Paris Jackson begins acting career - Lundon's Bridge - Summary of the book @pg42

Whoa she did? I wonder what the people on the film set think? You're not suppose to make such a drastic change before filming something. Maybe she didn't know. Either way, her face looks better bangs-free.
Maybe it is for the best that this is Paris´ debut. not a big hollywood production. Because if this movie fails few will notices...
There is no need to be yelling! I was questioning the legitimacy of this possible 'new' interview, not your comment on what Randy said.

No need to shout! I was not disagreeing with your comment on Randy, I am well awre of his views.....I was only wondering if this 'new' interview is actually true.

Omg you got it totally wrong!! I did not yell at you, that wasnt my intention :) I just posted the the article from TMZ and the title happened to be in big letters...
You know...I don"t mind her doing that movie. It has a good message and if it makes her happy...why not .
Some say : it is not a big production is a shady cast or whatever.
What if it was a big production and a big budget and all that ?! Pll still would not be pleased , some would say she should lay low.
I am happy if she is happy.
Vanessa Marina ‏ @NessaMarina
Wow!!! @Oprah in Brazil!!! It's amazing!!!

8m Pedro Cywinski ‏ @PedroCywinski
Oprah Winfrey was in my State today! Yeah, the people are searching Brazil! She came to seek a spiritual doctor!

10m Drea ‏ @dslovemj
who cares?? RT @mjglambertgrl: Ok i'm confused, Is Oprah in Brazil or St. Louis?

12m Dana ‏ @mjglambertgrl
Ok i'm confused, Is Oprah in Brazil or St. Louis?

25m Ivy ‏ @Ivy_MJJC
@D_MartezShow People are saying that Oprah was in Brazil today. Are you sure she was in Louisiana?

29m Dana ‏ @mjglambertgrl

30m Emile Rocha ‏ @Memiakbrasil
Wow @Oprah is in Brazil recording her show in Minas, with the medium Joao de Deus! #awesome

40m Lyη_Bad ‏ @lyn_bad
Once again: Oprah is not interviewing Paris, because she's in Brazil. (Praise the Lord!)

41m Natália ‏ @NaTy_OLiV_
Guys... I just checked. Oprah was here in Brazil today. She was interviewing a medium and left at 5pm local time. G1 - 'Foi uma experiência muito forte', diz Oprah sobre entrevista com médium - notícias em Distrito Federal

54m Dana ‏ @mjglambertgrl
Ok so Oprah's in Brazil, but she could have done the interview already I guess

55m paяιs jacƙsoɳ's ɑrɱy ‏ @PJaysArmy
OK GUISE. SO OPRAH IN BRAZIL. NOT IS NEW ORLEANS .But she could've already done the interview. Idk. BUT STILL

58m Lyη_Bad ‏ @lyn_bad
Oprah is in Brazil! There's no way she could be interviewing Paris right now.
What if it was a big production and a big budget and all that ?! Pll still would not be pleased , some would say she should lay low.
I am happy if she is happy.
To be fair though, like all these other ventures the Jackson family were involved with, those behind this production have done a terrible job of not making the fans think the worst.
lets all teach Paris Jackson a lesson that she cant go over our heads and make a movie
that we dont approve of .. lets belittle and bash every aspect of it .. Phfft

I really dont understand all the "DRAMA" over Paris doing this movie. I can understand some concern and post of that nature. But some fans reactions seem blown way out of porportion. To the point of your critical reaction will cause her more harm then doing the movie itself. It's to the point of demeaning her personally for her choice. That must make her feel like *** Are you are really concerned about her well being. Sure doesnt seem like it by the reaction from some. But that's just my opinion and what I see going on. It's not all that IMO and is more harmful to her for Michael's fans to be so damn critical. but of course you are welcome to your opinions also.

Producing a low budget film is not a crime or anything to be shamed of. So what if the producer doent live up to your expectations of him. He is just doing his job tryign to promote this and YES Paris is the STAR so she is the one to bring attention to it. That is how it works on all films. Nothing odd going on in that respect. He invited her to be in his movie she excepted. There is nothing sinister about that. It's not going to be a #One box office hit and it doesnt have to be. Its a childrens animated story that Im sure many will enjoy. If it ever gets off the ground.

Why not try to help make it a success for HER sake. Instead of tearing it down. Why can't we do that ?
Becuase SOME Fans WANT it to fail and they dont care at who's expense. Let's not be like that :better:
It serves no good purpose for Michael's legacy or for his child.
He is just doing his job tryign to promote this and YES Paris is the STAR so she is the one to bring attention to it. That is how it works on all films.

This is the thing. As a huge and longtime film buff, i 've never seen anyone go about making a film like this guy has. The way he's gone about it makes Corey Feldman's films seem like blockbusters.
lets all teach paris jackson a lesson that she cant go over our heads and make a movie
that we dont approve of .. Lets belittle and bash every aspect of it .. Phfft

i really dont understand all the "drama" over paris doing this movie. I can understand some concern and post of that nature. But some fans reactions seem blown way out of porportion. To the point of your critical reaction will cause her more harm then doing the movie itself. It's to the point of demeaning her personally for her choice. That must make her feel like *** are you are really concerned about her well being. Sure doesnt seem like it by the reaction from some. But that's just my opinion and what i see going on. It's not all that imo and is more harmful to her for michael's fans to be so damn critical. But of course you are welcome to your opinions also.

Producing a low budget film is not a crime or anything to be shamed of. So what if the producer doent live up to your expectations of him. He is just doing his job tryign to promote this and yes paris is the star so she is the one to bring attention to it. That is how it works on all films. Nothing odd going on in that respect. He invited her to be in his movie she excepted. There is nothing sinister about that. It's not going to be a #one box office hit and it doesnt have to be. Its a childrens animated story that im sure many will enjoy. If it ever gets off the ground.

Why not try to help make it a success for her sake. Instead of tearing it down. Why can't we do that ?
Becuase some fans want it to fail and they dont care at who's expense. Let's not be like that :better:
It serves no good purpose for michael's legacy or for his child.

wisdom speaking eloquently.!!!! Thank you beyond eternity.!!!!!!
I really do wish people wouldn't make such a big deal about her hair..I mean THAT how far down some have sunk that they have to say negative stuff about a hair cut??? She is a kid..and as the mother of a daughter that is now 18...let me be the first to tell you..girls her age..they will change their hair styles 50 times between the ages of 13 and 18...besides who really cares what people think about her hair...if SHE is happy and SHE feels good with it like that,.,then I say I am HAPPY for her. It is not easy being a teenage girl in this day and age...too much attention payed to the way they look...I am just glad that Paris KNOWS who she is...and dont think that just because she is Paris Jackson that she doesn't feel like every other teenage girl about her looks...because she does. So please next time people feel like saying somthing about her appearance and putting it on a PUBLIC forum..please think twice ..Thank you..thats all I wanted to say,
MsCassieMollie;3616775 said:

Vanessa Marina ‏ @NessaMarina
Wow!!! @Oprah in Brazil!!! It's amazing!!!

8m Pedro Cywinski ‏ @PedroCywinski
Oprah Winfrey was in my State today! Yeah, the people are searching Brazil! She came to seek a spiritual doctor!

10m Drea ‏ @dslovemj
who cares?? RT @mjglambertgrl: Ok i'm confused, Is Oprah in Brazil or St. Louis?

12m Dana ‏ @mjglambertgrl
Ok i'm confused, Is Oprah in Brazil or St. Louis?

25m Ivy ‏ @Ivy_MJJC
@D_MartezShow People are saying that Oprah was in Brazil today. Are you sure she was in Louisiana?

29m Dana ‏ @mjglambertgrl

30m Emile Rocha ‏ @Memiakbrasil
Wow @Oprah is in Brazil recording her show in Minas, with the medium Joao de Deus! #awesome

40m Lyη_Bad ‏ @lyn_bad
Once again: Oprah is not interviewing Paris, because she's in Brazil. (Praise the Lord!)

41m Natália ‏ @NaTy_OLiV_
Guys... I just checked. Oprah was here in Brazil today. She was interviewing a medium and left at 5pm local time.G1 - 'Foi uma experiência muito forte', diz Oprah sobre entrevista com médium - notícias em Distrito Federal

54m Dana ‏ @mjglambertgrl
Ok so Oprah's in Brazil, but she could have done the interview already I guess

55m paяιs jacƙsoɳ's ɑrɱy ‏ @PJaysArmy
OK GUISE. SO OPRAH IN BRAZIL. NOT IS NEW ORLEANS .But she could've already done the interview. Idk. BUT STILL

58m Lyη_Bad ‏ @lyn_bad
Oprah is in Brazil! There's no way she could be interviewing Paris right now.

Yes, on Thursday, Oprah was in Brazil:










I do not know why some people were so happy that she was in Brazil. :blink: :fear:
I really do wish people wouldn't make such a big deal about her hair..I mean THAT how far down some have sunk that they have to say negative stuff about a hair cut??? She is a kid..and as the mother of a daughter that is now 18...let me be the first to tell you..girls her age..they will change their hair styles 50 times between the ages of 13 and 18...besides who really cares what people think about her hair...if SHE is happy and SHE feels good with it like that,.,then I say I am HAPPY for her. It is not easy being a teenage girl in this day and age...too much attention payed to the way they look...I am just glad that Paris KNOWS who she is...and dont think that just because she is Paris Jackson that she doesn't feel like every other teenage girl about her looks...because she does. So please next time people feel like saying somthing about her appearance and putting it on a PUBLIC forum..please think twice ..Thank you..thats all I wanted to say,

Agreed. She posted new pics of her new hairdo on her public Instagram (she tweeted her account name so fans can follow her). And some of her "fans" were criticizing her bangs because it looked crooked. Paris had to send a angry Instargram note to her followers about that.
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Agreed. She posted new pics of her new hairdo on her public Instagram (she tweeted her account name so fans can follow her). And some of her "fans" were criticizing her bangs because it looked crooked. Paris had to send a angry Instargram note to her followers about that.

awww.that is just ashame...see that is what I mean...they say that kids are the cruelest people..and that is true..imo..some of them are just so opinionated. What a shame she has to endure that...but like i said...she is a teenager..and unfortunately...that is what the world has come to..trying to hurt others feelings by being critical...what a shame.
I do wish Paris the best and I hope she is successful being an actress. If that is what she really wants then I hope she does well for herself. It's not easy but if she studies it and works hard who knows. I don't think she has ever had bangs before so I think if she wants to change her hair then that's great. Her and her brothers are growing up so fast.
Agreed. She posted new pics of her new hairdo on her public Instagram (she tweeted her account name so fans can follow her). And some of her "fans" were criticizing her bangs because it looked crooked. Paris had to send a angry Instargram note to her followers about that.

Oh, God. I didn't know about this. :ermm:
It's just her hair. I don't really understand why people make a big deal about it.
When I was a teenager I tried a lot of hairstyles. I think it's normal at her age.
Oh, God. I didn't know about this. :ermm:
It's just her hair. I don't really understand why people make a big deal about it.
When I was a teenager I tried a lot of hairstyles. I think it's normal at her age.

When you're in the public eye, some just lose all sense of propriety and even humanity. They feel everything is fair game for them to offer an opinion and criticize. From weight to hair style to who someone should or should not be married to. The cruelty can be unbelievable. That's why there is the concern for Paris willingly opening herself up to it at this time because no matter how strong ANY ONE may be, it's practically impossible not to be affected in some way.
Updated news about the movie from Twitter (Dennis was answering fans questions about it yesterday:

Dennis H Christen? @dennishchristen @PPB_Forum Just finished the location scouting. Paris did great. Not shooting until this summer. Just did the scouting for the locations.

Dennis H Christen ?@dennishchristen@PPB_Forum Truth is Paris really helped out on our location scouting down here in Louisiana. No Oprah was not with us! Just rumors!

I love your book Lundon's bridge. When you think we will seeing this movie at the theatres?

Mid 2013. Book two will be out at that time also

so whats the latest on Lundon's?

Just finished location scouting. Will begin shooting in June

Is ParisJ back in LA? was that just a location scouting? you didn't shoot film?

That's correct. Only selecting the locations we will shoot this summer! Folks here in Louisiana ARE GREAT!

You other book "Madam the grass is high" are you also making a movie? who will you choose for the leading man and woman?

yes I will make that in-between Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys and Lundon's Bridge and the Earth's Children (book two).

Paris Jackson Forum ? @ParisJacksonx3
@dennishchristen thanks for this amazing book. It's great to know that we have something great to read before sleeping

Dennis H Christen ? @dennishchristen
@ParisJacksonx3 thanks for supporting Paris.
12:19 AM - 31 Mar 12 via web

Dennis H Christen ? @dennishchristen
@Ca_myPpb love it. I'm a fan of MJ's just like you are!

14h Camy?Jackso??Breezy? ? @Ca_myPpb
@dennishchristen *--* Yeah! ? you have something to do with Paris? :)

Dennis H Christen ? @dennishchristen
@Ca_myPpb I costar with her and am the writer and a producer of her movie.
1:28 AM - 31 Mar 12 via web

Dennis H Christen ? @dennishchristen
@july_biebz Thanks for wanting true facts about what is going on with our movie. Sooooooo many rumors!
10:20 AM - 31 Mar 12 via web
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Updated news about the movie from Twitter (Dennis was answering fans questions about it yesterday:

Dennis H Christen? @dennishchristen @PPB_Forum Just finished the location scouting. Paris did great. Not shooting until this summer. Just did the scouting for the locations.

Dennis H Christen ?@dennishchristen@PPB_Forum Truth is Paris really helped out on our location scouting down here in Louisiana. No Oprah was not with us! Just rumors!

I love your book Lundon's bridge. When you think we will seeing this movie at the theatres?

Mid 2013. Book two will be out at that time also

so whats the latest on Lundon's?

Just finished location scouting. Will begin shooting in June

Is ParisJ back in LA? was that just a location scouting? you didn't shoot film?

That's correct. Only selecting the locations we will shoot this summer! Folks here in Louisiana ARE GREAT!

You other book "Madam the grass is high" are you also making a movie? who will you choose for the leading man and woman?

yes I will make that in-between Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys and Lundon's Bridge and the Earth's Children (book two).

Paris Jackson Forum ? @ParisJacksonx3
@dennishchristen thanks for this amazing book. It's great to know that we have something great to read before sleeping

Dennis H Christen ? @dennishchristen
@ParisJacksonx3 thanks for supporting Paris.
12:19 AM - 31 Mar 12 via web

Dennis H Christen ? @dennishchristen
@Ca_myPpb love it. I'm a fan of MJ's just like you are!

14h Camy?Jackso??Breezy? ? @Ca_myPpb
@dennishchristen *--* Yeah! ? you have something to do with Paris? :)

Dennis H Christen ? @dennishchristen
@Ca_myPpb I costar with her and am the writer and a producer of her movie.
1:28 AM - 31 Mar 12 via web

Dennis H Christen ? @dennishchristen
@july_biebz Thanks for wanting true facts about what is going on with our movie. Sooooooo many rumors!
10:20 AM - 31 Mar 12 via web

:eek: :fear: *big sigh*

May God protect Paris from all leeches. :pray:
I really do wish people wouldn't make such a big deal about her hair..I mean THAT how far down some have sunk that they have to say negative stuff about a hair cut??? She is a kid..and as the mother of a daughter that is now 18...let me be the first to tell you..girls her age..they will change their hair styles 50 times between the ages of 13 and 18...besides who really cares what people think about her hair...if SHE is happy and SHE feels good with it like that,.,then I say I am HAPPY for her. It is not easy being a teenage girl in this day and age...too much attention payed to the way they look...I am just glad that Paris KNOWS who she is...and dont think that just because she is Paris Jackson that she doesn't feel like every other teenage girl about her looks...because she does. So please next time people feel like saying somthing about her appearance and putting it on a PUBLIC forum..please think twice ..Thank you..thats all I wanted to say,

Calm down. Jeez. I was talking about the girl's hair. So what? It was a constructive critism on my part. Compare to some of the stuff people have said about Paris on this very thread, my critism about how her face does not go so well with bangs is nothing. She looks beautiful without bangs which was my main point.

Besides, when you post over 100 photos of yourself a week and post them on your public social network pages, you know what you are getting into. Paris loves the attention anyway which is why she releases them (leaks them as well). I don't believe anyone should insult her of course, but some of the crazy fans out there do on a daily basis on her twitter page. Still that doesn't stop her from taking pics of herself everyday to post them on her sites. My comment about her bangs hardly can make anyone cry a river.
If I were Paris I think I would act my age too. why not? Why grow-up so fast.. She has plenty of time to grow-up.. as she is doing this very second. Perhaps she posts photos because just about all teenagers post photos of their likes and of them selfs on the social media pages. Maybe she did her hair that way because it's a fashion among young American girls, who knows.. Paris is Paris.. She is beautiful. I wish her well so she may prosper.

Why exactly was Paris is involved in location scouting? Is this some kind of joke? Unless, actors are themselves backers, they are not usually involved is searching for locations.

especially 14-year old who've never acted before..... Probably a ploy to get her out of LA, so this creepy guy could have her all to himself.
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Why exactly was Paris is involved in location scouting? Is this some kind of joke? Unless, actors are themselves backers, they are not usually involved is searching for locations.

especially 14-year old who've never acted before..... Probably a ploy to get her out of LA, so this creepy guy could have her all to himself.

publicity. look at all the talk about this because paris was one would have known or cared if he had gone himself. just another example as to how shes been used
there hasn't been much publicity. It was just Paris's followers were curious about where she was going and the overall fans became interested after the Oprah misinformation. It didn't create any buzz in the general media.