Open General discussion - Katherine Jackson vs AEG

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Chang confirmed Paris won't take the witness stand as she argued to admit a handwritten note the King of Pop's daughter purportedly wrote to her dad in the months before his death.
"Dead Daddy, I love you so much & I'm so glad I got a goodnight hug," the note reads. "Sleep well. I love you & good night. I'll see you tomorrow! XOX Goodnight. Lots of love, Paris Jackson"
Did plaintiffs posted photo of Paris' note to their website?
I find it odd that she signed it with her full name, or matter of fact, why would she signed it all?
She wrote a note to to her dad on kitchen chalk board, see here:

She didn't sign that one, so I was wondering why note that was supposed to be introduced as evidence to this trial was signed?

TJ Jackson said the three children don't like the attention, and he supports any legislative effort to curb photographers from pursuing images of the sons and daughters of celebrities.

"In my opinion, I know it's making everything harder for the kids to grieve and recover and progress," Jackson said.

He cited remarks made Tuesday by Halle Berry in Sacramento as the Legislature considers a bill that would change the definition of harassment to include photographing or recording a child without the permission of a legal guardian.

While I fully support Halle B efforts, I find TJ's statement lining with typical Jackson hipocricy. It is ok paps taking photos of kids supporting family's various businesses, but it is not ok paps taking photos of kids otherwise? They themselves are pushing kids to entertainment world where paps are constantly around, and Jackson's created demand for kids photos by pushing them out there right after Michael died.
ABC7 Court News ?@ABC7Courts 27 Jun
Bina asked about children being more exposed to the media after MJ died, like going on Oprah and Prince working on Entertainment Tonight.

"It's difficult, because they are 15 and 16," TJ said. "It's hard to maintain that private life."

Bina: As their guardian you haven't prevented them to be in the public eye
TJ: It's hard to do that when he's straight A student with honors

Did Prince's straight A + honors pushed him to do Cardiff concert, Oprah, and other various appearances for family?
Sometimes answers from family members are some sort of moontalk, don't make any sense.

TJ said MJ raised the kids differently. They read a lot, didn't watch tv during the week, one movie a week if they earned, TJ explained

"Once my uncle passed, they came into my grandma's house in regular society, it was hard to maintain the same lifestyle," TJ expressed.

Grandma's house was regular society!!!!! Yeah sure, Paris is in hospital after living in nearly 4 years in that regular society.
I've been catching up a bit reading all your comments--there are so many smart people here! My overall impression is that the trial is one big mess. I don't know how the jury is finding the facts they need among all the random testimony to decide whether AEG negligently hired Murray.

I'm actually now looking forward to the defense side hoping it will be succinct and move along. I want this to be over!
That doesn't convince me.

to be clear, I have no intention to convince you. If you read my posts in other threads you'll see that I believe it's futile to try to change a persons opinions when they are already set. I'm just trying to explain you my perspective, nothing more.

what I said is: Travis had a bad impression of Murray, Kai did not ask anything. They did not have Murray's version. you did not answer that ?

Okay and some of them had more & different information than Phillips. To me Kai knowing a doctor is in the house when Michael is sleeping + oxygen tanks is a lot more reasonable to foresee that whatever doctor is doing is associated with sleep.

Who said Michael was fine ? It was Murray, and accidentally AEG in this trial, not the others.It was Murray's job to diagnose the problem, not AEG's. it was Murray who should have told them if it was physical, mental, etc... So Murray saying Michael was fine seems weird and suspicious, it IS common sense.

Passy001 had a wonderful explanation, I'll be brief. According to the coroner Michael was fine. He was healthy. He did not die because of malnutrition, sleep deprivation etc. He died because of Propofol intoxication. If Murray monitored him and did a simple chin lift or called 911 timely Michael would have been alive.

I said earlier that Michael died from Murray's negligence and that it was obvious that Murray was negligent. That was what was foreseeable. Not propofol.

I don't get how his negligence was foreseeable before Michael's death. Yes criminal trial proved Murray was negligent but that was after Michael's death. I don't get what do you expect people to look before Michael's death and think "this doctor would harm him".

who ? In the meetings with Murray there was Phillips, Gongaware, DiLeo, Michael and Murray. Ortega was there once I think, on june 20th, stayed 10mn. So are we waiting for Murray's testimony who will testify to lying to Phillips and Gongaware ?

I'm waiting for Ortega.

Ok, so you think Prince is lying, or "confused" about that, about the last time he talked to his dad ?

This is an accusation and twisting what I said. I'll explain it below and I'll make a request from you.

IMO Prince's testimony is NOT confusing.

To me his testimony is confusing. this is what I get or don't get : One meeting prior to June 23 / 24 which Phillips came alone. According to Prince this is the time Phillips talked to Murray (from testimony : that time when he came by himself, he was speaking to him in hushed whispers. I was bringing him water, and he was talking to Dr. Murray. He was grabbing his elbow and looked aggressive to me.). Prince told this to his father the next morning. Then on either 23 or 24th, Phillips came to the house with Tohme and other man Prince did not recognize. Prince called his father. During direct he kept mixing up Tohme with Murray, it got a lot more confusing during cross.

So as you can see according to Prince that elbow grabbing was before June 23 /24 and he doesn't remember the date.

Now as I said I'm not sure if Prince is right about the dates and he can be mixing them up. There are several reasons for this : one - in my personal experience I can tell you that after 6 months dates get blur and mix up & get combined together in the minds of people. two - jackson lawyer said "I know you're not great with dates, and I know you were 12 years old at that time. " and so on.

As to the meetings I'm 95% sure it happened and Prince witnessed it so no I don't think he's lying. I actually think we know what the discussion is about. Phillips during testimony said he asked Murray if he's aware of Klein and he said yes. Murray in his documentary said Phillips took him to the side and told him AEG was paying for everything - including toilet paper. Now I'm highly skeptical about anything Murray says and I'm sure that both Phillips and Murray admitted to talking to each other alone and this is what Prince saw and testified about.

Now I keep thinking about "riot act meeting" which was supposedly on June 18 per Karen Faye testimony. She said Kenny & Randy went and then Kenny told her stuff. She wasn't able to say what Kenny said because it was double hearsay (Kenny told Karen what Randy told Kenny). During criminal trial Kenny denied the "riot act meeting". Now I'm waiting to hear Kenny's testimony and being asked about it. But I wonder if june 18 might be the day Phillips went alone to the house, talked to Murray especially about saying "we are giving him the money, he needs this tour" and so on (if you believe Murray), and then came and talked to Kenny telling him about "pulling the plug" and Kenny told it to Karen.

And finally I'm waiting to see what AEG will bring as evidence. I almost expect a security cam footage showing Phillips at Staples or several witnesses. And if that happens, that would work against Prince who confidently said it happened on 23rd / 24th, it would hurt his credibility and it could almost be better if he did not give a specific date.

now my request : you don't know what is in my mind and what I think, so please ask me first before you accuse me of anything.

Phillips and probably Gongaware too knew Murray was spending the night.

probably is not enough for me and probably won't be enough for the jury.

Ivy, are you able to find any cases with these characteristics? I believe this aligns with the current civil trial. How were similar cases (if any) decided?

actually all the examples are about that, some focus on what is not seen as similar, some instances is what is seen as enough. Even you remove the specifics you still need a reasonable person to be able to conclude that AEG could have foreseen "Dr. Murray would harm Michael". That's the minimum Jacksons need to prove. In my opinion AEG will go into specifics - which may not matter for a jury - but it's a valid argument during an appeal.

AEG's Sankey, Faye, Walker, and Payne were aware. AEG's Phillips and Gongaware say they do not remember speaking to the doctor about Michael's sleep issues.

This case is about AEG Live, Phillips and Gongaware - nobody else. First of all I disagree with "AEG's Sankey" description, they were independent contractors not AEG employees or executives. and during a sidebar the judge have said unless what they knew were told to Phillips , Gongaware it cannot be stated that AEG knew.

Would anyone in this thread truly accept our employer/business partner employing our personal doctor? It is inappropriate, unethical, and creates an abundance of conflict. This is why there are so many issues in the professional sports world regarding this.

Actually food for thought - in USA there's workers compensation. This is an insurance that covers work place accidents. Basically what happens is, if you have an accident you go to a doctor, the doctor determines your injuries and depending on the situation the insurance pays your medical expenses and salaries if you can't work temporarily or permanently.

In some states the doctor is selected & paid by employer and /or employers insurance carrier. In some states the worker can select a doctor from a list of doctors again determined & paid by state, employer or employers insurance carriers.

In this instance there could be conflicts. Obviously the insurance would not want to pay any money for medical expenses and or salaries, obviously the employer would not want to pay any money for any damages and see an increase in their insurance premiums but the worker would want a workplace accident be covered and not be required to pay for it out of their pocket. You have a doctor in the mix which is selected and paid by the employer or the insurance company but everyone operates on the assumption that the doctor with the oath will make the right decision.

I could not believe when Phillips incredulously said, and I am paraphrasing, if Michael thought the situation between himself, Tohme, and AEG was unethical, he was fine with it. I do not know if Michael showed that document to his lawyer(s) but, it was an unethical situation and he most likely would have been advised against it. Is it not interesting that the doctor's employment contract was never presented to anyone on Michael's legal team?

Technically Michael would see the contracts when signing and hopefully he would have a representative, lawyer with him. You would expect him to read, make changes and refuse signature. For example check Leonard Rowe's hiring letter. It's apparent that he came to Michael with a prepared letter and Michael made changes to it in his handwriting before signing it.

Similarly conflict of interest is okay if parties are aware of it and if they consent to it. There are even some release forms.

I thought Branca's comment to Phillips about the TII PPV vs. the PPV Michael was interested in doing with his family very interesting as well. Branca seemed to support TII (without contacting his client first)

that email was June 20 when Michael had already signed to do TII 6 months ago. Anything with the family would have been a breach of contract with AEG.

I do not believe the plaintiffs would appeal.

you think if Jacksons lose they won't appeal?

Phillips was discussing a pending business option/contract which would be adverse to the TII venture and its contracts. He warns of AllGood being a litigious company.

and he was correct. Allgood not only moved to stop TII concerts, they also sued Michael and later MJ Estate for $300 Million.

Michael chose a cardiologist to help him with his sleep issues. This is a red flag. AEG will not be able to explain accepting a cardiologist working with Michael on sleep issues because no reasonable person can explain that.

I'm pretty sure their explanation would be they did not know the sleep issues or that Murray was chosen for sleep issues. their point would be what is written in the contract "general care".
from june 28...

TJ's testimony that Michael was murdered makes for great headlines, but even the guest lawyer questions the "probative value" of it as it relates to this case. It doesn't answer the question who hired Murray. From the juror's perspective, it may seem a little too dramatic and manipulative and that alone could be a turnoff.

And, here's what I don't get about that accusation. What would be the motive to murder Michael--what was the payoff? Didn't AEG actually lose money on TII and they didn't have the insurance policy approved yet? The only people who benefited in a monetary sense were Michael's beneficiaries.
I have asked you before what does that have to do with the truth? It's like people who used to say they would take a child cancer patients word over a rich, powerful superstar.

Michael was all about the truth, let us just try to figure that truth out, whatever it may be.
Michael Jackson went beyond mere " legal truth".

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TJ's testimony that Michael was murdered makes for great headlines, but even the guest lawyer questions the "probative value" of it as it relates to this case. It doesn't answer the question who hired Murray. From the juror's perspective, it may seem a little too dramatic and manipulative and that alone could be a turnoff.

And, here's what I don't get about that accusation. What would be the motive to murder Michael--what was the payoff? Didn't AEG actually lose money on TII and they didn't have the insurance policy approved yet? The only people who benefited in a monetary sense were Michael's beneficiaries.

I am sure AEG has made some profit off of it. Sony profited greatly from music sales after his death. Men who run the estate - Branca, Weitzman, McClain - have profited a ton.
I am sure AEG has made some profit off of it. Sony profited greatly from music sales after his death. Men who run the estate - Branca, Weitzman, McClain - have profited a ton.

Not nearly enough to justify killing someone. And, the guys running the Estate could not anticipate--nor could Sony--what would happen with sales and Michael's brand. One of the reasons Phillips said they were doing TII in London was because of all the controversy/negative attitudes still swirling around MJ in the US. Many people still believed the accusations. I can see so many variables that could impact whether the Estate guys would even be able to raise enough money to payoff Michael's half a million dollar debt much less make any money. No way they could predict that.

Now, if there were a huge insurance policy in place...maybe. But, they were waiting for one last exam/blood workup for Michael in London before the insurance company would OK that policy.
I am sure AEG has made some profit off of it. Sony profited greatly from music sales after his death. Men who run the estate - Branca, Weitzman, McClain - have profited a ton.

AEG - some yeah but probably not as much as they could have done if Michael did a word tour.

as for the rest, irrelevant.

also let's not forget that there's no legal claim that says AEG or anyone else for that matter murdered Michael for money or anything else. Even Murray's criminal trial was based on "no intent" according to involuntary manslaughter charge.

edited to add: TJ's mother DeeDee was murdered by her boyfriend Bohana. At that time her boyfriend had significant debts and it is alleged that he asked DeeDee for financial help and she refused to bail him out and hence he got angry and beat & drowned her.
A big thing in the business world is a paper trail. I'm bringing this up because of the focus of the trial. That contract was not signed, which always made me look at Conrad Murray with a side eye.

I know Michael Jackson was livid that Thome Thome gave Julienne's Auction $2 million. That is a lot of money. A pattern of Michael Jackson's is when you do something like that, make a bad business decision, a blunder, Michael Jackson lets you go.

Which brings us to Saturday, June 20, 2009. When Conrad Murray stepped up to the plate, at the business meeting, and did not lose his temper so much, that he divulged why Michael Jackson truly wanted him, but instead, stood his ground with Kenny Ortega, stating pretty much that Kenny Ortega should stay out of Conrad Murray's business, which was being the Private Physician of Michael Jackson. And then Michael Jackson reiterated the same to Kenny Ortega, with AEG Live witnesses present, this seemed satisfactory to all present. This is Saturday, Michael returned to work on Tuesday. Michael had enough time to think things through if he wanted himself to pull the plug. He did not. Still, Michael Jackson had not signed the AEG Live contract, to ensure that AEG Live would now pay Conrad Murray's salary.

It is definitely like being able to pick your own doctor, through your own Insurance Carrier or one stipulated by the Insurance Company. It may prove to be cheaper to go with the Insurance Carrier's preapproved doctor's, than you picking you own. At least I have dealt with this situation in my lifetime. AEG Live was like an Insurance Carrier, where they were insuring payment to the choice of patient, that being Michael Jackson. Supposedly Michael did not have the money to pay out of his own pocket to pay Conrad Murray to perform Propofol sleep treatments, so Michael Jackson arranged it so that AEG Live would be represented as the Insurance Company. It was all business!
as for the rest, irrelevant.

I disagree. Given the (baseless imo) accusations that the Will was fake and Branca was in collusion with Sony & only days before MJ's death he became MJ's lawyer again, was Executor & actually benefited monetarily--that seems relevant from a circumstantial POV.
I disagree. Given the (baseless imo) accusations that the Will was fake and Branca was in collusion with Sony & only days before MJ's death he became MJ's lawyer again, was Executor & actually benefited monetarily--that seems relevant from a circumstantial POV.

let me elaborate. irrelevant to this case.
A big thing in the business world is a paper trail. I'm bringing this up because of the focus of the trial. That contract was not signed, which always made me look at Conrad Murray with a side eye.

Which brings us to Saturday, June 20, 2009. When Conrad Murray stepped up to the plate, at the business meeting, and did not lose his temper so much, that he divulged why Michael Jackson truly wanted him, but instead, stood his ground with Kenny Ortega, stating pretty much that Kenny Ortega should stay out of Conrad Murray's business, which was being the Private Physician of Michael Jackson. And then Michael Jackson reiterated the same to Kenny Ortega, with AEG Live witnesses present, this seemed satisfactory to all present. This is Saturday, Michael returned to work on Tuesday. Michael had enough time to think things through if he wanted himself to pull the plug. He did not. Still, Michael Jackson had not signed the AEG Live contract, to ensure that AEG Live would now pay Conrad Murray's salary.

It is definitely like being able to pick your own doctor, through your own Insurance Carrier or one stipulated by the Insurance Company. It may prove to be cheaper to go with the Insurance Carrier's preapproved doctor's, than you picking you own. At least I have dealt with this situation in my lifetime. AEG Live was like an Insurance Carrier, where they were insuring payment to the choice of patient, that being Michael Jackson. Supposedly Michael did not have the money to pay out of his own pocket to pay Conrad Murray to perform Propofol sleep treatments, so Michael Jackson arranged it so that AEG Live would be represented as the Insurance Company. It was all business!

Alicat, I agree. I hope the jury is as logical as you are;) What you point out is the crux of all of it--unsigned contract and no payments made=no culpability. The only reason Murray was even there is because Michael needed his "milk" to sleep so he could perform. AEG had nothing to do with that. Murray was Michael's idea.
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well this is a thread about Katherine Jackson - AEG trial. I will not address murder conspiracy theories - which are never legally claimed - in this thread.

well this is a thread about Katherine Jackson - AEG trial. I will not address murder conspiracy theories - which are never legally claimed - in this thread.

Makes sense. Good to know. And, fyi--I'm not a conspiracy theorist, anyway.
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Nothing is clear, not from either side, but I am not going to twist anything to suit a certain mindset because it sits more comfortably within me.

Last Tear, my comment was more of a generalization about this trial than you personally. Humans in general have a difficult time accepting the truth when that truth presents discomfort. However, your comment above has also been a bit of mantra by some posters and it is confusing. After weeks of testimony and evidence, I find there is quite a bit that is purposefully being twisted or ignored so one can continue to believe absolutely nothing has been gained thus far for the side they may be against.

Did plaintiffs posted photo of Paris' note to their website?
Bubs, the plaintiffs’ lawyers can only post items admitted into evidence and this note was not allowed.

Again, this is not a personal observation of you but, I noticed that some fans were against the trial being televised, against certain pieces of evidence being posted by the plaintiffs’ lawyers yet, will frequent the website to gain information about emails, videos, and notes, and show no gratitude the information is publically accessible to them there.

I don't get how his negligence was foreseeable before Michael's death.

This case is about AEG Live, Phillips and Gongaware - nobody else. First of all I disagree with "AEG's Sankey" description, they were independent contractors not AEG employees or executives. and during a sidebar the judge have said unless what they knew were told to Phillips , Gongaware it cannot be stated that AEG knew.

Ivy, Michael asked for a cardiologist to help with his sleep issues. You agreed that did not make sense while Phillips/Gongaware testified they do not remember any conversations about the doctor helping with Michael’s sleep issues. Saying one does not remember is not the same as saying unequivocally they were not aware the doctor was helping with sleep issues.

When “lower” AEG witnesses like Sankey, Walker, Faye, and Payne (who I always characterized as independent contractors) admit to knowing Michael had sleep issues, when Payne admits to knowing the doctor was addressing these issues and believes AEG employee Gongaware knew as well (he testified he cannot remember a number of times before saying no which will come up again), when Faye and Sankey sounded alarms to other AEG independent contractors and/or employees who then sounded those alarms to AEG employee Phillips, when Phillips has conversations with Michael’s doctor with and without Michael, when pending testimonies will say Gongaware had exposure to unethical doctors helping Michael with pain and sleep issues on tour, it becomes increasing difficult to continue to maintain Phillips/Gongaware did not know what that doctor was helping Michael with.

So as you can see according to Prince that elbow grabbing was before June 23 /24 and he doesn't remember the date.

Ivy, the importance is not the elbow-grabbing, the dates, and other persons there. This was asked to confuse the oldest but he held firm to what he saw on an unspecified date and on the 24th. The importance is possible inappropriate conversations happening between Phillips and the doctor without Michael present. Neither the doctor, nor Phillips admitted to conversations they had at Michael’s home without Michael where the oldest was aware they happened. If the dates are confusing, we cannot assign the conversations you suggest to the conversations testified to here.

actually all the examples are about that, some focus on what is not seen as similar, some instances is what is seen as enough. Even you remove the specifics you still need a reasonable person to be able to conclude that AEG could have foreseen "Dr. Murray would harm Michael". That's the minimum Jacksons need to prove. In my opinion AEG will go into specifics - which may not matter for a jury - but it's a valid argument during an appeal.

I'm pretty sure their explanation would be they did not know the sleep issues or that Murray was chosen for sleep issues. their point would be what is written in the contract "general care".

So the defense chosen and to be presented is designed to lose this case but, assist on appeal?

I will review them again however, I was not seeing the connection because there were not three parties thus, my request. This trial has three parties as Panish discussed in the opener. If one does not want to put foresight on the doctor, one may not be able to dismiss it from the past actions of Michael and the past knowledge of Gongaware.

I do not believe the worker’s compensation example aligns with this case as an unethical three party situation due to the randomness of claimants (injured employees), the employer is only in debt to the amount of premiums, and the insurance company will not go bankrupt due to randomness of employers claims.

Similarly conflict of interest is okay if parties are aware of it and if they consent to it. There are even some release forms.

There is no written proof that Michael was fine with the conflict of interest posed between himself, AEG, and Tohme. We have testimony suggesting Michael was adamant about parting from Tohme, evidence of documents releasing Tohme, and yet, Tohme was still an operative for AEG. It is not appropriate.

that email was June 20 when Michael had already signed to do TII 6 months ago. Anything with the family would have been a breach of contract with AEG. and he was correct. Allgood not only moved to stop TII concerts, they also sued Michael and later MJ Estate for $300 Million.

Branca has to protect his client who is Michael. Again, as you pointed out, this was the 20th and another contract was to be signed on the 25th without Branca’s knowledge. He (and Katz) would not be able to protect Michael without seeing the document and no effort was made to show them.

you think if Jacksons lose they won't appeal?

Correct. I said I believe the plaintiffs will not appeal; it is detrimental financially. The defendants, as with other large companies/corporations, would most likely appeal to postpone damage payout. Paying laywers to appeal cost less than damages.

AEG - some yeah but probably not as much as they could have done if Michael did a word tour.

AEG profited from TII. How can we compare the amount AEG would have profited with Michael doing a world tour when he was only contracted for 31 shows but, doing 50? We can only compare what AEG would have made with the 50 shows to their TII profits.

What you point out is the crux of all of it--unsigned contract and no payments made=no culpability. The only reason Murray was even there is because Michael needed his "milk" to sleep so he could perform. AEG had nothing to do with that. Murray was Michael's idea.

Crillon, if it was that simple we would not be at trial. You are aware AEG is denying they knew the doctor was there for Michael’s sleep issues, correct?
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I said I believe the plaintiffs will not appeal; it is detrimental financially. The defendants, as with other large companies/corporations would most likely appeal to postpone damage payout. Paying laywers to appeal cost less than damages.

what you are forgetting is that the estate is the one paying the bills and have plenty of resources to get this thing going on forever.
what you are forgetting is that the estate is the one paying the bills and have plenty of resources to get this thing going on forever.

The estate is there to support the beneficiaries financially.
Last Tear, my comment was more of a generalization about this trial than you personally. Humans in general have a difficult time accepting the truth when that truth presents discomfort. However, your comment above has also been a bit of mantra by some posters and it is confusing. After weeks of testimony and evidence, I find there is quite a bit that is purposefully being twisted or ignored so one can continue to believe absolutely nothing has been gained thus far for the side they may be against.

I just wanted to be clear how I approaching the trial. You know what I think, this thread really proves that different people can read the same words but interpret them differently, I honestly don't feel that anyone here is deliberately derailing the thread. But I agree with you but probably from the opposite side, sometimes I come here and I think I've come to a conspiracy thread. Lol (generally speaking). I have to go away and check and double check exactly what was testified to. Debate is good and so long as there is no other motive then all is good. I hope ths post is received in the manner it was intended, just as a pov and nothing else intended. X
what you are forgetting is that the estate is the one paying the bills and have plenty of resources to get this thing going on forever.

Yep, I don't think Katherine would be worried about that, she seems to like throwing MJ's money around as if it's nothing. Not to mention if the lawyers and certain others tell her to do it, she'll do it.
Tygger;3858347 said:
Humans in general have a difficult time accepting the truth when that truth presents discomfort.

why would the truth - either way - would be discomfort to anyone unless they are either Jacksons or AEG? What effect does it have on your life if either side wins or loses?

However, your comment above has also been a bit of mantra by some posters and it is confusing. After weeks of testimony and evidence, I find there is quite a bit that is purposefully being twisted or ignored so one can continue to believe absolutely nothing has been gained thus far for the side they may be against.

this "ignored" is kinda annoying to me. because I feel like people are forgetting there is an other side who will try to debunk most of these claims when it is time for their defense. Just because a person wants to wait to listen to the other side, it doesn't mean they are ignoring it. Just because someone approached to testimony like "omg this is the proof" and another person saying "hmm I'm not sure" it doesn't mean they are ignoring it.

Again, this is not a personal observation of you but, I noticed that some fans were against the trial being televised, against certain pieces of evidence being posted by the plaintiffs’ lawyers yet, will frequent the website to gain information about emails, videos, and notes, and show no gratitude the information is publically accessible to them there.

totally different issues. fans were against the trial to be televised because it would bring negative stories about Michael - which is unfortunately happening perhaps not as much as it was televised. Similarly fans were worried about the kids having to testify while the whole nation is watching. Paris's suicide attempt and Jacksons own lawyers "relax you are among friends" to Prince demonstrates the kids aren't ready for such a public display.

Ivy, Michael asked for a cardiologist to help with his sleep issues.

yes but did AEG knew? That's the question.

You agreed that did not make sense while Phillips/Gongaware testified they do not remember any conversations about the doctor helping with Michael’s sleep issues.

I don't remember that. I remember saying I think even there was a conversations about sleep it was more likely like "do you get enough sleep / rest" and not a discussion like "can't sleep so I'm being given IV sleep meds every night"

Saying one does not remember is not the same as saying unequivocally they were not aware the doctor was helping with sleep issues.

and saying "don't remember" is not same as they were aware of the sleep issues. To me that's still a gray area.

When “lower” AEG witnesses like Sankey, Walker, Faye, and Payne (who I always characterized as independent contractors) admit to knowing Michael had sleep issues, when Payne admits to knowing the doctor was addressing these issues and believes AEG employee Gongaware knew as well (he testified he cannot remember a number of times before saying no which will come up again), when Faye and Sankey sounded alarms to other AEG independent contractors and/or employees who then sounded those alarms to AEG employee Phillips, when Phillips has conversations with Michael’s doctor with and without Michael, when pending testimonies will say Gongaware had exposure to unethical doctors helping Michael with pain and sleep issues on tour, it becomes increasing difficult to continue to maintain Phillips/Gongaware did not know what that doctor was helping Michael with.

in which email they mention sleep issues? in which email they mention Murray being there for sleep issues? None. And Dr. Finkelstein / 93 tour is only Demerol , not sleep issues. Gongaware claimed there weren't any doctors in History tour. The only thing they admit knowing is the pain killer issue.

Ivy, the importance is not the elbow-grabbing, the dates, and other persons there. This was asked to confuse the oldest but he held firm to what he saw on an unspecified date and on the 24th. The importance is possible inappropriate conversations happening between Phillips and the doctor without Michael present. Neither the doctor, nor Phillips admitted to conversations they had at Michael’s home without Michael where the oldest was aware they happened. If the dates are confusing, we cannot assign the conversations you suggest to the conversations testified to here.

Well I guess you did not see some people claim Prince's testimony meant Phillips threatened or pushed Murray on the 24th. I would agree Prince's testimony shows there were private conversations between Murray and Phillips. "inappropriate conversations" is a stretch given that Prince has not heard what they were talking about. Just because a conversation might be heated it won't mean it's inappropriate.

What I wrote was a question or a scenario in my mind. I did not claim it to be actual or fact.

So the defense chosen and to be presented is designed to lose this case but, assist on appeal?

no. see the thing is any lawyer would tell you that you can never ever guess the outcome of a trial. Let me quote Walgren "However, I never allow myself to get confident in a particular outcome. I always work until the very end because if the case is not presented well to the jury, justice will not prevail, no matter how confident the advocate may be. "

That's the right approach. Never get confident and work as you might lose. That's the reason why we would probably see AEG attack in every regard ( contract was not signed, Michael hired him, the hiring was not negligent, the responsibility for death was on other parties such as Michael , damages are minimal). It would not make sense to put all eggs in one basket. Similarly I don't see anything wrong with a party considering grounds for appeal. In an appeal you cannot introduce a new argument, so making an argument during the case and then argue to the appeal court the court / jury made an error is how the appeals work.

I will review them again however, I was not seeing the connection because there were not three parties thus, my request. This trial has three parties as Panish discussed in the opener.

All of them had 3 parties - hence negligent hiring. a company, a worker, a person harmed. It talked about whether the company was held liable or not of the harm on the person based on the worker action and background.

I do not believe the worker’s compensation example aligns with this case as an unethical three party situation due to the randomness of claimants (injured employees), the employer is only in debt to the amount of premiums, and the insurance company will not go bankrupt due to randomness of employers claims.

a doctor is selected by the insurance carrier to be their workers compensation doctor and is being paid for his services by the insurance company. the doctor is in debt. the doctor fears if his reports shows an approval for a lot of workers compensation claims, the insurance will not be happy and they might not use him as a selected doctor. So in this scenario don't you see the conflict of interest? Can't the doctor say the injured workers are fine just to keep his selected employment with the insurance carrier?

workers want insurance to pay for any and all damages, insurance doesn't want to pay. doctors are the third party to determine the harm is legit but doctors are selected and paid by insurance companies hence the conflict of interest. Workers act in the assumption that the doctors who took an oath would make the correct determination despite being selected & paid by the insurers.

There is no written proof that Michael was fine with the conflict of interest posed between himself, AEG, and Tohme. We have testimony suggesting Michael was adamant about parting from Tohme, evidence of documents releasing Tohme, and yet, Tohme was still an operative for AEG. It is not appropriate.

did he sign that Tohme thing? if he did then there's written proof of being aware of Tohme will be paid by AEG. Also as it never became active and he was never paid and he was fired by Michael, the conflict of interest never actually took effect.

Branca has to protect his client who is Michael. Again, as you pointed out, this was the 20th and another contract was to be signed on the 25th without Branca’s knowledge. He (and Katz) would not be able to protect Michael without seeing the document and no effort was made to show them.

perhaps on the signing day Michael's lawyers will be there and read it before he signed it. Who knows really? It's making assumptions. And there's a Dileo affidavit and also an interview with him in which he said he was aware of Murray and his hiring.

Correct. I said I believe the plaintiffs will not appeal; it is detrimental financially. The defendants, as with other large companies/corporations, would most likely appeal to postpone damage payout. Paying laywers to appeal cost less than damages.

and I say they will appeal as it is Estate who is footing Katherine's bills including legal expenses.

How can we compare the amount AEG would have profited with Michael doing a world tour when he was only contracted for 31 shows but, doing 50?

the same way how Jacksons claim Michael would have done more than 50 shows (was it 260) shows in TII and do 2-3 more world tours. :)
Can I just jump in with a reminder, Michael also employed the same cardiologist to treat his children for colds. Why a cardiologist? None of them have heart conditions as far as we know. Why not a paediatrician?
Can I just jump in with a reminder, Michael also employed the same cardiologist to treat his children for colds. Why a cardiologist? None of them have heart conditions as far as we know. Why not a paediatrician?

I hope I don't get attacked this time. He's an internal medicine doctor with a cardiology specialty. So as an internal medicine doctor he's capable to treat basis illnesses and ensure overall health of adults. They don't normally treat kids.
Ivy, I can't see why anyone should argue with that fact, I'm pretty sure it works the same way the world over.
Can I just jump in with a reminder, Michael also employed the same cardiologist to treat his children for colds. Why a cardiologist? None of them have heart conditions as far as we know. Why not a paediatrician?

Last Tear, I have never accused anyone of derailing the thread although I have been accused of derailing it. I honestly do not know the intention of any poster’s words except my own. I re-quote quite often to gain clarity.

There is no problem with the doctor treating Michael or his children for general care. There is a problem with a written contract signed by the doctor to treat Michael for general care when he actually treated him for sleep issues and was not qualified as a cardiologist to do so.

why would the truth - either way - would be discomfort to anyone unless they are either Jacksons or AEG? What effect does it have on your life if either side wins or loses?

Ivy, I have an opinion on the trial like every poster here. The truth is or can be a discomfort for anyone if it does not support their view of the plaintiffs and/or the defendants.

Just because a person wants to wait to listen to the other side, it doesn't mean they are ignoring it. Just because someone approached to testimony like "omg this is the proof" and another person saying "hmm I'm not sure" it doesn't mean they are ignoring it.

This is not what I said or suggested. There have been comments that NOTHING has been presented to support the claim. If that was completely true, the judge would have stopped Panish weeks ago.

totally different issues. fans were against the trial to be televised because it would bring negative stories about Michael - which is unfortunately happening perhaps not as much as it was televised. Similarly fans were worried about the kids having to testify while the whole nation is watching. Paris's suicide attempt and Jacksons own lawyers "relax you are among friends" to Prince demonstrates the kids aren't ready for such a public display.

That is not all I said. I also wrote some fans were upset some evidence is on the plaintiffs’ legal team’s website yet, will frequent the website to gain information about emails, videos, and notes, and show no gratitude the information is publically accessible to them there.

I don't remember that.

Ivy, you agreed a cardiologist was not qualified to handle sleep issues and that is all I attributed to you.

in which email they mention sleep issues?

I did not say emails.

"inappropriate conversations"

I said possible inappropriate conversations. I feel as if I am testifying to a past depositon. laughs

a doctor is selected by the insurance carrier to be their workers compensation doctor and is being paid for his services by the insurance company. the doctor is in debt. the doctor fears if his reports shows an approval for a lot of workers compensation claims, the insurance will not be happy and they might not use him as a selected doctor. So in this scenario don't you see the conflict of interest? Can't the doctor say the injured workers are fine just to keep his selected employment with the insurance carrier?

I understand what you are saying about the defense using this defense later for an appeal and I agree with that. Apologies about the examples, I meant three parties to a contract. I will review the examples again.

In the above example, that is not those doctors only source of income. If the sole employer is the insurance carrier, there is conflict. That is why there was conflict for the doctor; his only source of income was assisting Michael.

did he sign that Tohme thing? if he did then there's written proof of being aware of Tohme will be paid by AEG. Also as it never became active and he was never paid and he was fired by Michael, the conflict of interest never actually took effect.

Michael signed a document saying he was releasing Tohme of his duties towards him; Tohme was still working with AEG.

And there's a Dileo affidavit and also an interview with him in which he said he was aware of Murray and his hiring.

There is? He was paid by AEG. I am curious now. Who did Dileo feel hired the doctor?

and I say they will appeal as it is Estate who is footing Katherine's bills including legal expenses.

This is fine but, the estate is there to support the beneficiaries financially. If the plaintiffs are not successful and appeal (which I do not believe they will), the estate will pay those legal fees as they should.

the same way how Jacksons claim Michael would have done more than 50 shows (was it 260) shows in TII and do 2-3 more world tours.

The profit AEG made on TII are actual monies not estimates on future earnings.
Only one thing

This is not what I said or suggested. There have been comments that NOTHING has been presented to support the claim. If that was completely true, the judge would have stopped Panish weeks ago.

Legally impossible. Only after the plaintiff finishes their side the defense can ask for a dismissal and the judge can dismiss the case if she thinks the plaintiffs haven't proven any of their claims or lack of evidence.
Sorry I know this aint really an important thing at the moment lol, but did Omer sing in 'The Lost Children'? I thought it was Aldo Cascio and Prince talking/singning in the end and not Omer, but Prince said it was him and Omer.

Sorry again lol
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