if he was addicted to it , he would have needed it on daily basis , everyday . Did they establish that ?
It's obvious that they won't be able to establish the full drug history and they don't have to. It is all about what the jury believes and this is a civil trial, all that is needed for AEG's strategy to work that the jury think Michael is more likely to be doctor shopping and /or had addiction problems.
He faked his swollen leg ? did he pay to fabricate the X ray too to get demerol ? -_-
how is this any relevant to what I posted? I'm pretty sure even in my general example of doctor shopping I said "happens generally when the patient has a
legitimate condition". I added "then go to other doctors by
exaggerating their condition and get multiple prescriptions. " To me if you read the emergency report, it seems like they don't understand the second visit and they are suspicious about the continuing complaint - although nothing is worse & a lot of pain medicine was already given.
They are focusing on that period 2001-2002 , Even in their opening statement 90% of the doctors mentioned were from that period . They make it seem like decades of addiction .
medical records aren't kept for decades though. that might be the only date range they can back perhaps, who knows.
well if MJ refused urine and blood samples then don't treat him right? Cherilyn said she did both blood and urine on MJ before she started treating him. She said she always does to see if anything is wrong with the patient before she starts her treatment. She said MJ was clean before her treatments.
you still don't get it. what did she check for on the blood and urine? did she send it to drug testing? because if she did not, if she sent it to a regular blood check (such as cholesterol, iron, diabetes etc), drugs will not show.
In other words unless you send the blood test and say "check for opioids", it won't show up. Or even more simply put, you can smoke crack cocaine today and then go to your doctor for a regular check up and cocaine won't show up at the standard blood tests. It would only show if the doctor sends it for a drug panel.
and can you show me one example when you went to a doctor and they said "unless you submit to drug testing I won't treat you". I'll wait.
Hell Fornier said Klein was right there with him and told him about the implant after the fact.
and you don't see an issue with it? Michael stops breathing twice and it's okay because Klein told it after he stopped breathing?