Paris Jackson begins acting career - Lundon's Bridge - Summary of the book @pg42

yeah i agree ivy. i mean interms of creating publicity in places like this and in places such as twitter etc ie the ppl they are hoping will actually go see this movie cause joe public isnt going to care
Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@pajaelu We like legit questions from anyone. Some we can't answer due to confidential restrictions. If we can answer we will.
In reply to Princess ajaelu
34m Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@pajaelu These films will be shot at locations in Louisiana & Florida as well as inside sound stages here in Los Angeles.
In reply to Princess ajaelu
36m Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@pajaelu We've had Paris working with TOP acting coaches for almost a year now. We've had her do scenes with other actors. She IS VERY GOOD!
In reply to Princess ajaelu
39m Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@pajaelu Yes these films will be released in cinemas worldwide. A major worldwide premiere is being planned for this films release.
In reply to Princess ajaelu
41m Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@pajaelu These movies will be live action and animation. There will be loads of Special Effects by Sandman Studios. NOT a low budget film.
In reply to Princess ajaelu
46m Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@pajaelu Paris committed to 5 films. This will take Paris into her 20's to complete. 1st movie will be a 14-year old playing a 13-year old.
In reply to Princess ajaelu
50m Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@pajaelu There are 5 books so there will be 5 movies. Only the 1st book is out. Book 2 will come out just before movie #1 is released.
In reply to Princess ajaelu
53m Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@pajaelu We are in the process of negotiating with all the needed roles for this movie. We hope to announce within the month of April 2012.
In reply to Princess ajaelu
11h Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@Lisaloviee Finally made it back to LA. Great trip. How was LH's b-day party? Wish I could have gotten back earlier!
In reply to Lisa Love
11h Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@ParisJackson Thanks for all the help! Great Trip!
In reply to Paris Jacksoη
19h Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
Not only Oprah being here but how much the movie costs and what it is about and who is in it, etc. Many rumors. I will give only true facts.
19h Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@PPB__Jackson As for anything about the movie and Paris. Like so many thought Oprah was here with Paris and that was just not true at all.
So the exploitation of Paris will go well into her 20's. How much is KJ getting for this? and more importantly how much is Paris getting for this?
We should save all these tweets and see in the future all the things that dont happen

im still waiting on evidence of paris contract being fiiled with the court. cause u can bet there isnt one. just back handed payments
I hope Prince and Blanket stay with her when she's filming at the Louisiana and Florida locations. The thought of her being so far away and alone with this film crew concerns me. I know they are just kids and they can't really do much to protect her but she'll probably need someone that she loves and can trust around, especially when all those new experiences that come with doing her first movie and balancing the rest of the things that go along with teenage life become a bit overwhelming.
im still waiting on evidence of paris contract being fiiled with the court. cause u can bet there isnt one. just back handed payments

Generally the contracts with the minors are voidable - even if it's signed by the minor's parent or the guardian.

As the contracts with minors are so easily voidable by the request of the minor, most entertainment firms take the contracts to the court to get a judge's approval. for example Disney channel first would get a court's approval for the children who are "regulars" in their shows. They don't seek court approval for "extras" or easily replaceable characters. It's not that easy, generally judge's will have multiple hearings and even get 3rd party expert opinion to approve a minor's contract. If / When the court approves a minor's contract it becomes binding and the minor has the adult responsibilities to fulfill the contract.

So the good news is as long as there's not a court approved contract, Paris can walk away from this "commitment".
Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen

@pajaelu The fundraising part of this film comes from distribution. Not the size of the budget. Our budget is the largest ever for an inde.

Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen
@pajaelu We know that and that is why we work hard to protect her and to make this the best experience of her life so far. We really do care

Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen
@pajaelu They both give Paris two thumbs up. Like all actors though, she will continue learning her craft in order to be the best she can.

Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@pajaelu If the first movie really bombs then we'd have to re-evaluate the moving forward with the second and so on. We have faith!

Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@pajaelu Producers hire the most famous people we can to be in our movies. It is how films are cast. Paris really wants this and she is good

Dennis H Christen ‏ @dennishchristen Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
@pajaelu Our distribution plan is very confidential at this time as other competitors can't know of our plans so we keep it quiet. Sorry
thank you for clarifying the contract end of it Ivy...I like Elusive was wondering about that. I just about fell of my chair when I read that she was contracted into her 20's...that is some crazy stuff... I cannot believe that Katherine would sign a contract like that. IMO...I doubt there will EVER be 5 movies made...the first one isnt even getting proper advertising...I dont hear anything about it anywhere but here and twitter...thats it...not in public at all...
I dont think they believe they need advertising. All they need is Paris' name, and Michael's fanbase. I'm pretty sure that's all they're counting on, all Michael's fans running to theaters to see his daughter on the big screen. There are many others thinking the same way.
Michael represented a lot of money because of us, and now his image, and his kids represent the same, for the same reason. We create the demand. And to a lot of people, we're still hysterical teenagers. No need for ads. Just dangle his daughter's name and they'll come running.
I dont think they believe they need advertising. All they need is Paris' name, and Michael's fanbase. I'm pretty sure that's all they're counting on, all Michael's fans running to theaters to see his daughter on the big screen. There are many others thinking the same way.
Michael represented a lot of money because of us, and now his image, and his kids represent the same, for the same reason. We create the demand. And to a lot of people, we're still hysterical teenagers. No need for ads. Just dangle his daughter's name and they'll come running.
But why? If Miss Castatway couldn't do anything, no way this does. There's nothing to this film. The cast, the plot, etc. And the book did nothing in sales on Amazon. And is this book even sold in book stores?

And it's hard not to notice how he's only speaking to Paris's die hard fans. That's really weird.

IMO, because he's only speaking to Paris's fans he's able to get away with this. He knows what would be said if the public knew of the photo shoots and videos using her fathers music.
Thanks ivy so in one sense its better if there is no contract so paris can walk away. but then if theres no contract what about payments to paris etc. wouldnt a court filed contract offer more protection interms of payments

katherine signed the kids into a lifelong contract with mann so five movies is pretty tame!
It's going to be a series like the Twilight films or the Harry Potter films looks to me. The actors in those films all started in their early teens and stayed on til their early 20's. Sounds reasonable. Anyway, I hope these films are a success. Seems a lot of MJ fans want this film to fail, but anyway, if the Lundon series is a success, then it will look great on Paris' resume.
*big sigh*

It is a fact that from the start this whole thing about this movie is not smelling good.... :blink: :puke: :fear: We will monitor this... I'm curious to know the end it will have. :unsure: And may God protect Paris. :pray:
I dont think they believe they need advertising. All they need is Paris' name, and Michael's fanbase. I'm pretty sure that's all they're counting on, all Michael's fans running to theaters to see his daughter on the big screen. There are many others thinking the same way.
Michael represented a lot of money because of us, and now his image, and his kids represent the same, for the same reason. We create the demand. And to a lot of people, we're still hysterical teenagers. No need for ads. Just dangle his daughter's name and they'll come running.

Very well said, Ben.

We've seen that already with the fake MJ tribute in Cadiff and God knows how that turned out. And if this is any indication, we shouldn't be surprised by the final outcome of yet another madness.
How exactly do they expect to fund five films. the first book has hardly sold millions.
It's going to be a series like the Twilight films or the Harry Potter films looks to me. The actors in those films all started in their early teens and stayed on til their early 20's. Sounds reasonable. Anyway, I hope these films are a success. Seems a lot of MJ fans want this film to fail, but anyway, if the Lundon series is a success, then it will look great on Paris' resume.

The big difference here is that both the Twilight and Harry Potter books sold MILLIONS before they made them into movies. The entire world knew the movies would be a huge commercial success because there were already a large existing fanbase that loved the books...

Im gonna wish for the best for Paris sake but it would be horrible to be stuck in a 5 movie deal contract if the first and second movie flops etc... and would she still wanna play this character when she is 20??
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The big difference here is that both the Twilight and Harry Potter books sold MILLIONS before they made them into movies. The entire world knew the movies would be a huge commercial success because there were already a large existing fanbase that loved the books...

Im gonna wish for the best for Paris sake but it would be horrible to be stuck in a 5 movie deal contract if the first and second movie flops etc... and would she still wanna play this character when she is 20??

And also all those who were involved in those movies were known names or at least rising names within the industry. They all had prior credits to them.
The movie will have a lot of high expectations from people, esp Paris. Do U think people will be pleased by this film?

We'll give it our all to make sure that the people enjoy it. We have high expectations also and we will work hard to achieve them.

Will there be casting calls for extras and/or other roles in LA, Florida, or Louisiana?

We will be casting 150 kids from schools in and around White Castle and Donaldsonville, Louisiana. More in Clearwater, Florida.

Will there be casting calls for extras and/or other roles in LA, Florida, or Louisiana?

All other casting will go through a casting agent in all three cities.

tell us is there r famous actors in the movie ? it must its mj doughter movie and when we would know the hole cast ?

There will be 5 other very famous actors besides PJ. We will announce them after all negotiations are finished.

dennis iam from egypt and i cant wait for this movie which include the king doughter paris is it will be in my country ?

We will have this movie distributed in every country that has a distribution line for American films. Egypt is one of them.

Will there be any crying scenes for Paris in this movie?

Yes! There are crying scenes for Paris in this story.

Are you excited about the movie? I hope that lot of ppl buy the book because it's great. i love reading it before sleeping

Thanks for saying that! I am so excited about this. It is a dream come true for me. If you knew me better you'd know why.

What happens if the movie wasnt well recieved and didnt do so well in the cinemas?

Of course all Producers worry about that, but we feel we've tested all areas and feel very confident that this story will do well.
Why does not smell right. What's wrong with the film in Paris that has not even been released? That seems peeve. We should support Paris and not be rooting against.

Why does not smell right? Just look at the people around Paris.... And another very important reminder: Michael is not here to protect the daughter of leeches. Simple! I really wish that Paris is successful in her acting career. But these people/the scenery around her is not as pretty and pink as some think and the sad fact that his father is not here... is very, very, very worrying.

But I pray that God take care of PPB. :pray: :heart:
If the first movie flops I seriously doubt there will be a second
Hello Lundon’s Bridge Fans. Here is the latest update on our first location scout for exterior locations for Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys. The Production Team had a great opportunity to do a location scout in Louisiana last week. Part of helping Paris become a well-rounded complete actress is giving her hands-on experience in production. Understanding that will help her as an actress not only for the role of Lundon O'Malley but for other roles she does in the future. We were scouting out a few of our filming locations we will be shooting this summer for the movie. We had the opportunity to visit Nottoway Plantation, Oak Alley Plantation, Houmas House Plantation, and Fontainebleau State Park. We also had the privilege and honor of visiting and surprising the 7th grade class at Iberville Parish MSA-West the Fighting Knights School. What a great time the students had asking questions to Dennis (Jumper/writer/producer), Paris (Lundon O'Malley), Stephen (VFS Supervisor/Producer) and Michaela (Miss Missy). We look forward to visiting them all again real soon. Stay tuned for more updates on other exciting news coming right around the corner. I know many were hoping to hear more on the cast in these announcements, but those deals are still being negotiated and when completed we will make the announcement. Check out a few images from our visit!


So Paris's friend also got a role
I use to think Michaela was a cousin of Paris seeing how she was always with Paris all the time. On stage. Red Carpet events. Ect. It wasn't until recently that I found out she was Paris best friend. lol
ivy;3618908 said:
Hello Lundon’s Bridge Fans. Here is the latest update on our first location scout for exterior locations for Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys. The Production Team had a great opportunity to do a location scout in Louisiana last week. Part of helping Paris become a well-rounded complete actress is giving her hands-on experience in production. Understanding that will help her as an actress not only for the role of Lundon O'Malley but for other roles she does in the future. We were scouting out a few of our filming locations we will be shooting this summer for the movie. We had the opportunity to visit Nottoway Plantation, Oak Alley Plantation, Houmas House Plantation, and Fontainebleau State Park. We also had the privilege and honor of visiting and surprising the 7th grade class at Iberville Parish MSA-West the Fighting Knights School. What a great time the students had asking questions to Dennis (Jumper/writer/producer), Paris (Lundon O'Malley), Stephen (VFS Supervisor/Producer) and Michaela (Miss Missy). We look forward to visiting them all again real soon. Stay tuned for more updates on other exciting news coming right around the corner. I know many were hoping to hear more on the cast in these announcements, but those deals are still being negotiated and when completed we will make the announcement. Check out a few images from our visit!


So Paris's friend also got a role


Well... who is the adult who is accompanying Paris? The nanny? :unsure: I'm just curious about it. :fear:






