Okay...Where in the world is Arty?

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I can only recall Arty comparing Prince and Elvis to MJ. The point he was making was that they could all sing live so why couldnt Michael.

He also went on and on and on and on about lip synching. I cant recall him ever saying anything particularly bad though in all honesty.
I don't know nothing about Arty or what this person previously said - But you guys should be ashamed of yourself for bullying another human being.

If someone is "acting wrong", then why should you sink to their level?

BTW, this is posted in the first page of this thread:

I´m still here I´ve posted more than 20-30 posts in the meantime but the moderators don´t show my posts anymore.... If you can read this-Then hello-Miss you all!!
Who is bullying? Most of us are sticking up for him. He PMed me.
I don't know nothing about Arty or what this person previously said - But you guys should be ashamed of yourself for bullying another human being.

If someone is "acting wrong", then why should you sink to their level?

BTW, this is posted in the first page of this thread:

I'm surpised this thread hasn't been locked yet, in fact I am disgusted with MJJC for allowing this thread to remain open.

Arty has obviously been reading the posts because he's only on moderator's queue - he must feel really hurt by the things you've said. So sad and pathetic if you ask me. And of all forums you chose to do it in this one; where we're supposed to be celebrating MJ. Fuck off and do it over MSN or whatever.
Yes, so why didnt he? He should be thankful for what we had while we had it, It doesnt matter anymore wether he lip-synched, we've lost him and thats what we should focus on, his legacy.

I think this is a different matter to bullying. If you had seen his previous posts... especially on lip-synching, he would argue on which was better, almost constantly. Comparing MJ to Elvis and The Beatles live performances to make MJ look bad.

Im not saying im totally against him, but he got what he deserved.
He P.M.'d me too. Personally I've never really had any issue with him. I was just curious to hear his thoughts on This Is It, what with all the live singing and everything.

EDIT: After reading some of the posts above mine....I just want it known that I didn't start this thread as an Arty-bashing thread. I honestly just wanted to hear from him since This Is It was released and we see MJ singing live.
I think its ridicilous that the moderators delete his posts. It is a forum which means you can have an different opinion. And i have to say most of the times i agree with arty and i think he isnt offending anybody. Startin this thread is more offending. If you dont like it ignore him. Otherwise start a dicusion that what we are here for.
so if i slag off on u, tear u down in an open forum, and make u feel like crap, that's ok, right? just ignore it, mate...man up it's no big deal.

but when u get report after report after report about something a user is doing, they get put in the que. if what they post is disrespectful, guess what? it doesn't get approved. no one censors here...so if the posts are fine, they get approved. hmmmmmmmmmmm

put the shoe on the other foot
how about the constant bashing of michael's family in which some disgusting things are said and disgusting comparisons of certain family members with rapists and murderers are made? people dont get mod queued for things like that which are a billion times worse... and the comments remain on the forum.

thats all I'm saying.
HIT THE REPORT BUTTON. and then it'll be taken care of
I felt i had to post this PM i received because i believe what he is saying

Hi Gottobethere,

I have also been put in the moderation queue for daring to disagree with one of the mods (and I was supporting MJ against some of the nonsense being posted about his family!) . I now post innocent comments on topics about sales (which I have quite a bit of information on), and they still don't post them.

It is wrong that the Mod's act like this is 'their playground' and no one can disagree with them, but what can we do?

It seems to be 'free-speech' on here - but only as long as you agree with the Mods!

If you get this PM, please feel free to copy and post my comments if you like. People need to know what is gpoing on behind the scenes at MJJ.

It used to feel like we were all part of one MJ family on here, but now it feels like it's 'them and us'. :-(
our playground? that means that this is supposed to be fun, right? sorry but it's more work than fun andoh yea...mike has kinda died so it's even harder to moderate due to us grieving.

there's a nice little link that has the faq i suggest people read those and the rules.

this thread shall remain closed until further notice.
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