michael Jackson's 14-year-old daughter -- who is set to star in her first movie role in the 2013 fantasy film Lundon's Bridge and The Three Keys.

"We've spoken about the fact that you're only a child once. I think there's a time for everything, and now is not the time [to act in films]," she said. "I told her I thought she should enjoy being a kid, possibly go to college-or not-but wait till she turns 18. She's a very tough, smart girl. But it's a cutthroat industry. I wouldn't want my child to do it."
Honestly, I am really confused by this family. If Katherine is worried about Paris acting so young, she should stop her. That's what a guardian should do. I know she is grandma and old but she should do what she need to do.
Mod Note - Thread cleaned Please stay on topic of Paris movie.

On guys, Please do not resort to name calling or calling the Jackson out of their name when discussing them on MJJC.
You are reqiured to post your disagreements in a respectful constructive manner without insults, mocking or name calling. Also let's try not to derail this thread into a discussion about how you feel Mrs Jackson should be raising paris. While we do allow constructive criticsism, i'ts a slippery slope when the discussions vear off like this becuase some dont seem to know how to voice such opinions in a respectful or constructive manner.

Lets get back on topic please .. Thanks
Teenage girls can be stubborn
Paris has lost the only parent she has known
She still misses him

How can a grandmother say no to it?Especially if she´s asked again and again about it.
We´ll see what happens.
some tidbits:

I got the original book 2006 edition and I also have the 2011 edition. In the original book the character is 8 years old and has a Irish American father and Hispanic / Mexican mother. The character just changed to be 13 years old in the 2011 book.

IMO that makes the book kinda weird read. If you remember I said the character was a little bit naive for a 13 year old - well it turns out it was because the book was written from the perspective of a 8 year old. and when you just change the age, it looks a little childish.


2009 audition note

The production company plans to choose 150 children between the ages of 5 and 10 to play in the video. One lucky girl — a Hispanic-American who looks about 8 years old — will get the role of leading lady Lundon O'Malley.


At the end of the book Dennis also explains how he wrote the story

"It all started in 1979, while playing with my 3 year old daughter, Lundon, at the Santa Monica beach in California. I noticed that Lundon without any hesitation took the hand of a stranger which happened by. I didn't know if the older gentleman asked for her hand or if she thought it was my hand. Still she walked with him. By the time I could stand to go and retrieve my baby girl, she'd pulled away and was running back toward me. The man looked at her and smiled but just kept walking away.

That evening overwhelmed with what could have happened to her, I began to make notes for a story about child stealing and within a few months I finished a screenplay called Lundon's Bridges"
Dennis H Christen ‏@dennishchristen
@mjsgirl777 You're probably right. Paris is the main star so her fans are the ppl I want to hear from about anything to do with movie.

FavoritedFavorite 7:07 AM - 19 May 12 via web · Details

Such alot of pressure on a young teenager who has no acting experience. It's too bad paris is so blatantly being used. I imagine 'her fans' would mainly be mj fans, so i guess the mj fanbase is being used as well. Like global live before them, i think the lundon bridge crowd will discover that a connection to mj doesn't automatically translate into tickets being sold. If mj fans are being fusspots about a bad tour dvd, they're most definitely not goning to be blindly swarming to the cinema to see an underwater fantasy starring mj's daughter.
At the end of the book Dennis also explains how he wrote the story

"It all started in 1979, while playing with my 3 year old daughter, Lundon, at the Santa Monica beach in California. I noticed that Lundon without any hesitation took the hand of a stranger which happened by. I didn't know if the older gentleman asked for her hand or if she thought it was my hand. Still she walked with him. By the time I could stand to go and retrieve my baby girl, she'd pulled away and was running back toward me. The man looked at her and smiled but just kept walking away.

That evening overwhelmed with what could have happened to her, I began to make notes for a story about child stealing and within a few months I finished a screenplay called Lundon's Bridges"

And why is this movie being promoted as something that has to do with saving the planet? That isn't right. They should just stick to what they play is about. If they don't give some of the proceeds to some org to save the planet they should leave mother earth out of this.
hmmm I won't comment

OK, Lundon’s Bridge Fans, here are our choices, what we are calling our 'Wish List' for some of the lead roles in Book One’s movie casting for LUNDON’S BRIDGE AND THE THREE KEYS: Tell us what you think either here on our Facebook Page or on Twitter @dennishchristen. We’d love to hear your thoughts on these possible actors, than we will move in to going after our choice in each category. These names are not in any special order. These actors have not been contracted. They are merely a wish list of possible selections that we may or may not approach.

KEVIN O’MALLEY (Lundon’s father)
• Matt Damon
• Matthew McConaughey
• Kiefer Sutherland

Other character's choices will be introduced each evening, starting tomorrow until all the needed roles have been displayed. Please give us a shout about what you think of our choices. Select the choice you like best.

OK, Lundon’s Bridge Fans, here are our choices, what we are calling our 'Wish List' for some of the lead roles in Book One’s movie casting for LUNDON’S BRIDGE AND THE THREE KEYS: Tell us what you think either here on our Facebook Page or on Twitter @dennishchristen. We’d love to hear your thoughts on these possible actors, than we will move in to going after our choice in each category. These names are not in any special order. These actors have not been contracted. They are merely a wish list of possible selections that we may or may not approach.

KEVIN O’MALLEY (Lundon’s father)
• Matt Damon
• Matthew McConaughey
• Kiefer Sutherland

Other character's choices will be introduced each evening, starting tomorrow until all the needed roles have been displayed. Please give us a shout about what you think of our choices. Select the choice you like best.

The know-it-ALLS jumped down my throat for merely saying the movie was about saving the planet etc.

Enough about the original book, the original draft. Movie scripts are shredded and re-written many times over.
ivy;3647679 said:
KEVIN O’MALLEY (Lundon’s father)
• Matt Damon
• Matthew McConaughey
• Kiefer Sutherland

Why is he talking about a "Wish List." Homeboy better start praying. LOL!

Aside from the obvious, those major parts would have been contracted already. I mean, isn't this movie supposed to start shooting any minute now?

By the time this so-called "movie" goes into production, if ever, Paris Jackson will be old enough to play the mother. LOL!
ivy said:
hmmm I won't comment

KEVIN O’MALLEY (Lundon’s father)
• Matt Damon
• Matthew McConaughey
• Kiefer Sutherland

I can see why you didn't comment as it's actually impossible under the rules of this board to offer a constructive, positive comment about this.

It's a joke and it's embarrassing.
See, this is why it's hard for some of us to not be suspicious about this project because the makers of this movie aren't owning up to what this movie actually is. There actually trying to make it seem like this is some A-list movie or something. They must think MJ fans are fools or something.
OK, Lundon’s Bridge Fans, here is our 'Wish List' for the role of “Sonia O’Malley” in LUNDON’S BRIDGE AND THE THREE KEYS. Tell us what you think either here on our Facebook Page or on Twitter @dennishchristen. We’d love to hear your thoughts. These names are not in any special order. These actors have not been contracted. They are merely a wish list of possible selections that we may or may not approach.

SONIA O’MALLEY (Lundon’s mother)
• Paz Vega
• Lucila Sola
• Eve Mendes

Actors for other roles will be introduced each evening, until all the needed roles have been displayed. Please give us a shout as to who you would most like to see in each role. Select the choice you like best.

OK, Lundon’s Bridge Fans, here is our 'Wish List' for the role of “Hank Hammerhead” in LUNDON’S BRIDGE AND THE THREE KEYS. Tell us what you think either here on our Facebook Page or on Twitter @dennishchristen. We’d love to hear your thoughts. These names are not in any special order. These actors have not been contracted. They are merely a wish list of possible selections that we may or may not approach.

HANK HAMMERHEAD (Royal Guard to the King of the Ocean)
• Chris Tucker
• Sinbad
• Cuba Gooding Jr.

Actors for other roles will be introduced each evening, until all the needed roles have been displayed. Please give us a shout as to who you would most like to see in each role. Select the choice you like best.

According to, Paris's interview with Oprah is set to air June 10th. Oprah is not going to be interviewing Paris for the whole episode like we first thought. There will also be an interview with 50 Cent as well.

Paris Jackson News, Paris Jackson Bio and Photos |
ivy;3648051 said:
OK, Lundon’s Bridge Fans, here is our 'Wish List' for the role of “Sonia O’Malley” in LUNDON’S BRIDGE AND THE THREE KEYS. Tell us what you think either here on our Facebook Page or on Twitter @dennishchristen. We’d love to hear your thoughts. These names are not in any special order. These actors have not been contracted. They are merely a wish list of possible selections that we may or may not approach.

SONIA O’MALLEY (Lundon’s mother)
• Paz Vega
• Lucila Sola
• Eve Mendes

Actors for other roles will be introduced each evening, until all the needed roles have been displayed. Please give us a shout as to who you would most like to see in each role. Select the choice you like best.


Is Paris' character Hispanic? All these actresses are Hispanic.